Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI don’t blame you-after someone treats you that way and acts like it was nothing-i have been through that and know the relationship is gone now or will be. it happened to me. not right away but it fell apart. i realized i deserved better and that one day i would meet the man who really truly loved me and i did-7 years later, but it happened. i know how you feel, you may not want to talk about it ever, and then one day you will. and you will fight to heal from it.
after what you went though you can bet you wont let any other guy push you around or bully you into anything again. and you will be ok and you can help others one day when you are ready. dont be afraid or too ashamed to do so. take your time with God, cry, get mad, let it all out. scream if you have to, but let ourself express it and heal. dont bottle it up.
i am praying for you and know somehow this experience has changed your life and now you can make the chnages you need to and move on. dont deal with peple in your life who dont love you love you and bring you down, surround yourself with supportive people.
talk to a professional or support line if you have to. we all are here for you even though you feel alone.your not. email me anytime you need to talk.mrs_meliss
Participantyou need to tell your parents and start thinking of doing it yourself or if you have a good friend who can stand by you while you tell them-it doesnt sound like your bf is much help right now.
no matter what, you can do this and you can have this baby-even if they all reject you. it is your body and your baby. sometimes when peple are mad or shocked or disappointed they say mean tings, but just hang on, time will heal and in the end they will be ok becasue they have to be for you. so dont get scared if the worst seems to be happening, it wont stay that way and if it does, you have lots of friends to support you and us here on this site. there are alot of resources to help too. pray to God and he will guide you and protect you-he will not let you fail. you can do this. i am praying for you too.mrs_meliss
Participanti say be friends. you can be friends for a very long time-see what his intensions are and if he stays a good person for you. maybe you are not ready to be in any relationship for now, but i dont think you should drop your boyfriend now for him at all becasue who knows if he messes up again. then you lost someone who really cares for you and connor.
ParticipantNo matter what you will always feel you are not ready and maybe your not, but that doesnt mattwe now. you can do it. and the reward is beyond anything you can imagine. when it is your own baby it is different. you will see when you see your baby’s precious face-you will realize and ask, how could i have ever thought of not keeping her?
everyone who is not supportive right away will come around. of course they may be dissapointed or upset at first becasue you are so young. but just think how proud they will be when you show them what wonderful mom you are and what a beautiful child you brought into the world!
ParticipantIt sounds that you know you have to have this baby. i am relieved to hear your heart is telling you to keep it and you do need to listen to that. you will never be the same, and you are not the same right now. so please choose your baby.
your husband will either love you and stand by you and if he doesnt then you know he doesnt love you, and you can go on knowing that you did the right thing and left behind a person who was taking you down the wrong path anyway-even though it may b epainful, it will never be as apinful as knowing you aborted your baby again.
i dont think you could deal with that again, you will resent your husband and yourself.
i pray you make the right desision and keep the gift God gave you.mrs_meliss
Participanti would choose another dr. that is ridiculous! he should not treat you that way at all.
ParticipantDon’t give up helping others. I know you are hurting and know how you feel. But you must go on and learn from your mistakes and through your story, help others. i think by what you wrote, you are already helping them-to see the truth of abortion and the pain it causes.
Participantnever do this for someone else. i have been through it and your life will never be the same. the pain you will feel is the worst you will ever feel and to heal from it never completely happens.
please have your baby no matter what anyone says, they dont have to live with it, you do and you will never forgive yourself. your baby is a life with feelings and a brain and heart. please dont get rid of her. she is precious and given to you for a reason. go with your heart, it will never steer you wrong.
i am praying for you!mrs_meliss
Participanttalk to them from the heart and pray about it beforehand. let them know your sincerity and that you choose to have your baby. it will be ok. you are 20 and an adult. things may not go as bad as you think.
i am praying for you.mrs_meliss
Participantif you dont have this baby you will regret it forever. abortion is wrong for so many reasons. God has blessed you with this life, dont throw it away. single or not, and no matter what problems you face-they are all things that will be worked out.
for future reference pls get on borth control to prevent facing this again.
but for now i have to say, this is your baby, how can you throw her in the dumpster? please dont. i am praying for you. abortion is so gruesome and is murder. pls dont make the wrong choice. you will never be the same again.mrs_meliss
ParticipantYou are smart to know and say you are not ready becasue it is true. you are youn and need your education and independance , a job, a place of your own(when you are the right age) and your boyfriend must not understand really what he means or wants. i am 29 and having my first baby and even at my age it is a huge deal. it is not easy but when you are ready and of age to realistically have a baby you will. there is no need to rush-you have your whole life ahead of you. i am happy to see you kow this and are strong and not letting someone else talk you into something. you really have a good head on your shoulders! spread the word to help others girls facing the same issues. it happens alot and all these kids with split families these days-it is really be married , of age, and ready for a baby is one thing, this way it is planned and both want the baby-but for your boyfriend to fight with you about this is ridiculous. you both arent ready, he isnt even if he thinks he is.if he loves you he will know you are right and wait until the time is right.
