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  • in reply to: Pregnancy while being on contreception #11255

    You could be pregnant. Even though it’s scary, you should take the test just to make sure. When I took my first pregnancy test, it was horrifying, but I felt alot better knowing for sure that I was pregnant, and it gave me a chance to start taking care of myself as a pregnant woman should. So, take the test, it may be scary, but you’ll feel better and take care of yourself better if you do.

    Good Luck,
    Michelle J.

    in reply to: Pregnancy test positive? #11247

    It could very well be positive, but just really early, and when your early in your pregnancy, you don’t have high levels of hormones like later in pregnancy, but they’re definately there, trust me, you’ll know. So, don’t worry, and take another test in a couple of days.

    Good luck,
    Michelle J.

    P.S. Don’t forget, if your pregnant, it can be the happiest, and scariest, and hardest thing you ever do, but it will all be totally worth it when you see your baby’s smiling face looking at you like you are the greatest person in history.

    in reply to: Prenatal Care? #11246

    It’s never too late to get prenatal care. Chances are that if you have taken good care of yourself, and haven’t done any drugs, drinking, or smoking, your baby should be just fine. I didn’t get any prenatal care with my first baby until I was about 13 weeks along, and my baby was just fine, in fact, he’s now a strapping two year old. So, don’t worry, just start getting prenatal care and keep on it and your baby will stay healthy and strong.

    Good luck on your new little bean,
    Michellle J.

    in reply to: 22 with 2 kids and pregnant again!!! #11224

    I think that Scarlett is a beautiful, and very classy name. I’m sure if you decided to name your daughter Scarlett, she would grow beautiful and strong to match her name. Good luck on your name problem, and your baby girl.


    in reply to: GOING CRAZY!! #11205

    I’m sorry that he treated you like that. All I can say is, stay strong, and you and your baby will pull through and be stronger and happier because of it. Your bond with your baby will be so strong, that you’ll almost forget he even existed. Be happy, you have a miracle that will bring you a whole new world of love and happiness.

    Good luck,

    in reply to: bubbles in my stomach……… #11185

    You could be. Usually, when you first start feeling the baby move, it kind of feels like little bubbles, or a butterfly flapping around in your belly. Take a test. It is good that your kids are teens, you’ll have lots of help.

    Good luck, and hope you find out soon,

    in reply to: Light pink lines!! #11184

    Honey, I am soooo sorry. I’ve lost a baby too, I was only about two weeks, but it still killed me. My boyfriend, who is now my husband, helped me get through it, and taking care of our little boy helped too. It is really hard, but eventually you learn, that life goes on, even just barely, and someday, I’m sure, you will be blessed again, and get to hold your baby in your arms, and you’ll almost forget, but always remember the pain you feel now. Pull through, I’m here If you need me.

    Michelle :S

    in reply to: Am I pregnant? #11182

    You sound like you are pregnant. You can get an early pregnancy test, like a First Response or something, those pick it up right away. I found out that I was pregnant with my daughter from one and that was only the day after my period was due. Don’t worry, and good luck.

    I’m here for you,

    in reply to: help #11107

    wait until you get your first ultrasound, then you will realize how much you love that little peanut growing inside you, it is ok to feel the way you do, I was sixteen and seventeen when I was pregnant with my first one and I was horrified, and unsure at first, but when I saw that first ultrasound picture, I fell in love, and I still love my son more than life itself, so don’t worry, the love will come

    Good Luck

    in reply to: I’m concerned…. #11081

    You could be pregnant. I think that you should wait until your period is due and if it doesn’t come, then take a test, because by then you will be far enough along for the test to pick it up. I felt like you when I first got pregnant, so, find out, and good luck.


    in reply to: Concerned! #11068

    I know that it is hard, but you have to try not to worry so much. When I was pregnant with my daughter, the first two or three months, I had alot of cramping. I finally went to the hospital, and they ran a bunch of tests and did an ultrasound, and they found absolutly nothing wrong with me or the baby, they told me that cramping, and even a little spotting can be normal in the first trimester, due to the stretching of your uterus. So, I know that when your worried about your baby, that it is hard not to think of the worst things that could happen, but wait before you have all of the facts before you stress yourself out, after all, stress isn’t good for your baby. Good luck, I’m rooting for you.


    in reply to: Iam only 14 and i might be pregant #11067

    The best way to tell is if you miss your period, but, you can also take an early pregnancy test, like a First Response test, it can tell up to five days before you miss a period.
    Good luck

    in reply to: Help..???! #11033

    I had that same thing happen when I was pregnant with my daughter. I was so scared that I went to the emergency room. They did an ultrasound, and found nothing wrong. The doctors all told me that mild to moderate cramping is normal because your muscles are stretching, and your body is under alot of stress. So, don’t worry, stress isn’t good for you. Good luck, and God Bless.


    in reply to: alone and pregnant #10897

    I’m so sorry about your situation. I think that maybe you should try to see him. Sometimes, life threatening situations, can make people realize how precious life, love, and compassion are. I would give him one last chance, and then make your decision based on what you truely believe in your heart to be best for the baby, and yourself. You have an innocent, and perfect baby growing inside you, just listen to that little voice inside you, and to your heart, and you will find the right answer for you. Good luck, and god bless.

