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There’s so much time in the future to have kids… Moving out and getting pregnant before you’re even eighteen is something so much easier said than done. It really is something that can wait, you know?If you love each other as much as you say, you have all the time in the world.
Well and HPT or a trip to the doctor’s is the only way to know for sure. Actually, an HPT might not even be accurate these days, but forget that. The point is you need medical attention if you don’t get your period soon. :]Keep us updated, dear.
I can tell you right now that if you have any doubts about having an abortion, do not do it. That kind of decision will haunt you for the rest of your life unless you can truly convince yourself you won’t be able to handle it.On the other hand, don’t keep the child to keep him around. That’s another big mistake.
So all in all, let us know what decision you made. Sounds rough, darling.
ParticipantI’ll have to agree with Shluna on the first part. This isn’t just about you… Your child could/will suffer severely whether your husband resorts to hitting him or not. If he does, it’s obvious how troublesome his life will be. But if he doesn’t, it’s still a problem. Take it from the girl who watched her father beat her mother daily growing up. It’s not a pretty sight and I can assure you, it’s changed my view on men in general. Unless you want a child with a skewed view of men or what they’re supposed to be like, I really suggest police and medical intervention. This is not the kind of life you deserve.
Participant[size=1][color=hotpink][b]Stacey, darling. I think you just posted one of the most inspirational topics on this website.:laugh:
What you’re saying is the absolute truth. I’ve maintained a GPA of 4.2 throughout high school; I’m the first pregnant AP student at this place. All this says is that it could happen to anyone. We’re all in the same boat, you know? Thank you for making a point that I believe needs to be made a tad more often in this world. These stereotypes of trashy, no-good girls throwing their lives away for a child are completely absurd.
Girls like you and I… Yes, we become pregnant because of a little accident… But I have to wonder: were we meant to set an example? I’ve never been a particularly religious person, infact, I’m a stone-cold atheist. But something in me is telling me that although I don’t believe in fate, this was meant to happen. I was meant to show the women and girls in my hometown that this is more than some big-time mistake. We can show them that, like you said, life is NOT over.[/b][/color][/size]
Ohhh, boy. My period is usually the most predictable thing. I went to the bathroom July 5th to put on a pad. Before I even look down, I put one on because it’s always just that consistent. So I put the pad on and realized three hours later that there was nothing on it! :laugh:So I waited a week to take a pregnancy test, seeing as I conceived on July 1st. It was the longest week of my entire life. 😛
Congratulations, Angela! Kade is a great name for a great kid.
Keep us updated, yeah? Pictures sound great.
Well, I’ve certainly met quite a few couples that have lasted a lifetime after meeting in high school. I don’t see why you should be any different, right?
All worthy relationships take time and effort to stay intact. You’re lucky to have found someone who wants to be with you and the baby as much as you want him to be around; it truly is a blessing.I wish you the best of luck with your relationship and remember that if you want it to work, you must be willing to work. 😆
Someone told me the other day that adoption is the most noble and selfless thing you can do for your baby.I would like you to know that though we have never met, never spoken in person, and probably never will, I am so proud of your decision. I hope that when I give my baby up that he/she finds a family that loves him/her as much as I have come to. Thank you for being an inspiration to stay strong and continue with this decision. I truly appreciate it.
Autumn, considering your last post, it seems you’ve got your mind made up. I remember at fourteen, how much in love I was with my first boyfriend. It’s been quite a few years and I can tell you that because it was real, we’ve been able to make a friendship work and we still love each other (as friends) very, very much.You’ve got a lot ahead of you, but I think you’ll pull through. Both in this pregnancy, and your relationship with this boy. Best of luck, dear.
Those do sound like common symptoms, dear. But if you’ve been keeping up with your birth control regularly, remember that it is 98% effective and the chances of you being pregnant are quite slim.I quit smoking the day I considered the fact I might be pregnant. It’s really better to be safe than sorry, right?
Hope everything turns out for the best. :]
I was following the thread hoping I could help you out, but it doesn’t look like you need it! Congratulations, darling. I wish you the best of pregnancies. :laugh:
Thanks for the advice, dear. I’m really hoping the couple I give my child to is as kind as yours was.
This is honestly the best way to go about it. You’ve got to let them know you’re in control of the situation, even if you’re faking it just a little. It’s okay to be scared, but you have to show them you’re going to be responsible. It’ll help them deal with it.
It really does depend on the individual girl. Some girls do in fact have it easy. Some girls have parents who are incredibly pleased to have grandchildren at such a young age. It’s har to imagine, but it’s the truth. These girls could have parents and siblings catering to their every maternal need.Then there are girls who have incredibly strict families, like myself, and dread certain aspects of pregnancy simply because of the way their families will handle the news.
I suppose whether teen pregnancy will be "easy" or "difficult" really just depends on the conditions of the life.
Gotta be honest, I’m pretty much in the same boat with the parental units. I have no clue how to tell them. My dad’s the chill one and my mom’s kinda psychotic, and I’m only seventeen. :blink:Anyway, I’m glad you decided to keep your baby. That’s really a great decision. I’m sure that you and your boyfriend will find the most suitable way to let your parents know. Just be calm and rational about it; there’s no way they can deny you if you show them that you can handle yourself.
Participant[b][color=hotpink][size=1]Well, obviously everyone’s pretty much given you options alreado.
😛So all I can say is keep us updated. I hope everything works out for the best, darling.[/size][/color][/b]
ParticipantI’m due March 30th. Eight more months to go, haha.