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ParticipantHey, I totally know how you feel I had an abortion on 11/11/05 and it feels like yesterday and literally the next day I wanted that baby back inside. I cried my eyes out begging my bf to get me pregnant again and he was all for it or so he said but he knew I was going through post abortion syndrome. I would eat and sleep sex to have a baby but after a while, about a year, I finally came to my senses and decided that I can’t do this to myself or to my bf. Dont focus on having another baby it will drive you mad. Focus on school, work, getting to understand why you really had the abortion and you’ll eventually come to the realization that… what it is having another baby will not replace the previous one.
ParticipantHey, CONGRATS on the pregnancy. To bad about the father but sounds like you’ll be a great and strong mom. Goood luck and keep us posted!
ParticipantHey hun, yeah I had an abortion nov 11 2005 and I still have day(s) where I cry as a matter of fact tomorrow June 20th was my expected due date (6/20/06) and I’ll be depressed and sad 70% of that day. I’m here if you want to talk. Email me if you’d like and I’m sure you’ll meet other just like us on the, there are many of us. (toooo many of us):dry:
ParticipantUnfortunately 🙁 I know exactly how you feel. I didnt have the guts to say no either and I regret it to this day. I don’t know of anyway to "get over it" but prayer has helped along with a supportive and loving boyfriend by my side. I dont have any friends who can relate so If you need someone to talk too I’m hear to listen. Pls feel free to email me.
ParticipantI think it may definitely have something to do with the abortion you had last year. I had an abortion in 2005 and for months I had dreams about a baby crying that I couldn’t find or help. It became even worse when my neighbor brought their baby girl home. Every morning like clockwork she cried @ 7am, exactly the time I wake to go to work and school. It wasn’t until my bf spent the night that I recognized I wasn’t "crazy." But yes I definitely think it has something to do with the abortion. My dreams just went away but occasionally they do happen. If you need to talk about it feel free to email me 😉
ParticipantJeez some people can be so cold. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’m amazed you’ve been able to push the thoughts aside, even if someone doesn’t remind me or throw it in my face I’m constantly reminded of it. I hate people like that who throw things back in your face, how in the world did this person find out? Well good luck don’t let it get you too much, whats done is done.
ParticipantHey, well I knew I was pregnant when the doctor confirmed it w/ a sonogram. I took 2 test and both came back negative. But the signs were all there, I became exhausted walking up steps (who doesn’t) but these were steps I take everyday to work so my body was definetly used to it. I also wanted to eat odd foods, and heartburn to the max, not to mention my period was missing. I was also hungry, normally I can skip lunch but when I was pregnant skipping lunch or breakfast heck any meal skipping was NOT an option and I was only 8 weeks along at that point. Well hope this helps. Good luck! 😉
ParticipantFirst off he’s your EX that right there seems to be a major problem. But if you love eachother like you say you do I think you should have your baby. Honestly no one is every financially or emotionally ready for a baby so if your waiting for that moment to arrive trust me its not. But you need to work out your issues before you keep allowing him to ejaculate in you. What I dont get is how can he say he doesnt want any children but ejaculates in you? Either way if you are pregnant keep your baby, I’ve had an abortion and its not worth the pain. Keep us posted on your decision. Email me if you ever need to talk.
ParticipantJeez I’m sooooo sorry you had to go through that. But where was your bf all this time? Its like he stood in the background and let this all happen didnt he have a voice? I’ve had lots of friends who were pressured to have an abortion by their bf and mothers. I also had an abortion a little over a year ago and i’m still learning how to cope with it. Well if you ever need to talk to someone feel free to send me an email.
ParticipantHey sweety, honestly you can only do whats best for you. I had a abortion for the same reasons your thinking about. I thought an abortion would solve my "problem" it only made it worse. I can’t even hold a baby without thinking about my precious little one. Honestly i’d say keep it you’d be surprised how many friends and family will step up and help. But if you decide not to it’ll hurt but "people" tell me i’ll get over it but I haven’t yet. It all depends on your situation, my bf and I are barely making ends meat so honestly we thought there was no way we could afford but we regret it everyday. We here for eachother you’ll need some strong support following the "procedure". Well thats my say on your situation I could go on and on but I know you’ll make the right decision for you. Please keep in touch i’d love to hear how your story turns out and if you need someone to talk to dont hesitate.
ParticipantJeez it kills me to hear so many young women are going through the same thing I’ve gone through. I know exactly how you feel. I was 8 weeks along and I and my bf were convinced an abortion would solve all of our issues. But it just ended up causing sooooo many more problems emotional, mental and at times physical. That empty feeling hasnt gone away and its been a little over a year so I have noo idea how to get over it or when it will pass. I’ve learn to talk about it, with my "abortion" survior friends because my bf doesnt quite understand though he holds me and dries my tears its justnot the same as talkin to my ab friends. Email me i’ll be happy to share my story and help you with yours.
ParticipantAwwww sweaty I know exactly how you feel. I allowed "society" to dictate whether or not I should have a baby. I also grew up with a mom who always told me it would be stupid to get pregnant and not have an abortion at my age. I truly went into a deep deep depression because just like you I felt so empty, the moment I woke up from my abortion I regretted it and i’ve felt empty ever since. Its a feeling that never leaves you many of my friends just got pregnant right after the abortion to compinsate but I watch them with such anger because you can replace what was taken. Honestly I cant give you any advice on how to get over it because I haven’t but I’m here to talk if you need to. Please dont hesitate that seems to be the only thing that works for me.
ParticipantHey jjs mom, I had an abortion and thats the reason I joined this site. I knew I could help other young women who’ve gone through the same thing I have. You’ll be surprised how many people feel the same way you do right now >>>>>ME<<<< 🙁 but I still come on this site. Being able to convince at least one young woman to consider another option makes me keep coming back. I went through and am still going through post abortion issues, mentally and sometimes physically. Were not here to judge, at least I’m not. Most of us are here to listen and give advice. Dont leave the site, no one is perfect, no one knows your situation. you did what you thought was best, even though it hurt like hell. Email me if you need to talk but do me a favor and stay on this site even if its just to read the post;)
ParticipantHey there, please give your child a chance if your pregnant again. We already know how an abortion can make you feel especially when you have no one to talk to. I’m sure your doctor can advise you on any complications you might incur during your pregnancy but this might be the little girl you’ve always wanted. Please consider giving your possible child a chance. Where theres a will there is a way. I’m sure you didn’t think you could afford 3 children but you’ve made it and I’m sure you will continue to make ends meet. Your kids might not have the newest game system but they’ll have you and a loving dad and 3 wonderful brothers. Personally I’ve had an abortion and a part of me regrets that decision so whenever I see an indivdual leaning that wat I try my hardest to convince them to give there baby a chance. Hope this helped, feel free to email me sometime if you need to talk.;)
ParticipantHey Vickie
I know EXACTLY how you feel. I had my termination a year ago and not a day goes by in which I dont think about my lil angel and wonder what he/she would’ve looked like. My bf and I had a very difficult time after because the holiday season was approaching and to see all the parents with there babies at time became just to hard. But some people have told me it will get better, which it sort of has but not much. I can’t really give advice on how to move on. I just hope you have a strong, supportive partner whose there to wipe your tears. I dont completely regret my decision but I do often wonder what if. But we all have our reasons and no one else was/is in your shoes. If you need someone to talk to feel free to leave me a note with your email. Stay strong!;)