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Participantyou could be, take a test to find out for sure. good luck.
ParticipantYou could be pregnant honey, so see a doctor as soon as you can just in case, your body may be telling you that something is wrong with you, or your baby.
Good luck,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantYou could be pregnant, but, It is way way too early to tell, if you still feel this way about three to five days before your period, than take a test and you should be able to tell by then.
Good luck and God bless,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantCongrats, I wish you all of the best, having a baby is so great, nothing else on earth compares to it. As for daddys little girlfriend, screw her, don’t let her put a damper on your rightful joy, chances are, that she’s just afraid that since your pregnant, your father will give you more attention, and she’s just jealous. So be happy and good luck.
Best wishes,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantGinger can help with morning sickness, so does peppermint, and lemon. I suggest peppermint tea, and lemon drops.
ParticipantYou’re a good friend. I’ll keep your friend and her baby in my heart and in my prayers. Tell her to keep her hopes up, my nephew was born extremely early too and he is now a brilliant five year old with no problems whatsoever. Good luck and God bless, keep your fingers crossed for that tiny baby.
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantGood for you. Continue to be strong for you and your baby. It may get hard, but remember, your baby is a hundred times more important then he’ll ever be. And you and your baby can live a full and happy life together, because no love is greater. Rock on girl!!!!
MIchelle J.
19 and four kidsMommytwice
ParticipantIt sounds like you are pregnant, but the only way to be sure is to take the test. If your period is late, then you can take one, I suggest a First Response brand test, they can usually tell the earliest. Don’t be scared, because if you’re pregnant, it can be one of the happiest times of your life, it will be hard, but totally worth it when you see your beautiful baby for the first time.
Best of luck,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantIf your not sure, don’t do it. Your baby still could survive. You have to be sure or you will regret it for the rest of your life. Please, please, please, really think about what your doing before it’s too late. Having kids is the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything even on the hardest days. Reconsider.
God Bless,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantThey told me that I was carrying awfully big for how far along I was early on, so they did an ultrasound, and found out that I was having twins. So I would ask about it if I were you. Twins don’t even have to run in your family. It also could be nothing, you could just be bloated, or you might just notice your belly because it feels and looks different to you, others might not notice.
Good luck sweety,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantMost antibiotics can cancel out your birth control. So I would be extra careful during and a couple of weeks after your done with them. If you suspect that your pregnant already, find out for sure, it’s very important, some antibiotics aren’t good for the baby.
Good luck,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantYou could be pregnant. The bleeding that you had for a couple of days could have been implantation bleeding. Go ahead and take a test, I suggest a First Response test, they show up the earliest. Good luck, and God bless.
ParticipantWhat your feeling is totally normal, in fact, I would be worried if you didn’t feel attached to your growing baby. I know personally, that everytime I’ve found out that I was pregnant, it was unexpected, but the second that I find out I always feel overyjoyed, horrified, and amazingly attached. Nothing in your life will ever be as good and as beautiful as what your going through right now, and you should be happy, and celebrate, your a mommy.
Best wishes,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantIt usually depends on the person. Some women feel it about one or two weeks after conception, and some never feel the common signs of pregnancy. Just keep in mind, it takes about three to seven days just for the fertilized egg to implant itself inside the uterus, and the egg may not even become fertilized for up to 48 hours after sex. So I would think you would traditionally start feeling pregnancy symptoms about two or three weeks after sex.
ParticipantHonestly, you’d ba amazed how much maternal instinct you’ll have, even before the baby is born. Everything in your body will force you to take care of all of your babies needs, but if you honestly think that you can’t do it, be brave, and think of your baby, not yourself, and you will find the courage to do whatever is best for the baby. Adoption can be the hardest decision that you make, but there are open adoptions, where you get to visit your child, and go to birthday parties, and your child knows you, and who you are, while someone else gives them the life that you so desperatly want to give them. I hope that this helps, I know it is a hard decision, but only do what you feel deep in your heart to be right for you and your baby.
