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ParticipantRemember that the time to be selfish does come back again..but with time. I never dieted and my body was back to 120lbs within 7 mos. Our biggest regrets are the chances we don’t take. You have been given this baby for a reason although it may not be known to you yet, but maybe your son will lead you to the path you are looking for. If I didnt have my daughter I would NOT be the person I am today and I wouldnt have been where I was when I met my bf now. He gave me my daughter for a lot of reasons and only some of them have come to light. If she never cures world hunger of finds the cure for AIDS she saved my life and that is an accomplishment and well worth the while.
ParticipantI was in an abusive situation and wanted to keep my baby so I moved changed jobs changed my last names and mever talked to any of my friends again. Hard but 6 years later it was well worth it. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and in situations like ours .. often its better to just DISAPPEAR let me know how you are doing
ParticipantCongratulations!!I am so proud of you. I went thru the exact same thing and I can tell you right now my daughter was MORE then worth it
ParticipantIf he’s cheating then he’s not the type of man you want around your child. If you have a boy then he’ll grow to either hate his father OR be like him and treat women badly and if you have a girl then she’ll think its OK for men to treat her that way. I know its hard but you have to think and realise what kind of person you want being a role model for your child..If he’s a cheat he ai’t worth anything but your pity. Kick him to the curb and good ridence (easier said then done I know)
Best of luck to you lady
ParticipantAs disgusting as it may seem to our feeble minds…ugh..our parents have sex and even WORSE our grandparents have sex and whether they achknowledge it to you or not they know YOU have sex. Their not stupid of naive they just choose to as much as you swear to the sky that she doesn’t know…believe me I have found out from being a mom for only 5 years how smart moms really are and moms get their advise from moms so that would mean that grandma’s are even smarter. Don’t repeat the same mistake twice. If God is giving you babies right left and center they are their for a never know you may be harboring the next Albert Einstein. Have you ever wondered why God hasn’t sent us the master minds to solve AIDS, Cancer and all the other fatal deseases out there…He probably did and we aborted them.
If you have this baby and he acomplishes nothing worth a Nobel Peace Prize, remember that he saved you .Shana
ParticipantI was 18 years old when I found out that I was pregnant. I was dating a guy for 2 years at the time. It was a text book abusive relationship that everyone swears will never happen to them. I wasn’t allowed to talk to or see any of my friends. I was limited to discussions with my family. I had broken apart from all that I knew but him. If I didn’t do what I told, I was punished. If I didn’t check in with him 4X a day as to where I was and what I was doing I was punished. This is how I lived my life. I was miserable and physically ill. Standing at 5’7 and barely 98lbs with bones protruding from my face and hips, I was anything but healthy. But he said he loved me and whether I believed him or not I stayed none the less.
I smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day lighting one off the other, until one day they made me feel sick so I started to cut down. I sat down at a table one day and I drew a picture of a sleeping baby and it was then I knew that I was pregnant. I called a friend and they took me to the medi-center and it was there that my thoughts became a reality. I lived in a small apartment with my brother at the time and when I got home I called my boyfriend at work to tell him I was pregnant. Immediately he came over with 5 different at home pregnancy tests, and he stood and watched me take them in front of him (humiliating) All 5 came out positive. The next day he came over and I was home alone. He talked to me about having an abortion saying that my body was too sick to handle a pregnancy and if I had one he would stay with me. “ It’s me or that” I told him that he would have to leave. At that moment he had decided that if I wouldn’t have an abortion that he would give me one. I remember him holding me down by the throat on the bed ready to punch me in the stomach when I kicked him and ran. I ran and screamed for what seemed like an hour until finally he caught me and threw me into the door. It was then that my brother came home and took care of the situation and kicked him out.
I have never seen or heard from him since. I had a restraining order implemented and didn’t put his name on the birth certificate. I have never asked for child support because to be honest, you couldn’t pay me enough to deal with him.
