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  • in reply to: Issues with baby’s father please help #28489

    ACS can take your child away also.So,you might wanna leave before he gets arrested and you can get baby taken away.Foreshadow and think of the future.

    in reply to: Issues with baby’s father please help #28488

    Congrats!I am also pregnant and 14.But,I think you should leave before you and baby are in danger.People can do drive bys.You never know.Stay at a shelter or a friends…My mother isn’t supportive and neither is my sisters.But I know I always have my father(supportive but he is kinda rude to me now) and the father(he supports when he isn’t busy) teachers,counselors,my baby and my friends.Just think of your friends or remember that you always have god and the baby with you.Let your doctor recommend you a place to stay or anywhere you may be able to stay at.Good luck!You really need it.I’m praying for you.

    Sincerely,Rachel πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Issues with baby’s father please help #28487

    Congrats!I am also pregnant and 14.But,I think you should leave before you and baby are in danger.People can do drive bys.You never know.Stay at a shelter or a friends…My mother isn’t supportive and neither is my sisters.But I know I always have my father(supportive but he is kinda rude to me now) and the father(he supports when he isn’t busy) teachers,counselors,my baby and my friends.Just think of your friends or remember that you always have god and the baby with you.Let your doctor recommend you a place to stay or anywhere you may be able to stay at.Good luck!You really need it.I’m praying for you.

    Sincerely,Rachel πŸ™‚

    in reply to: I’m writing a story about teen pregnancy… #28486

    I forgot one more thing,my ex wanted me to abort it at first then I told him I lost then a month later I told him I was still pregnant.I was pissed. I was like “I was going to have the baby behind your back,I wanted to keep it.” then he was like “I wanted to keep it.” He never admitted his feelings.It was way to much for me and a lot more pain he caused me,but he is willing to take care of baby.But,I’m not sure if we are getting back together.Maybe in the long run.We both said we were sorry.He mostly shows when he’s sorry never tells.He always told me love is an action,not a word.I also lost four friends total.But don’t worry,I have more.I knew those people for 2-3 years and they were all so close.I got about 2 of those friends back and the rest just left.One guy was pissed because he liked me and I liked him back but I hurt him because I just wanted to be friends.I felt so bad,but in the long run we became friends again πŸ™‚

    in reply to: I’m writing a story about teen pregnancy… #28485

    Well,support is the hardest thing for me right now.I am currently pregnant and young.The father is there when he can be because he is always busy trying to finish school and he does a sport so it’s kind of hard for him to manage so much.Financially,that won’t be a problem.Finances weren’t the problem.Just being all by myself having to go to prenatal appointments and finding everything out alone ALL BY MYSELF.Men will say they love you,maybe they did but were scared to be a father.Others,just wanted to get in your panties.Another thing,dealing with what others have to say about you.Especially when your in high school you’ll be called a “slut” or a “whore”. Things like that.Then the morning sickness is even worse.But overall,the hardest thing?BEING ALONE.No family,no friends and no boyfriend.I have lots of friends that are willing to help and maybe a few teachers but the thing is that overall they have their personal lives to and I don’t want to ruin that for them because of me and my baby.I have close guy friends,my father,my ex boyfriend(the father),his friends and I have my guidance counselors.I have more then enough but at the end of the day you will have someone.Your baby and god himself….(some people believe in god)
    So yes,you might as well wait if your thinking about getting pregnant.Because,it’s not like “aww,cute baby.” It’s way more then that πŸ™‚

    in reply to: MY BABY’S DAD IS FINALLY COMING TO SEE HIS SON!!!! #28484

    Lml,I know that feeling πŸ™‚ Was he there for the birth?

    in reply to: Names! #28483

    Jasper is adorable!!!! Good luck!Hope to hear from you soon πŸ™‚

    Sincerely,Rachelle πŸ™‚

    in reply to: 14 and pregnant – help and advice? #28482

    There were times when I felt like that too,I’m also pregnant and I’m 14.I’m turning 14 in the summer when I’m due and then father will turn 16 at the end of the month after I give birth.Maybe you should put him on child support since he has a job in the system of the state you are resigned to.Also,I think you should hold his hand,go out to eat or do something special and talk to him about the baby and say he needs to chip in although he isn’t the only one.You have family,friends,him and you can get working papers too.But not something where you have to be walking around or doing to much action,you know?So,maybe talk to him and inform him that you’ll get a job too.And ask your guidance counselor to give you your working papers.But not for YOUR school because they probably don’t pay….I think your old enough. :cheer:

    Sincerely,Rachelle πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Idk #28480