Good luck,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantBeing pregnant can be the happiest time of your life, so embrace it, because in the end you get the worlds greatest pay off, a beautiful baby who looks at you like your the greatest person who ever lived. So, take the test, and don’t be nervous, because everyone on this site is here for you, and you have plenty of support.
Good luck,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantNo offence, but, you need to suck it up. I was only sixteen when I got pregnant for the first time, and I knew deep in my heart that I loved and wanted my baby no matter what anyone said or did, and I was unemployed. Luckily, my boyfriend, who is now my husband, supported me through it all and we now have our first baby who is two, our second baby, who is seven months old, and I’m pregnant with twin baby girls. I never regret the decision that I made even though I have no friends, no money, and no life, because my kids are my life, and no matter what anyone said, I wouldn’t have ever made another decision, because I’m happier than I could have ever imagined. If you love your baby, keep it and screw everyone else, or you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.
Good luck and God bless,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantBlood tests detect pregnancy by determining if you have the HCG hormone in your blood. HCG is only present in pregnant women.
Hope this helped,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantI named my son Trystan. I like the names Riley and Roman too.
ParticipantHey girl,
I was sixteen when I got pregnant for the first time, luckily, my boyfriend was supportive, and he stayed with me through it all and in June 2004, we had a beautiful baby boy, and I was seventeen at the time. After that, we found out that I was pregnant with another baby, and we had her in December 2005, and now, we are married, since May 13, 2006, and I just started my second trimester with our third child, this one is due in december too. So, an extra baby will put extra strain on your relationship, but it’s worth it when your in love and you have your beautiful children together, so, don’t worry about having another baby, it can work.Good Luck,
Michellle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantI think that you are definatly pregnant. The first time I was I avoided taking the test for twelve weeks. Take a test to be absolutely positive, you could try asking a school nurse, they can’t tell your parents if your pregnant or not, they can’t even tell them that you took a test. And, you should tell your parents, I didn’t at first, and his mom was mad at us for about a month, and my mom cried, it felt awful, they both wanted us to tell them when we first found out. Good luck, and I hope this helped.
Michelle J.
ParticipantI think that your baby will be fine since it was so early in your pregnancy, just make sure that you don’t do it again, Ok.
Good luck with your baby,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantWhen I got pregnant the first time, my fiance’ acted like that too for a while, he told me he just wanted to get it out of his system before the baby was born. He did too, by the time he could feel his son moving and kicking, he was talking to my belly, and reading it stories to make sure that the baby knew his voice when he was born. He’ll probably come around, but for now, just try to give him his space, even when it’s hard, but, don’t let him walk all over you.
Good Luck,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantLet yourself be overjoyed and excited about your new little one. I know that it can be hard to be pregnant without support. When I first found out that I was pregnant with my first child, I was almost seventeen, and everyone, including my BF, wanted Me to get an abortion, I felt so scared and alone, but, when I told him that I refused, he respected my decision, and learned to love our baby more than life itself. Hold out, someone will be there and support you and love you and your baby, and, if they don’t, you can love yourself and your baby, and you will be happy. I was lucky enough to be with a good guy who stayed with me, loved me, and married me, we now have a little girl as well as our first (a little boy) who is now two, and, we’re expecting another one in December, so, hold on, trust me, once you feel your baby, and see it, you’ll have so much love in you, that you’ll forget almost all of the pain, and you’ll have the love of your life, in your child.
Chin up,
Michelle J.Mommytwice
ParticipantTechnically, pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period, when actually, you probably didn’t get pregnant until about two weeks later. It is weird, but unless you know your exact conception date, the closest you’re going to get is the first day of your last period. So, to tell how far along you are exactly, count the days from the day you got your period last, until today, and you’ll know how far along you are, to a doctor at least.
I hope I helped, Good Luck,
Michelle J. -