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ParticipantThankyou i will try i know it will take some time.
I really want a baby of my own still
ParticipantThanks knowing that someone went throughthe same thing and i now alot better help.
I dont go against being pregnant while you young but i never wnt for trying to get pregnant while im young but i wan to be i mean im not going to try but thats what i want more than anything in the world!!lost_dayna
Participantyeah maybe i have someone talk to me but its more like check on me i might try find one
ParticipantI would try an over the counter pregnancy test
Participanthey i went through somthing kind of the same. email me if you want to chat.
Participantyeah thats probly a good idea to take one in a week or two.
Participantcool good luck letus know how it goes?
Participanthey yeah they sound like the symptoms but you should take a test before you get yourself to worried. then go from there
Participanti can’t tell her because it will get worse she caught us and we covered it up but she was going to kill herself she has been suicidal for a while she has a very messed up life if she wasnt i would have told her. apart from telling her i agree with you trust me i know its bad i have beat myself over this
Participanti like to think so. i have to i have no other choice.
everything was going good the father is just being so irresponsible and trying to make everything about him as usual :(, im just getting so angry at the moment and i dont know what to do!lost_dayna
Participantgood luck for that and also the family party thing lol!!
Participantyeah congratulations :cheer:
Participantjust be honest whatever you say isnt going to change the way they react much.just try not to plan it out to much let ur feelings come out it sound cheesy but it works i was in your position a few weeks back asking how to tell everyone trust me i was so worried i didnt know how anyone was going to react but most the advise i got was just say what you think of on the spot and just say it.
i hope everything goes well for you x.lost_dayna
Participantthe father knows he not my boyfriend anymore…
at first he was happy now he is just everything but that..
parents arnt supporting me im living with my auntie but that is going well so maybe its for the best at the moment??
i am keeping the baby im against abortion as well!!!lost_dayna
Participantim staying with my auntie at the moment and where i am staying is fine so yeah where im staying is the lest of my worries at the moment.
Participantim not going to change anything it to late for that im just back to step one so worried. he is saying that i have to abort it im not going to… mum wasnt ready to talk so we had a meeting but it was with my auntie instead and yeah that didnt go too bad
Participantmmm yeah ive already made the mistake of getting my hopes up too high :(.
good luck with everything for you too x.lost_dayna
Participantyeah i dont know but the father has just pulled out so thats great im about ready to give up.
February 24, 2010 at 10:30 am in reply to: pregnant with bestfriends boyfriend what do i do?? #26572lost_dayna
Participantlost_dayna wrote:
[quote]Im had sex with my bestfriends boyfriend twice once about mid nov and second on the 6th of jan. I have recently took a test and it was positive but im still getting my period but its abnormal that runs in the family. I have told my mum and she told me to get my stuff and get out so at the moment im staying with a friend who doesnt know anything about the pregnancy. I told my bestfriend that i was pregnant i just didnt mention who to. we went to a family planning place and they told us to go to a place where they talk to youth about stuff like this and they have called my parents in for a meeting im really scared about everything and i dont know what to do who to tell??lost_dayna
Participantyeah im living with my auntie at the moment things a re going really well at this point :cheer:
Participantthose are awsome names how far along are you?
how old are you?
im 13 and not quite sure of weeks because i havnt been to the doctors but somewhere inbetween 9 and 15 weeks i think im at the upper end of that lol 😛lost_dayna
Participantyeah trust me everything turns better i never thought i would be faced with this im not one of those teens that try to get pregnant although iwasnt smart and did it anyway but im keeping the baby and ive told the father and my parents but now im staying with my auntie because mom cant even look at me.But everything is getting better i have actuall been really only happy but a week ago i couldnt fake smile i got diagnosed with depression when i was 12 1 month before my friend started to try kill herself and just so much was going on i ended up in the hospital i overdosed i was a complete mess im not crazy anymore i realised how close i came to death and now im just trying to make the most of life.
just make the most of your life anjoy and love everyone you love.
what doesnt kill you makes you stonger 🙂lost_dayna
Participanti have told the father and he was really good about it.
he broke up with my friend a week ago for me and she didnt tell me so i think she knows :(…
he wants me to move in with him so he can watch the progress of our baby so he wants to be involved :laugh:lost_dayna
Participanti am also pregnant 10 weeks i had a some pain got it checked out and it was all fine so i hope you and your baby will be fine how far along are you?