    Take a blood test.They tell you everything.Pregnancy tests don’t always tell you,because they don’t pick up as fast as a blood test does.Notice,after you have miscarried a pregnancy test will still tell you “positive.” But a blood test will most likely tell you that you are negative.Any vaginal bleeding consult a doctor.You never know,missing your period can mean many things.Not eating healthy,loosing tons of weight,pregnancy or maybe even stress.But the symptoms you’ve described are a lot like pregnancy symptoms.Peeing a lot is a symptom.But,I would get that checked out it can be something else,its not always pregnancy but it seems like it.Don’t take a test unless your positive you are and you at least have to wait 1 month to take a test because a test doesn’t pick up signs as much as a blood test does.Just like after you have a missed carriage.When I felt pregnant,my breasts got darker and I started getting a bit fat I also had frequent trips to the bathroom and I missed my period.I waited a few weeks after me and my boyfriend had sex to take a test because I got symptoms pretty fast(I didn’t know I was ovulating).Then suddenly the test came out positive and I informed my boyfriend.Also,cravings ARE NOT a symptom(what I think). Lol.But my advice is you take a blood test before you inform any family members or your partner.Good luck! πŸ™‚

    – Sincerely,Rachel <3

    in reply to: Not sure if im pregnant… #28472

    Sperm stays inside of you for at least ten days.So,if you were ovulating chances are you are pregnant.But,it’s to soon to tell….Until your missed period.Don’t stress to much or don’t eat unhealthy that can cause you to not have your period or maybe even working out a lot.If your period is regular and you track your period and it doesn’t come consult a doctor and make sure you confront your boyfriend about this too.If not,then I’m sure he’ll be pissed.I’m 8 weeks and 5 days and I’m 14.Lol :)But my advice to you is that wait until your missed period.Pregnancy tests aren’t always accurate so take a blood test.They tell you everything….And take a pee test and a cheek swab so you can know if you have any stds.It will be good for you.Boys will lie and say they don’t have anything.It’s good to know.Never hurts to ask a good question that can probably save you’re life,right? πŸ˜›

    Sincerely,Rae <3

    in reply to: Abusive… Control? #28471

    I’m 8 weeks and 5 days(got the ultrasound today) well,I personally think that you should just move away from him and if he calls don’t answer or if you do then your call will be traced and he can find you.If you open up a file then he can bail himself out.But,if you decide to do a case its also good too.Because,he may be hurting other women too.And,you don’t want to be arrested to for knowing something and not telling the police.That could cause issues.Plus,if they say he was hurting other women they the first question they may ask is how is he not hurting you but other women.So,I advise you to keep your distance.And,if you decide that you want him to see the baby then I probably think that you should bring a guy friend or a few friends over to protect you.Well,good luck πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Im suffering alone #28470

    I know exactly how you feel.Iv’e been depressed.I’m 14 and pregnant.I’m 8 weeks and 5 days(got the ultrasound today)But anyway,do what YOU feel is right.If your boyfriend is 21 and not ready maybe he didn’t have the finances or just wasn’t mentally ready for that.But,men will get you pregnant and leave you which is what they do best.So,I personally think that if he left you it’s okay to cry but I think that you should have done what you felt was best rather then what others think.People think I’m a slut for getting pregnant.But,I can seriously care less because my baby is probably the worst and best thing that ever happened to me…And so is my ex boyfriend(baby’s father).But you know what,keep your head up and seek therapy for this.And tell your boyfriend how you feel.

    in reply to: Am I pregnant? Need your advice girls.. #28469

    Hmmm,well maybe you should run a blood test.They tell you everything and if your doctor says you are seek prenatal care for you and make sure to tell your partner.And missing your period could be from stress(like you mentioned) and/or not eating right.Maybe you gained pounds from eating.Early symptoms of pregnancy are tender or swollen breasts,nausea(not all the time), frequent bathroom trips(peeing a lot) maybe more but those seem to be what women get a lot.Well,I wish you the best of luck and if you are congrats.Hope you have the finances and everything to bring a child into the world…I’m 14 and giving birth in the summer.Life is hard πŸ™‚ lol

    in reply to: Need to get away #28468

    Even though I am younger by a few years I am experiencing the same exact thing.With the exception that my FATHER doesn’t want me to leave.I’m only 8 weeks and 5 days.Just got the ultrasound today.I think that you and your mother should buy a house and move a little closer to your boyfriend and his parents.And let your step father visit a little often.That way he could see that baby.I mean,it’s only fair.And if he asks why you guys moved just say to him that you wanted to live closer to your boyfriend.

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