Forum Replies Created
ParticipantUsually at the normal checkup scan at 18-20wks
ParticipantI think you got it down to a TEE!
Participantyou could possibly be having a little girl. Ive heard of ppl dreaming that they were pregnant and just to ease their mind they did a test and was positive. Your mind is amazing.
I had really horrible dreams while pregnant both times.kez_mummy_2_skye
Participanti know its hard but try to stay positive. I tried for what seemed ages but was 8mths after coming off the pill and nothing happened, my mum had to have fertility treatment to have me and i thought thats what id have to do so i saw a gyno to see what they could do, not to my knowledge i was actually pregnant then, lol! lucky they didnt start doing stuff.
It WILL happen when the time is rightkez_mummy_2_skye
Participanti never thought of it. My first was born at 19 and in my eyes i didnt feel too young, others saw it as being young i guess.
Participantyes i would say something too, just to voice your opinion. What sucks is that they should be happy that as a young mum you want to further your career as well as looking after a child.
Participantshe is gorgeous. Arent you glad you had her..
Participanti get what u mean with the picking on last names. Usually the kid takes the fathers last name but its up to the parents, OR you could have both names if its what u like. My maiden last name is Bush and you can imagine what kind of crap i copped at school. I couldnt wait to change mine when i got married:)
Participantyep the pics are now there. He is a big bubba, but healthy and thats the main thing. Before you know it he will lose the baby weight. Good to see he made it into ur arms. Love seeing a happy ending=)
ParticipantThats not good news. My prayers are with you and some hugs too!
Participantyou let ur own mum make YOUR decisions. Its too late now. I just dont understand how you could get the abortion after seeing your little baby and know the sex and even at that stage, if the baby was to be born at 22wks there still a good chance of survival. The poor little thing. I cant think of it.
Participantthere is no piccies of any bub, just 4 of bump and you guys
Participantthat is ridiculous…i take it by now he would be here but im in australia and one of my online friends had a huge baby and they knew that so they rescheduled the c-section back to an earlier date. Thats sort of what they should of done for you.
Participantcongrats… all these babies… 😛
Participantthats awesome news. Seems like he just had to have some time to sort himself out. You are exactly right. Be happy with what you have right now and just go with the flow.
ParticipantGlad to hear your not letting anyone tell you what to do now
Participantif you cant use protection and you also know your cycle. Dnt have sex when you are ovulating.
Participantyou always trust ur instincts and they are usually right. Ur right about stupid hosp, they should of given you an u/s to what was going on at least. Prayers are with you and i believe that things happen for a reason too. Hugs
ParticipantI just saw that site and what they do…Look at that picture nxt to the procedure… Thats what ur killing. I couldnt even read the rest of the procedure coz it makes me ill to think they can still do that.
ParticipantGlad what you chose! If you feel its right then it is right for YOU! I bet that when you have this little baby everyone that had the craps about the pregnancy wont leave you alone and ur parents will love their grandchild to bits.
Its true that ur life will never be the same BUT most ppl tell you that it will be for the worse which isnt the case most of the time, a baby brings joy to ur life and matures you, makes you realise what life is all about and in the end you can help others with ur story.
Participantum honestly probably is best telling your friends also. If they are ‘real’ friends they will support you. Getting out of the alcohol thing, tell them you dnt feel too well or something, its ur choice if you dnt want any anyways. Hope all goes well!
ParticipantAt least this gives some time to write up some responses i agree. She is the one trying to fight with you and she doesn’t even turn up.pfft! At least that goes against her. Dont fear you will win this!
Participantfirst of all congrats to you on the pregnancy. Thats gotta be hard to deal with having a mother think of you like that, her own flesh and blood.
I’m glad you have ppl that will support you with ur decision to keep bubz. She sounds like a sweet lady and at least she isnt one of those that is ramming it down ur throat to get rid of it. Great news, im happy for you!With your boyfriend, i reckon deep down he is happy he might be one of those guys that doesn’t show it….? maybe let him rest on it and he will hopefully be as excited as you. Dont let that "commit suicide" statement get to you, obviously those friends know him better and he said it out of the spare of the moment thing.
With this story i think things will turn out perfect for you:)
Good luck with the pregnancy and keep us updated. Love to hear what happens with you guysKez
Participantdnt let other ppl tell you that you cant do this etc etc. When i had my kids most of my friends dumped me and only see them once every so often but at least i know sort of where i stood and if they are ur REAL friends they will stick by you no matter what. I’m glad you didnt let ur boyfriend take control and do what he said.
Participantif there is 2 opinions then id get a third just to be sure. I was told i had kidney problems and then another dr said no i didnt.