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ParticipantI knew a lady who had her period through out her whole pregnancy, but that is rare. Usually the first period could happen and it wouldnt be so abnormal but after it becomes a bit unusual. As long as youre being monitored by your doctor closely, you should be fine. Go to an OB right away though if this continues. Because family doctors dont have a clue.
ParticipantI agree. As sad as it is, this is how society thinks. There is a perfect way to things. Get married after 25, when you have finished university/college and are working. Then buy a house, maybe a second, and then you can decide on kids. usually around 30; I know it’s not fair to put down teen mom’s efforts but it would be alot easier having children if we could fall into the perfect society image, dont you think? honesly.
Participantmy first trimester i lost weight but bloated. i looked bigger but i was lighter on the scale. But mostly because I wasnt eating and throwing up whatever went down, but the next 3 months I gained 30 pounds and went from a size 6 to like a 14 regular.
ParticipantNo infection is good for your baby and needs medication that can be taken during pregnancy. I read cat litter is not good for pregnant women, as it contains something. Better go to the doctor and be safe than sorry later hun. Good luck
ParticipantI started lactating when I was 22 weeks along, and LOTS. My shirt was wet. What you can do is wear your bra a lil tighter, or use cold compressors. It helps lessen the milk, and it doesnt matter that its white right now. Mine was also white but when my baby was born prematurely, it was yellow and lots. Good luck
Participantaround 12 weeks for the ultrasound and depends on your body when you show. I was showing before I knew, because I became a human balloon so everyone kept asking and I didnt even think I was. But my friend is 20 weeks almost and NOTHING. she can be naked and it looks like nothing. Just flat. SO, depends on your luck. I gained over 30 pounds by the time I was 26 weeks. Crazy fat woman, but I lost it all a week and a half after I gave birth
ParticipantIm so sorry for what happened. I lost my 5 day old baby about a month ago, and the world seems so incomplete without her. I hope you can find some peace because words cant express the amount of emotions. Try to relax and let your body be in peace. After so much, you dont want any more bad news. REST and time will heal all things. I found out that my baby was born early because of stress so stop stressing!!!! itll be ok, you can worry after you give birth to two beautiful babies.
ParticipantIm so so sorry for the things youve gone through, grieve is hard enough especially both parents and being raped on top is just too much for one person to deal with. Make sure you take advantage of any counsolers/psychologists and etc or any programs that they may offer in your area. How old is your sister? For you, its a crisis situation, but keep your head up and relax. PLEASE, if you want those children, you HAVE TO relax, i know its hard but you have to. Good luck hun
ParticipantMarch 12th? It would be almost impossible to feel ANYTHING at all, but if thats your most fertile then it would mean you have another week before your period, so until then dont worry about it. Whats done is done, if youre not trying for a baby, then use protection next time around, thats all. Stress may further delay your period so relax. Good luck
ParticipantI personally didn’t go through this but I know a lady who did. She was overweight and didn’t know until she was into labour, and she was soooo shocked, as were we. She had gotten all 9 of her periods and she had a healthy babygrl. Sometimes, nature works miracles but the only thing that kept me going the first few weeks is to know that there is no more tampons for a good while and I was happy at the thought, but maybe you are feeling everything sooner and you just had a couple of periods and I think that you would owe to having 2 children, so you can feel the movements alot sooner than a firsttimer. Good luck and see a doctor
ParticipantYou could get pregnant regardless of teh fact that you use protection, tho if you double protect, it is very rare but if you are, you ae the most fertile couple ever!;) Also, I had those symptoms when I was on the pill, which is why I came off of them so quicklly, The pill might just not be adjusting to your body as well as you would hope for, so if you have just started this pill talk to your doctor, if you have been using it for a while, talk to your doctor anyways. WHatever the problem is right now, it is best to seek medical attention:) good luck
ParticipantWell, the signs could be just your period coming a lil late because you are stressing over the unprotected sex, but you’ll find out soon enough anyways, so just relax and take it easy, when the results get to you, then you’ll know and then you can face the challenges.
Participantpregnancy and period symptoms are almost the same so its always hard to tell but your method of protection is definately not as effect as you would like it to be because precum still produces enough sperm to make a baby. WIth that in mind, and if you have only had one period in the last 2 and a half months, the chances of your pregnancy are high. Take a bloodtest to be sure, or take a home pregnancy tests, people just seem to doubt them after taking one, but if you believe in them, ( they are rather accurate) then take one and find out. Good luck and best of wishes
Participantits is possible but extremely rare to get a false positive. and like the other grls mentioned the morning urine has more HCG, but if you wait 4 days and test even during the day it should come out positive since your HCG level has gone up significantly should u be pregnant. Good luck and Congrats if you are
ParticipantI can just imagine how hard your situation is. But, why would you want a man like that in your life? why in your baby’s life? You have gotten this far without him, and you don’t need a man to drag you down. i know how love can change a person. But be logical and yes listen to your heart. Aren’t you heartbroken? once a cheater, always a cheater and you don’t need to stress yourself right now. The best way, in my opinion, is to do your thing and raise your child and make him regret how much he missed, and maybe he’ll beg for forgiveness and wants in your childs life and if that doesn’t happen, you’ll find someone MUCH better than him, who will take care of you and love your and your child.’
