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  • in reply to: i’m only 13…..please help. #24355

    I agree with everything Meg has said, she is right and you should listen to her. Abortion is MURDER no matter what anyone says. Please talk to someone you trust, and if you are pregnant please dont punish your baby for merely existing. its not the childs fault you had unprotected sex at such a young age. please think about abstaining from sex after this, because abortion should not be used as a type of birth control. it is wrong and you will regret it for the rest of your life.

    in reply to: heyy #24354

    congrats!! whats her name? 🙂

    in reply to: it still hurts #24331


    my name is enya and I am 16 years old. I too suffer from bulimia, but am trying to recover.. I know you are hurt; you are broken inside. H o l l o w… I lost my baby due to miscarriage on february 10th and it was the worst day of my life. I was almost 5 weeks. Please, before you do anything drastic read this.

    God loves you.. He loves your family and your baby and is here for you in your time of need. I myself was not very religious. I just always felt awkward when I walked into a church, not knowing what i believed in. But now I know. Christ is here to save us, to take away our sins and heal us. Please, turn to him now.

    Your baby has forgiven you, aswell as God. He is waiting for you to come to him, to tell him your fears and deepest thoughts and feelings. He does not judge, and he will comfort you in your time of need.

    When I lost my baby I contemplated suicide, but instead turned to God for help and he saved me. Not a day goes by when i’m not grateful.

    Abortion is a hard thing to overcome.. try talking to a therapist or pastor about your loss. My prayers are with you.

    And remember that you ARE allowed to grieve for your lost baby. You are hurt, sad, depressed and that is okay. You have a right to feel anguish, but please, direct it in a healthy way. Please don’t hurt yourself anymore.. What I did was I lit a candle in my room every night and looked out my window and said a prayer for my lost child, i also looked for comfort in the arms of the SUG community and God.

    I would recommend that you talk to my friend Eva (Stupid_Girl) She has gone through a similar experience and will be able to help you in your time of need.

    Please stay safe and God Bless,


    in reply to: A little help please ? worried and wondering #24330

    hey hun, firstly congrats for deciding that if you WERE pregnant to give your child life. Secondly IF YOU THINK YOU ARE PREGNANT PLEASE DO NOT TAKE BRITH CONTROL!!!! go to your family doctor asap and ask to get bloodwork done to test for pregnancy its confidential and the test is like 99.999999999999% accurate!!!

    best of luck keep us updated.
    xox Enya

    in reply to: Should I Take a Year off School? #24329

    Its really up to you. it would be hard to leave your week old baby and go to school for 7hrs… but on the other hand the faster you get your education over with the more stable your life will be 🙂 its rlly up to you, have you talked to your mom about it? What does she think?

    xox Enya

    in reply to: 23dpo #24328

    Hey Eva,,

    Is there anything stressing you out that could cause your period to be late? Maybe try relaxing for a couple days.. have a hot bath, read, take a nap, anything to distract yourself from thoughts about the situation.. I know it will be hard but please, try and take another hpt in about a week or so.. if you rlly cant then maybe go in and ask for a blood test? I love you lots please take care and keep us updated!!

    xox Enya

    in reply to: pregnancy symptoms? #24325

    hey hun, try waiting a week then take a pg test, or go to your doc and get a blood test.

    best of luck

    in reply to: Am I pregant? #24324

    Hey Beebee im glad things work out. I understand your longing for a child but please wait until marriage, you will be glad you did 🙂

    in reply to: Help Help Help Help MEEEEEEEEEEE! #24323

    Hey hun please go get a blood test they are like 99.99999999% accurate! best of luck let us know what happens

    in reply to: Boyfriend is confusing me #24289

    Hey hun, first of congrats for giving your baby life and taking responsibility for your actions. Second, maybe your boyfriend has alot of issues with his family, maybe they are very quick to judge young women who are pregnant, but whatever the case he needs to tell them soon cause in a few months time you will have a bouncing baby girl or boy and his parents deserve to know. If he refuses to tell them maybe talk to your parents about it? see what could be done about the situation.

    best of luck
    xox Enya

    in reply to: So next week Im supose to have my period #24288

    Hey hun, listen to Eva and wait til you miss your period so that you will receive a more accurate result.

    best of luck

    in reply to: Need some advice about my bf #24281

    hey congrats! Im glad that you chose life fr your baby =D

    if your bf keeps being offensive and abusive i would say dump him. tell him how his behavious is affecting you and say that if he is not willing to grow up and respect you then the two of you are over. Also, maybe talk to a female in your life who u trust like a church member, your mother, a grandmother etc and find positive support for your situation.

    best wishes
    xox Enya

    in reply to: What are the chances I’m pregnant? #24280

    hey hun maybe go to your doctor and get a blood test. if you still dont get your period in a week or so please take another pg test.

    take care


    in reply to: sex right before ovalation #24279

    Hey my name is enya and i am 16.

    I would suggest waiting until your missed period then taking a test.

    Also, hun if your not married then maybe you sould consider doing so before starting a family to give your child a stable loving home. I wouldnt suggest ttc if your young, waiting till marriage is the responcible thing to do.

    take care

    in reply to: when should i take a test? #24278

    hey hun go to your doctor and get a blood test!! they are super accurate.

    best of luck

    in reply to: Trip to CA #24277

    hey kristy im sure things will be ok. just keep your cool! im sure he’s forgotten about it and moved on by now

    xox Enya

    in reply to: Hello! I’m new! #24276

    Welcome and Congrats! and I bet your little girl is so cute!!!

    in reply to: Please, I really need advice #24208

    Im so sorry about your miscarriage. it seems we have more in common then just our usernames. I lost my little baby a few weeks ago due to m/c… i was almost 5 weeks.. im so sorry for your loss and i know the pain your feel. Im 16 btw,

    are u married? if u have been ttc for more then 1yr and your under 35 u should go see a fertility doctor… or have you ever thought about adoption? there are millions of kids out there with no mom or dad or a loving home. You could provide that to them.. from 2 weeks to 12yrs old there are tons of children out there waiting for a good home. =]

    if u are still in your teens like me, then please try waiting.. all my life ive wanted a baby so bad, but i know that i cannot provide my baby with all that it needs and so i have vowed to wait and enjoy my teen years as best i can.

    Please talk to someone you trust about this if it ever gets to be too much. I am always here as well.
    God Bless,

    in reply to: my life after February the 5th #24202

    PLEASE dont blame yourself, it wasnt your fault 🙁 You and your babies will be in my prayers! I hope Angie pulls through!!!

    in reply to: Am I making the right choice? #24199

    Hi pumpkin, my name is Enya and I am 16.

    I truly believe that God does not bestow upon us more then he knows we can handle. Although you feel alone, scared, nervous, please know that you are not alone. Take Meg for example, she chose life for her children and look at her now! She is a happy successful mom with 4 beautiful kids.

    If you kill your little baby you will regret it for as long as you live. Could you imagine not having your eight or ten year old around? every child deserves life, no matter how small!! Please dont punish your little baby for existing. After all, This child was created in love, you should embrace it! Love it and be excited, its ok!!!! God wants you to rejoice in this miracle.

    I know you can do this! Do you attend church at all? Try talking to a priest or pastor, or attend the church service and ask God to show you the way, to take away your pain and help you to embrace this pregnancy. A little prayer you could say would be:

    [i]Dear Lord,
    Lord I am lost. I am alone and confused. I have discovered that I am pregnant, and seek your advice. Father, please show me the way, please help me in my time of need. Lord, I do not want to give up my little baby, but I dont know what else to do. Please help me to find the strength inside to give my child life. Thank you Lord, In Jesus name I pray, Amen.[/i]

    Pumpkin you and your little ones will be in my prayers! God Bless!!


    in reply to: Remembering #24198

    Eva that was beautiful, I think SUG is a wonderful place aswell. it is a safe haven for alot of girls. Thank you for posting this, You and Little Nicole will be in my prayers.


    in reply to: What are the chances I’m pregnant? #24197

    Hi hun, my name is Enya =]

    I advice to you STOP TAKING THE BIRTH CONTROL PILL UNTIL YOU ARE SURE YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT and to obstain from sex until you know you are not pregnant.

    The contraceptive pill can be very harmful to a fetus and so until you know for SURE you are not pg, stop taking it.

    Have you taken a pregnancy test yet? Please take one and even if it is negative wait a week and take another, if u are still uncertain please go to your doctor and get a blood test. I am here if you ever need to talk,

    best wishes,


    in reply to: sex and period #24195

    Hi My name is Enya,

    I agree with Meg and Eva, if you are not ready to face the consequences of sex before marriage then you shouldnt be having it. I am now 16 and had sex for the first time when i was 14.. To this day i regret giving my body up to someone who was not my husband. I feel cheated out of alot of things, like a proper honeymoon and being able to feel proud of wearing white on my wedding day.

    My boyfriend at present is so amazing, we love eachother very much, and so if i did not wait til marriage i wish that i had waited for him. I was his first, and i could not return that precious gift to him.

    I feel like one of those toys who’s package has been dented and so it is put on the discount rack with “50% off” stamped on it. I feel ashamed that I did not have someone to tell me to wait.. So please, I am not trying to preach, but if you are not prepared to deal with the consequences of premarital sex, then my best advice to you is to abstain.

    in reply to: has anyone? #24186

    Hey hun how far along are you now? I agree with what Kez said, I think you should spend some time asking God what the right thing to do is. Imagine when you see your little baby’s face! and it sounds like your parents wanna be grandparents too. your lucky they’re so supportive!! Many young mom’s go on to lead happy successful lives with their children =) im here if u ever need to talk, best of luck!!


    in reply to: He did not let me choose. #24172

    Thank you Eva and Gabby for your support, it means alot to me *hugs*

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