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  • in reply to: Odd thought #20469

    I think about that too! Kind of like, just wonder in awe at how this little person came out of me, how he actually LIVED inside my belly for nine months, and that it was a pure miracle that he even came to be. God has plans for us, girl, he knew we were meant to be mothers. And it’s so awesome already, isn’t it??

    in reply to: IUC but could i be preg/ovulating? #19941

    You could be pregnant, but it’s highly unlikely w/ the mirena. I got it put in back in September, and my period has been rediculous since then, all over the place. It’s finally getting back on track (hopefully will go away completely, one of the wonderful side effects of mirena! haha) but I had spotting like you described for about 2 1/2 months after insertion. Keep in mind that your period can be doing very strange things until your body is completely used to the mirena.

    in reply to: pregnant but bf want abortion. #18174

    It is YOUR decision that will affect your life and yours alone. Do not make it based on anyone else. I was told to have an abortion by my ex bf….I almost caved when he left me but I didn’t, and I’m glad I didn’t, not only because it has always been against my personal beliefs, but being a mother is such a wonderful thing! Please choose what YOU really want to do, because there is no going back sweetie. Good luck and God bless.


    in reply to: It should hurt but it doesnt #17227

    I am sooo proud of you sweets. It is hard to say goodbye, especially when you have loved and are pregnant with his child. I too went throuigh the same emotional abuse (no physical though, I’m so glad you got out of that) with my son’s father. Although he never apologized and acted sorry like your son’s biological father did, he always said he had nothing to be sorry for and made me feel like I caused all the problems and everything was my fault. And you are right, to the women out there dealing w/ relationships like ths, he won’t change. You’ll keep thinking that if you do this, if only YOU could be better for him, then he’ll love you more. But it’s NOT your fault!!! God loves you, and so does your family and they don’t want to see you to continually be abused by such a cowardly man. Steph, you and I are raising the next generation of gentlemen, our sons will know what is right, and will act on it. We will raise them right, and all of you others out there will too, and the women of the future will not experience the heartache we have, because the men will be MEN, not children.

    in reply to: Losing Everything you ever worked for #17070

    Hey huni, sounds like you’re having a rough time.
    I know the feeling of just falling apart, and feeling like you’re going crazy. All you can do is pray, and try to be strong. God will give you strength to get through this, and you WILL be able to be a great mother to your children.
    Some advice…I don’t know if you have ever talked to a counselor or therapist or anything, but I believe they are of great help. It just gives you another person’s perspective, someone on the outside, and their job is to help YOU. I have been in counseling since before my son was born, and my counselor is kind of like a good friend of mine now, I almost look forward to the days we get to talk. And if you are sill having trouble coming out of your depression and hopelessness…there is no problem with getting an antidepressant to help, if your doctor thinks it would be ok. They can work wonders. Good luck, and get back to me if you need ANYTHING at all!! We love you here, and I’ll be praying for you.

    in reply to: beyond the stats #15855

    Yes, you MOST DEFINITELY can get pregnant on birth control. On ANY type of birth control. It is not fool-proof. The only thing that is, which I’m sure you’ve heard countless times, is abstinence.

    in reply to: My Now Ex Tried to Kill Our Unborn Child #15471

    Hey girl, I hope you are feeling ok. I encourage you to keep your baby!!! You sound like you really do want to be a good mother to him/her, and that abortion is not something you feel is right for you. I think that even for people who are "sure" they want an abortion, the emotional repurcussions can be severe, so for someone who doesn’t really want to go through with abortion to have one would be so much more excruciating. And you are right, things do happen for a reason. I am 20, and am going to be a single mother in a couple of weeks. My ex left because he didn’t want to be a father and couldn’t get me to agree to abortion. He too was abusive (although emotionally, not physically) and also an alcoholic. We can make it, you and I, and our children too!! Good luck and God bless.

    in reply to: #14803

    I know this is a scary thing. But do you really think that aborting your child will make things better? If you really think that you cannot be a mother yet, then save your child for someone else who badly wants to be a parent and for some reason or another can’t have children of their own. I fear that if you abort your baby, there will be extreme emotional repurcussions, not to mention the physical damage that can happen from abortions. Please talk to someone close to you about this, or get back with me if you want to talk. Abortion may seem like the easy way out, but nothing can erase the life inside you. And if you did decide to keep your baby and parent instead of putting him/her up for adoption, you could make it through school. It is NOT impossible. It may be rough, yes, but not impossible. Good luck to you, and please think before you take the "easy" way out. Love and God bless.

    in reply to: School or Baby? #14743

    Do both!!! I am 20, and am in the 8th month of my pregnancy and still working on my bachelors. The father is gone, we were "perfect" together until baby made three, so it’s just me and baby. But I encourage you to have your baby and go to school. You sound like you really do want to keep your baby. I too have a family apartment on campus, which make things easier, and will take my son to daycare once he is old enough. I am currently full time, and I will deliver in the middle of the semester. I’ve talked to my professors, and they all are willing to work with me. I only had to drop one class because the prof did not want to work something out. People really will work with you, the world can’t punish you for having children! Children are amazing and wonderful. And financially, there are a lot of programs that can help you so that you will be able to make ends meet while raising your baby and continuing with school. Best of luck, and keep me updated dear 🙂

    in reply to: What should I do? #14670

    I just want to say that I understand that you are still upset with your bf over the things he said to you and the way he acted in the beginning of the pregnancy, but give him some credit. He came back to you, he apologized and realized the error of his previous ways. My son’s father has been acting the way your bf acted my entire pregnancy, and he left us when i was only about 2 1/2 months along. I do not have hopes of him coming back, he has turned into a monster 🙁 But it sounds like your baby’s father is really trying, and that he really wants to be there. Men don’t understand what to do in these situations, and it really is just a great thing that he came around so quickly.Try explaining to him how you still feel about things. And if nothing else, just go on with your life and make things wonderful for your baby! Count your blessings darling, and good luck with everything.

    in reply to: A bunch of questions for anyone open to answering! #14374

    Lots of good questions, I’m glad you’re ready to start planning for your little one!
    If you live in the U.S. one program that I highly reccomend is WIC (women, infants, and children). I’m sure other places have something similar, I just wouldn’t know what they call it there. But this program is a nutrition program, and you get vouchers for free specific nutritious foods while you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding, and if you choose to formula feed, once your baby is born you sign him/her up with the program and you will get vouchers for free formula, baby cereal, and baby juice. You will get grocerey benefits until 6 months post-partum, and once your baby is 13 months old he/she will get vouchers for solid food until age 5.

    You can also get government help for day care. You will have to fill out forms but once they go through you can get drastically reduced prices for daycare. To get these forms go to your county’s job and family services center.

    You will also want to look into food stamps and medicaid or healty start for your little one (and yourself) which can also be done at job and family services.

    As for school, I encourage you to try and continue with it. My baby is due in 2 months, and I will be continuing with my degree (I’m a sophomore in university) through the last part of my pregnancy and once he is born. A lot of colleges have family housing, which is where I am living. They are apartments that are for students with families, and usually utilities (including cable and internet, woohoo!) are included in your monthly rent. Sometimes they will even provide furniture. You should definitely be able to get government aid for your tuition if not for your housing once you state on your fafsa that you have a dependent. Most single parents in school I know have basically gotten their tuiton completely covered, which is a great help.

    check out consignment and resale shops for used baby furniture or clothes, such as Once Upon a Child.

    Good luck, and let me know if you need anything!!

    in reply to: dumped #13656

    Girl, I am sorry. Being pregnant and left by the person you thought you could trust feels like the worst betrayal, I know. I wish you the best of luck, and I know you are strong, you made a strong decision by deciding to have that baby 🙂 I’m sure you’ve already heard it, but there’s still time. Things may change with him, he may realize what a wonderful thing he’s missing out on. And if he doesn’t, well then I guess he’s just not such a great person. But I know that’s hard to accept and come to terms with, I’m still dealing with it, who knows what will happen or if I will get over it, but I’ve just got to get through these next 3 1/2 months and get ready for my boy. And I know you can get through it too. I hope you find peace of mind, and God bless you. If you ever need anything, hit me up. <3 Jaz

    in reply to: Dated a Rapist #13564

    baby girl, you stand up for what you believe in!! If you want to keep your baby, there are ways to get help. And no, you are not crazy for loving this guy. We don’t choose who we love, and it just shows that you are a caring and forgiving person to be able to love him and look past all that he’s doing to you. But that doesn’t mean you should stay with him. If he’s hurting you, and using sex against you, I encourage you to GET OUT! I know it hurts your heart and that you are afraid to miss him, but if he won’t let you save your baby’s life, he won’t let you save your own. I don’t know if you have a close relative or friend that could help you, but I would start there. And if you are continuing to get hurt, go to the police. They are there to help you, and they can arrest him if he is doing this to you. Good luck and God bless you.