Best of luck
ParticipantI’m sorry about what you went through, I went through an abortion 3 days before my 18th last year and it was really really hard. I let it go this year when I found out I was yet pregnant again. It just seems like you made that decision by yourself and did what made you comfortable. I know it will be hard but try to stay strong. Make sure that you don’t get pregnant too soon again, because you might still have that belief deep down inside, which would make the situation a lil harder to cope with. Remember that you did this because you thought that your baby could not have the love and support s/he needed and that you made your choice based on your life, your bfs and your baby’s. Remember that you want the best for your child, and eventhough this experience was hard, there will be better things to come your way, and when it is the right time for you, you can make a great mother. :D. Good luck hun
ParticipantI missed a period in July, and I wasnt pregnant till late August. You can miss a period if you are overstressed, and for many other reasons, if you have had 3 nomral periods after having sex, your chances of pregnancy are slim, so don’t worry yourself.
ParticipantShe is legally responsible for you until you are 18. Shes only responsible for YOU, now if you were getting married, she would have to agree and sign papers, if you are under 18, but when it comes to your child, NO ONE can decide what you do. You can keep your child, don’t worry ok? Just don’t worry about it right now, and go on with a healthy pregnancy and once the baby comes, I’m sure she’ll change her mind, afterall, she’s seeing her grandchild, and all the joys, then she would be begging you for forgiveness for what she said. Good luck hun π
Participantit could be anything, you need to check with your doctor. Your symptoms are the exact ones I had before I found out I was pregnant, but I never noticed them to be honest, and I never felt nauseaus till my 6th week. Make a doctors appoinment and make sure everything is ok, it could after all just be an early period, but to rest your mind, check with the doctor. Good luck and I hope you don’t hear bad news.
ParticipantYour symptoms do not show until you are 6-8 weeks. Then you will feel them very much, don’t wait for them, just be glad if you don’t have them. It doesn’t mean that your baby isn’t healthy if you don’t have symtoms. It’s perfectly normal not to feel pregnant at all for the first few weeks. Good luck when you get them π
ParticipantTry not to be disappointed or discourage. It would normally take a healthy couple about 12 months of tryin in order to get pregnant. Symptoms of pregnacy and your period are almost exactly alike for teh first couple of weeks, Nausea doesn’t start usually until you are 6 weeks along. Blood tests are more accurate, and you can be positive as to whether you are or aren’t pregnant. Pregnancy test are not so fast at detecting but most of them work right after you miss your period. Good luck to you and keep tryin, good things happen to those who wait π
ParticipantI wouldn’t say there are no chances but you usually ovulate 2 weeks after your period, and the sperm lives upto 5 days…. so chances are minimal, don;t worry and stress yourself. Take a test dec first, hey maybe you have a bigger christmas surprise than most π
ParticipantWritting is I think the best way, because you can get all your feelings out uninterrupted and plus, they have sometime to think and cool off. Talking would be nice is you are close to them or to one of them so you can tell one and ask for help in telling teh other one. Good luck whatever you choose.
Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/15 01:37
ParticipantI would want to know personally, so I can shop for the baby and do all the decorations according to gender and it’s so much easier for your babyshower to be honest. Sometimes they can’t tell you for sure what it is, or they might get it wrong and you might get disappointed. It’s totally up to you, have fun with it. π
ParticipantHun, plz don’t get into sex because you want him back. If it’s meantto be he should want you without sex. You might regret your decision when you get older and you are wiser than today. I went out with a guy for 2 years, he gave me all that I wanted and I still didn’t budge into sex. What if you got pregnant today, do you think the man that wasn’t there for you, but was there for sex, will be there for your child? Don’t be childish, there’s plenty of fish in the sea, and crushes come and go, Don’t let a man occupy so much of your time and mind, they are just not worth it. Chances are, that guy, is not "the guy" and you know it deep down inside so why are you trying to please him so much? And you said that he has heard from places that you are playing him, having sex would only make him think you are easy and desperate. Don’t do it, but that’s just ,y opinion. Good luck:)
Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/15 01:31