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  • in reply to: What did I do? #13151

    I think most people who have an abortion at one point or another regret it. weather it is remembering a due date a birthday or whatever…You need to be completely honest with your boyfriend and let him know how you are feeling. You might even need to look into some perfessional help (I did) and it really helped. I had an abortion when I was 16 and I regreted it from the moment I walked into the clinic but I cannot change what I did I just have to live with it and rememebr that my child that I aborted did nothing wrong…I am the one that should of thought before getting pregnant. And I constantly remember what I did but, with help from people who have been there it slowly but surly gets better…not easier but, better

    in reply to: pregnant? #13132

    A negative test doesn’t mean that you aren’t pregnant. When you go off the pill it can cause spotting. So what I would do is give it a week and take another test if it is negative too go see your doctor he can tell you for sure in just a few minutes if you are or not.
    Keep me posted

    in reply to: do u think i could be pregnant. #13125

    Don’t worry it will be ok…But truthfully I think you are pregnant. Go to the store, buy a test, if it is positive tell the bf, if neg. be more careful.

    keep me posted

    in reply to: stretch marks #13124

    I used St Ives with elastin the places I used it in I am strech mark free and the places i missed (because of that belly) were covered in them.


    in reply to: i dont know what to do #13123

    I truely feel your anguish… I know that this decision is not easy but what you need to remember, if you are pregnant, is this is a life growing inside of you and it didn’t ask to be born. You took that responsibility on yourself. It might be hard to raise a child and go to school but many many women have done it and done it well. Including myself.

    I posted a forum on here a few days ago which is my abortion story…it is called abortion changed my life. I think you need to read it. You need to remember how you felt after you aborted your first child. I am not trying to lecture you on what is right and what is wrong but I have been there. And now I have a beautiful daughter and my husband wanted me to abort her. I also am pregnant with a baby boy who my mom wanted me to abort but I am so happy that I decided to keep him because I couldn’t put another child through that, let alone myself.
    Good luck in all your decisions
    God loves you and your child

    in reply to: 1 week to my abortion. #13091

    My name is Kristen and I am writing this to help all the teenagers out there to get through a very tough point in their lives. I am now 24 happily married with a 3 year old and another one on the way…but when I was 16 my life took an unexpected turn…HERE IS MY STORY.

    I must say at 16 I was looking for that one thing to make me feel good about myself. I found it in sex. I didn’t care as long as a man wanted me, My father had left when I was 12 and NOW Isee that I reached out to men to fill that hole in my life. Around thanksgiving I found out I was pregnant. I hid it from everyone. The only person I told was the father. I wanted to keep the baby and I told him that. He made his decision, he left me. So I was all alone in a little girls body dealing with a very adult situation. And I was scared.

    One night, before Christmas, I sat down with my mom and let her know the truth. She was upset and the next day scheduled the event that would change my life and my views on abortion forever.

    After the first of the year I went to the clinic. I was so scared and so unsure why this was happening to me? I never in a million years had tought that I would be the girl who was having this unthinkable thing done to me and my child.

    At first the room was quiet then, all the other women waiting there seemed to start telling their stories of why they were there. One a single mom with three kids already, One a 14 year old little girl who had been victimized by her step father. One a middle aged woman who had 3 grown children and could not see raising any more. The last was me a teenager who had used bad judgement.

    We bonded that day in that little waiting room. Then MY name was called I was next.

    I walked in the operating room and I could feel was fear. I lay down on the table and said a little prayer for the child growing inside of me. I asked God th watch over my precious little one. And then all I could feel was pain. I remember squeezing the nurses hand and crying. They had told me it would take less than 5 minutes but it felt like a lifetime. And then it was over.
    So what have I learned? That I would NEVER do it again. That every childs life is a precious gift that should not be entered to lightly. And that I will always remember that little life growing inside me.

    Abortion is not always the answer.

