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  • in reply to: might be pregnant but not sure #28966

    It’s really hard to tell with just a few symptoms, but if you did get the depo shot (which it sounds like you did) it is important to go to the doctors ASAP!! to make sure that the baby will be okay. Of course there is a very high chance of you being pregnant (whether you used protection or not, I don’t know..). Honestly, just take a test if it has been 2 or more weeks since this occurrence, but if not, go to the doctors for a blood/pregnancy test asap! Good luck.

    in reply to: Not sure if im pregnant… #28961

    Wait until after you miss your period if you do and if the test is negative, test again in a week but if you still don’t have a period after that week go to the doctor’s for some blood work. There is a good chance you could be pregnant, and it also depends how many times you have taken the plan B pill (as I am assuming that’s what Next Choice is). Update us when you can and good luck! I was 14 when I got pregnant with my first child!

    in reply to: babies dad!?! #28960

    Heey I am sorry you are in a situation like this, but yes, the father will hopefully come around. By the time the baby is born if he is still in denial, make him pay for a DNA test. He needs to understand that he helped make his son and needs to step up as a father. I really hope he comes around soon! Just keep at him and hopefully it will get in his mind that he is a father! Good luck and i am here if you need to talk (:

    in reply to: 16 and I might be pregnant #28956

    Yes you could be pregnant, but don’t get worked up too much. You did state how your period is irregular, and maybe that is why it is later than you expected it to be. Many early pregnancy symptoms can be a sign of your period as well. So maybe wait about a week or so and if your period does not show, take a test. Wish you luck!

    in reply to: Loss of Baby #1 #28952

    I am sorry about baby A, but so happy and congratulate you on baby B (: I wish you a healthy and sticky baby!

    in reply to: TEEN MOMS STAND TOGETHER #28951

    Ashley, 17yo
    Son: Dallas, 2yo (11/09/11)
    Baby #2: 10 weeks in tummy

    Education: High school senior
    Relationship: Engaged to children’s father

    in reply to: Coming off BC #28935

    Heey! I just got off the BC pill probably about 3-4 months ago. I didn’t get the withdrawal bleed I think until in between (about) day 5-9 (sorry bad memory lol)! I know I didn’t get it as soon as day 3 or 4 though! If it doesn’t come before your next period, when is that?
    Then I would purchase a pregnancy test. If not, I would just wait until your period and if that isn’t normal maybe just talk to your doctor, just in case!
    Good luck! (:

    in reply to: Getting an abortion.. #28884

    It sounds like you are trying to make your own sense of the situation, but still sounds like you are still a bit confused and could use someone for a vent or talking to. I am here.
    You may think they are just “cells” in you at the moment, but truly in reality, you know that is more than what you think. It is probably a little Zygote/Embryo by now, which does lead into a fetus, a baby. It may be already forming depending how far along you really are.
    I know having a child is extremely hard but there is ALWAYS help. There is adoption, and if you decide to keep him/her there is welfare/government assistance.
    I was 14 when I gave birth to my son and in the beginning of my 10th grade. I did homeschooling from a teacher for 2 months and decided to go back to school shortly before my exams started. I have been able to keep my 80-90% marks. Trust me, anything is possible as long as you try, and have determination.
    Even if adoption was an option for you, there are some great people out there that would love to take on a baby, simply because they want to help out a younger mom or because maybe they are infertile.
    Bottom line is, and at the end of the day, it is YOUR decision and don’t let anyone sway that. All you can ask for is opinions and suggestions, advice, and information. But it all comes down to how you feel and what you think is best.
    I will always be here for someone to talk to and for someone to vent to. All you need to do is get a hold of me. I hope you do what you think is best and I hope you are doing okay still. <3

    in reply to: Contractions at 25 weeks #28348

    Awee, I am so sorry <3
    Always thinking of you!!

    in reply to: Contractions at 25 weeks #28339

    Please keep us updated on Isabelle <3
    You guys are in my thoughts!!

    in reply to: Accepting Loss… #28338

    I’m so sorry for what you have went through <3 But your daughter will never be forgotten. She might have only survived for a few hours, and with help of machines, but yet she is such a fighter <3 And it sounds like you are as well.
    It would never be easy losing a child, no matter what the situation was, how soon, how late, etc.. I couldn't imagine the pain.
    Everyone is here for you at StandUpGirl. <3
    If you ever need to talk, just message me <3

    in reply to: Abortion and scared #28337

    Heey, my name is Ashleii. I know it’s going to be hard, there is no doubt about it, no matter what.. Being a first time mom is difficult. I am sorry to here about your sickness and illnesses as well.
    I think for your situation, if you want to get married first, get your diploma, etc. first (before having a child/starting a family) adoption would be the best option.
    This is just my opinion because at one point, I didn’t know what to do either.. I am only 14, going on 15 in December, still in school. And I am 30+4 weeks pregnant. We decided to keep it, and parent our son.
    I feel bad for you with the pressure of your boyfriend.. I know it’s hard having you wanting one thing, and your boyfriend wanting something completely different. Because really, no matter what decision you choose, it’s going to change your life.
    Just make sure you make the best decision for you! I think between parenting or adoption, and that’s my input. No matter what you choose though, you will have support and friends.
    And I hope everything works out soon.