My pregnancy was a nightmare with ultra sounds every 2 weeks. The Doctor’s suspected my daughter to be very malnourished, apparently her legs were not growing, she may have some physical deformations and she might be mentally slow. The recommendation was to terminate my “fetus”
I gave birth to a very intelligent, perfectly sculpted baby girl, who is tall and is nothing but legs. Am I ever glad I didn’t listen to technology.
My daughter has just turned 5 recently and believe me; being a Mom is my life. Sometimes I look back to the days when I first had her and laugh at the times I had to put her to bed in a snow suit because I couldn’t pay the heating bill. I used to buy KFC every Tuesday and stock up on their $2.00 special. When we started we had nothing but each other. No TV to watch, no car to drive in, no couch to sit on. Just us; cuddled in blankets and winter jackets to keep warm. I now hold a reputable job at a reputable company. Together we have replaced all that we have, and bought a new car. By the time I reach 25 I will own my own home. To all the girls out there who want to give up, DON’T. I stood strong on my own two feet and I have beaten the odds. My daughter was the greatest gift I ever could have received. Being pro life to me is not about saving a child’s life as much as it is about saving your own. She is my Angel and she saved my life. Where would I be now without my daughter? When you save a baby you save yourself, and open yourself up to great possibilities and rewards you never thought existed. The meaning of her names is “ Clear Morning Warrior” and at night my heart breaks when she prays:
“Dear Jesus,
Thank You for coming back from dieing,
Please one day will you send me a good Daddy?
Thank You.
Amen”If my daughter can walk through the fire so can you…have faith and God will be there with you all the may not see him but he is walking next to you holding your hand every step you take and within every decision you make…by the way my daughter now has her very own Daddy and her prayers have been aswered as well. He’ll answer yours.
ParticipantApparently blood tests show up pretty quick you can always give that a go if not I would wait 10-14 days before taking another test…let me know you might be on lucky #5
ParticipantI used to be an aesthetician for about 4 years before making a recent career change. Micro Derrmabrasion works well however I found it to be aggressive for sensative scar tissue…see if you can get a 10% alpha hydroxy acid (AHA or Glycolic) Biostrat or Intaglio are a good line..they wont make them dissappear but they will definitly soften them..giver a go and let me know
ParticipantThey will come when they are ready my dear…sometimes they miscalculate due dates…they messed mine up real goo i was 4 weeks late AHHHH and still had to be induced (technically only 2 weeks late until she came out and they realised she should have been out LONG before) and like my daughter they decide to become siamese twins with you and just never want to leave that nice warm safe belly…shes 5 and hasnt left my apron strings yet:P
ParticipantJust to be the medical marvel that I am heres what happened to me! I was supposed to go for sugery on my stomach, was very nervous and woke up one day and decided I was pregnant. Took a urine test which came out a big ol negative, told the doc I still thought I was pregnant ..sent me for a blood test which was a big ol negative…so just to shut me up tah dah he sent me for an ultra sound and lo and behold…8 weeks pregnant. You never know whatcha gonna get. I harbored a mystery baby that didnt show up on the tests, one who did show up as having a high probability of being special needs and abnormally stunted in growth, intelligence and capability to function properly physically so they told me…. ABORT!!! Guess what technology can be a you know what because I gave birth to a perfectly healthy little girl and the only thing wrong with her I can honestly say is SHES TOO SMART FOR HER OWN GOOD!!:P :ohmy:
ParticipantMy boyfriend took me through hell and back trying to get me to have an abortion, he even tried to give me one himself. I had to move change my last name, my friends, my phone numbers EVERYTHING. Because he wasnt going to kill MY child so that he could go on his merry way. My friends co-workers all told me to abort. The doctors suspected my daughter to have a high probability of being special needs and reccommended me to abort, and after; I gave birth to a perfectly healthy little girl. i had to fight tooth and nail all the way for that baby and my God is she worth it. Don’t let him take this gift away from you. Its YOURS. And if you deny it the pain and the memory will haunt you.
Mother is God in the eyes of a child and just remeber theres a lot of girls here who have been through what your going through right now and we are here to help you get through this time. We are a resource for advice and support….use us for what we’re here for….eachother
ParticipantIf you have an abortion you will always wonder about that baby and will regret it for the rest of your life. Talk to some of these girls on here who have had miscarriages or abortions and how much their hearts bleed for their children Talk to some of us other girls who have done it on our own without a man by our side and the sun still shines because we are loved by our children. It is not an easy road however it is definitly worth while. go to and check out the video the hard truth, one of the girls posted the website not long ago…then you’ll know what you are doing. Your life will come back and you will graduate college. I did…it got put on hold but i finished and i have a really good job now working for a huge corperation. Its a shame that a child should die so that we may live as we choose. No matter what your decision you will still wake up tomorrow and the day after but will your baby? And will you wake up everyday with a broken heart or someone sucking on your nose and looking at you with LOVE.
Mother is God in the eyes of a child
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/15 16:21
November 10, 2006 at 11:37 am in reply to: can you get pregnant after having your tubes tied. #12981Shana
Participantits rare but yeppers it does happen. Happened to a client of mine so definitly get checked lady
ParticipantLady! I have got to hand it to you. You are a tower of strength, and your daughter will grow to be one too. Best of luck with everything and keep up the hard work
ParticipantIf he’s a two timer ADIOUS!!!! Good Riddence to bad rubbish is all I have to say…but make sure or you will always question if you did the right thing. If you have an abortion you will always remeber what might have been what you might have had what they would have looked like and what they would have grown up to be, you will wonder what their first word would have been or when they would have first said mama. You will miss looking through their eyes and seeing your soul wrapped up inside of them..everyday you will miss them and ever year you will plan their would have been birthday party in your head. But the option is yours not to WONDER but to KNOW. To be there. To be part of something that is the greatest thing in the world and to give the gift of LIFE. I left my x when I was 3 mos pregnant and I have never turned back. It was hard but we did it together my daughter and I. And now she’s 5 and she has the BEST Daddy she could have ever dreamed of and I love him.
Do whats right for you, but I would strongly reccommend living lifes moments and not spend them Wondering.
All the best
ParticipantI would probably go to your doctor or call a health line and ask. Someotimes thats normal for the rest of the "tissue " to shed and it can clot. However if you ever pass a blood clot larger then a loonie you should go to the hospital immediatly. Sometimes discharge after giving birth or abortions can last upto 6 weeks. make sure its not fresh blood though, so it should be brown or darker in color. As long as its not bright red for more then a week or two and not too heavy.
Let me know if you need anything. i like to read alot so I have a brain full of info. If i dont know I’ll find out
Hope everythings ok
ParticipantI had a girl but if I would have had a boy I would have named him Caleb Patrick Gabrielle
ParticipantSTAY BUSY!!!! My boyfriend and I now are trying to wait until we get married its soooo hard. People think we’re crazy. We just avoid everything now because it is sooo tempting. Lucky for us theres always at least one kid around but you can always find a way!!! Stay busy always be around people and friends ….we play a lot of chess…yep we’re losers but hey. Whatever you can find that works. It can also make you feel very insecure not having very much affection so to counter act that you really have to compliment the other person as they need to do with you so that you do feel safe and loved in the relationship. I’m so proud of you for doing this. Dont ever let anyone take it away from you. My friends teased me for not having sex and when i was 17 I gave in to peer pressure. Be strong and know that what you believe in is good and true. Keep going girl.;)
ParticipantI know that feeling. Believe me I have been there. I found for me it was that I was used to having him around and him being part of my life and when he wasn’t there it was like I was missing an eye. After 6 years and raising my daughter on my own I’m over it. I don’t love him but a part of me will always remember him. We spent 2 yrs together and thats a long time, and its a lot to forget. For a long time I hated him and sometimes I still do, but it was that hate that let me get over it after I walked away. You just have to walk away. Guys that go on a break but still want to be with you just want to be there for the fun times not the times that exist within a relationship . Not the responsability and commitment that are involved of actuelly being with you. Your guradian Angel could have the perfect guy standing right in front of you at this very moment. But you will let him pass by if all you can see is this guy your with now.
