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  • in reply to: how bad is stress for the baby? #19573

    stress in general is’nt good and for a preggi mom it can cause a miscarraige in the early stages and pre term labour too in the later stages…
    so dont stress ok for ur own and (if ur preg) ur baby…
    relax.. do things that u enjoy to take ur mind off it and im real sorry to hear about u and ur boyfriend…
    wish u the best xoxo

    in reply to: How soon can you find out the sex of the baby?? #19382

    hey Heather

    you can tell the sex (with more certainty) by the 17th week and its better that way bcoz lots of the time at 15 weeks the doc can mistaken the cord 4 a lil winkie hehe sooo better safe then mistaken right…

    in reply to: In Pain! #19372

    hey im 27 weeks and had back pain when i was in the early stage firstly stop sleeping on ur back u jus gonna make it worse try sleeping on ur side, left side is best… warm baths are heaven or if in the shower allow the shower head to face the point of pain and let the hot water to hit ur back, a massage is great and when u sleep use a pillow and support ur back… all these tricks worked for me i hope they work 4u girls too

    in reply to: anybody else? #19371

    hey maybe u should get another docs opinion coz somrtimes one doc might miss something and another will pick it up…

    in reply to: Pregnant? #19370

    girl the best advice i think anyone will give u is to take a preggi test and if pain persists go seek medical advice… wether u preg or not

    in reply to: spicy food? #19369

    ive heard dat its not such a hot idea coz it will give u heartburn but i craved it and never got any side effects hehe just lucky i guess

    in reply to: whats the chances? #19204

    hey trust me its sooo possible to get preg that way and aparently ur chances are even higher using that method

    in reply to: Inducing labour?????? Please reply to this!!!!!!!! #19203

    hey anna

    well idk about the diaper thingy but i know a lil about induced labour my mom went through it

    well all i know is that theres a few ways to go about it depending on ur sittuation
    well they gave my mom a drip that increased sum hormone and induced her labour they bring on the contractions and break ur water and u go into labour… the baby comes out sorta grey in colour and kinda wrinkled coz its been in the amnio fluid for too long but all that comes right before u know it..
    well thats all i know hope ive helped
    mwa tke cre

    in reply to: Why shouldnt I love him #19072

    i think ur right its not the babys fault that he came into the world the way he did and he has the right to be loved… i think u should get urself and ur son out of such a negative atmosphere but if u hav no where else to go then stay positive as u can i think ur a great mom for doing what ur doing….

    in reply to: i think im pregnant please give me some advice #19003

    hey umm you took the test at a stage where pregnancy can and cannot be picked up (depending on the sensitivity of the test) get another test done a lil later or go see ur doc

    hope u get the outcome u want xx

    in reply to: anxious #18983

    ok im just over 23 weeks preg and also due in feb (cant wait) but anyways dont stress!! ok u firstly gotta bear in mind that the baby takes 20min sleep cycles, i dont know how often, but trust me it takes those cycles quite a few times!
    also girls are less active in the womb then boys…
    anyway jus remember all pregnancy are not the same… sometimes i dont feel the baby for a long while then before u know it "kick" "kick" "punch" "punch"
    my advice to you, and this my doctor gave me, dont time ur baby u only put it under stress coz u gonna be tense, just relax if ur finding it difficult to relax drink a glass of water, lift ur feet up and listen to something that calms u… and if u really are that worried then lie down and cough on purpose a few times and try turning to the side and u should feel ur baby move…
    but honestly dont stress its for urs and ur babys own good
    i hoped ive helped in some way if u eva need anything… feel free to chat…
    xx take care

    in reply to: an important question please answer… #18928

    hey that pulling out story worked for me but only for 3months after that i fell preg… sooo yeah im living proof that it is possible…

    in reply to: what can i expect…. #18908

    hey umm ok im not a mother yet but i might be able to help u firstly,id like to ask when was ur 1st appointment how far along were u? coz if it was in the 1st 8weeks of the prenancy then its normal for the doc to maybe not see it but after that it becums very visible so by now there should be a heartbeat…a strong one too..i dont know if ur 1st pregnancy has anything to do with this so i cant say BUT what i do know is that by u stressing out about this is not gonna do u any good either way coz its not good 4u or the baby i really suggest that u take extra good care of urself till ur next appointment, its really not gonna help if u stress from now and at ur next appointment get all ur questions answered by the doc and settle ur thoughts…
    i hope ive helped and i hope everything works out in ur favour!

    in reply to: Should I Take A Test? #18900

    sure take the test… i mean why not?? it will settle ur thoughts

    in reply to: advice plz think im pregnant #18887

    well yeah u cud be i suggest u wait a few more days and if the symptoms persist or get worse like u start feeling nauseas etc… get a test or if u prefer go to the doc…
    hope everything goes well 4u 🙂 take care

    in reply to: need advice #18339

    hey Mandy… i can really relate 2 ur sittuation… plz if u eva need 2 tawk im totally here 4u. u can talk 2 me here on stand up girl. you are not alone 🙂

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