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  • in reply to: Help with baby names!! #23331

    i had a boys name prepared frm the first day i was pregnant – Thomas trevor
    but when it came to a girls name i was stuck, the middle name was ovbious – louise after my mam but i cusnt think of anything that felt right till we were watching the new rocky film and wondered why his wife wasnt in it lol so we googled it and her real name is Talia and we fell in love with it and when she was born it felt right to name her that =]

    in reply to: c-section or natural? #23330

    If you do need a c – section dont be scared, i had one and it was all fine. A wierd experiance actually, as if some one was doing the washing up in my tummy! lol its a long process to fully recover from one though, 3months before you are 100% back to normal and even after that you can still feel wierd but nothing is wrong.
    It is major surgery having one but worth it! and sometimes it cant be helped if its the best for you and your baby.

    let me kno if you want to know anything else _x

    in reply to: misuse of this site #23089

    i think the whole thing was actually about kids wanting kids on purpose, just for some one to love and other members encouraging it. i have seen it looking at other peoples spaces and people introduce themselves as ‘hi im ….. and im 14 an trying for a baby.’
    and people reply o great keep it up!
    how very wrong. this site helps alot o people who need it but people are on here that are looking to get themselves in trouble and think its ok to do so. I have a 14 year old sister and she is a child not a women. she shouldnt even be having sex let alone be trying for a baby and in my opinion no other child should be

    in reply to: pull out method… help #22945

    i dont mean to sound rude but if you think that using no protection and just pulling out is enough than i think you really need to stop having sex and read a book on the birds and the bees or sumit coz that is really irresponsible and niave. youl get yourself into serious trouble not just pregnancy but STD’s too …

    in reply to: misuse of this site #22856

    I think there is a massive difference to being 18 than there is to getting pregnant at 14. Maturity being a big factor. I see a 14 year old as a child them selves, 18 is a more prepared mind for a child in most cases. they have had the chance to be a kid whereas a 14 year old pregnant has pretty much lost that chance because they have HAD to grow up and mature alot faster than intended.

    in reply to: Depression? #20305

    I dont think you understand … this woman never ever leaves her bedroom, this morning my partner removed 6 plates 4 mugs and cutlery from her room dating back to 3 weeks ago and mould was actually growing on the plates – serious! no exaggertion.
    That is why it annoys me, the only reason she actually gets out of her rotton bed is to re-do something i have done despite never ever doing it originally of her own accord any other time.
    I obey her rules which are –

    there really are none because she has no standards of personal hygiene, she walks out of the house to the shops in a nightie without her hair even brushed and food stains all over her, its embarrasing which is why the new arguement that there is is that i no longer want her to care for my daughter full time as i go back to work and i am placing her in a creche instead.

    the problem is she is jealous that i have a relationship and a family and i look after them both and the home and cook. She cant stand that someone is looking after her precious little boy but at the end of the day he is 25 and no angel. Ive been to the docs and had something prescribed because i do have depression.

    in reply to: No daddy.. should i feel guilt!? #18507

    I think you are doing the right thing mental abuse is wrong but physical is dangerous. All you are doing is thinking of your child which is exactly what any decent mother would do!
    Dont feel guilty … i would be doing the same if i was in your position


    in reply to: Family?! #17992

    Thanks for all the advice 🙂 I have calmed down a bit since i wrote. His mam has now asked us to move in but i am gona tell her straight that if she really does want us there [us meaning not only me but my child] than she has to be totally honest and have no secrets and also that his Ex is to have no contact with my child as there is no reason for any!
    i just gota put it in words so that she doesnt kick off and change her mind about the move!

    in reply to: 7 months #17741

    I am getting grief too from people about the naming of my baby, i dont kno what i am having but it seems to center on a boys name. His family think i should be respectful to them and give it a name from their family and my family think the same so iv comprimised as i honetsly like both names using his familys name as its first and my family as its middle name so if its a boy he will be called – Thomas Trevor

    but no one seems all the bothered if its a girl what we call it. we have thought of girls names and theyv had opinions but i spose we will just see what feels right if its a girl.

    so try and do the compromise if u want to make everyone happy but remember it is your baby so first and overall choice is yours!!

    in reply to: age #17594

    i think by the way youv said you handle your kid you do a good job! people are just ageist, were either too young to be something or too old to be.
    Ignore the looks and the remarks, i get nasty comments because im pregnant and im 18.
    People judge and critisize because it makes them feel better about themselves. No one in a perfect parent no matter what their age.

    in reply to: My Daughter is dying… #17340

    your post made me actually cry, i am so sorry for you and wish you and your family all the best … my heart goes out to you <3

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