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  • in reply to: Dated a Rapist #13981

    you have not wasted any of our times thats what we are here for to help each other. why cant you get an r/o against him???

    in reply to: Why Me #13980

    please dont have an abortion, it will be the worst mistake you will ever mske, trust me i had one two months ago and i wish everyday that i did not go through it.


    in reply to: Post-Abortion Depression? #13979

    i agree with everyone,

    having an abotion is the most hardest thing i had my abortion 12/10/2006

    i did get pushed into having my abortion by my boyfriend. My family and friends all wanted me to keep it but he didny coz we are not set up enough to raise a kid just yet.

    If you just open up to all the girls on this website they will help you. Everyone tries there hardest to brighten up any dull suitation,

    if you ever need to talk to someone that has been through the same suitation as you please contact me and i might be able to help.


    in reply to: help #13976

    nandini123 wrote:

    how many days after having sex can i take pregnancy test (hpt)

    I would wait till you have missed your period to find out.

    in reply to: report on abortion #13892

    hi my name is lisa

    i might be able to help you on your project on abortion.

    i had an abortion 2months ago.

    you can email me through myspace page.

    hope to hear from you soon


    in reply to: should i or not????? #13722

    hi there,

    i think that i really need to talk to someone about what i am going through but i dont know where to get any help. i live in australia.

    ill just keep searching on the net tll i find someone

    in reply to: 1 week to my abortion. #13635

    hi girls,

    can anyone please tell me if this girl has had her abortion or not

    in reply to: Desperately Need Opinions #13634


    please keep your baby, abortion is wrong, i myself went through one and all the stress and emotional tears that come after you have it is not worth it trust me. 2 weeks after i had my abortion i docs told me i had deprssion and thats something you dont want to go through.

    Me and my partner almost broke up over it because i was always upset and couldnt/wouldnt do anything all day expect sleep/lay in bed.

    if you dont want this baby, give it up for adoption.

    please think hard about this one


    in reply to: preggo and alcoholic #13543


    you should not be drinking or anything while you arr pregnant:angry: its not good for the baby:angry:

    If you dont want this baby give it up for adoption, but please stop drinking and partying while your pregnant for the babys sake


    in reply to: I cant get over it.. #13539

    i know where everyone is coming from to, its been excatly 7 weeks today, and it still hurts like hell.

    To everyone that knows what i have done they think that i have gotten over it and that i have moved on, but the only person that hears me cry at night is my boyfriend. Im still with him which makes it that much harder t get over, but i know in my own time ill be able to get over it even if it is in 30 years time.

    after i had the abortion the doctor told me that i have depression so i went on the net and researched what the doc told me that i had but i found out that i had a thing called pass (post abortive stress syndrome)

    i just know that if i have another unplanned preganacy ill be keeping it this time


    Post edited by: Nicolette, at: 2006/12/01 09:48

    in reply to: So Scared! #13400

    Niamh wrote:

    hey i read your advice for the girl who doesnt know whether to have an abortion or not. you said you had one last year because your boyfriend wanted it. well im considering having one but i really dont no what to do. how did you feel after it? was it painful or did you get depressed afterwards?


    please dont have an abortion, i myself had one and you feel terrible afterwards you dont feel anything they put u to sleep (well in australia its law that they have to put u to sleep) after i had my abortion i was depresseed and it was so hard to get up in the mornings and go to work and do normal things.

    Before you decide to have the abortion look into it first and decide if its right for you, i didnt look into it and wish i did. If you dont want to have the abortion or keep it, put it up for adoption you can have an open adoption where u still can have an relationship with your chikd. or you can have a closed one its up to you but please dont go through having an abortion.

    please if you need to talk email me


    in reply to: dont know if im pregnant or not #13342

    it sounds like you are just wait till you have missed your period and then do a pregancy test

    good luck

    in reply to: 1 week to my abortion. #13339

    dont have an abortion, i did and it was the most hardest thing in the world and something that you wont get over. i had my operation 7 weeks ago and still it hurts.

    please think out giving birth to your child and then if still you dont feel like keeping it, give it to a family that cant have kids and try have an open adoption. please think about it

    keep us posted

    in reply to: What should i do #13292

    hi there

    i myself have gone through having an abortion amd it is the most hardest thing in the world a person can go through.

    i was and still iam trying to cope with the after abortion thing, My boyfriend does not know how to handle my moodswings. Life is different after us girls go through it and it changes us, we are not sure that our current partners still loves us or what we are suppossed to expect off. We also feel that everyone knows what we have done and that they ar judging us for it, When i get into my moodswings its because my partner is not spending enough time with me that i expect him too, maybe thats how she feels

    A copule of weeks after i had my abortion i was digoinsed with depression and i reaseeached ion the net more about it and i discovered that i had PASS (post abortive stress syndrome) thats waht she might have. ill put a link on this page that you can go to and there is a quiz on there to see if she does have it.

    i hope that this website will help it did for me.

    please let me know what happens


    in reply to: im i pregnant #13270

    you might be pregnant take a pregancy test girl

    in reply to: im pregnant and i dont no wat 2do? #13269

    wow what a story

    in reply to: 1 week to my abortion. #13205

    please dont have the abortion.

    there are alot of girls on here that have gone through an abortion and i am one of them and i wish that i didnt.

    please think first,


    in reply to: 1 week to my abortion. #13204

    please dont have the abortion.

    there are alot of girls on here that have gone through an abortion and i am one of them and i wish that i didnt.

    please think first,


    in reply to: One year Anniversary #13141

    i know what you are going through. i had my abortion almost 5weeks ago and it hurts everytime i see a baby

    in reply to: abortion help #12867

    hey there,

    i know what you are going through, i had my abortion 4 weeks ago. I would be 12 weeks today wednesday 7th.

    My partner made me go through having my abortion.

    im suffering from depression but i like to call it pass (post abortive stress syndrome), its nothing to be ashsmed off.

    I have found this website and this very special person on this website to have really helped me through his horibble suitation.

    If you are still thinkg about make sure you read and look on the other forum abortion the hard truth, if that was on here before i had the operation, there would not have been NO way i would have gone through with it.

    if u ever need to talk to someone, im always on here Im willing to help anyone that has been through such a horibble suitation like us.

    please keep in touch with me

    Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/07 13:28

    in reply to: no turning back now… #12866

    dont worry girl, i know what u r excatly going through,

    ive got depression aswell but i like to call it pass (post abortive stress syndrome)

    take care and keep smiling i finally have and mine was 4weeks ago

    if u ever need to talk please email me and ill be very happy to talk about what u r going through


    Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/07 13:31

    in reply to: abortion help #12861

    hey there,

    im in the same suitaion as you but had by abortion 4 weeks ago. I know that its a terrible thing to go.

    since my abortion i was in a terible state, i couldnt even get out of bed in the mornings. I went to the docs and they told me i had depression then i looked around the net for answers to my depression then i found out i had pass (post abortive stress syndrome).

    i hope that this website will help you.

    if you really need to talk please dont heasite to email me

    take care

    Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/07 13:33

    in reply to: Letter from a 5yr old #12714

    thats a nice poem

    in reply to: HELP!!!!!!!! #12686

    if u havent had sexual intercourse then ur not pregnant

    in reply to: an important question?please help #12685

    hi there

    no u cant get ur period while ur pregnant

Viewing 25 posts - 26 through 50 (of 62 total)