    in reply to: Contractions at 25 weeks #28332

    Awee, I am sorry that they have to come early. But the contractions must mean they just want to come out and meet their mommy!
    One things is, you will get to see your beautiful girls earlier (:
    I am glad you are at a good hospital where you know you will be well taken care of.
    I hope for the best! I will be thinking of all of you, good luck!
    Keep us updated.
    Also, add the Wall App under applications to your profile page so people can comment on your profile.

    in reply to: Contractions at 25 weeks #28330

    Don’t stress too much about it! It’s neither good for you and your babies.
    If they have them stopped for now, that’s good. And if it happens to happen again, go back in so they can stop them. I am sure they will be able to stop them until your babies are old enough to breathe on their own, and are strong enough. If they come early, you know how technology has become, your babies will be safe. Just keep thinking of the positive!
    Hope everything is still going alright!

    in reply to: Colostrum…. Eeew! #28322

    I am 31 weeks, and I have no clue what this is -.- Please tell me.. Lol.
    But 25 weeks is pretty far along.. Like over half way and such, so I think it could be possible for anything up to this point, lol.

    in reply to: Issues with baby’s father please help #28312

    Wow, you have been through a lot. I give you credit for being able to do this and make al lthe decisions. I know how hard it is for your boyfriend to want something different then you do, becuase then you are torn in the middle.
    I am sorry about your parents, and that your boyfriend does this for a living. But yes, once again.. I would try talk to him, I mean.. This IS the baby’s father, and the baby does need a chance to get to meet/grow-up and live with him. If he does fail to listen after knowing you are serious, and aren’t joking.. Then that’s when you make your decision. I think if worse comes to worse you should atleast let him see his child, but only let it be at your house, whre you can watch both of them. Once the baby is older and you can trust him more, then let him start taking the baby out for the day. Just try to build your trust up with him again if he listens to you after he knows you are serious.
    I am too pregnant, about 26 weeks.. And I have been so stressed. I actually still don’t know what I am going to go yet. I also look up to you since you already decided to keep the baby, and you want to give this baby so much.
    I hope everything gets sorted out!
    If you ever need a helping hand or someone to talk to, just email me or message me on my wall!
    Lots of love.

    in reply to: When Do You Start to Show? #28311

    Well, I am said to be about 26 weeks (with no ultrasound) and I am supposably not showing yet xD But I can tell a little bit, but you can’t tell Iam pregnant.

    in reply to: Adoption or keep him… #28305

    Heey my name is Ashleii and I am 14 and about 7 months pregnant. I have not told my mom, the only ones who know is me and and my boyfriend. I am going to a heath center to talk to someone to get more information, and how to exactly break it to my mom. I am very scared at how my mom is going to take it, like you have no idea!
    But yes, this is something at soemtime me and my boyfriend both wanted, so it happened.. And now we are un sure of it.
    I am pretty sure it is too late to abort mine, but that is something iwould not want to do anyways.
    Yes, it is going to be a struggle.. Through everything, but everything that does happen will make you a stronger person.. No matter how hard it is to get through it.
    I think you shold keep the baby, but you are only 13 and have a lot of life ahead of you, highschool, college.. And so do I.
    But that’s a decision you have to make.
    Possibly talk to your mom about it.
    If you really think you can’t do it, then there are a lot of people that will support you if you do put it up for adoption.
    If you ever need to talk I am just a click away,
    send me an email or add me on msn or something.
    Hope to hear from you!
    Best of luck.

    in reply to: When is your due date? #28298

    I am pregnant with my first.. My due date is around October 17th, 2011.

    in reply to: just found out im pregnant, don’t know what to do #28297

    I agree, I do not think you should get an abortion. I am against those, but I am in a pretty tight situation too. I have been with my boyfriend for alomst 9 months, and I will be turning 15 soon. I haven’t told anyone yet, only my boyfriend and I know.
    I think you should keep your baby, becuase if you got an abortion.. Once it’s done, there is no turning back. Most mothers reret when they get them. I know some are forced to, butyou have a choice. I am sure your parents and friends will help you out as much as they can.
    Also, I think it’s a good idea you both move back in with your parents, and just go see eachother when it’s best. Maybe you two need a break from eachother, so seeing eachother every so often will let your relationship heal.
    Talk to your boyfriend about his money spending issues too. Get hi mto relize if you guys are going to keep the baby, you guys are going to need everything you guys can get, and that means he’s going to have to manage his money.
    If you ever need someone to talk to, message me I will listen.
    Please update us on what you decide to do.
    Good luck <3 !!

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