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  • in reply to: I think I’m Pregnant #28576

    Yes, I would go to a local pregnancy care center and they can help you. Try locating one through They will be helpful if you are pregnant as well and can guide you in making a plan and helping with resources. Blessings!

    in reply to: I just found out I’m 2 months pregnant.. #28575

    Sounds like a tough spot to be in πŸ™ I think your mother is motivated out of love for you still. Do keep talking with her about everything. She’s done a lot for you and sometimes when I don’t think so, those people are still the people with great advice. Of course she loves her little girl and of course she wants the best for her grandchild. Maybe if she got to know the bf better first it would help? She might just want to make sure he’s committed to the relationship and won’t every leave you and her grandchild. That is a loving and very caring place she is coming from then. It is a lot safer to know that the father of your child won’t leave you….that’s why a binding marriage relationship where you both promise to love (which means an action of loving, not necessarily always a feeling) is the safest and most rewarding. So, I guess dialoguing with your mom some more might help you see where she is coming from possibly….and it is always nicest if you can maintain a healthy relationship with her. Let her know you love her and care about her thoughts….and also consider what is in the long run healthiest for your little on. Congrats and my prayers as you make these sorts of decisions!

    in reply to: I just found out I’m 2 months pregnant.. #28558

    I’m proud of you for breaking the news so calmly and thinking of the baby and environment, stress, etc. I hope all goes well with your mom.

    in reply to: Blog #28557

    I like the notebook idea. I’m sure they’ll appreciate getting into the mind of their parent and learning from all you learned.

    in reply to: How to live with my choice? #28545

    I am so sorry for your loss and the heartache you are experiencing. You are not the only one who has had this experience and healing can happen. I am not the best at all of this, but there are some great resources to check out,, or Or write a dear becky letter. Really you are not alone and your life is not over now. Even in pain, beautiful things can again come. I will be praying for you and all that is happening in your heart and life. With love~

    in reply to: I just found out I’m 2 months pregnant.. #28536

    Yes I agree with Teka, be honest and humble and go from there. Of course you’ll never feel ready, but once you let it out I think you’ll feel better. You have my prayers. You can do it mama!

    in reply to: 12 days late brown spotting negative test #28535

    I’m not sure, but perhaps another pregnancy test just in case it was a false negative. Also are you having sex with the same partner and is this inside of a committed marriage relationship? You need to be careful of all the diseases that are easily contracted as well as physical/emotional effects on you and on future relationships. I want the best for you, so please take care of your body and mind!

    in reply to: High School && Day Care #28524

    Oh I am so glad to hear that! Way to go momma πŸ™‚ And give your momma a big thanks too.

    in reply to: High School && Day Care #28519

    I’m so glad you lovely ladies (mommies) are wanting the best for your babies and it is so important to be concerned about these things. I’m glad you are being resourceful and seeking out options. Check out for a pregnancy resource center near you…and ask them about anything, parenting, financial issues, daycare…also try and and ask them for any financial, spiritual, emotional support you may need….Those are all good options for tracking down resources, and I’m sure the people would love to help you in any way they can. Blessings and best of wishes!

    in reply to: Need advice bout boyfriend!! Please #28518

    If it’s hard to consider the situation, think of your baby and not the father. Please think of what will be best for your baby to grow up with and the role models you want your child to see. If he is willing to get help and really change, maybe it is the right thing to stick by his side, love, and support him. Sometimes love means choosing to care for that person. If it will be dangerous for your child (physically, emotionally….), then he it is not a good idea. Do not let his threats make the decision. That would be making a decision out of fear….and really what he does with his life is what HE does, not you. You must make your own decisions and live with those, so do what is right yourself and that is the best you can do. Prayers and blessings.

    in reply to: Pregnant and stuck…need help! #28501

    Congrats as well and you can make it! Listen to your body and heart, they aren’t lying to you….I know you won’t regret choosing and fighting for your beautiful baby.

    in reply to: Names! #28496

    I love names as well! Sounds like you have a great list going. Your children are lucky their mom is enjoying this process πŸ™‚ I think it’s really cool that names have meanings…sometimes it’s too bad that pretty names have not so nice meanings, but I like that you can find cool names with wonderful meanings. I hope I do this for my children and then I’ll get to tell them…do you know what YOUR name means? it’ll be a special moment.

    in reply to: I’m writing a story about teen pregnancy… #28495

    Ashley, I love that you say being a mommy is by far one of the most rewarding jobs! I too think it’s an amazing thing…i’ve never been a mommy, but I’m looking forward to the day. I love the mother I have and am so proud of the wonderful mothers I know and get to hear about πŸ™‚ Keep it up!

    in reply to: Issues with baby’s father please help #28494

    First off I am really proud of you for making your decision and following through even when it means losing support from your family. That’s an incredible choice and a beautiful sacrifice that you’ve made for your little boy/girl. You can make it!!

