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  • in reply to: Young and scared! #24343

    There’s a point that you will just have to!!! Go to your parents and ask for help…Please! You’re parents will want to help you, and would not want you keeping them in the dark. If you try and handle this situation on your own, you could possibly make some choices you will regret, just for fear of having to face your parents?…..They may be very supportive if you are pregnant. But you will never know if you don’t give them a chance.

    You said it yourself, you’re scared. People who are scared need people who love them. They will guide you, cry with you, look after you, and hug you. We will try to help you the best way we can, but your family should be your priority. Turn to them and have faith that GOD will reward you for taking responsibility for your actions. If you are pregnant, you will need a lot of support. I would advise coming clean with your parents and tell them how scared you are. We all make mistakes, but there’s a time where you have to stop making them and grow up. It may be very difficult to confess having sex with your boyfriend to your parents…..but don’t live your life hiding in fear of your secrets. I lived a life of that before I met my husband and it tore our family apart….and I left home in fear of having to tell my parents the mistakes I made while in high school. I hated who I was….but I was trying to fit in and follow all the new fads. I couldn’t tell my friends NO, so I ditched my family instead. Start new today!! I’m sure you will feel so relieved.

    If you are stressing your system worrying about what has happened, you may be just late due to that. But….remember something about this point in your life. If you’re not pregnant….Phewwwww!! I’m sure you’ll say when the test is negative. But then what? Back to the boyfriend and premarital sex? You may not be so lucky next time, even inspite of your best birth control methods. (which will all fail in some way) Abstainance is the only true birth control!!
    I won’t sugar coat it….I’ve heard enough stories about young girls scared out of their minds worried about what they’re going to do…..the best advise I think any mature experienced woman will give you and others in your situation is…..Don’t continue having sex with your boyfriend!!! Wait until you’re old enough and married to him. It’s common sense. Make a promise to one another that you will wait until marriage…..because then, it will be a true gift to oneanother the way God intended it to be.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Am I pregant? #24308

    I’m sorry your not feeling well, but you are correct. Sometimes symptoms of a period will resemble prenatal symptoms. Especially if you’re late.

    At this point…since you’ve moved back home, I would advise talking to your parents and clearing the air with them. Tell them what is happening and confide in them that you’re scared and need help. Begin there….If your parents are relatively aware of your life, they may already have an idea of what has been going on. Be mature about what has happened and take the responsibility of your actions by going to them for help. You shouldn’t have to lurk behind them trying to handle this on your own. You will feel less worried once they are involved and you will have the resources you need to get to a doctor to get a blood test done. They are the most accurate. If you are pregnant…you will need to be seen by one very soon for prenatal care, so telling your parents now and letting them help you in the early stages of this will only lighten the pressure on you. (although you may feel like that is a scary thing….parents do want to help their children.)

    Think about how you’re feeling with the possibility of being pregnant….Is that good news for you? Is this what your boyfriend wants? Are you wondering whether to keep the baby or offer it up for adoption?? These are real issues that may need to be discussed. You can certainly go get a pregnancy test and never tell your parents…and if it’s negative they will never know the difference. Does life go on as it has been? Taking chances with unprotected sex with your boyfriend and hoping you don’t?? If you’re not pregnant… can take that opportunity to take control of your life and stop risking an unplanned pregnancy. Think about your life now and and make more mature decisions so that you will not be in this situation again.

    If you ARE pregnant….then please consider telling your parents. You can’t do this alone without a support group. They will get you to a doctor and hopefully support you in keeping your baby.

    God bless,

    in reply to: Boyfriend is confusing me #24299

    Hello, and congratulations on your baby!! I am happy to hear that you and your family as well as your boyfriend are in support of the life of your baby. It is a true blessing and a gift from God. Even at your age you can see the importance of that. That is refreshing to hear. It is obvious your parents taught you some valuable lessons about love and life.

    As far as your boyfriend and his family are concerned….there may be a lot of bitterness in that situation, some pride on the parts of some of them, and past hurts that have nothing to do with you and the new baby. They are trying to live after a broken marriage and there’s no telling what could have happened. Try not to take that personal and you could offer a prayer of healing for your boyfriend and his relationship with his parents. I married into an identical situation and just gave my husband support on my end. Your boyfriend may be wanting to protect you from the bad relations that his parents demonstrate toward one another…and by his actions so far…I can see a young man who is trying to possibly break the chain of dysfunction that he’s lived. He may be waiting for them to prove themselves worthy of being part of his child’s life. That is what my husband did as well. The cycle of unhealthy relationships has to be broken somewhere for our next generations to live better than what we are witnessing in today’s society.

    You are doing your part in that effort as well. By accepting this child, YOUR child, and by your parents supporting you giving THEIR grandchild life, you will be telling the world in your small community…….WE DON”T KILL INNOCENT BABIES…WE LET THEM GROW IN THEIR MOTHER’S WOMB, WE LET THEM TAKE THEIR FIRST BREATH AND WE GIVE THEM LIFE!!

    If more young pregnant mothers, wed or unwed along with their mothers and fathers would follow this humane Christian way of thinking, we can wipe out the sin of aborting babies.

    May God bless you and your family for your beautiful decision. THEIR IS HOPE for future generation of youth.

    Christ’s Peace,

    in reply to: when should i take a test? #24295

    Breasts can leak at any time during a woman’s cycle, even without being pregnant. You should just go to the clinic and get a blood test taken. It is the most accurate and will relieve you of some worry and money.

    I will advise you however, that if you aren’t pregnant, take the opportunity to abstain from having sexual relations with your bf, or any other bf in the future, until you are married. There is a huge risk you could become pregnant at any time regardless of your efforts….are you prepared to handle the responsibility? There is also a risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

    Please reconsider your private life with regards to your body, your future and living a life of purity until marriage. You can make a change NOW, regardless of how you’ve lived up until now. Also, the choices you make to improve your life, can have an effect on other young girls and you may start a new way of thinking within your close circle of friends. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know that you helped make a difference in teenagers lives?

    Good luck,

    in reply to: So next week Im supose to have my period #24294

    If the test comes out negative, may I suggest that you could take that opportunity to discuss your relationship with your boyfriend? I hope you’re not trying to get pregnant on purpose….especially if you and he are not married. Think about what you’re doing and make some mature decisions as a young couple to abstain from sex until marriage. It is wonderful to know and feel love….but to respect your partner until you commit to one another completely in marriage… true love!!

    My bumper sticker reads…
    Right is right…even if nobody is doing it. Wrong is wrong….even if everyone is doing it.

    Hopefully, people will apply that saying to their everyday lives…but its intent is directed especially to the situations dealing with premarital sex, and abortion.

    I will be thinking about you and your situation, Good luck!

    in reply to: What are the chances I’m pregnant? #24274

    Just for the record for others as well as you who may believe those symptoms are telling you you’re pregnant….those are also symptoms for your body to begin a new cycle.

    Try to test in a few more days, or go to your clinic to get a blood test done. But I would try to relax as stress causes your body to react differently.

    God bless,

    in reply to: so sad…… don’t know what to do. #24273

    Hi Luckylove,
    Everyone posted wonderful advice to you. I hope you’ve really heard what they’ve tried to tell you.

    I will however add, that the life inside you was given to you by the grace and blessing of God. Life is not for us to take freely, for any reason!!! There is no justification…..there will only be pain and despair at the loss of that unseen face, unheard voice, skin that would never be caressed and the loss of a smile that the world will never see.

    You believe this man to be your ‘soulmate’ so try and understand that he is a blessing as well that God sent to you. He brought the two of you together for a reason…..if you believe him to be your soulmate, you can be sure that God did not intend to have you kill the child that he created out of your love for oneanother. That would be a slap in God’s face. He is giving you a chance at happiness and asking you to walk the path of FAITH and trust. Trust that this man will love you for loving his child. It may take until he sees the baby’s face in ultrasound, or feel it’s first movements in your womb…..have Faith that God will bring this ‘soulmate’ of yours one step further for you and your baby.

    If you accept LIFE, and carry this beautiful baby, He will bless you with more rewards for your obedience.

    God constantly gives us opportunities to turn our lives around and make a better one full of healthy choices and one that shows LOVE for oneanother. This includes the unborn!!

    Your choice can make a difference for other young women. We have to make a stand sometime concerning abortion.

    There doesn’t have to be LEGAL HOMOCIDE in the United States, but it is available because we ask for it.

    If you have any faith in the Lord, I ask you to talk to Him now, and ask Him for the strength to stand up for your baby….and say no to killing a child.

    Your ‘soulmate’ may feel this is the only answer, but he may just need to hear you tell him how wrong it is. He may say, “You know, you’re right…we can do this, we can have this baby, and still get married. There’s no way this world is going to pressure us into letting go of this child.” You can be the one to change the views of your soulmate, the views of those immediately around you, for the future pregnant women…for the future babies who may be mothers one day.

