Forum Replies Created
Participantwell I lost 28 pounds in my first trimester because of morning sickness and have only gained 6 of it back so I’m -22 pounds! LOL! I’m 22 weeks
ParticipantIm 20 weeks! I like your name, it’s cute! π
ParticipantHey I’m 15 weeks and 4days and I’m in the same situation as you! I’m going to be getting married soon and being a wife and mom and I just turned 18! I’m very excited about the baby I find out what I’m having Feb. 13th and I can’t wait! But when I think about the fact I’m in charge of how this babies life will turn out and any little thing I do will change his/her life! But good luck I’m sure we will both do fine just a little nervous! You can check around some hospitals offer free parenting classes to help you prepare! I think I’m going to take it!
ParticipantWhen I was about 9 and a half weeks I was getting some really bad pains in my lower left side but i wasn’t bleeding so my school nurse called my dr. and they said it was ligament pains just from my ligaments stretching to make room for the baby and to just take tylonol and drink plenty of water! And not to worry unless I saw blood! So call your dr just to be sure but it does sound like what I was having! GOOD LUCK! Let us know how you are!
ParticipantThat’s really weird but usually you don’t get false positives on pregnancy tests but false negatives are common. And your symptoms sound like you are pregnant! So just explain it to the clinic on sat exactly like you explained it to us on here! GOOD LUCK!:cheer: Let us know what happens!
Participanthey girl! You could definatly be pregnant! So you should go get a test. GOOD LUCK!:woohoo:
ParticipantIt doesn’t sound like either of you want to have the abortion. You could consider adoption! You may be surprised by your families reaction! I was terrified to tell them but when I did they said they were disappointed because they wanted me to have a better life but they have been behind me 100% and never even mentioned abortion. They are helping me finish school and even offer pregnancy advise! So befor you kill your baby to not hurt them you should try talking to them first it might hurt them more when they find out you killed they’re grandchild, neice/nefew, cousin, etc. Good Luck!
ParticipantCongrats! How far along are you? I’m 15 weeks!:laugh:
Participantyes it does sound like you are pregnant and yes you can take a test now and it should show by now! Good Luck!
ParticipantYou should do what you think is right! I wouldn’t want to take that chance either! Talk to your boyfriend and see what he has to say about it!
ParticipantThose do sound like symptoms. When is your period due? Wait and see if it comes which is nearly impossible i know when your so anxious but try and if it doesn’t test!
ParticipantYou CAN get pregnant on your period it’s less likely but still completely possible! Everyone’s body is different it just depends on when you ovulate!
Participantfalse positives are not very common. Some women read the test after it’s sat awhile(longer than 10 min) and they get what’s called an evap. line and they assume they got a false positive but really they just waited to long to read the test. And only some test are suppose to turn pink when you pee on them you might not have gotten one of them look at the box. If your not sure try another test maybe even another brand if you think they’re not reliable! GOOD LUCK!
ParticipantYes go get a test and take it!
ParticipantIt sounds like your pregnant but you should take a test! A test should show positive by now. Try First Response, they’re really good and detect very small amounts of the hormone! GOOD LUCK!
ParticipantYes you could deffinatly be pregnant! It could have been implantation bleeding instead of your period! My friend had a very light period and she found out she was 8 weeks pregnant the next month when she actually did miss her period so go ahead and take a test it should show up! Let us know how it goes!
ParticipantYou could possible feel them this early but it really just depends because everyone is different! On Christmas day take your test and let us know what happens! If you take First Response you can take it a few days b4 your period is due but get a box with more than one just incase your hormone wasn’t high enough! I got my positive 2 days b4 my period was due I was suspecting and couldn’t wait any longer to find out!:) Now I’m due July 9!
ParticipantI took test 3 days before my period was due and got a positive but if your lines are light GO TO THE DOCTOR ASAP!
ParticipantGO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!!!!!! I had 4 of those faint positives and it was faint because I was having a miscarriage! And my hormones were decreasing!
Participantπ I lost the baby! My bf and I are so upset and I just don’t know what to do! Has anyone else here lost their baby? How did you deal with it? π π :unsure:
Participanthey girl. I just found out I’m pregnant too. I’m your age too! I will be 18 in about 5 months. I havn’t told my parents yet! I havn’t even gone to the doctor yet. I’m going tomarrow! I think you can make it work. My bf is stressing and worring. But he’s also happy that he’s going to be a daddy soon! So since we’re in the same situation you can e-mail me any time you want! We can help each other.
Participantyou don’t have to wait 40 days u can take a test now try first response it’s suppose to tell you 5 days before u miss your period.
ParticipantHey I know it seems like your in a really bad situation right now but when you finally see him or her. You will think it’s worth it! Suicide is not the answer. It’s a permanent solution to a temperary problem. I really don’t think you will think it’s a bad thing once the time comes. And there is always the safe surrender law. You can give any newborn up to 7 days old to the hospital, no questions asked if you still don’t want it. Really consider adoption over abortion. You can have an open adoption, where you still see your baby if u want. Hope I helped you a little.
Post edited by: Julie, at: 2006/05/12 02:36
ParticipantHey chick! They told my mom that she couldn’t get pregnant too and she got pregnant 5 times! And my friend was told she couldn’t get pregnant when she was in the 8th grade and a year later she had a baby. So I don’t believe doctors when they tell you stuff like that. Have you taken a pregnancy test? Because some women bleed when they’re pregnant but no clots are suppose to come out. So if your normal period doesn’t come soon you should see a doctor. Hope I helped you a little.
ParticipantThanks for your response, I got my period again this month but it was only 2 days again and mine are normally 5 to 6 days. And I’m feeling REALLY weird! I’ve taken several tests and they all say something different. I’m SO confused! π :unsure: