Forum Replies Created
Participantsome one barely hitting ur belly wont hurt…if it did we would have to live in giant plastic saftey bubbles when we are preg….don’t worry so much, it usually takes a lot to hurt the baby in there….
Participanthi…i’m so srry to hear that u were raped…it’s good that he’s in jail though. omg triplets?!…that’s got to be hard, i’m due with my lite oy June 8th and i think it’s hard enought o be having only one!….my mom died when i was 14, i’m 17 i turn 18 in april though..althoughi do have my husband’s mom to help, we got married Feb 2nd 2007, the day after we found out we are having a boy….are you ging to keep the babies or give the up? just wondering…
Participantwell i useit for the stretch marks that i got when i gained alot of weight a while ago and the marks are there but the color and visability of them aren’t….so basically they have GONE away….so i’m srry if u don’t believe me….
Participantu can get certain kinds of coverage for u and ur baby through like medicaid…but try getting a hold of WIC…they can help….
Participantif ur two weeks late ur preg hun…..but to make sure go do a test….
Participantwell i just suggest getting the test and seeing….and sometimes a girl can cause herself to have symptoms because she is worrying about it so much…so u need to calm down and relax…….
Participanti agree with ericklirois……..u should stay away from him…..
Participantcongrats…but don’t be surprised if it seems to "go away", because ur preg u get bloated and then that goes away and that can cause u to look slightyly bigger then smaller……..
Participantok…that still doesn’t give us much hun. have u missed ur period? what have u been feeling?…..
Participantso u NEED to tell them so u can get to a doc!…..if u don’t get a doc at least go to the store and get prenatals from there…..and i agree with ericklirois, ur grandma is a woman, and prolly already knows if not has an idea whereas u r more than likely showing, i’m 26wks 3 days and i’m showing, and it doesn’t look like weight gain ne more……
Participantsomething u can get is one of those exercise balls and use it….also i suggest yoga, it limbers you up and many women say it helped them with their birth……
Participantwhat is driving you crazy?….it sounds like u don’t have a prob with ppl trying to force u into something u don’t want….
if u need to talk u can email me……bweber
Participantfor the nxt two weeks just relax and keep calm. don’t stress too much because that’s not good for the baby……i don’t know ur personal feelings on God but prayer works….just ask God to make sure ur baby is fine, He will listen.
good luckbweber
Participantso FYI for this time around it is very illegal to force any girl into an abortion even if she is a minor! so just let ur mom know that this time if she tries you will inform the police (even if u really won’t). so just tell them, i suggest the two of u sitting all parents down and telling them, maybe not all together, but u need to tell them soon so u can get into a doc and start ur prenatal care…..
GOOD LUCK!bweber
Participantso before i tell u my short story i want u to know that it’s illegal for a parent to kick a minor out, especially if the minor is a pregnant teen.
so it was the first few days of october last year when i missed my period, although the week b4 i had this thought and had known i was preg. but i did two tests that both came back almost instantly positive. i’m still 17 and it was my senior year of HS and i was working on graduating early (which i did!)…my mom had died 4 yrs ago, so i was left with only my dad who isn’t good with girl stuff or "bad" i had NO idea how to tell him he was going to be a grandpa. but i did it and he’s main concern was that i was going to drop out of school. but i am now 26 wks preg due june 8th, turning 18 in april, and recently married to the baby’s daddy who is also my HS sweetheart of the past 3 yrs, and i’m planning in enrolling in college this fall………………..we live with his parents for now, but that’s just becuz his mom is worried about us getting our own place.
so i hope this has helped a little…..bweber
Participantpalmers cocoa butter for stretch marks works very well……
Participanti agree with ericklirios. "God won’t bring you to it if He won’t take you through it."… just keep strong and hold on….if ur ex can do that do u he doesn’t deserve you!….there are more ppl out there than him who love you very much and you have to worry about that baby so don’t get too stressed out!….i wish u all the luck in the wrold….
Participantand as many of the other girls have told u, statitory rape is consentual sex between a minor and an adult (someone over 18)……so here’s a site i have given to another girl….. …… has the age of consent for each state in the US……..whereas ur 16 i don’t think ur gonna have a problem b cuz most states’ age of consent ages is 16……
Participantthanx for the ideas and info…….it’s very useful……
Participanthave u missed ur period?….
Participant*hugs* i will pray for ur sis and her baby……..
Participantit sounds more like u need to actually sit down and talk to ur guy about you him and the baby…..don’t try and not talk about it just because u feel like he doesn’t was the baby….and if he’s ur fiance what makes you think he’s going to break up with you? if he wants to marry you he has to love you, so be happy. and love this baby no matter what happens!…..i wish you all the luck in the world……..
Participanti suggest going to the doc and having a blood test done……those are 100% accurate, whereas if u don’t do a HPT just right it can come up neg….good luck….
Participantdon’t be so hard on ur self……’s not like you had sex with him or ne thing like that…it was a kiss and u told ur finace right after….he forgave you so u need to do the same for ur self!….
Participantcongrats BUT i agree with lolajessup….u need to find out about that whereas you are only 15, b cuz usually the age of consent (age u can have sex with an adult – someone 18 or older) is 16 and if ur not and ur parents have a problem with u getting preg form the older guy the can get him on statutory rape…..
here’s a site that i was found that has a chart of the ages for each state
hop ethis helps….. -