Forum Replies Created
ParticipantWell, some of the signs that you mentioned, and things that are going on with you. It seems to me that you MAY be pregnant. I would take a/n home pregnancy test… Let us know how all turns out. Be sure to go to the doctor’s asap if you ARE pregnant!
ParticipantYes, I’d love to help you. Here is my web site. I hope it helps. Anymore information, please either sign guest book- or e-mail me. Thanks!
ParticipantYes, you could be pregnant. I would think by some of things you said you were- but take a test, see what it says- and maybe your hoping has come true! Best of wishes!
ParticipantNo, this is not usually normal- however, SOME people DO spot here and there during there pregnancy. But, I don’t believe it’s anything like a normal period…
ParticipantI hope that you have all the options you need before making this choice. Abortion always seems to make people regret whether it’s a few minutes or whether it’s a few years down the road. I wish you the best…
ParticipantYes, you could be pregnant. My suggestion- take a pregnancy test, if it comes back positive- good luck, best wishes, and be sure to go to the doctors!
ParticipantGirl, do what your heart says, and do what you think is best. Don’t let anyone pressure you into doing or going too far… It’ll all work out, if you let it!
Keep in touch!
ParticipantI love the name "Hannah"… Hanna Katilen, but because I choose Elizebeth for my daughter- that would be number one on my list…. Let me know what you all choose!
ParticipantFirst, best of luck on getting pregnant. It does sound like you MAY be pregnant… be sure to take a test or two, and go to the doctors if it turns out that you ARE pregnant!
ParticipantMay I ask- have you told your parent(s) yet?
ParticipantI can’t wait to hear if you are or not… Hope all goes as you plan! Congrats!
ParticipantHi, It’s ok to be a little worried that they may not go away. However, if you use the coco-butter stuff that is in the store and sometimes in the baby/pregnancy areas of stores— the strech marks MAY go away. I didn’t get one stretch mark, but I think they are nice on pregnant women….. It’ll remind them/you- of the time you carried the little one.
ParticipantHow old are you and are you SURE that you have thought about the abortion process all the way through?
Best of wishes to you and yours!
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/24 01:37
ParticipantYou should be feeling him move any time/day now. If you haven’t within the next week or so… I’d check in with your doctor…
ParticipantThe chances are likely- I’d go buy anothe test soon!
Participant[color=#000080][size=4]So… have you talked with your mother? Any new updates?
ParticipantHey! I am so sorry I wasn’t on last night, when you were- so we could talk. I am glad we e-mail, and chat. You seem like a bright lady. Keep smiling, and writing… everything will be ok. I know, as that is something I still live with. I hate my ex, he takes my daughter- and yet, he still writes to me and asks me if I have feelings for him, although he takes my daughter without me and everything… It’s terrible… What a bad situation! But, I hope for better for you and all! Smile and keep your chin up!
ParticipantOh my! Yes, you should tell her your parents, or at least one of them right now. If you can confind in someone else, besides your parents, and trust them- then tell them for a few days and see where it goes. If you need help on telling them.
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/21 17:24
ParticipantI think around 5 months… That is when I did anyhow.
ParticipantMy suggestion- go to the doctors, but no- you can’t… Unless you all ready did "things" before that…
ParticipantThat is a question, I have yet to find the answer too. If you find out. Let me know please!
ParticipantYes, I guess you could be pregnant! I wish you the best of luck. Please go to the doctors, if you find out by a pregnancy home test, that it’s positive…
ParticipantI believe you shouldn’t be afaird to go to the doctor’s. I’m not sure if you could or are pregnant- but I guess there is that chance. Don’t be afaird. Talk with someone, and if you need suggestions on how to do this.
Best of luck,
NickiPost edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/21 17:23
ParticipantWow! I really wish I had some suggestions to give to you. Other then like some of the other people said about child support- that is pretty much all I can suggest and say in this situation. Keep your head up high and, I wish you the best of luck.