    Michelle M.

    in reply to: 3 months and no one there #10736

    I’m so sorry that that happend to you. But, don’t punish your child for what he did. There are so many options. If you feel you aren’t ready for a baby, you could give it up for adoption. Being a parent requires alot of love, but it takes a great deal of love to give up your child so it can have a better life. I have two children and I’m nineteen. It has been really hard, and it was extremely hard to tell everyone, but, I have never regretted having my babies, they’re the best things that have ever happend to me. So, if you really think you can’t do it, you need to know that there are other options that abortion, and, raising your child can be the happiest, and hardest thing, that you could ever do.

    Good luck on your decision,

    in reply to: 1st trimester problems, indication of to come? #10717

    It all really depends on the person having the problems and the pregnancy. I had problems that progressivly got worse, until I was hospitalized, and not allowed to move, then put on strict bed rest, then I had my baby two weeks early, but he was fine. It could get worse, or it could get better, just follow the doctors rules religiously, and try to stay healthy, once you hear that little cry, and see that beautiful pudgy face for the first time, you’ll forget everything that you had to go through, and just thank God that you got to be the parent of such a perfect angel.

    Hang in there,

    in reply to: symptoms of 2 weeks to 1 month pregnancy #10716

    The symptoms are alot like pms, but you can also have heartburn, nausea, headaches, and fatigue too. The best way to know is to take a test. Hope all goes well, good luck.


    in reply to: Unexprected Pregnancy And Alone #10715

    I know that it is hard to tell your parents. I was sixteen when I got pregnant for the first time and I thought that my mom would be furious, but she just hugged me and cried and asked why I didn’t tell her. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my chest, trust me, it feels better to tell, even if they get mad. My boyfriends mom freaked out, but it still felt better to get it out. We are all now a happy family, we have two kids together, were getting married in July, and me and his mom hang out almost everyday, it may be hard at first, but it gets better, I promise, so stick it out, and GOOD LUCK!!!!!

    in reply to: 30 wks epidural or not to epidural..?? #10706

    Trust me honey, you want the epidural. I was horrified to get one and said that I would never do it, but, the labor pains were far worse then I ever imagined, and the epidural didn’t even hurt, well, it did twinge a little, but it didn’t even feel like anything compared to the contractions. Plus, you don’t really see the needle, it’s behind you the whole time. Believe me, you’ll want it.

    Good Luck,

    in reply to: Please respond #10705

    Thanks for the advice, and yes, both of my children are from the same father. We’ve been together since we were fourteen, and we are now nineteen, we live on our own and are madly in love and getting married in July.

    in reply to: Might be pregnant? #10680

    I’m not sure, but I think that if you are worried, you should see a doctor. You wouldn’t want anything to happen to you or your baby. Some problems in pregnancy can harm or even kill you, so don’t risk it, if your worried, tell someone and get help.
    Good Luck,

    in reply to: message for everyone with kids! #10679

    Michelle 19

    Trystan Wayne-Ronald

    Kaitlyn Rayne

    in reply to: Why am I late? #10678

    You could just be to early in the pregnancy for the test to pick it up, or you might not be pregnant. Wait a couple of weeks, if you haven’t gotten your period, then take another test, it might be a little more accurate.
    Good Luck,

    in reply to: I can’t tell if im pregnant #10677

    See a doctor, that’s the only way to know for sure. Odd results can go either way, but a doc can tell you for sure.
    Good Luck,

    in reply to: Toddler Food Tips Anyone??? #10676

    I have a son that is 21 months old, and when I want to give him balanced meals, I give him Little Entre’s they are little balanced meals that are perfectly sized for a toddlers tummy. Also, they are really easy for them to feed themselves. I also give him snacks that are like big pieces of cereal and shaped like waggon wheels, they come in vegetable and fruit flavors, and are really good for them. You can find these things in the baby food isle at most stores. Another good thing is that the little meals take only thirty seconds to prepare, and they love them. I hope that this helped.
    Have fun,

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