    We are called to minister to one another. It is our duty…and so I am ministering to you friend in your time of need. I hope to raise you up when you are low and carry you when you are weak. Through prayer and council I hope to do for you what no one did for me.

    You and your baby will be in my prayers,

    in reply to: sex right before ovalation #24272

    It sounds like you and he are tracking your ovulation time and intimacy for the purpose of getting pregnant. You should take it to a legitimate level, and commit to one another in the bond of marriage. You very well may be pregnant from the sounds of it..but there’s no sure way to know without a blood test at your clinic.

    The chances of young girls and boys staying together when the girl gets pregnant are very low. There’s a lot of stress, anxiety and fear when that happens. This is not a little thing that is going on here….so please stop and consider what you’re doing. I wouldn’t recommend that you and he continue in the way you have been. If you aren’t pregnant, you and he could take that opportunity to discuss your relationship and promise to wait until marriage to have any other occasions of unprotected sex.

    Wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it, and RIGHT is RIGHT even if NO ONE is doing it.


    in reply to: Need some advice about my bf #24260

    Congratulations on being a young mother who is saying “Yes, to life” and accepting the responsibility for you and your bf’s actions.

    You’re act of Love for your baby will pave the way for many more girls to follow your lead. You’re maturity is heartwarming.

    Surround yourself with positive people who love you and support you. By that I mean, don’t be brought down daily by your boyfriend’s inability to handle the stress. He is reacting to everything that’s going on in his head. He may not do well for awhile if his emotions are all over the place. Just try and be patient with him, but you should NOT allow him to abuse you verbally. This brings me to my next suggestion.

    You should stay in touch with his parents as frequently as you can to encourage that relationship for your baby and his/her new grandparents. What about your parents? If they are just as supportive, then include them in how you’re feeling, your appointment that’s coming up, and discuss your relationship with your bf to them. They may offer some advice to you in that area and be there to protect you if he gets out of line. Friends at school or cousins and soon to be aunts are a wonderful team of supportive women and can offer some more local consistent support.


    Practice tuning out the negative influences in your life…….but you will have to replace the void with positive things. REST, REST, REST…..feed your body. It’s very important that you eat. If you can,just take your own lunch. (fruit, protein, grains) But don’t go without eating small meals all day long. And you have to drink as much water as you can tolerate. Take long walks in the fresh air (and bf’s only aloud to go if he’s quiet and holds your hand):) If you’ve been brought up with faith in God, you could turn to him in prayer, or visit a church and sit. Spend time researching what’s going on with your body and what you can expect in these first critical months of growth for your baby. This is a fragile time for your little one, so take care of mommy.

    I’ll be looking forward to hearing about the Dr. Apt on Friday. Good luck!!


    in reply to: when should i take a test? #24255

    Hoping you are alright!
    Did you every take the test? It’s good to hear that you will be willing to keep the baby if you’re pregnant. Abortion should not be available to anyone.

    Let us know how you’re doing.

    in reply to: I need advice.. someone please.. #24254

    Your decision is the only one that matters, for the life of your baby!!

    Anyone can try and rationalize killing a baby for many reasons…..but there is only one simple answer not to…It goes against God!

    You can make a difference in the life of your baby by acccepting the call to be a mother, and prove to the world that we do not want this in society any longer. One girl asked, “Why is abortion legal?” It’s because we’ve demanded it.

    Each young girl facing the same decision as you, can walk away from the world’s ideas and be stronger, confident and help to bring about a new country where we do not murder our babies.

    You have it inside you to be a mother…listen to your baby and your heart speak to you.

    You are in my prayers this evening.
    Your friend in Christ,

    in reply to: Trip to CA #24253

    Hello Kirsty,
    I’m sure if you have some composure and rise above the incident as being just a little thing, then he will see that and not bring it up. Don’t let past embarrasments prevent you from showing your growth in maturity. God has a way of giving us opportunities to do this all the time.

    Good luck and have a wonderful time!!

    in reply to: I need advice.. someone please.. #24226

    Hello new friend,

    Oh your story…how can I begin. It rings too familiar in today’s world. “They want me to, they think that I should, I’m afraid of what they’ll think…” It goes on and on, and I’m challenging you sweet girl to look beyond what others may say, feel or do as a result of your actions.
    You already know the answers….I’ve read them. Take your post and cut out all the parts about everyone else….give it a try and read what’s left.:)
    Be a leader my friend and trust in yourself.

