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  • in reply to: Where do you go from here? #14255

    It really sounds like to me that you don’t want an abortion. I think you could be confused and thats normal in pregnancy, i think most girls/woman go through it.
    It sounds like your life is going well and you would make a lovely mother.
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    in reply to: anyone can do it. #14254

    Very good choice of words i say.
    It does get hard some days but its also amazing to watch the child that you brought into this world grow up and know that you did it!
    A child doesn’t have to have the best of everything to have a life, just try your best and that is enough.

    in reply to: My daughter is 3! #14253

    Happy Birthday little Princess! I hope you get lots of pressies….

    I know what you mean about if there was no kids in my life, i think my life would be worse off really. I couldn’t see myself without her now. She has made me mature more and realise what life is all about.

    in reply to: NEED Answers #14160

    It still seems a little early to do a test but you could give it a try and for a better result if its a negative and you feel icky then go for another retest. Thats what i would probably do anyways.Good Luck!!

    in reply to: could i be pregnant??? #14159

    Hmmm there is a possibility that u could be if you periods are always on time. If you took a pregnancy test no it ‘should’ show up accurate results. I hope all gos well for you. Keep us updated.

    in reply to: help #14066

    yep i would wait too

    in reply to: can I #14065

    It could be way too early to show up and give u a wrong reading. I know its hard to wait but do it for the best

    in reply to: My first appt. was BAD! #14064

    I would of asked him to mind his own business. When i went to the drs to get pregnant and find out why it wasn’t happening, the dr turned to me and asked if either of us worked. Its not up to him. If you know that u can support a baby then do it.
    Its not right that the dr couldn’t tell when your bubs is due.Thats their job. Maybe see if you can go and see someone else that will look after you.

    in reply to: 12 weeks and getting an abortion #14063

    i couldnt do it. Adoption would be the best way.That baby inside you is now a human…it has a heart and brain!
    I think by reading about how you said you feel about this child.If you had the abortion it would tear you apart…

    in reply to: YAY!!! #14062

    thanks for the website.Ive been all through the names on and got one page of sort of decent ones but not too many that i like…hmmm

    in reply to: Pregnant but no symptoms #13787

    Some girls dont even know they are pregnant til later on. I never had sickness with this pregnancy…. i had no suspicion i was pregnant until i got some clear discharge from my breast and missed periods but my cycle was never regular anyway.
    In some ways its good that u haven’t got all he bad symptoms….

    in reply to: bodily functions #13786

    Funny enough…i have noticed that u do get more gas during pregnancy.

    in reply to: BREAST CLEAR DISCHARGE #13785

    I had exactly the same thing as you one night after my shower when i squeezed the breast. I was 8wks 6 days then. I think the clear is the VERY start of the colostrum but without the milky in it.

    in reply to: I became strong. #13784

    I’m glad you made the right decision for your baby and didnt le the pressure from your boyfriend get the better of you!
    Good luck for a healthy and happy pregnancy!

    in reply to: blighted ovum and very depressed #13783

    I feel so sorry for you . It would be hard to see the screen and continue to watch ur tummy grow. I’ve never heard of that happening before but i pray that when the time is right, you will have a beautiful healthy little baby in your arms. I’m glad that you stood up to your boyfriend.

    in reply to: Dated a Rapist #13628

    It is hard to get away from someone when you still love them but you have to think of the future and the baby.You dont want to have your child bashed and bruised just because he is angry and its not good for you either.
    I hope you can get some help and get away from him before its too late.

    in reply to: preggo and alcoholic #13627

    Hmmm, its not a good situation you are in if you have no love for your baby and don’t even want it. But i do have to say good on you for not going for the abortion.
    Are you keeping this baby or are you giving him/her up for a loving family?

    in reply to: a life #13626

    Well said Girl……
    I’m glad someone out there is standing up and helping others change their descions.
    I would never ever get one done. Seeing a 9wk old on the screen is an almost fully developed baby and people still continue to have abortions up until 20wks into pregnancy 🙁

    in reply to: Hi, I’m new here #13625

    Adoption is also a good idea if you guys can afford another bub but at least the baby gets a life. Keep us posted if you are pregnant or not

    in reply to: 10 wks pregnant and I havent made my decision yet #13624

    He is a police officer and is demanding you get an abortion! hunny, if you dont want this DONT do it! I hate it when people tell others to abort and its not even what they want. Just think this 10wk old baby has a brain now and has arms and legs growing…i was amazed to see this baby of mine at 9wks and how formed it was…

    in reply to: Wat if i hurt my baby? #13623

    An animal is very different to a baby. You will realise that when bubs is here and i think most ppl think about the bad when they are pregnant such as whether they are going to be a good mum or not. Dont stress about it just enjoy the pregnancy!

    in reply to: Am I pregnant? HELP #13473

    Yeps definately do another test hun…

    in reply to: Am I pregnant? I need HELP! #13472

    I would do another test soon and if the symptoms till continue go to the drs

    in reply to: more scared than ever #13471

    AWW girl.You poor thing. Your man doesnt seem to have any respect for you or the kids, thats not nice at all.
    Is there any family support out there for you guys? Can you get help from a Support service for other baby things?
    I hope things go well for you and the kids and try not too stress too much coz that will bring on labour too.
    Keep us updated


    in reply to: Scared and Excited! #13470

    I would sit down and tell them straight out and how you guys are excited about the new arrival, there is no need to beat around the bush. I think 21 is old enough to have a kid so its not like you’re not old enough.

    Good Luck with the reveal…Keep us posted

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