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  • in reply to: What’s the possibility that I’m pregnant? #24486

    There is a chance that you could be pregnant Dance, since you’ve missed so many pills and restarted, and missed some again. Please don’t keep taking birthcontrol pills if your purposely trying to get pregnant. You will harm the baby. Think carefully, if this is what you want right now.

    I will pray for you,

    in reply to: some help on the pill & being pregers please :| #24483

    I’m sorry I’m not sure if you were saying this is your first time you’ve been on the pill, ever?? If it is, and you had your period on the 10th of March as well as began your pills….you would have only been on the pill for 4 days, and had unprotected sex?? The pill does not affect your body that quickly to be safe from conception. But since it was only 4 days after your period started, you probably had not ovulated yet. What worries me is that you continued to have unprotected sex while forgetting to take your pill, even as recently as yesterday. You are trying not to get pregnant and making decisions concerning your body and sex that could change your whole life and you’re not even clear about how to use the pill.

    From the dates you’ve given, you are on day 2 since your period stopped (if it lasted 6 days it ended on the 15th). Typically, ovulation can take place anywhere from day 7- 13 of the cycle after the period ends. This will vary from each woman, but if you have been missing pills you should not be having sex with your boyfriend if you want to prevent pregnancy. Even if you had not missed any pills, birth control can fail anyway. Not having sex with your boyfriend, abstaining, is the only sure way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy as well as preventing contracting a sexually transmitted disease. If you are not prepared to raise a baby right now in your life with your boyfriend, it doesn’t make sense to take the risk time after time when you’re with him.

    Just make a committment to oneanother and promise to wait until you are married. It’s easy to give in to pressure when you’re in a situation where you’re together and alone, but think about this……what will it hurt if you waited? Would he leave you for another girl? Then he truly didn’t care for you to just give up that easily. Then you would’ve exposed his true character and saved yourself from a possible problem in the future. But…..if you continue to have sex, while trying to keep track of your period, pills, and dates, and trying to remember when were you unprotected while missing a pill here and there……and come to find out your pregnant, and he decides he doesn’t want this and walks out on you when you tell him…… that moment, you will look back and say, “I wish I had just said NO, I want to wait until we’re married.”

    My advice to you is to NOT have sex with your boyfriend starting today and tell him why!! TELL HIM YOU MAY BE because then he may respect the fact that he could get you pregnant if he continues to have unprotected sex with you since you’ve missed taking it regularly. It may be a wake up call to him as well if you share with him what is going on. It may cause him to decide he wants to wait to have sex until marriage.

    Wait until your period on April 10th, and if you are late then get a pregnancy test taken. A blood test is the most accurate. You should not continue to take the pill as it could harm the baby if you are pregnant. Don’t take them with the slightest chance that you could be pregnant. Therefore, you will have to stop having sex because you will definately get pregnant. Even if you choose another form of protection, there are plenty of young girls on here who can tell you that their other form of birth control failed and now their either pregnant or raising a baby now.


    in reply to: Need some advice about my bf #24477

    No grouchy boyfriends aloud in the baby viewing area!! It’s for happy people….because it’s a joyous time and a wonderful experience. Take someone else who will support your experiences in a positive way. You have to do this for yourself, so that you can be stress free(as much as possible) and for the health of the baby. Our physical and mental health is so important to our unborn baby’s developement. There should be a screening process for anyone wanting access to the pregnant mommy!!

    A questionaire that asks questions like:

    1. How is your day going? Feeling a little mad about anything?:angry:

    2. Feeling like blaming anyone for anything you may be going through?

    3. Have you stayed up late at nights mad and frustrated about anything you’ve caused to happen?:woohoo:

    4. Do ya feel like your going to take your immaturity out on the mommy who you are requesting visitation with? :S

    If there’s a YES, to any of the above, please return home to your time out spot until you can grow up, take responsibility and promise to act like a mature adult. :dry:

    I’m trying to make light of a not so easy situation that you’re going through, but someone has to inform the boyfriend, that life is going on around him, he can either mature quickly and join in the experiences, or he will be missing out on his child’s life. Things will not stop just because he’s unable to handle the situation, by fighting you and your decision to give this baby life, he is only making things worse for himself as well.

    You’re doing great!!! Keep up the fight for your baby. You’ve made a wonderfully selfless act of love for your child and you will be rewarded for the rest of your life.

    May God be with you,

    in reply to: Advice for a 33 year old mom of 4!! #24473

    Hi mom of 5!!

    I’m sorry but you’ve been on my mind and I thought I’d just let you know something that came to me while I was at church. You are already loving your new baby whether it’s conciensiously or not. Your body is sustaining that baby inside you. Your baby feels your warmth, he/she feels your heart beating, knows the sound of your voice and is thriving inside you. You are ALREADY, a mother of 5!! Motherhood doesn’t take place at the moment of birth…….it is at the instant of conception. Do not be afraid. Lean on God to provide you.

    my prayers are with you,

    in reply to: too soon too take a test… #24445

    I hope everything goes well for you and your boyfriend. Hopefully there will be a wedding soon, since you’ve decided that a baby is welcomed. There’s no reason not to if you and he are so committed to one another, enough to accept a baby. Like you said, you seem to be very mature for your age, so I’m sure you understand how important it is that a child feels secure within a family.

    God bless your decision,

    in reply to: Advice for a 33 year old mom of 4!! #24438


    You can love this child equally as you love your other four and visa versa. This baby will not take away the love you have for your 10 mo old. It will be a different relationship but God doesn’t give us just one amount of love to spread to just a certain amount of loved ones…it doesn’t work like that. By accepting your baby, He provides you with love as a reward for accepting His blessing….therefore you have more to give to another child. God will not abandon you if you turn to Him in prayer. Tell Him your concerns and worries and He will provide you with what you need. Especially with regards to your husband, I know exactly what you’re feeling. I have had to tell my husband numerous times that were expecting another baby, while holding an infant on my lap. But as a married couple you open yourself up to conceiving whether planned or not…’s God plan that we procreate with our spouse. We tried to avoid getting pregnant so many times…..and not matter what we did, we always got pregnant. With two sets of back to back babies along with some older than them and younger than the other set. It wasn’t until we made it up in our minds to turn our life and our marriage over to God and stopped trying to fight his plan for us, that we found peace and acceptance. Whether it was when we were abstinate to avoid pregnancy and ended up conceiving anyway……or, when we tried to conceive and couldn’t for a long time. We accepted it as God’s plan for us as a married couple.

    I’m not sure how old your other children are, but if they are older than 6-7 yrs. then they will be such a great help to mommy and the new baby. They’re even strong enough to hold baby on the floor in their lap while mom cooks dinner, or takes a quick shower.

    You will find ways to cut corners with meals and clothes. (mine have always shared, and how many outfits do children need anyway?) You’re immediate family will love you for your choice to accept life even if they show concern or doubt at first. God finds a way to bring people together and He slowly creeps into our hearts when we witness someone elses selflessness and abundant LOVE!!

    Do not be afraid…..God will carry you through your fears, just turn to him. Your husbands human nature may prevent him from rejoicing in this life you and he have created, but only for awhile. God will speak to your husband, as the father of your child and show him the way as well.

    I will be praying for you.
    God bles,

    in reply to: pregnant and so scared. #24431


    I am sorry if you are feeling scared and alone in your situation, but I assure you, you are not.

    You made a courageous decision to walk away from something that was harmful to you physically and emotionally. No woman should have to live in fear and you made a healthier choice for yourself.

    You can make another courageous choice to carry the baby that is growing inside of you right now, and ask God to give you the grace to be a good mother. He is there for you, you only have to say His name.
    Having faith in God to help us walk the path of life while on earth is the only answer. The views and social behaviors that we see in the world today that are self serving and that give immediate satisfaction are all things that pull us further and further away from God. The simpler we become, the closer we get to HIM!! Simple like the innocence of a CHILD!!

    I am here if you’d like to talk more. I will pray for you especially tonight and will ask God to free you of any anxiety or worry about carrying this baby.

    My prayers are with you,

    in reply to: I dont know what to do #24429

    Not pregnant? You sound relieved!! I am for you as well. But I will pray for you and your decisions about your private life Mikayela. Taking the risk with having sex, protected or not…..hoping everything goes right, all behind your fathers back… this how you want to continue your life? Everything goes back to normal does it? For what?? For how long? Until the contraception fails, or you and he forget to use something? It could be your next cycle….or the one after that. What will change for you by then? Unless you make a concious decision to abstain from sex with your boyfriend until you and he are committed in marriage….you will live with uncertainty, fear of pregnancy because you will have to face your father, fear of pregnancy because that will mean your whole life will change…….You can not turn to abortion again because you understand the horror of that choice, so that means you would have to become a mother at a young age.

    You are accepting that uncertainty willingly by continuing as you have been. You are chosing to live in fear instead of walking a simpler life of love with your boyfriend. You and he could show respect for one another, patience and understanding with regards to desiring one another, and therefore promising a vow of abstinence until marriage because you won’t want to put one another in that same situation you were in the last time you became pregnant. If you care enough about eachother, wouldn’t you want to prevent this from happening again by a different method? The only true 100% safe and effective method? Abstinence!!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you,

    in reply to: Young and scared! #24428

    I’ve been thinking about you these last few days. I am praying for your situation and praying for God to give you the courage to do what’s right if you are pregnant, and also for the courage to take control over your life by making healthier decisions in the future if you’re not pregnant.

    I will look forward to hearing back from you.
    God bless,

    in reply to: Could I Be?? #24427

    There is ALWAYS a chance that you can become pregnant if you have sex unprotected, or even protected. Contraceptions fail… one point or another!! The withdrawel method is no more reliable than any other. You are taking a risk when ever you have sex, that you will conceive a baby!

    I’m not sure about your dates you posted. But regardless, if you become late for your period you should go have a blood test done to get an accurate results.


    in reply to: im so happy and confused HELP! #24425

    You’ve gone through terrible amounts of sadness and guilt from your choice to abort your baby. That as a reminder should be a consolation for you to not think twice about keeping this baby. You have been given a gift of life. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!!! God is giving you the opportunity once again to say “YES” to that life. He is asking you to walk with Him and love as He loves you. He is the creator of all, and he is responsible for this life inside your young body. Don’t let abortion become a convenient crutch to lean on when your, ‘not ready’. No one will judge you Gabby, we are all sinners. But there’s a time to stop living in the past doing things as we’ve always done them. We can stagnate in life, and feel sorrow for our mistakes we’ve made, but when do we say enough is enough. I have got to grow up and take responsibility for my life, my actions, and my baby?

    Step out of your past and onto the road of healing. Life giving healing!! There is no truer act of penance and amendment for the sin of aborting a baby as to go on with your life and accept life the next time God blesses you. Married or not!!! Gabby you and Ollie have some talking to do. You have made enough of a committment to one another by your relationship lasting this long and going through all that you have. Don’t stay in a convenient dating arrangement after all this…..make a committment because God is working around the two of you and your best efforts to avoid one. How much are you going to make him show you before you realize he’s calling you.

    God bless,

    in reply to: too soon too take a test… #24420

    Symptoms vary from one women to another, and as you get older your symptoms may change. There are similar symptoms with pms and early pregnancy…but because of your worrying about what has happened you could be overly sensitive and paying more attention to them now because of the possibility that you may have gotten pregnant.

    You wouldn’t be the first to feel this way, it’s a lot to think about isn’t it? Is this a planned pregnancy? Would you be able to tell your parents about this baby if you are? Are you and your boyfriend in agreement that having a baby now is the best thing? There are so many things to consider. I am not trying to cause you more stress right now, but I’m not afraid to advise you to reconsider your lifestyle with your boyfriend.