    As for the others, there’s a natural instinct in all humans to be who God created them to be. He also created us with a free will.
    Now, we can chose to become who He wanted us to be, by listening to our hearts and following God’s call to us……which we would then be rewarded. Even after sinning, we can stop our sinful past by asking for forgiveness,amend our lives and still be rewarded.

    Or sadly, we can pull away from HIS plan and exercise our free will. This usually leads to selfish actions, worldly desires, and the list goes on and on. This unfortunately leads to pain, suffering, feeling lost and empty……and we will find no solace in life. The yearning will not be satisfied…

    This is the life after an abortion….this is the life your boyfriend and his mother want for you? They want YOU to live with THEIR decision. Nothing will ever justify having an abortion.

    You’re family however, should be commended for standing behind you…..virtuous family life produces virtuous families. They’ve helped develop who you are so therefore you are open to life. Don’t change!! There’s not enough of young girls who are being brought up in families like yours. You are very fortunate to have been given these values of life…….

    What is your bf’s mother talking about? You may not seem old enough in the eyes of the world by way of age or experience, but you have a better head on your shoulders than most.

    I will pray for you and please stay in touch.
    God bless you and your baby, (whom you love already)

    in reply to: i need help #24209

    Hello Tina,
    I’m sorry to hear about your boyfriend breaking up with you. He’s reacting to the news, but that doesn’t mean the breakup is final. He may change heart, but regardless of the men’s decisions, you need to consider yourself and the care of your baby. A life was created and you should start planning on seeing a doctor if you haven’t already. Talk to someone close to you, a parent, aunt, cousin, or even a close friend and confide in them. Think about what YOU want to do now for yourself and the baby…and keep heading in that direction.

    It’s easy to want to procrastinate and not do anything because the people who you want to play a part in this have other ideas and chose another path. They will have to answer for their actions later and may live to regret them.

    Your baby, however, continues to grow and requires nourishment from you. You need a lot of rest and all those horrid green vegies for brain development for the baby. GREEN VEGGIES, repeat after me….GREEN VEGGIES!! The doctor will prescribe you an iron supplement, and your prenatal vitamin which covers all the rest you miss in your meals.
    You can look into all the beautiful videos and photo galleries on this website and the 3D imagery of a 10-11 week fetus. Educate yourself on what is happening to your baby right this minute and what to expect with your growing body.

    I will pray for you and your baby, without you even asking me to.
    God bless,

    in reply to: Losing grip of everything. #24206

    Hi Autumn,
    I’m not sure what all the details are about your boyfriend and your relationship with him, but I just want to say that you should be proud of the fact that you chose life. You now have a child that needs you. It’s easy to get weighed down with the pressure and stress of seperating from the baby’s father, but the baby still needs mom.
    I would try to take one day at a time, making it a goal to be the best mom you can be for Caden. Dress him, feed him, play with him and take him out for a walk in a stroller or just sit in the yard and breath some fresh air. It will help you clear your mind. And the vitamins from the sun will rejuvinate your spirit. Make sure that Caden and yourself are getting what you need, and that you’re doing the best you can at being a mother and a friend to yourself. Small steps first with everything after having a baby. If Caden is just an infant then you really need to give yourself some slack……take one hour, or one minute at a time and handle the most important thing in front of you. Even if it’s just showering with the baby near you in a baby seat, bathe the baby and feed him.

    Emotions are very deep after coming out of a pregnancy. Your hormones are going to be leveling out for the next 6-8 weeks, and sometimes it will take longer when you have other stresses factored in. (seperating from a loved one) I remember crying at the silliest things, or getting angry at some of our older children for rediculous reasons. You have to sit quietly and close your eyes, and let God speak to you.

    Your parents are probably just seeing your stress and wanting to help out by way of advice and recommendations. They love you and the baby or they wouldn’t be involved, trust me. Just try not to take offense at that.

    Your relationship seems to need healing before it can become stronger. The pain of your history with one another has to be dealt with through communicating with each other. Just tell him how your truly feeling and offer to listen to him as well. Don’t hide behind half attempts at affection and meaningless chit chat. You will go nowhere with that and you both will become more annoyed at the failed attempt at resolving things. And remember, Caden needs attention.

    I hope this helps; I’ve been with the same man for over 20 yrs. and we have had terrible periods in our life together. There can be healing and forgiveness and then a new relationship will develop.

