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  • in reply to: I’m 17, and may be pregnant. #28701

    Nutmegisodd, how are you doing? You’re going to be okay. I’m so glad you came to this site to share and seek help. Why don’t you try looking for a pregnancy care center near you (check for one through They can talk with you, advise, and give resources confidentially. Above all, know that you aren’t alone and that you are not the first person scared and making decisions. I’m hear to talk if you want to message me.

    in reply to: Girls, help… #28700

    Meg, that beautiful poem made me cry…so did your story sagarap212. Makilah your words are so beautiful. Sagarap212, thank you for laying out your heart. I too will be praying for true healing. There really is complete forgiveness for all of us who ask.

    in reply to: My Daughter’s Father is a MONSTER! #28689

    I’m so sad to hear all this, and I would be afraid and upset as well if this all was happening with me. I’m here to listen if you need to vent more. -Praying for your situation.

    in reply to: Is it Normal? #28686

    Though I’ve never been in your situation, I know I would be feeling the same things and having similar thoughts! All your emotions and worrying about your baby’s health is SO normal, but you still have to figure out the right next actions. Listen to your gut and stand strong. I believe you can make it through! You do not know what is possible and the miracles that you might see in your pregnancy. Talking with your doctor about your health and what you might do to help the pregnancy would be a good idea. I’m praying for you and the little one ~ Renee

    in reply to: Help! #28681

    that does happen, and when I heard that for the first time I was surprised. I’m glad she is both learning and your friendship got deeper. Glad you reached out for advice as well 🙂

    in reply to: Help! #28677

    it does sound like symptoms of pregnancy and yes it’s possible. She should take a pregnancy test and check with a local pregnancy care center for any help she may need. is a good place to start. Thanks for being there for her, she’s a lucky girl to have you!

    in reply to: i #28673

    yes, God will always be there to help you when you turn to him and his ways, but there are consequences to all our actions or else we wouldn’t have choices. So do pray and turn your heart to God and He will help you handle it all. Blessings and prayers for strength and courage!

    in reply to: i #28671

    sounds like there is a chance that you are. Had you thought you couldn’t get pregnant?! I knew a gal who really should never have been able, but miraculously she conceived. Try connecting with a local pregnancy care center, check out Best of wishes and health.

    in reply to: morning sickness #28669

    Oh I wish I knew what to tell you. Some people get way sick and others, like my cousin, don’t feel a thing. I know the first trimester is supposed to be the hardest, but having never been pregnant and through morning sickness, I don’t have any real good suggestions. Praying it lightens up soon.

    in reply to: My little situation #28668

    Wow! I am way proud of you for how you have dealt with everything, from seeking advice, telling those around you, and being brave enough to stand up for your child to your boyfriend. You will be an excellent mother. (I am so glad your own mother is supporting you…and that the abortion was not scheduled.) I think finding a local person would be helpful for you. If you go to and type in your zip code they can connect you to a pregnancy care center that will be good and supportive. Often there are pregnancy classes you can take, and even earn points toward baby items. They will be helpful in answering questions and finding resources even. I really hope you check that out and that your pregnancy and delivery are smooth. How exciting, you have a baby to love that is on the way 🙂

    in reply to: The father of my child does not do his part! #28664

    He seems to need a wake up call on life and has been living for what he wants and not taking responsibility. Perhaps you need to consider whether you even want him in your daughter’s and your life? Will he be a good influence and protect the safety of your child (in more than just physical ways)? I don’t exactly know what to do in these different cases, but consider. How hard and frustrating! Please write back if you need to talk more.

    in reply to: boyfriend #28663

    He most definitely could just be scared. That’s a huge responsibility and it’s very sudden news. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of time and sorting out in your mind (just like it did for you). If after you’ve given your boyfriend sufficient time to think it through, and he still is negative on the situation, you’ll have to understand that you need people who support your decision and can stick by you and encourage you along. It will take encouragement, but I know you can make this journey and life change. I am so happy and proud of your choice and you will make a wonderful mother. Blessings!

    in reply to: Pls help. I dont know what to do if i get pregnant #28647

    Yes, I hope everything goes well for you. And yes God is gracious and compassionate and Lord over all things. I hope you (and I) can better understand His great love. Like a friend just told me, “If we could see His face, and see the great love in His eyes, we’d only want to honor and please Him.” It reminds me that I want to follow how God wants me to live, because he’s the man who loves me most and knows what’s best for me. I hope/know that you will learn and grow through all that you’ve been through recently! Blessings and keep us posted.

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do, I love my boyfriend :(( #28646

    what are sisters for? I hope you are doing well now 🙂

    in reply to: I NEED HELP #28645

    yeah, you must be pretty far along. Lucky you flew past morning sickness (; I would definitely check out some of the resources available to you. And i am so glad you came to this site and voiced what is going on in your life! It’s a big deal and I’m sure you have so many thoughts, emotions, fears, etc. You’re going to be okay, really you are. I’d also like to add that there are some wonderful adoption resources to look into if you cannot keep the baby. Though I agree, I’m sure you will be a wonderful mother. Blessings, check out the resources, and if you have more thoughts or questions, this site and these people are awesome!

