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Participantjust make sure u do everything i mean everything the dr tells u. theres a girl on here momof2girls that had it when she was preg w her 2nd daughter u can talk to her and she can help you..i’ll talk to her and send me a personal email and i’ll send u her email if she says its ok and she can help u get through it..
Participantanother thing is if u cant keep anything down get checked for hypermesis..its rare but u could have it…ifu do theres alot of dangers to u and the baby that dr can help with plz get checked !!!!
ParticipantWell hun i would suggest finding out it so much easier when u know bc then u dont have to guess on dresses or pants pink or blue. I have a little girl that will be 3 in may and a little boy that will be 1 Dec 1st..and i am currently pregnant w baby #3 we found out w my daughter and my son and will with this one to..I think its alot better bc u can have a baby shower and not have to go neutral..
ParticipantWell hun as far as tests go i was a wk late when i tested for my daughter got a 100% pos result 1 wk b4 my P was due i tested and got a faint pos w my son and i havent even missed my p this time and used a cheap $1 test from the dollar store and in under 30 secs of doing it was a very bold pos…so good luck!
Participantu can take tylonol or ibprofen for ur back and i died my hair several times when i was preg w both my kids
Participantnot sure if anybody has seen the update but Kaleb is doing much better and home now…
ParticipantWell hun i’m here to tell you that just bc you and your bf fight all the time isnt a reason to give up your baby…if u dont get along get out and raise the baby by yourself…if u dont want to raise the baby by yourself then even try and make the relationship work and give the baby up for adoption…dont make the baby suffer bc you and your bf cant get along…i hope you think this through and do the right thing for not only you and your bf but for that beautiful new life growing in your womb!!!
ParticipantIt sounds to me like Braxton hicks if they stopped after an hr..false labor i had it off and on for a mos w my daughter and a few wks w my son…your know real labor though
ParticipantAnother thing is make sure the position is right…u might want to consult a lactation consultant in your area…u can go to and type in Lactation Consultant and your city and state.. i also had a problem w yeast/thrush…once i got it it was hard to get rid of it..good luck
Participanthun you dont have to have his name on the birth certificate if you dont want it on there….if u dont think hes stable enough to care for a child and you fear he will hurt you or your child then dont put his name on the birth certificate your the mother the womb the childs whole being and you dont have to do anything that doesnt feel comfortable you…my fiancee and i have been together for 3 yrs have 2 children together if for some reason i didnt want his name on the birth certificate and wanted the kids to have my last name theres nothing he could have done about it…but of course i love my fiancee w my whole heart and would never do that….he has no say so in what happens w the baby unless u want him to…i hope i helped!!
Kandi mommy of 2 beautiful babies
Participantall i can say is wow…what a wanderful video your children are so precious and beautiful…my children mean the world to me as well and if anybody ever told me to have an abortion and kill my children i would never forgive them for thinking it..thank you so much for making such a beautiful video
Participantdont worry about them being so close…my daughter was 10 mos when we found out i was preg w our son is now 5mos and my daughter will be 2 may 25th..i love them being so close…Alexis absolutly loves her baby brother Congrats on the new arrival!!
Participant[color=#FF0000]How old were you when u got pregnant? 18 & 20
How old are u now? 21 (babies r 2 may 25th & 4 1/2 mos
How long was your labour? 22 hours & 11hrs
Did you have ne drugs or interventions? W my daughter i had Stadol & Epidural (wont do it again) W my son 2 shots of stadol
Did you finish school? No
Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? absolutely not!
Are you still with the father? Yes 3 yrs and going strong
Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? My Fiancee and my babies[/color]Mommyof2babies
Participantfirst off your not supposed to have sex for at least 4-6 wks after giving birth so that was your first mistake. and it could be up to 2mos after giving birth b4 your period starts again regularly. so good luck! and keep us updated
ParticipantWe went to his follow up appt yesterday and his lungs r clear and he no longer has the wheeze. hes doing much better except he still has a slight cough and runny nose..and now my daughter and i have the cold as son finally got his vaccines yesterday and now he has a fever from them and didn’t sleep so good last night but it should pass within 24hrs..thank you all so much the prayers seemed to have helped as my little boy is much better. now lets just hope we all get over this cold…that might be a while considering its april 11th and snowing here..and it was 50 yesterday. once again thank you all!
Participantyes 2nd time you show sooner. i showed at around 2 1/2-3 mos w my son. i fuond out i was preg w him when my daughter was 10 mos.
Participanti would say your probably having braxton hicks contractions i had them off and on for a mos b4 i had my daughter and a couple wks b4 i had my son. you’ll know if its true labor b/c they will be about every 5 mins and lasting around 30-45 secs..and yes it does feel like menstral cramps but way stronger! Good luck hun and keep us updated!
ParticipantThank you all very much..i’m, going to take another test soon. and i’m about 98% i’m preg everything makes sense.I’ll let everybody know how it turns out!
Participantno i wasnt scared b/c i knew i didnt have anything..i’ve been w my fiancee for 3 yrs and havent been w anybody but him and same for him w me. the appts consist of urine sample blood pressure check weight stuff like that nothing major once in a while they draw blood and do a pap but thats about it.Good luck
ParticipantI’m going to be the first so say ITS NOT POSTPARDUM DEPRESSION hun…its absolutly 100% normal….its a feeling of detachment w ur child…i have 2 as you know and i went through w it w both of them…the reason u feel as though u want to be preg again is bc after carrying that beautiful child in your womb for 9 mos feeling every movement every kick every hiccup now ur womb is empty and u physically have your child. its like u have lost a part of yourself and u want the wanderful movements ni your womb back…it will pass w time i promise you..:)
Participantoh huni i’m so sry..i hope everything is going to be ok…just remember everything happens for a reason. maybe this was a sign that its just to soon for u to be having a baby. I wish u the best of luck!:(
Participantmy daughter will be 2 yrs may 25th and my son will be 1 yr Dec 1st 07.
ParticipantWell u could also have a rib out of place..that happened to me alot w both of my pregnancies..good luck!
Participantabsolutly 100% for circumcision. my son was circumcised and cant imagine him not being. the drs told me that uncircumcised boys r more proned to infections and cancers that affect that area. so i would say absolutly do it.
ParticipantAdoption is a very loving alternative..theres a possbility that i’m preg again and my youngest is only 3 mos old..we’ve decided if i am preg that we are going to let my cousin adopt the would be best for everyone and she wants another baby but she cant have anymore kids..she has a 12 yr old and a 6 yr old twin girls. i hope you listen to your son is 3 mos and my daughter will be 2 may 25th.