    God bless,

    in reply to: is that spotting?!.. and am i pregnant????? #24178

    If I may ask, how long was your period when you started on the 14th? If it lasted most of the weekend and into this week, then it is probably residual period. It is only the 18th now, so you couldn’t be pregnant yet. If I were you, I would be careful with your unprotected sex this week though and throughout the following week. That is when you will likely be fertile.

    I would recommned you chart how long your periods last. (4 days, 5 or more). As soon as you do not have any bleeding that is day one of your new cycle. Start counting, that being day 1, then the next day would be day 2, and so on. Usually, women ovulate between day 7-14. Those would be the days you SHOULD NOT be having unprotected sex if you’re trying to avoid getting pregnant. Don’t just play russian roulet with your body and guess hoping you won’t. You eventually will and then you may be in a position where you are contemplating abortion like a lot of these young girls here. Take control over your body and start paying attention to your cycle. You can also look into what is called, NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING. It is a way to help women avoid pregnancy naturally without the use of drugs.

    Young girls should not, I repeat, should not be having sex before marriage, but society has alowed people to believe it’s the norm. If that is the case, then those girls who do not want to be mothers can use a more natural approach to preventing pregnancy and unwanted babies so that the babies won’t have to put to death because of their choices.

    I’m hearing the same thing in many of the posts from young girls. That they do not know the signs to look for in the period cycle, they’re unsure about forms of protection, some aren’t using any at all and out there engaging in many sexual relationships, and they’re all on here asking for guidance and advice to figure things out.
    It makes me mad that mothers are not being mothers these days….and I apologize. I am a mother of 3 teenage daughters who have never engaged in sex, or been involved with a boy.
    They have plenty of friends who are boys, but they are taught to preserve their bodies for marriage and wait until they are sure they want the commitment of marriage and children.

    I will be praying for you anakie and the rest of the girls on these posts.
    Good luck with your homework.:)

    in reply to: No one can see the light but me #24174

    You shouldn’t feel ashamed of being pregnant with another baby. God makes no mistakes, and has seen you fit to mother children. As he has with all women. Whether they listen to that call by God is an individual situation. Listen to what your heart as a mother is telling you. Don’t be a follower of society and the new trend of murdering helpless babies.

    If you just found out your pregnant, you can expect approx. a whole year of growth for your little ones. They will be 3, and 5.
    I have a house full of children and they’re a wide range of ages. I’m not ashamed one bit because they are all a gift from God. If I were to be ashamed of them, it would be denying God and his creation.

    I am so proud of our family and will tell you that your little ones will help you more than you can imagine in 9 mos. God will give you the strength you need to raise another baby if you’re open to His call to motherhood. It’s a gift to you from HIM once you open your heart to life.

    I will pray for your decision.

    in reply to: Baby’s Dad – What should I think? #24169

    Hello Steph,

    He hasn’t lefft possibly because you are carrying his child, and his concience is talking to him. Maybe he’s contemplating staying near you and hopefully, committing.

    The best thing you can do is remain well rested, hydrated and concentrate on your diet and some light excercise. High impact activity reduces the amount of oxygen to the baby.

    If you have any faith in God, now would be a good time to pray for guidance and strength to carry this baby regardless of what anyone in society pushes you to believe.

    I will pray for you today and your baby,

    in reply to: when should i take a test? #24166

    Hi, and I’m sorry you’re feeling lost and confused. There is power in educating yourself about your cycle and your body as a young woman. For now, I can advise that there are pregnancy tests that you can purchase at a drug store that will pick up the hormone level in your urine very early. You can get a pack and try now, and if the test is neg. then wait a few days and take the test again. (4-5 days later) Your body will begin to produce the hormone levels at a stronger ratio as you progress into your pregnancy. If it’s positive I would then advise seeking a friend who has your best interest at heart and who has some faith in God. Your mom may be a wonderful person to turn to at that moment and discuss her supporting you in this and if you feel you cannot keep the baby, then look into adoption opportunities. But, please don’t resort to murdering your baby. You will never be rid of the pain and loss of that life.

    God bless you in your situation,

    in reply to: what is wrong with me!? #24165

    If it’s been a few weeks since you’ve come up late from you period due date, then you could possibly be pregnant. You should get a pregnancy test done. It sounds like your boyfriend is very involved so continue to communicate with him and make decisions together. Hopefully there’s some guidance from parents, church or some older relative who can guide you in the right direction spiritually.

    I will pray for you and your baby.

    in reply to: Names??? #24163

    That’s wonderful that your boyfriend and his family are supporting you. You are very fortunate as well as your babies!!:) I will pray for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
    God bless,

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