    Remember all children and pray for them daily even those forgotten about by their parents

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/15 15:54

    in reply to: heavy cramps for 5 days #13084

    OK so here it is you might be but it is really tooooo early to find out. I knew I was pregnant days after it happened but the pregnancy wasn’t confirmed till weeks later. Give it a few weeks and take a test. Like if you have a 28 day cycle give it until Dec 4 and take a test in the mean time take it easy and just sit tight.

    in reply to: Is it a Symptom? #13083

    Give it a week and take another test. I found out 4 days after my missed period that I was pregnant but I had known for weeks that I was


    in reply to: Is it true? #13082

    Yes it is true.
    My breasts hurt so bad by the time I was a week along that I was sure I was pregnant even though the test didn’t confirm it until after my missed period that I was. So cheer up you might just be having a baby Oh yeah if you go to the doc they can do a blood test and tell you 100% if you are or not
    as soon as the day after conseption.


    in reply to: im pregnant and i dont no wat 2do? #13081

    It will be hard but there are programs like WIC through your local DHS(department of Human Services ) and LInk there is also alot of help for unwed mothers like help with your child care and things like that

    keep in contact on how you are doing


    in reply to: 6 weeks pregnant worried #13080

    Come on ladies how many of us have worried when we get pregnant that it is a tubal. Tubals do happen but it is like 1 in 10,000 pregnancies. So go get checked and don’t worry it will be okay.
    keep us informed

    in reply to: can you get pregnant after having your tubes tied. #13079

    WARNING: they should put a warning label on this procedure. it might say somthing like this kinda sorta reduces your chances of getting pregnant.

    I have 3 friends who have gotten pregnant after a tubal so I would go get checked


    in reply to: Am I pregnant? #13078

    Take a test it is better to know than to worry about it espececially if you are pregnant. All your signs andd symptoms point towards pregnancy so if you are congrats…

    in reply to: how 2 tell ur parents ur pregnant #13077

    Yes we all think our parents are going to disown us. And it does happen to some. Let them get over the shock and make sure you let them know how responsible you are going to be. Let me tell you I got pregnant by my boyfriend who my mother hates and threatened to kill if I ever got pregnant by and now she can’t be happier to be expecting her first grand son.

    Just take it easy..the stress is not good for the baby and keep us informed we may just be a forum group but we really do care


    in reply to: Please Help! #13076

    Possibly..somtimes women don’t miss periods all the way throughout their entire pregnancy (rare but it does happen)
    So what I would do is schedule an appointment with your Primary Care Doc and let them test you . If you are pregnant then congrats if mot it is okay too. Keep us informed


    in reply to: am i? #13075

    Well first of all if you are congrats…

    If your second test comes out positive then you need to find an OB/GYN doctor
    and schedule an appointment with them. On Your first apt. they will do another pregnancy test to verify your results and will either see you for your first baby doctor visit right then or tell you to come back for that.
    If you have any more questions drop me a line and hey take it easy just settle into being pregnant and take care of yourself


    in reply to: So Scared! #13073

    I have been in your shoes and I chose abortion and it was the biggest mistake of my life. I regret it daily because it wasn’t my choice so make sure this is what you want because once you do it there is no turning back and you will be stuck with your decision for the rest of your life.

    I am adopted and I know how many people out there want a baby so if nothing else give your child a "second chance" it might be the most adult thing you can do.

    One other option is to keep the baby I am a mother of one and have one on the way and motherhood is the best and hardest job there ever was. So don’t go into it lightly because it is a life long commitment

    If you have any questions feel free to contact me


    in reply to: LIFE GOES ON!!! #13072

    I love women like you. I am 24 and unexpectedly got pregnant ny my boyfriend. But you know what, I may of made the mistake by having unprotected sex and getting pregnant but this child I am pregnant has done nothing wrong.. and he is one of (my daughter being the other) greatest accomplishments of my life.


    in reply to: AND I CRY part 2 #13070

    I took a pregnancy test the day after my missed period and it showed that I was pregnant so…..if you took it as early as the day after your missed period it should be correct but remember those are only 99.9% accurate. So, either wait a week and take another one or go to your doctor and see if they will do a blood test to see if you are pregnant.


    in reply to: how can i make him get here? #13069

    My advice is just sit tight. You never know your due date may be off and he or she might not be ready to be born. If you are very sure that your EDD is correct then I have heard that having sex and having the man cum in you somtimes gets those contractions get started (it has to somthing to do with the sperm) but as I said your baby knows when it is time to come and if he or she doesn’t then your doc. might help you along with somthing like pitosin


    in reply to: abortion help #12973

    I would go see a doctor… That is the only thing that helped me.

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