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ParticipantThanks for all the stories and advice everybody! I went to the doctor yesterday morning and had the ultrasound and NST. Everything is looking good and reassuring….. except my cervix STILL isnt opening, not even a little bit! So I’ll most likely have to have labor induced this friday. wish me luck! :cheer:
ParticipantWHEE!!!! Congrats!!! 😛
ParticipantIm about 8 months and my family isnt exactly supportive. But my bf is, hes so excited he wants to tell the whole world. lol. My mom tried pressuring me into naming the baby after a saint b/c shes rly religious and insisted that I use a saints name. But me and my bf picked one out ourselves. If you’re not happy with the baby’s name then whats the point? its YOUR and your bfs baby! no one elses!! It should be up to you and ur bf only. Your family might be upset over it now but they’ll eventually get over it and who’s more important to please? ur family or your child, yourself, and ur boyfriend? good luck!
ParticipantI have VERY strict catholic parents. They were rly upset wen they found out I was pregnant and grounded me for at least 4 months (until the baby is born) from my bf. I cant even call him. Except I see him at skool so there is that. I rly hope ur parents take it better than mine. Good luck!
Participantcondoms arent 100% effective. so maybe.
Participantyea I agree. Tell your parents as soon as possible. Even tho its scary its safest for the baby. I didnt tell my parents until I was 5 months along and I missed a ton of prenatal screening that would have been able to monitor the baby so now I’m a sorta high-risk pregnancy b/c they havnt been able to monitor my baby. In addition I think if ur under 17 its also a high risk pregnancy just b/c of ur age. Definetly get some care and tell ur parents.
ParticipantI rly dont know but where I live I guess that would be seen as a runaway situtaion and if I did it I’d end up at "the shelter" Definetly seek out some legal advise before trying it. I agree tho that they wont take u to your dad if you tell them you’re afraid of him hurting you. Best of Luck!
ParticipantI see that you posted that awhile ago….wat happened? My dad found out when me and my mom did b/c i was at the doctor and my mom called and told him. He was upset but supportive.
ParticipantOmigosh I’m so excited, my name’s Alayna too and I’m 17 and pregnant. Buuuuut thats about where the similarities end. I know how you feel, about being alone and depressed. When I first found this website I was like "omygosh all these poor girls that get beat and got raped and got kicked out of their houses and omygosh i dont have it as bad as I thot I did" I found out I was pregnant when I went into the hospital for a kidney infection. I found out I was already 5 months along! Of course I had suspected but tried to hide it as long as possible to avoid my parents reactions. My parents were super beyond dissapointed and my dad was rly mad and my brothers and my dad all wanna go kill my boyfriend but I dont see why b/c it takes two ya kno? My family supports me financially and kinda-sorta supports me emotionally tho they’re all still mad at me. My boyfriend’s family on the other hand is extreamly supportive and has opened their homes to me should I need it. But the other night I was just sitting on the computer rly depressed. I was trying to figure out if I wanted to give the baby up for adoption or if I wanted to try and keep it and I was getting absolutely nowhere. I was feeling so bad that I was seriously considering suicide for awhile. I’m grounded from my bf and I cant talk to him at all (except I see him at school) so I rly didnt have anyone to share how I felt with and I was just feeling rly down. So I went on google and typed in ‘online teenage mother support groups’ and found this website. It made me feel sooooooo much better to know that I wasnt alone. And it helped me make my decision, I decided after reading about all the girls that were in such worse situatons than me that mine wasnt so bad and that I wanted to keep the baby. I’m rly glad that you at least know where you want to go in life and know how to get there. I have no idea where I want to go or wat I want to be…I’m good at englsih and art. Thats it. Well, I just spilled my whole story to you I guess whether u wanted to hear it or not. I just got rly excited b/c we have the same name tho spelt differently and we’re both 17….*laughs* oh well. I’m crazy. Hope everything works out for the best for you and ur bf and the baby!! Keep hold of your dreams no matter what! ~Alayna
ParticipantI’ve nvr had contractions so I’m not an expert or anything but from what I’ve read it ses that ur stomach gets hard and the pain starts in ur lower back and moves around to the stomach. Good luck!
ParticipantI feel exactly like that except for the bf part.
Participantyes sperm can survive for 6 days actually but they need to fertalize the egg within 12 to 24 hours I think it is. I just found out i’m pregnant and got a book from the hospital on such things. So idk it all depends I guess tho i wouldnt see it as very likely.
ParticipantI wasnt sure if I was pregnant or not so I never said anything and never got a test. At the beginning of this month I got rly super sick and ended up going to the hospital for a bladder infection (common during pregnancy) that had advanced into a kidney and then blood infection. It bordered on kidney failure. I also felt nauseous and headachy/moody at the very beginning of my pregnancy. I’d say wait b/c it’ll only be your 2nd month if u are and b/c ur next period would happen soon if it were to happen. But then if it doesnt come get a test right away. I found out that there’s a lot of screening and such that takes place in early pregnancy and I missed it b/c I didnt find out until i was 5 months along. Good luck!
Participantwow triplets! (I’m 17 and pregnant too) I’m soooooo super glad that you arent going to have an abortion. Even if your sister isnt a mom, sisters are valuble. I have a sister who’s 2 yrs younger than me and we are best friends. Maybe look into adoption?