Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHey girls, good new the doctors office called me this morning and I am pregnant after all this time. I like to thank you for the support and wish you all the best. Andy.
ParticipantFirst of all you shouldn’t have sex the first 6weeks after you gave birth or intil your stop bleeding, and you need to use a condom during the first few months so you don’t get a infection!!! If you are breastfeeding it can be another 5months before you get your period, so you can’t tell when you ovulate. Every girl is different but you can get pregnant before you get your period, because you ovulate a week or so before. You need to take care of your body and talk to your doctor before doing that. You have a baby to think about now so you shouldn’t put your self at resk that may stop you from being able to take care of your little one. Becareful and you should talk to your doctor.
ParticipantThey are great. I took them when I was pregnant and I still go tp toddler classes just to get out and talk to other moms but a I got so much from them. It is a good idea!!! Try them and see if they are right for you. Good luck!
ParticipantWill all you can really do is wait to see if your next period comes. Try to relax and look to your boyfriend for support! Good luck!
ParticipantThey are all pregnancy symptoms. Good luc!!!
ParticipantThat happened to me but my doctor said most weman get that and to try and relax. I would say it’s going to be ok, my son is now 3years old. Good luck!
ParticipantYou can still get pregnant. I don’t think it would act as a birth control.
ParticipantBetween 9 and 12 weeks for your first ultrasound!!! You don’t need to be showing to have one!!! Good luck!!!
ParticipantTry to have 6-10 servings of fruit and vegetables, breads and cereals 8-10 servings, milk and milk products 3-5 servings, meat and meat alternates 3 servings. That is a basic and ideal diet.Or go to a health unit and ask for a food guide. Always take your prenatal multivitamin!!! Good luck…
ParticipantMy friend just wen’t through that right before x-mas and it was the same thing. Her dauther was 9months old and she didn’t think she could be pregnant when she wen’t in for her ultrasound she was told she was already 20weeks and having another girl. So if I was you I would go in and see your doctor ASAP!!! Good luck I wish you all the best…
ParticipantThere is a chance that you are pregnant or it can be a flu the symptoms are very close and it can be hard to tell them apart. You should get in to see your doctor right away, if you are having pregnancy syptoms it will show up on a blood test… Good luck!!!
ParticipantThat happens a lot their’s no need to stress… Hope you have a happy and heathly pregnancy!
ParticipantHey. I was really young when I had my son and I was told a lot of stories that had me freaked out so I looked it all up and read on every thing that can go wrong. When I felt I had a good understanding, I talked to my docotor about how things will work and what she would do to keep my baby safe. I was very happy with her answer’s and she also gave me a phone number to people that give’s tours of the maternity floor of the hospital. Knowing what can go wrong and that the doctor is ready for it made me feel a lot better and I didn’t freak out really at all any more. We also talked about the pain and what drugs that I can take during labour if needed. I was a week late and when I gave birth to my son and he was great, no problems. My labour took 6hours and I didn’t even need the drug’s. It’s not as bad as it looks on t.v.!!!!! Relax you are going to be fine,talk to other moms, it helps. Godd luck. let us know when you have your baby!!!;)
ParticipantYou can be pregnant but it could be a flu, they kinda have the same symtoms. Relax wait till the last couple days of your sugar pills and see if your period is regular. good luck!!!
ParticipantI always hated having to wait to take a test so I understand what you are talking about….. You can very will be pregnant, it only take’s one time soo maybe staying away from drinking till you get a test or see a doctor. Try not to think about, stressing about may make you miss your period even if your not pregnant… Relax, and good luck!!!
ParticipantIf you got it the next day and it was at lest 3days i think you have no reasion to worry. If you wan’t to be sure take the test but one day late is nothing to stress over…. 😉
ParticipantAny test is good, but you may not be pregnant. If you are stressing about it then that can happen. May wait another week and see if your period comes back if nothing take a test or go to your doctor…. Good luck!!!
ParticipantI am 3months late not pregnant and I am very regular too. Some times your body just gose crazy but you need to get in to see your doctor, it could be something else! Good luck!!!
ParticipantYou shouldn’t have sex the first 6weeks after birth, you body needs to relax and you are at higher chance for infection those first 6weeks. With your breastfeeding problems, don’t use any cream unless it says breastfeeding safe on the bottle, that will help with the dryness and pain. (you can find it at any drug store!) The itchieness can be because your starting to get engorged. Expressing or nursing in different positions will help with that. Your nipples may also be sore if you put soap on them. Don’t use soap on your nipples, just use wrom water, it sounds weird but their is something in the milk thats cleans them for you…Also after feeding, gently apply expressed milk to your nipples and allow to air dry. Do not wash nipples before nursing. Also using a blow dryer on a low setting for about 15minutes may help. Try to wear a nursing bra that fits properly. Your periods will be all over the place for a long time so don’t stress out over it tell you can see your dictor…
ParticipantThere is nothing wrong with the way your thinking, you just wan’t to be happy and for most weman their happy when their pregnant. Your not stupid your sad and it’s understandable, you need time for your self. When my dad and gramdpa past away I was thinking the samething, it’s not a good idea to get pregnant right now, it’s not going to make things easier for you. Right now you need support, frineds and some time to think got everything put back together. I am really sorry for your loss. I hope your boyfriend and you find some happienss and can start over. I wish you all the best!!!
ParticipantThankyou but bads news. I wen’t to my doctor and I’m not pregnant, she said I have to come back and see her for meds to help us get pregnant. I don’t understand we got pregnant so easy and fast with our son and he is now 3years old. Does this happen to a lot of weman?:(:unsure:
ParticipantDifferent coluor discharge is very reglaur when you are pregnant not some thing to worry about if you don’t have any pain. But if you think their is something wrong see a doctor don’t take a chance. Try calling telehealth 1-866-797-0000 they are really heplful… good luck!!!!!!!!
ParticipantWow, you have a lot going on right now and making a decision like this is the most hardest thing any one can do. I have a lot of friends that have put their babies up for adoption, I didn’t think about it when I had my son I know that I could never be strong if I did it my self. But for some people it is the best decision they ever made. I don’t think being christian has any thing to do with the choice you make, it is up to you not your parent’s or your friends. The father and you have a lot of talking to do but make sure you make a decision that you can live with. Please don’t make this choice because of fear the only way to over come fear is by doing it… Good luck and I hope whatever you do makes you happy!!!
ParticipantHey, some times the test’s are wrong. I think you should take another one or go to your doctor… Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ParticipantI know what you are going through. I found the best way to do things like bad news or when you have to talk about some thing that he could get a little mad about I just rube his feet or back and make him feel good as I tell him… His mom laugh’s at me because now if he has a bad day he asks for a foot rube and now he is much more relaxed then when he was a teen! hope it works for you!!!:lol: