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  • in reply to: What’s better a C-section or a regular delivery??? #19049

    Hi, I had my first child by C-Section at 19 and now at 27 my scar is hardly noticable, c-sections today don’t leave you with a huge scar.

    C-sections are normaly only done for medical reasons so the advantages are basically that you would be putting the health of you and your baby at risk otherwise if you had any of these. Exam,ples would be breech birth, a very large baby, or fetal distress where the baby isn’t getting enough oxygen in labour.

    I have also had three vaginal births and in my opinion these were much easier, epecially in terms of recovery afterwards. For me having a C-Section made it hard to care for my son, and made breast feeding impossible, I found the experience quite traumatic.

    That’s not to say that this is the case for everyone, I have a friend who found recovery easier and thought c-section was a more pleasant experience by far, but the she had medical problems that made labour particularly difficult for her.

    If you choose to have a vaginal birth my advice would be to inform yourself about labour as much as possible, to keep mobile as long as possible in labour, and try not to be strapped to the hospital bed!, also try to avoid induction, it hurts more!

    google active birth, epidural, and generaly get informed as much as you can, and look forward to meeting your baby 🙂

    in reply to: how to get a scan helpp fast #19048

    Hi, I’m also in the UK and to the best of my knowledge it shou;d be possible to visit another GP’s surgery as a temporary patient, you will be able to get the right advice by ringing NHS direct on 0845 4647. They will be able to tell you who to contact and give you the contact numbers you need.

    in reply to: bedtime #18994

    Also a safety gate on the bedroom door can help

    in reply to: Is this labour? #18993

    Undrea, you should always report any bleeding and make sure your doctor listens to your concerns properly, spotting cannot be caused by stress. If neccesary take someone else with you to back you up. Do not be fobbed off with that sort of response where the health of you and your child is concerned.

    in reply to: has anybody had brown spotting? #18992

    Hi, I have experienced this but only while taking progesterone only birth control. It can be a due to implantation bleeding very earlty in pregnancy, but that’s would be 7-10 days before your period would be due assuming you have a 28 day cycle. If you miss a period then take a test.

    in reply to: im 15! why is this happening… #18991

    Hi, if you are comfortable with talking to your mum first then of course! if not then go to a clinic where you can get some emotional support rather than trying to cope alone.

    in reply to: advice plz think im pregnant #18886

    yes it is entirely possible that you could be pregnant, take a pregnancy test and seek medical advice.

    in reply to: should i be worried? #18882

    It’s possible that you haev a condition called symphysis pubis dysfunction. When you are preganat the ligaments that hold your pelvic bones together begin to loosen a little ready for birth, for some people they loosen a little too much and can cause pain like you are describing. when you get out of bed roll on to your side and swing your legs out with your kneed together. Try to sit with your knees together etc. Talk to your care provider because if this is the cause it can also be treated with physiotherapy and support belts can help.

    in reply to: never have an abortion….please!!! #18688

    If you are having suicidal thoughts then you need to seek medical help, I assume as you mention council lists that you are in the UK, there are helpline numbers available to you such as samaritans, mindline and more, (easy to find using google). Please seek proffesional help as soon as possible. No matter how guilty you may be feeling you will come to terms with your loss in time and there is no shame in getting help when you need it. Good luck, be well.

    in reply to: mm i need help #18669

    Is moving back in with your dad an option?

    in reply to: advice #18619

    If it were me, and I have been in a similar situation, I would respond with,
    "This is your baby, if you don’t want to believe that it’s fine, but you will be the one paying for the DNA test because it’s not me with the doubts. I am having this baby with or without you allthough I’d much prefer that we did this together. You will be paying child support wether you want to or not, it’s not an optional thing, it’s the law. If you choose not to support me then it will be you who misses out on a wonderful experience of parenthood and every day you miss is one you can never recover, from now onwards. Think about it, and get back to me when you know what you are doing because I’m busy nuturing our unborn child and quite frankly I don’t need the stress ."
    Then leave him a few days, there’s not alot else you can do. It is also worth saying that this will be s very stressful time of change for both of you, but this doesn’t give him the right to tkae his worries out on you, tell him to find someone else to whinge at!

    in reply to: Just curious #18520

    Hi, Ovulation is usually in the middle of your menstrual cycle, so for instance if you have a 28 day cycle you would ovulate on day 14. However this is not a complete garuntee. ovulation is timed 14 days before your period, and seeing that it is impossible to predct the future, know one knows exactly when that will be. It must also be taken in to account that sperm can live for up to five days in the body so there is quite a large margin of error. Bottom line is that using your cycle to predict your fertility is not contraception, and only 5-10% more effective than not bothering at all. Perhaps Googling "human menstrual cycle" might be a good way of inmforming yourselves as there seem to be quite a few people her who are woefully under-eduacted.

    in reply to: am i pregnant or not? #17877

    Hi, you really need to take a test, a condom even when used correctly is not 100% effective. My partner was concieved while his parents were using both a condom and the pill, so yes it is possible that your condom failed. Considering your syptoms you need to take a test and considering your age it would be best if you could find an adult who you feel you could safely confide in.

    in reply to: PLZ HELP ME!! #17876

    Hi, considering the circumstances it is highly unlikely that you are pregnant, in fact the chances of pregnancy from unprotected sexual intercouse are only around 20%, (this is not to say it’s a good idea to play the odds). It is also quite rare to experience many pregnancy syptoms before the date of a missed period as hormone levels are very low at this stage.

    in reply to: help please! #17875

    At seven months you may be experiencing braxton hicks, (practise) contractions. If your contractions are painful AND become regular and closer together, get immeadiate medical help. If you are having practise contractions they will usually stop if you lie down and rest, (btter to be on your left side), and make sure that you have drunk enough water, dehydration can cause them., hope this helps

    in reply to: pre ejaculation and ovulating?? #17874

    Hi, the withdrawl method is definately not a form of contraception, i have a daughter that proves it!, wait untill your period is late to take a test.

    in reply to: 5 months and lost #17873

    Hi, I would definately see a doctor if i were you, unexplained bruising can be a sign of anaemia which can be dangerous for both you and your baby, good luck!

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