Forum Replies Created
Participantyou technically CAN concieve at anytime but your "Window" is the exact middle of your cycle, up to 2 days. thats for the best chances. either way, 8 days before 28 or 33 day cycles is not the middle. so, rather unlikely that it may be, it is not impossible!
Participantyou might be pregnant. i spotted weeks after i found out i was pregnant and cramped, but the dr said it just happens in some pregnancies. and with every pregnancy, subsequent even, it varies a lot. it’s still too early to show on a test so wait until you are a few days late for the best results. good luck with expanding the family!
Participantfirst response can do up to 5 days but anything before your missed date isnt going to be as accurate. but now that youre late- anything should work! good luck!
Participantyoure late, but how late? its best to take a test a few days after youre late. i know youre afraid to but do you really want to wait in anticipation if by chance your period isnt coming? good luck! i hope the result is what you want!
Participantyou could just be late. you could wait but the best way to tell is a blood test from your doctor!
Participanti’m pretty sure they arent cramps like youd normally get- that is if you are pregnant now. Still, i had some weird pains but some people’s pregnancies can be out of wack anyway! I still can tell when i’d be about to start my period if i werent pregnant (im 6 1/2 months) b/c i get all icky and cramp a little. you might should see a dr though! best of luck babe!
ParticipantHey babe-
I think you’ve come to the right place. So many girls here have been through what you’re going through now. I was 16 when I got pregnant too. I just turned 17 and I’ll be 28 weeks on the 20th. We don’t ever expect these things to happen to us but obviously, it happens quite frequently. You said that you are worried about finishing highschool. Most schools are required to offer a "home-bound program." That is what I’m going to after I have the baby and then I’ll go back to my senior year. You can use it for a few months and then return to school when possible. You could go to an "alternative" high school or even do another home program like Faith Academy. I’m getting a lot of help from my family and maybe your family is really supportive too? If not, a lot of the "alternative" schools have daycare there. For college maybe your boyfriend could watch the baby while you do schooling or you could do online courses. There are sooo many possibilities! Are lives are far from over! We can still do all of the things we wanted if we put our minds to it! You seem like such a smart girl! I think that you are going to do very well. We just have to be mature about everything. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years (he was my first kiss). He’s been my only one, so I’ve always been a "good girl" boy-wise and in school as well. Still, my dad was sooo furious. Parents can sometimes do the thing they think is safest in this situation and take you away from eachother. But, don’t be discouraged because they are parents and they know the effort needed on both sides to make everything work out for the baby. As far as rights- we don’t really have any more than we did. You control what happens to your baby though. Lots of people will tell you to get emancipated. However, thats just really not the way to make it into the best situation. You lose any support you had from your family. I think your boyfriend will be fine too. Just don’t hold so tight that you suffocate him. Don’t let yourself be a doormat but just let him live a little because he sees this as the end of the world pretty much (lol) whether he says it or not. But they get to be fine.
I think you are going to do wonderfully! Keep faith! You have a new life to take care of, someone that is going to love you no matter what! Its a wonderful time! Congrats! let me know if you ever need to talk! (just stop by my profile on here)~kailey
Participantthanks for the encouragement! and cograts on being pregnant again. im having a girl too (dec.13th). i bet youre excited because now youll have a little girl to dress up and everything!
Participantthere is actually only a 1 to 2 day window in which most girls/ women can get pregnant which makes it all the more surprising so many do without planning it! if your cycle is about 28 days your "window" should be the middle days. although you can technically get pregnant at anytime those days are going to be the best chance! so its probably unlikely but definately still possible. and actually, women who concentrate too much on thinking they are pregnant can begin to convince their bodies in certain ways that they are- it can even make your period late, increase appetite, and more noticeable soreness. good luck!
Participantyeaup thats right- it cant all stay in there! but it wont all come out. there are billions of sperm in every ejaculation so a lot of them stay inside. and just that little bit is what can make the difference which is why you can even get pregnant off of pre-cum. dont worry though until you have to! it happens to soooo many girls.
Participantmy friend is pregnant too- shes a month behind me so shes almost 22 weeks i would guess. she was like 5’1" and 96lbs before she was pregnant and shes gained about the same as you maybe a couple more lbs. her doctor was angry and she just thought that would make her have a healthier baby. But- youre not adding weight to your baby as much as youd like to think- youre just putting a lot of extra stress on your body that wont be the same as that which goes away after the baby is born. underweight girls do gain more but should not do so, so quickly. too much of any kind of food can be unhealthy. also chinese food is one of the worst things for a pregnant girl. it has sooo much sodium and most places still use chemicals (MSG) in the food and it has been proven to be harmful during pregnancy. Just try cutting down a little on everything and you should be fine! good luck babe!
Participantits common to show so early in girls who were small before they got pregnant. the twinges are probably your tummy growing- you wont feel the baby for awhile- most likely a few months and you wont feel Braxton Hicks for a good while either. good luck babe!
ParticipantIn most states in the US you have to be 18 to legally move out or make decisions on your own. If you leave before the state’s legal age then your parents can by police or court force make you come home. So, if they want you to go somewhere else then legally you have to go until you are of legal age. Being a teen mom doesnt give you any more rights in a court, it just makes your parents’ case better. If they wanted to, they could just as easily take out a restraining order on the dad. Give them some time and they will probably come around because a child always needs a daddy. good luck!
Participantthe earliest detector is the First Response test and it can tell up to 5 days before a missed period but may not be accurate even then. The best time to test is after your missed period and you still have over a week. your levels will probably be too low for another week or so. as anxious as you are, i reccommend waiting for any accurate results. best of luck
ParticipantHey girl-
its great that you have good support even if it is just from one side. your parents will probably come around in time. my dad fReAkEd and he’s fine now. about what to expect- everyone has different symptoms. maybe you’ll be missed by morning sickness and even if you get it a some girls dont get it bad. at 7 weeks you may not have any or many symptoms- most teen girls dont start showing until farther along but its diff for everyone. MAKE SURE YOU SEE A DOCTOR SOON! they can tell you everything! Money wise- it takes a whooole lot of money for a baby. you have to get basic needs and all- do you have a place for you guys to stay? just wait out for your parents b/c they love you no matter what and no matter what they say they are going to want to be part of their grandchild and daughter’s life. good luck girl and lots of love!Kaileyamanda
Participantyou may have bled because you were a virgin even if you didnt go all the way it still can be sensitive. so many girls dont have a hymen because it’s ruptured at birth and just remains a small fold until its broken through so a lot of girls wont bleed at all or a lot. But i was in a situation where i thought i didnt go all the way but it was just far enough. It was painful for a few weeks after and i bled a little, plus it made my period late but thats normal- even if you swear up and down it wasnt far enough it was a change for your body.
Participanthey! my preganancy journal says something about that. it says that the cause is unknown but if you elevate your legs and massage your hands then it should help! hope it works for you!
Participanthey girl-
a lot of times it’s too early to test before you’re actually late. since your last test was 2 weeks ago and now youre 2 weeks late- it’s probably a perfect time to take another test. but if you are positive, you will have to go to the doctor. im 16 and i went to a dr after i took a test and it was positive and they kept it confidential. you could go to a clinic if you like, though it wont sub for a dr if you are positive. when i found out i was pregnant i was very sick, and not from morning sickness, just sick. maybe you could just see a doctor for that but be careful what you take!! best of luck!
Participanthey girl-
I’ll be 21 weeks on the 2nd and i just started showing and i was average before i got pregnant. on the other hand, my friend was a tiny 96 lbs before she got pregnant and she started showing a little at close to 3 months. It varies but you shouldnt start showing too early because the baby isnt too big. Do you think you are preganant or do you know for sure?Kaileyamanda
ParticipantPregnancy has a variety of symptoms to start out. you count from the 1st day of your last period. i am confused about the other question… sorry, but if you want to know if the sperm traveled through you theres really not a way to tell unless youre pregnant and then i would have to guess that it did. some girls feel morning sickness first, some dont have it at all, some are really tired, or sensitive breasts, or lots of things! its best to not worry and wait until youre late to test.
Participanti know that it sounds overly simple but you just have to tell her. do it calmly and take responsibility for your actions. your mom may be "mean" but she really loves you. my dad has always told me that i had better never have sex before marriage so when i told him he was verrrrry angry and yelled for a looong time. but i took it all in and told him yes i went against his rules but it was too late to go back and i needed him to be with me because he’s my dad. your mother will be upset because she loves you and she sees things change for you now in a more negative light but she will be there because she loves you- it just takes time. dont argue that what you did was justified or the fact that you love your boyfriend, that doesnt help (trust me the 3 yrs. i have with mine was not a good point in this argument esp b/c im 16). let her be angry and yell and cry. let your boyfriend "sit on the bench" until things calm down because parents tend to realize quickly how much you will need help and how any child needs a father. key point- TiMe!! i KNOW its hard i really do but you havta tell her and theres no way worth facing around the consequences. good luck!!! let me know if you ever need anything. things get hard and i dont know if youre religious or not but one thing that has helped me tremendously is when someone told me "we all make mistakes, lots of them, but God doesn’t. So, this baby cant be a mistake." your baby has a purpose and now you have even more of one to bring life into the world and help your child be all they can!! 😉
kailey -