Forum Replies Created
Participantawww congrats =] my baby is due May 20th 2008! im so excited. I cant believe im in my 2nd trimester already. things are going so fast lol
Participantits SO hard to avoid stress. especially when your in a stressful relationship, or when your working 2 jobs and going to school like i am. when i was first pregnant and didnt know i got into a fight with a girl at school & won, but i got crazy and really angry & worked up which im afraid put stress on the baby.
Participantyeah thats true, its just i don’t want my dad to think im irresponsible. but w/e lol. i’ll let them pay for it
Participantyeah im 17 and im having my baby may 08, and my bday is in september too.
November 19, 2007 at 12:27 am in reply to: when did you find out if your baby was a boy or gi #19640randomchyck220
Participanthah im soooo anxious its like killin me to find out lol
Participantyou can go to babys R us and get the lolipops there
ParticipantIf you need help telling your parents, talk to a school counsuelor first, they can help you work out your emotions so you know the right things to say. My counsuelor told me that i cant control the reactions of my parents when i was thinking of how they would react. My parents reacted just the way i thought they would, very angry and misunderstanding of my beliefs. But I’m staying strong rite now and thats wut matters.
Participantlol i already dont favor spicy things, but i had some chilli ramen noodles (i love chilli) and ehh well lets say 5 mins later i was in the bathroom for an half an hour! spicy food doesnt digest well for me lol
Participantyeah thats happening to me already at 3 months!! idk if it sounds like something else could be wrong because i dont think its normal to have these problems this early.
Participantmy parents tried to say they wouldnt have anything to do with me, i got into an argument with my dad in the car and he said that he’d drive me to the clinic and make me get it done… but honestly i see underneath his anger and his misunderstanding of my beliefs, and i know my parents love me but i have to make my own decisions, and im keeping my baby.
ParticipantMy situation kinda sucks lol. I’m almost 4 months pregnant, 12 weeks :] andd ive been thinking about this. My last name is very unique, and its french and has a long history. Its Lachelier. But, my boyfriend’s last name is Condon. Andd not that i don’t like his name buttt like its so close to the word condom, and people crack little jokes all the time and its stupid i know, people need to grow up. But i think i should really keep my last name and our son or daughter will have my last name & i dont wanna upset my bf at the same time lol. so what do i do?
Participantmy parents want me to get an abortion or put my baby up for adoption but nothing they say will ever force me to do it! I am strong and i know it :] so far im almost 12 weeks :]
Participantisnt that illegal? how old are you?? thats really f*cked up. I’d like kill my mom for that not really but id deff never have anything to do with her again wowwww