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  • in reply to: Should I Take A Test? #18915

    thanks for everybodys response 🙂 means alot im going to take a pregnancy test as soon as ive got one, in the next few days hopefully!!

    i will keep you updated

    in reply to: advice plz think im pregnant #18885

    yeah it could be possible that your pregnant, but the best way to find out is to take a pregnancy test, that way it will tell you if you are or not!! and will ease your mind alot more!

    in reply to: My Story #18338

    i read your story and all i can say is CONGRATULATIONS !!!

    im so happy for you, you are lucky not many girls get it this easy

    in reply to: need advice #18337

    i agree with the moderater sweetie… you are on the stand up girl website so stand up for what you want. i fell pregnant 3 month before i turned 16. i knew how hard it was going to be for me to keep this baby but i could not kill it i couldnt do it. but its up to you.. i dont have a job and the father of my baby did not have a job my parents both dissagreed and concluded straight to an abortion saying i had the rest of my life, all i said was… this is my life, this baby is my life. unfortunatly i had a misscarriage but if i still had that baby now i would not have had an abortion…. you can do it !! it isnt impossible, nothing is impossible… think of it as each day comes.. youve got your aunt right?? im sure she will help you till the baby is a few month/years and you can get yourself a job money to support this baby. just follow your heart if you want this baby… your boyfriend or father of the baby is 20.. he can get a job .. ask him to get a job to support your baby.

    in reply to: my girlfrind is preg #18286

    First thing i have to say is Congratulations… do not let anybody persuade you into not having this baby… an abortion is a cruel way but miss carraige is worse. i had a misscarriage 2 weeks ago.. worst thing that happened… i suffered depression the lot.. i would have done anything for this baby.. you should stand tall and be a proud man that you are sticking with your girl and her baby because believe me i rekon all the girls on this site are proud that one more boy has stuck with there girl when shes fell pregnant… remember its YOUR decision for this baby… do NOT let anybody else make it.

    in reply to: + PREGNANT! #18285

    good luck hunnie !! fingers crossed !!

    in reply to: Needing advice #18284

    if you take this DNA test it solves everything and yous are all okay again but if not hell will kick loose.. will your boyfriend think u have got something to hide if u dont take it?? for your benefit i would take the test and just let it go in the past… his mother is probably be just worried and shocked that her little boy is growing up and going to be a daddy!! so personally i would take the test to make everything okay again and you will regain trust once more..

    and if you feel uncomfortable that your boyfriend did not defend you, ask him why he didnt.. and he will have a reasonable such as the girls said below he is probably scared of his mums reactions and just lets her get on with what she wants. hope this helped..

    in reply to: miscarriage? #18243

    i agree i think you should just go to the drs and get it checked up.. it might have been a tablet or something effecting your periods… idk… check with your dr ASAP!!

    in reply to: help!! #18179

    Hello !!

    ive read your story and i think it was strong of you to keep your baby as it deserves a life… why dont you try and talk things over with your mam… tell her its the right thing to do and you couldnt kill your baby and ask her what she would do if she was in your shoes.. put things in perspective for her. tell her as soon as the babys born you will look for your own place but you just need a place to stay for a while till you have a stable amount of money.. tell her that you really need her right now.. have you no other family to go to or friends?? maybe you could live with them for a while ? hope this helps and please keep me updated on the news.. thanks.

    in reply to: what is it?? #18178

    Hello !!

    Eventually!! ive found somebody in the same position as me although i was 3 months along with a baby until i thought i had lost it…

    but i think well know i have lost it as i come on my periods this month extremely heavy and clots occured

    have you came on your period yet?

    i kept taking pregnancy tests as i did not want to let my self believe that i had lost my precious baby.

    why dont you take another pregnancy test and if you are still 100% sure you think you are pregnant go to the drs and have them take out a pregnancy test just so you know for sure. you cant let your mind play tricks really

    hope this helps and please reply with further information if you have any 🙂 thanks.

    in reply to: please reply! #18176

    heya.. after reading this i dont think that there is a high percentage that you could be pregnant… but just to check why dont you take a pregnancy test? this should settle your mind !

    in reply to: could i be pregnant? #18175

    i agree with the girls.. take a pregnancy test and put your mind at rest but make sure you update us with the news !

    in reply to: pregnant? #18150

    i think you could be pregnant !!

    also i think you should take a pregnancy test just so you know for definate and put your mind to rest

    once this is done you can go to the doctors if the test shows positive 🙂

    in reply to: So confused #18070

    Hey.. read your story and when i first found out i was pregnant i took a pregnancy test and it showed up negative, i took another pregnancy test and it showed up positve.. maybe you should take another pregnancy test just to make sure. and still if that one shows negative go to the doctors if you still feel you are pregnant just to ease your mind.. even if your sister is pregnant i think if you want to keep this baby you should and she will understand also.. i dont think it will take the exitement away it will just bring more. your boyfriend now seems like a nice and understand person also, so once you find out you are pregnant and want to keep it you should ask him if he agrees on keeping the baby 😀 xx

    in reply to: Could I be PREGO? #17642

    i think you could be, and you should take a test to ensure as i was like that and i found out i was preg.. i think u should wait till u no for definit, just incase it causes hassle between you both and then you find out you are not even pregnant.

    in reply to: I ned help #17630

    Hey.. i am still like that with and im 12 weeks. so i think you could be.. my periods were normally heavy and 7-8 days.. now they are 3-4 days or less and light.. and have you seen my bump now lol ?? it made me believe i was so i took a test and it showed negative, i took a second test and it showed positive, so i think you could be, but to be sure i would suggest taking a test !!

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