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ParticipantWell I’m 5 months to and I wanted a c-section but then my sister told me that when you have a natural delivery as soon as they take the baby out every pain you’ve been feeling for the last 10 months disappears. With a c-section you will still be sore and recovering for weeks afterward more severly. So I’ll go for a natural delivery now.:)
ParticipantWell doctors usually don’t try until about 18 weeks or so, they like to be accurate. My doc told me at 19 weeks and a couple days. That’s around the best time to make sure they got it right.
ParticipantThanks everybody I’m now looking for a job and we’re going to court to see if we can make a payment plan on the tickets that keep going up. But I look at this with a little more hope. We now we need each other and that we both need to grow up. I am applying to welfare but I leave messages with my case worker and her supervisor for almost 2 weeks and nothing. I don’t get called back which is upsetting me. I’d also like to hear more about these programs that help because no one really told me or my bf about them. I live in the state of PA. And the assistance office really doesn’t care about the situation I’ve been up there 2 times to see if I can see my case worker and I can’t without an appointment. But I can’t make one because she doesn’t answer the one or return my calls. But I guess I’ll have to keep trying. I just wanted to say thank you reading your responses gave me hope. But I’d like to know more about these programs… You can write me on my profile. Thanks
ParticipantIt’s pretty normal to have morning sickness. What helps a lot is eating crackers as soon as you wake up. They help lessen the morning sickness big time, or eat them anytime of the day you have morning sickness. Good luck!
ParticipantI know it’s confusing just try to stay relaxed.. Well you should make an appointment with your gyno now. And don’t worry if you can’t get an appointment for another couple of weeks, I was like that too. Try to stay healthy for you and the baby and Congrats!
ParticipantI had the same symptoms and I had only been on the pill for about a week too. When I took a test I got a faint positive result too. I waited a couple of weeks and the positive was darker. Wait a little while and test again if you can’t get to the doctors. Good luck!
ParticipantHey, what side effects are you going thru?
ParticipantWell I took a test a week after my missed period and it didn’t show a negative but it was too light of a positive so that’s what I thought. But I was about 2 weeks late before I got a for sure positive result. Good luck and I hope you get what you want! 🙂
ParticipantI suggest to take another one. It usually means that there was too much urine or not enough. That’s your best bet. Good luck! 🙂
ParticipantNo problem keep me posted and Good Luck I hope it all works out for you! 🙂
ParticipantHi, You can test as soon as you miss your period. You could be having symptoms this early but if not, they could develop. A test now would probably give you an accurate result.. Good luck and I hope you get what you want!
Participanti had been suspecting for a while I was pregnant but because I was on the pill I didn’t really think a missed period was a symptom. So I left a a Clearblue test at his house and held my urine in the next morning and walked down to rite aid and brought a pack of 3 pregnancy tests. I took one but messed it up, I took the other, hopped in the shower and when I came out I saw a very faint second line. I didn’t think anything of it and neither did he. I waited 2 weeks and still no period so I woke up and took the other. And surprise it was a dark positive. I snuck into his house and shook him awake. He looked up at me and said "What?" I held the test to his face and said "Good morning daddy"
ParticipantHey if I were u I would wait a few days and make sure to use the first pee of the morning. I did the same thing and a very light positive result showed up at first, I could hardly see it. Then I waited about a week and got a really dark positive and haven’t stopped getting them since.. Good luck
ParticipantHey everyone I took a test with an office called BirthRight and I got the results. It was positive! Thanks to everyone for all the advice me and my bf are very excited and trying very hard to get our life situated before the baby. I made an appointment for the 1st of August and can’t wait.. Any support and advice will be greatly appreciated.
ParticipantHi u might not know me but im Eliezer im lisa’s boyfriend u may have heard about our pregnancy well i just wanted to say although im scared out of my mind im goin to be there the whole time.;)
ParticipantHey everyone just leaving a little update.. I took another test today and it came up instantly with a dark positive result! So the test says I’m pregnant!
ParticipantHey everybody just thought I’d give a little update. I tested today and got a very faint positive response. Really light.. I didn’t even see it at first. I don’t know what to think about it. Can someone tell me what that means?
ParticipantHi the best thing you can do is test if your periods already late and you don’t feel as if it’s coming. I’m going the same thing you are and the order of which I take my pills is pretty much off too. I would really appreciate to hear how it turns out for you so keep me posted. Thanxx