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Participantif your not ready don’t do it. letting a guy presure you into loossing your virginity is one of the worst mistakes u can make, you’ll regrtet it. i did. but don’t do it for him, do it for you. if your not ready then wait, if he loves you he’ll wait.
Participantwell you have to make one of the hardest decisions of ur young life, abortion, adoption, or parenting. i recomend you research each option thoroughly and don’t let anyone make YOUR decision for YOU. your the one who has to live with it. when considering abortion, remember the mental and psychial side effects. with adoption remember there is open adoption but even with that some can’t bare to leave their child, but its also giving your child the best opportunity you can in most cases. and with parenting remember it’s not an easy task especialy without support but can be verry rewarding.
Participantit is possible but highly unlikely, have you gotten ur period?
Participanthow heavy was ur period? what consistencey? if it was realy light it could be implantation blood and if it was realy dark and old looking it could be left over blood from previous period’s being pushed out of ur cervix by the baby.
p.s. in order to talk out of the forums/blogs u have to go to applications and add the “wall”
Participantomg congrats!!!!!!!! girls are sooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway i think they’ll most likely give you an ultrasound and you can always ask for one. ive heard about most people getting them at like 15 to see the gender so probably.
good luck πsecretdilemma
Participantemilie i added you as a friend but in order to talk outside the forums you have to go to applications and add the wall app.
Participantin america you go to hair dressing school for like 6 or 9 months i think and then you get ur license but im not sure about other countrys. i know back in the old day you just did an apprentice ship.
online college during pregnancy probably wouldnt be too bad as long as your a naturaly calm person, stress is bad for you and the baby.secretdilemma
Participanti havent taken the test yet, i still have a few weeks before i can but i just wanted to know ahead of time whether it would affect a test results.
cuase of my previous pregnancy im alittle too paranoid right now, and i had unprotected sex so im afraid im gonna be pregnant again. i hope im not but im preparing myself early incase i am again. (yes, i know im a duffus)secretdilemma
Participanthi. like meg said awesome spelling of your name.
anyway an idea could be an in home daycare, depending on your country’s laws it could be kinda simple, probably not so much for the during the pregnancy but for the after birth part. again i dont know about ur countrys laws but ive heard of women being hair dressers who have no problems while pregnant. and secretary jobs are easy on the body as long as you dont get stressed out too easily.
just some ideas πsecretdilemma
Participantthank you π
that makes me feel sooo much better
i didnt want to have to get a blood test to tell.
*bows* thank yousecretdilemma
Participantbased on getting pregnant on the last day i had sex, the 7th of february i guessed at how far along i am, its been 3 weeks and 5 days since then. i figure sunday was more likely to be the day i concieved then friday or saturday i think.
i’m gonna try to get phill to take me to the hospital this weekend while im with him. i’ve kinda just stopped caring, i’ve stopped feeling, i just want it to all go away, and if i am dying and thats what this means, then maybe its a good thing. i have severe depression i’ve been battling for years and i know its kicking my butt right now but i dont have the strength to fight it anymore. my life is over no matter what.secretdilemma
Participantif i tell my mother she will make me have an abortion, i dont care that its illegal my mother doesnt care about the law, she’s crazy and if need be would hire someone to knock me out and abort the baby, she’de probably think the government put it in me to watch her.
Participantim 3 weeks and 4 days
but im bleeding brown,purple and red and just started having black stuff coming out of my vagina so im not sure whats happening or how much longer im going to be pregnant or even if i still am. there hasnt been ALOT of blood so i dont think its a miscarriage but im not sure and i cant get to a doctor π but my boyfriend is suppose to be getting me this weekend and maybe i can get him to take me to the hospital, maybe, he’s pretty mad at me.secretdilemma
my problem is i cant tell my school im pregnant cuase they’ll tell my dad and i have it planned out to not tell him till the begining of april when i have my best friend there with me.secretdilemma
Participant*huggles* im so sorry. you can talk to me anytime you want. im on here everyday after school and some days during school. i hope everything works out. are you planning on keeping it?
Participantan adoption agent is suppose to call me after school today. i think ill be seeing my therapist tomorow so im going to ask her to take me to get the prenatal vitamins. i was craving mcdonalds last ngiht, strange baby. and i figured out walking helps my morning sickness π makes it go right away. i’de love to keep my baby but i cant and open adoption is so good now a days. ill still see my baby and be a part of her life, im so excited to hear from the agent.
Participantits official
i took three pregnancy test, hospital grade. and they all said im knocked up. and my boyfriend wont answer his phone and i called my brother an dhes been a great support for me these last 30 minutes, and made me luagh and is awesome. he doesnt want me to have an doption no matter what though.secretdilemma
Participantomg…*huggles* im so sorry. thats horrible, when was that? i cant even imagine that. if i could ide give you my baby.
Participantthanx π i actualy dont find out till tomorow but im almost positive im pregnant. tomorow i take the test, im so nervous π
Participantnovember 20th? realy but thats so far away, i thought a pregnancy was only 9-10 months, november is the 11th month. wow thats a long time from now, i was thinking like the begining of my senior year, my math is horrible. π all the babys in my family run two weeks late and ill be graduating in january, of coarse if i take night classes i could probably graduate earlier then that, and i could make this work. sweet. thanx *huggles* *bows*
Participantcan you hear the heartbeat with one of those heartbeat finders, i cant think of the name, the things doctors wear around their necks?
Participantomg thats awesome
i cant wait to see that.
i know it wont be soon though.
i dont even get to my own doctors appointments let alone my babys, im always having to reschedule cuase my mom crashes her car or something. actualy rescheduling is whypartly why im in this situation. i was suppose to get my birth control back in december, but i had to reschedule.secretdilemma
well i find its always best if they hear it face to face from you.
not from someone else and most certainly not from a text message.
with the ex, i dont know him personaly but you should probably tell the curent boyfriend before the ex, then tell the ex so the ex doesnt like tell the curent before you can.
and your parents?
well it depends what kind of people they are
if they like a good luagh you could always go the juno route
if theyre realy serious you could tell them individualy and blame the other (not recomended) or sit them down and have a heart to heart and tell them that you realy need their support.
how did they take it last time?secretdilemma
Participantthose are cool names, ive never heard kinsley or emberlin before, those are realy cool.
personaly madison is one of my favorite names for a baby girl -