    I would have to say that the father of your child doesn’t sound like he’ll be around much anyway. His choices seem a bit selfish considering the situation. I love that you care about him, but please do consider what is BEST for your child. Maybe the father would swing around, but I wouldn’t put my trust in that. And I would be very careful on what kind of influences can be around my child. I think the mother/protector in you already knows this, but just needs some support and encouragement. Do you have any friends who are supportive in your mommy journey? Have you looked for community resources. could connect you and help you figure out plans for the future.

    I’m excited for the beautiful baby you will have soon! Keep it up chica πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Help!? #28481

    I don’t know how much I can help you, but it may take a little while to know for sure if you are pregnant or not. If you are, you should go to your doctor soon. Did you mean your body might not let you carry it? I would talk with your doctor, and remember that miracles do happen. I’ve heard some pretty incredible birth stories. Also, remember that no one can make you abort your baby. I will be praying your body will be all right and that your baby will be safe and healthy.

    in reply to: Worried!!!!! #28479

    Take a deep breath. You can only go a day at a time. I will be praying for your baby’s safety and your peace of mind. Do you have anyone near and close to who will support you through this?

    in reply to: I need help, I think I might be pregnant #28478

    Hi there. How are you? Have you found anyone to talk to yet? Have you taken any pregnancy tests? It’s natural to be frightened, but please don’t give in to fear. You’ll make it through. You can go online to and put in your zipcode to look for free pregnancy centers near you. They should give you some good help and support in making plans. You have my prayers. Let me know how things are going and if you have more you need to talk about!

    in reply to: Baby talk #28475

    Hi! I’m not a huge fan of extreme baby talk either…(but I think with my own child I’ll probably be pretty bad myself!) And it definitely is not fun to have your wishes ignored (especially when it comes to your own child!) But here is something to consider: I would never have known otherwise if I wasn’t studying speech and hearing sciences (which includes courses on Child language development)….but baby talk, actually termed “motherese” or “parentese” is considered to be helpful in a child’s development of language. As a baby, they have the ability to learn language much faster than if you or I tried to learn a second language. Things like “motherese” can actually help them distinguish different words from the stream of noise….I don’t know all the facts but you could look up on google something like “is motherese important” to find out more. That being said, most babies will learn language well regardless. However it is always important to engage, talk, and read with your child a lot over their growing years!

    in reply to: Idk #28473

    Hi chica. How are you doing? Have you looked for any other free clinics in your area? Plug in your zip code at Hopefully that can give you some other places. Yes, you should get a test. It is scary but important to know sooner than later and then you come up with a good plan for you and your baby. There should be nice people to help you along and find other resources. Do you already know of anyone you trust who can help and love you through this time? I’m praying for you. Whatever the result of the test, have courage because you can make it through!

    in reply to: Im suffering alone #28458

    Hello dear. First off I need to tell you I would give you a huge hug if you were sitting right here in my living room with me. I am incredibly sorry to hear about your abortion and the pain you are facing. I have made choices in my own life that were wrong. The only way I have found to keep living with those mistakes and with myself is seeking forgiveness. It is hard to believe that God can forgive us or wants to, but he has made a way to pay for all our sins because he amazingly still loves us. I am so proud that you are sharing your story. Is there someone you trust that you could talk with? Try checking or They are a ministries for post-abortion healing and there are women there who have suffered quietly through the choice of an abortion and have found healing. Also, if you go to and put in your zipcode you can find pregnancy centers that most often have resources to help those suffering after a loss. I understand that you are hurting badly and I want you to know you aren’t suffering in this alone. I will be praying for you.

    in reply to: Help Me Please Could Do With Some Advice #28457

    Please consider what is safest and best for your child and you. Are there any local resources you have? Or a person you really trust who could help you find more support? might be a good place to start. See if they can direct you to someone local who can help you through the situation. You will make it through. I will be praying you and this situation.

    in reply to: need advice! Confused and worried! Help me please #28450

    I know you posted a while ago, but how are things going now? I hope you have found some help in the situation. Do you have anyone or know of any support groups in your area that could talk with you? might be a good resource or they could send you to someone they know. And if you are pregnant again they can help you for sure.

    in reply to: Need to get away #28449

    That’s a hard place to be in. I understand all of your concerns! I can’t tell you what to do, but please consider what will be best for your child. There may be options you hadn’t thought of yet as well. has lots of good resources and may be able to direct you to local help. Also check out

    in reply to: baby blues year after??? #28448

    have things gotten any better? any more thoughts on why? I moved last year to a new city and it took a while to adjust. It gets lonely when you don’t have many connections or people to talk to.

    in reply to: Mother vs. College #28447

    I think you are facing a legitimate issue. Knowing that you feel a bit unsettled about things shows that it’s a real concern of yours. I’m glad you want what’s best for your son and you, and the decisions you make may be hard. Have you made a list of options? a list of reasons you might choose each option? have you checked out any local support groups for student moms? I’m so glad you have good parents who care about you and your son as well. I hope you will be with your boy soon.

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