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Participantwell you could always do the safe thing and go to the doctor.. but alot of teenagers loose and gain weight at strange times. ( i know i did) i know when i was pregnant i was gaining weight normaly and when they put me on bedrest i accually lost weight. hope this helps.
Participantwell the only safe sex is no sex.. so i would take a test just to be safe.. that or go to your doctor. hope that helps. good luck.
Participanti know its frustrating, but you should try and take an other test.. or the best thing would be to go to your doctor and express your concerns. that way they ca check you out and do a blood test.. good luck.
Participanti went through the same thng when i was pregnant with my son.. it really hurts… it did go away after he was born… but sometimes my hips still pop when i get out of bed, but it doesnt hurt as much as it did. good luck
Participanti had a really strong craving for swiss cheese and when i ate it i got really really
Participantit could be either or. the baby starts moving at different times..
Participantmy sons doctor told me that its best to start them on soid foods anywhere around 7-8 months.. or when they have the teeth to chew it.
Participantpeople start lacktating at dfferent times. i started before my son was born too. my advice is to buy a breast pump it will help. hope this helps..
Participanti know exactly how you feel i am almost 4 weeks late and have taken 3 tests and they have all een negative. the only way to know for sure is to go and get a blood test taken. thats what i going to do soon. good luck
Participantwell if you think you mybe prego then take a test. thats the best thing you could do besides going to see your doctor. hope that helps.
Participantwhen i was about 28 weeks prego with my son i found out i had a yeast inection and i think thats what they gave me. if you are really worried about it be sure to talk to your doctor. its better to be safe than sorry.
Participanti replied on my need advice post…
Participantokay, so i took a prego test last week and it was negative so im going to wait a litttle while and take an other one. my spotting stopped and i am now as of the 16th of march 19 days late for my period. i would go see my doctor, but… i moved to california about 6 months ago and have yet to find one… just thought i would update you guys to my progress. my husband is freaking saying that we cant have a baby right now. he will be leaving in august to either japan or iraq for at least 6 months. right now they are saying more like 9 months. if i am prego then i will be due the beginning of november. with my last baby i pretty much raised him with out nhis dad. but my husband want to be here for this one. he still feels bad about what he did with our son. but back then i had my family close by. where this time i have no family anywhere near us and to make things worse i dont know anyone down here. of course giving the baby up is not an option. im having really mixed feeling now. at first i was overjoyed at the idea of finally having an other kid. but i really dont want to do it completely on my own. sorry this was so long….
Participantmore than likely you arent pregnant. most people cant get pregnant until about a week and a half after their period. thats when most girls ovulate. hope that helps.
Participantim experiencing something similar but im not sure if im pregnant or not. like im always exhausted ( makes chasing a 2 year old really hard) the only thing im not experiencing is the cramping. im taking a test in a few days so ill let you know what i find out.
Participantushually you can get insurance through wic and they will sighn you up with baby your baby, who will get you state support. hope that helps.
Participantwell i would take an other test. Or if you are really worried about it go to your doctor for a blood test. when i was 20 weeks pregnant you could barely tell that i was. so it depends on the person. hope my advice helps.
ParticipantI am right with you. when you have a child no matter what age you are you are now a responsible adult. i dont care if you are 13 and havent had a chance to do things that most teens do, you are a parent. you gave up that option when you decided to have sex. i believe if you feel you are responsible enough to have sex then you are responsible enough for a kid. sometimes even i feel as if i want to go out and have fun, you know act my age. but i have a family now and i need to be responsible and take care of them. And so should everyone else. do what is best for your children and grow up. I know it sounds harsh but its true. its their interest to have in mind, no longer your own.
Participantyou should go and see a doctor. some people do have periods through out there pregnancy. my mother had her period every month on time when she was pregnant with me.
Participanthonestly, i know you love him, but unfortunitly a tiger cant change its stripes… your situation reminds me alot of what my mother went through with my father. now she is very emotionly unstable and i grew up with a father that was useing our home as a revolving door. that caused me alot of trust issues growing up. a child needs a secure home. a home they can trust not to change constintely. i hope my advice helps.
ParticipantI have a three year old too and my husand and i have been trying for an other one but its been dificult too.
Participanti felt that way when i was pregnant with my son so i went to the doctr and they toldme that my so was just pushing up against my ribs and lungs.
Participanti only weight 124 Lbs when i gave birth and my son came out healthy weighing 6lbs 5 ounces. so as long as your doc says its ok you are fine.
Participantwell if you already have them maderma ( i think thats what ts caled) wil help get rid of them. it it a cream that helps fade scars.
Participantif you keep inding yourself on your back, my doctor told me to prop up a pillow behind your back and it wil take away some of the pressure off of your spine.