God bless you! your friends are going through hurt and all you can do is pray for them and your friend.mrs_meliss
Participantdid you find out if you were pregnant?
ParticipantDo not have sex until you are ready. you are not ready now and you would be doing it for the wrong reasons. no guy is worth that. you deserve the best and to have the utmost respect and love for yourslef means to take care of yourself. dont rush into sex, it will only bring about more problems i promise. just enjoy your time with him and do fun things. if it is true love sex can wait .
pray about it and stay strong.mrs_meliss
Participantworrying is only natural, especially if this is your first baby. as things go along you will settle down and know it will be ok. just pray and know you and your baby is being taken care of by God.
from now on worry will be normal being a parent. you will adjust and see things will be great. try to enjoy your pregnancy as it moves along. the beginning is the most nerve racking and then you settle down and realx.mrs_meliss
Participantis there a pregnancy hotline or church you can call?
what has been happening over the past weeks since my posting? did you find any help?
let m eknow if you need to contact or talk to me personally, i can give you my contact in. email me and let me know if you do.
i am here for you.mrs_meliss
Participantprevious to my pregnancy now, i have had 2 iscarriages. right when i found out i was pregnant with this baby i was scared to go through the pain all over again. I prayed to God that the baby would be strong and make it and put it all in his hand to take care of me if she didnt make it. that is all you can do. to worry yourself sick will not make things better. try to pray and just trust that no matter what, you will be taken care of. try to find that inner peace. listen to calming sounds or meditate. pray alot and try to only think posotive thoughts. i know it is hard but the day i prayed and prayed i got this overwelming sense of peace and never again through the pregnancy had a worry. i knew God’as hand was on me and i learned to trust him with my whole heart, becasue nothing in this life is guarenteed. all you can do is believe and have faith. no i am a week til my delivery date and never thinking i could have a child, i feel this is a miracle and i will always be greatful. i will pray for you both.
Participantduring my pregnancy my husband and i had some fights too. stress is natural when you are going through this, especially for the first time. the baby will be ok but you are right, try to let him know it is not good to be feeling this way right now and try to talk it out and if he gets upset be able to walk away from it until you cool off. so many crazy things happen , so many emotions, dont worry, it is natural and things will be ok. the baby will be ok just try to minimize it in the future. pray for God to help you and be with you in this transitional time. No matter what a great relationship you have, pregnancy can be a crazy time but in the end, it is all worth it and you guys will become closer as you go through this learning experience.
ParticipantI hope you do not do it because it is not what you really want. No one else can tell you what you need to do. Yor heart and God will tell you. I know you can have this baby and if you do , you will never regret it.
Do not let your parents or boyfriend pressure you. you will never forgive yourslef if you do.
To think a life can be thrown away becasue you are not ready is a petty reason and a wrong choice. Please don’t let them choose for you in this confusing and painful time.mrs_meliss
ParticipantI am so happy to hear that! I have been praying for you.
you will never regret it. keep us updated on how you doing.
we are all here for you.much love,
ParticipantThank God! I have been praying for her!
I am so glad she made the right choice.mrs_meliss
Participantit sounds like maybe you should consider the fact that you both are not on the same page as far as your life plans and maybe you should be by yourslef for a while. you need to heal from the pain and you need to truley heal before getting pregannt again. do not get pregnant behind his back. no matter if you think he will stand behind you or not. because thats not really the point here. he should have stood by you in the first place with your first pregnancy. instead you had to go through a terrible ordeal and did something you regret. now you have to live with that . work on talkig to someone to heal within yourslef. i have been through it and have healed after many years. i was with someone who forced me into abortion and down the road i broke up with him realizing what i wanted in life was not the same as him. it was the best thing i ever did. im not trying to sound harsh, i just feel for you so much and dont want you to make another bad desision. take time to really look at you life as a whole and get the help you need for you. make all the necessary changes you need to in your life but do it honestly. tell your boyfriend how you feel and tell him how much you regret the abortion and you are ready for a baby now. see if you can work it out togethor. this is a must before you get married! make sure you are really ready and that you two are really compatible as far as your life plans go.
ParticipantNever make a desision like that for someone else, no matter how much you love him. If he loves you then his anger will subside and he will understand in the end. You will spend the rest of your life bitter if you have the abortion. Your pain will never go away. It is not something you do and its over and behind you. it is always there, everytime you see the baby you have you will question what this baby would be like and why you chose one life over another. you are a mother and i dont feel in your heart you want to do it so i hope you dont. your man will get over it. and if he doesnt at least you will never have to regret and you will have a happy life even if it means it is a bit harder at times. it is well worth it. no money in the world can ever replace your baby. you wont care about all the things you are worried about when you hold that life in your arms. everyhthing else is will seem silly that you would even have thought to give up this life. never let someone else persuade you yo make such a huge desison like that! your life will never be the same again.