Don’t blind yourself with a Love/Hate relationship. Let your inner beauty radiate. When you find the right person it won’t feel like when their gone your missing an eye, it will just feel like when their there you can see more clearly and its actuelly pretty cool having an extra set of eyes. That other person will bring out the best most beautiful you. You are beautiful now, imagine how you will be when it shines through all the more.
ParticipantI know that feeling. Believe me I have been there. I found for me it was that I was used to having him around and him being part of my life and when he wasn’t there it was like I was missing an eye. After 6 years and raising my daughter on my own I’m over it. I don’t love him but a part of me will always remember him. We spent 2 yrs together and thats a long time, and its a lot to forget. For a long time I hated him and sometimes I still do, but it was that hate that let me get over it after I walked away. You just have to walk away. Guys that go on a break but still want to be with you just want to be there for the fun times not the times that exist within a relationship . Not the responsability and commitment that are involved of actuelly being with you. Your guradian Angel could have the perfect guy standing right in front of you at this very moment. But you will let him pass by if all you can see is this guy your with now.
Don’t blind yourself with a Love/Hate relationship. Let your inner beauty radiate. When you find the right person it won’t feel like when their gone your missing an eye, it will just feel like when their there you can see more clearly and its actuelly pretty cool having an extra set of eyes. That other person will bring out the best most beautiful you. You are beautiful now, imagine how you will be when it shines through all the more.
ParticipantWell to be honest it all depends where you live. Im in Canada. So here you just call maintenance enforcement. ultimitly you will have to wait until the baby is born and then have a paternity test done and then if he still refuses take him to court for child support and then if you have a good lawyer you can have court costs covered as well. BUT…do you really want your daughter to have to deal with this guy for the rest of her life? Does she really want him to be Daddy or would she rather wait like I did and raise her child and one day fall in love and FIND a real Daddy. ( you don’t even really have to look, God drops them from the sky when the time is right 🙂 )Sometimes its just not worth the money. In my case it wasn’t and I am so much happier now because I have my happy family with a mommy and a daddy and no one to take her away every other weekend or no one for me to argue with or worry about getting money from. It was really hard at first and very financially difficult and there were a lot of struggles for us. But in the end I am so happy with that decision. You can read my story if you want. I Did it on my own and we’re happy.
My boyfriend now shares custody with his childs mother and hes so happy to have him but the fights that go on.and the instability of going back and forth between houses and people and rules, I feel sorry for him Im glad its not the route i took.Shana
ParticipantIf there was a serious problem with your baby your Doctor would not have let you go home. And if your baby didnt have a heart beat your body would let you know! Don’t stress about it you’ll just stress out the baby. Just remeber to be cautious
Trake care and good luck
ParticipantGod will never give you more then you can handle. Be strong. My daughter is half Lebanese and my x didn’t want anything to do with her because she was a "half breed" HA! Mixed babies are so cute. Your bf obviously was never your friend so don’t let him pressure you. Your baby will begorgeous!
ParticipantHey no worries. My friend was in the same situation you are now and he didnt want his son either…but now thats he’s 41/2 he loves him to death and is part of the family. Everything will work out keep your baby and if yuu can’t then give it to someone who dreams every night with a broken heart because they want one and can’t have one. Children are gifts and they are given for a reason. God said " Let the little children come to me " He has given you this gift don’t reject it. Cherish it
September 26, 2006 at 10:34 am in reply to: did anyone ever feel like they did the wrong thing #11963Shana
ParticipantMy daughter is my saviour and i would be lost without her.