    in reply to: 1 week to my abortion. #12968

    honey, if it is something you are questioning, then don’t do it. go with your gut. I am also 20 and in college, now 5 mos. pregnant w/ a little boy. I myself had considered abortion, even though I never really wanted to do it. But I’m glad I didn’t. I know it’s going to be tough, but my baby boy will be worth it. I know you can do it too. You seem like you have your head on straight, even though I know you’re probably questioning if you’re going crazy or not right now. Don’t worry, that’s normal. I still think I’m going crazy sometimes haha, pregnancy just does that to you I guess. But I strongly urge you to look into your options. Even if you can’t raise your baby, there is adoption. Even for women that are sure they want to go the route of abortion, there are regrets, so to go through with it and not even know if it’s what you really want, well that would just be heartbreaking. I know you have to make your own decision, but let me know if you would like to talk. Good luck to you and God bless. <3 Jaz (aka FrancesBeanMommy)

    in reply to: can’t feel him move!! #12961

    Well guess what ladies? I’m 21 weeks now and I’m feeling my baby boy move quite frequently now! You all were right, it was nothing to worry about. It’s just neat feeling him move now, and it makes me laugh when he kicks lol. Thanks for all the input and good luck to you all!

    in reply to: can’t feel him move!! #12506

    Thanks for all your input and advice ladies. I feel a little better, I guess everyone is different on this one. Hopefully I’ll be feeling something soon though. God bless you all!

    in reply to: going too far #12464

    Hey girl. That’s great that you and your bf have both decided to wait on having sex. Sex can complicate things immensely, even when you are in love. I think that you and your boyfriend should try to have a talk sometime, when you are both calm, and try to set some boundaries. Like,….ok if this starts to happen, we’ll do this, etc. It’s good to know where you and each other stand.

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/24 01:24

    in reply to: worried #12463

    Hey, have you tried putting anything on your stretch marks? They may not go away completely now, but if you start treating them now, they’ll fade better after you have your baby. I don’t have any on my belly yet, but my breasts are covered with them, I know it’s kind of depressing. But I got this stuff called Tummy Butter, it’s made especially for stretch marks. If you go to a drug store or Walmart you should be able to find a lot of things for stretch marks, the standard thing people use is cocoa butter. Good luck, and don’t worry too much!

    in reply to: deperately need help #12308

    Hey girl. Sometimes all you can do is pray. I too have been abandoned/betrayed by my baby’s father, he was and still is the love of my life. But I still have 4 1/2 months until my baby boy is brought into this world, and I will keep praying that something will change, and that he will come around. If you know in your heart that you cannot get an abortion, don’t do it. I’ve personally never had one, but have heard so many stories of girls who wish they hadn’t. If you want to be a mommy to your baby, then you can do it. Of course it won’t be the easiest if the father is still behaving so badly toward you once the baby arrives, but you’ll love that baby so much you won’t know what you did without him/her. And if you don’t think you can be a mother yet, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with adoption. You can even pick the parents yourself, and keep it open if you would like to know what’s going on in your child’s life!
    As for your question about financial things, well there are people/places that can help. I’m not sure how things are at your home in New Zealand, but in the United States there are all sorts of programs that help young mothers, from WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) to the Healthy Start Program, as well as numerous state and locally funded programs. If you decide to keep your baby, do some research, find out what is available to you, and get what you can! These programs are designed to help you get on your feet so that you can get out on your own and provide for yourself and your child. And no matter what happens with the father of the baby, don’t you think for one minute that he can just run away and forget it all. You make sure you get child support. Good luck, and get at me if you ever want to talk.

    in reply to: Hello! #11772

    Hi Amanda! Your story is encouraging, as I am currently a sophomore in college, and I’m due on the first day of my spring qtr, in March. I plan on living in the town my school is in year round now so that I can take summer classes and finish as soon as possible. But I’m worried that I won’t be able to find child care while I’m in classes and working, or that I’ll be a bad mom if I have to put my baby in daycare when s/he is just an infant. How did you manage to get everything done while you were in school? *Jaz*

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