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do, I love my boyfriend :(( #28637

    Hello. I definitely agree that we are all sinners. Despite all the wrong we have done I am amazed more and more about how much God loves all people! We MUST repent of the choices we’ve made that are against His ways and continue on, knowing He’s the only one who can cleanse us. And knowing that repentance is so freeing for our souls. It sounds like (from reading some of your other posts) that you found you are not pregnant. That’s a scary way to learn a lesson, but learn it well. When we are disobedient, our choices really can cause huge things and ultimately wrong choices are unhealthy and right choices help lead us into the beautiful and fulfilling lives we are meant to live. And each and every choice (big or small) each day shapes who we are and who we are becoming. I hope things with your bf go well now and that you guys can have an honest and loving relationship. I pray you will have honesty and trust and that you will hold out for whoever is to be your husband one day. Love him all the days of your life and do good for him even before you are married and know who he is. Grace and peace to you from our Lord Jesus.

    in reply to: The pill #28619

    I don’t know much about the pill, but I think people can react somewhat differently or at different times (say from last year to now…because your body changes). You probably aren’t pregnant, if you say it’s a .01% chance, though anything is possible. I’d say wait a bit longer and then check with a doctor about things. Also, abstinence truly is the only way to ensure no pregnancy.

    in reply to: Right So Im 15 And Pregnent..Help x Abortion? #28616

    Thanks for sharing Sammy! How awesome you will see your little girl soon (and way to go and cancel the appointment.) Your baby will be the hugest blessing 🙂

    in reply to: break up #28614

    Hey Amy, aww I’m sorry you are having to figure that stuff out. Are there other reasons you’d leave him or is it mostly that you think he resents your child and you can see yourself with someone else? Perhaps, I know I do this…perhaps you are misinterpreting what he is actually thinking or doing and a good discussion could clear things up. Writing down what you have to say, what you see, how it makes you feel, might help. This may not be your situation either, but sometimes committing to working things through will help your relationship and while you might see yourself with someone else now (because you see flaws in your boyfriend) when you are with that new person there will also be flaws that rise up and will need dealt with; so committing and working through with him now might end up best. I have no idea if there is more to your situation, or what will be best for your boy but I wish you all the best and pray your health gets better. Have you looked at any resources that could help you in your situation. Try and talk with a pregnancy resource center near you. They might be able to point out some helpful services or give some sound advice too.

    in reply to: Help? #28613

    That was really courageous and caring of you to seek help and to bring up the hard topics. Glad it worked out and keep loving her!

    in reply to: smoking #28604

    I can’t give too much advice, but I think it’s wonderful you are trying to quit and your mom might be too. If you can convince her that this is best and worth it, then having her along with you and partnering in this hard habit breaking will be easier. It’s always better with a friend alongside. Change starts in the mind, so do what it takes to make up in your mind and your mom’s that this is best….look up evidence or talk with people. You can do it!

    in reply to: Guy Trouble #28603

    Hey Amy, that is tough! You have so much invested in this relationship and it is so scary when trouble comes. I don’t know if you pray, but that’s what I do when I have no clue….and when I ask God to really show me anything He wants to show me, and when I am willing to listen to what He has to say, then God loves to step into my life and play that role. I don’t know your exact situation, but I have had three girlfriends in this last couple months who just broke up with serious boyfriends and each one of them has had to cling to God. Of course it has still been hard but each of them has found that God is enough and their lives are more full, real, and hopeful. I’m not saying you will break up at all, but I am saying that going to God (whether you believe in Him or not) he wants to be a part. Pray….and I will pray for you too.

    in reply to: Help? #28602

    yes, I’d try and discuss it with your friend. Maybe writing out a list of all your concerns for her, her boyfriend, child, family….and also affirm her as a person and friend. Deep down you want what is best for her and because you truly love her, you are willing to talk with her and have this uncomfortable conversation and tell her some truthful but hard things. You need truth and love to help your friend. I’m so proud that you care and that you are seeking to help. My prayers are with you and your friend.

    in reply to: “Ectopic Pregnancy” #28591

    are you waiting to see if you are pregnant or if it is an ectopic pregnancy? I don’t know a ton, but I’m sure we could find a way to get more information if that’s what you need. So you are moving back to the states soon? You can go to and find a pregnancy center near where you will live, but if you have Dr. I’d go talk with them. Praying that all is well and things are healthy with your body and the baby. Best of wishes <3. I hope the Doctors there can give you some good info, help, and advice.

    in reply to: Mum to a preemie… #28590

    praying for peace in your heart and strength for your baby. You should definitely be a proud mama!

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