    If you get your period next week or even if it’s a day or two late..(which could happen), think about how your life is now, and what it is you feel is best. Continuing to have sex, either unprotected or not, will increase your risks of contracting a disease as well as the possibility of you becoming pregnant. It’s common sense!! If you are feeling right now that you wish you had said, “no” to your boyfriend so that you wouldn’t be in this position, then that is your concience telling you it is not the right thing to be doing. No matter what your girlfriends may be doing, is this what you want for yourself? Do you want to go into your young adult life, or into your first marriage saying, “I wish I had waited!” Will it really matter in a few years if you talked to your boyfriend and told him that you would like to wait for marriage to be in this situation?

    I will pray that you will have the courage to stand up for this baby if you are pregnant….but if you aren’t pregnant, the road doesn’t end there. You have to make some mature decisions about your life or your actions will put you into a situation that you may not want.

    My prayers are with you,

    in reply to: help… #24418

    You are so very welcome!! You’ve made my day with your decision. God puts people into our lives to help us along our journey to HIM!! I want to give back to you what some have done for me in my life. I pray every day that just one young girl will hear God speaking to them through me. He has just answered my prayer.

    Remember, when you are faced with temptation to give in to pressure, whether it’s with your boyfriend or girlfriends, God wants more of you. He has given you a second chance to start your life over…TODAY, this minute. Don’t look back, just ask God to guide you and be your source of strength.

    Peace be with you friend,

    in reply to: too soon too take a test… #24406

    It does sound like you may be. I cannot say for sure, but if you had unprotected sex during that time period that frequently….then the chances that you hit your ovulation day is VERY HIGH! The only sure way to know is to go to your clinic to have a blood test done. But wait until you are late for your period. They are very accurate. If you do not want to get pregant, I would suggest you stop having sex, TODAY!! You could still be within your ovulation period since you still have a week before your period is due. If you aren’t pregnant yet, you could become pregnant. You are unprotected and having sex….that will produce a baby!! Is that what you want right now? If not, then do some thinking and make changes in your lifestyle.

    God bless,

    in reply to: I dont know what to do #24405

    Take a deep breath, and relax. If your boyfriend is with you after an abortion, may I ask…how does he feel about that now? If you are pregnant….would he want to support you in carrying the baby? Breakthrough in contraception happens more times than expected. That’s what most people don’t understand. But if you’re pregnant…it’s too late to think about that now. But you shouldn’t continue to take the pills as they may harm the unborn fetus during the baby’s fragile development. To be absolutely safe as well, if you don’t want to conceive….you shouldn’t be having sex from this moment on with your boyfriend. Chances of pregnancy are high even with the best efforts. You may not be pregnant right now….your just spotting, but you could get pregnant tomorrow or the next day. Until you show up late for your period and test, you won’t know for sure. We can guess all we want, but resort to the facts. Blood test’s are extremely accurate so I wouldn’t waste time on home test.

    I will not be disrespectful towards your father, but I have a strong oppinion against what he believes he was “good about the first time.” Supporting someone in the decision to kill an innocent baby inside a mothers body will never be justified by any reasons!!!! You cannot kill, and turn your back on that go on with your life with a healthy concience. It is wrong….and I hear the sadness in your words. I pray for your healing with the loss of your first baby to abortion. You were lead to believe that abortion was the answer and then you could go back to your normal life….that wasn’t the case was it? We cannot hide from our sins. We can only acknowledge them as wrong and ask for forgivness…..but the key is to not make the same mistakes. We have to amend our lives!! If your father will not support you in giving this baby life, you can look to other family members for support. A cousin, aunt, Grandmother or older brother or sister who is living on their own. Anyone whom you may know that is supportive and loving I’m sure will offer you some assistance. Your father may be angry and yell, but just remember. You’re human and we all make mistakes. But we are entitled to compassion and forgivness….If you are concerned about your physical safety then having someone with you when you tell him may be a good idea. Tell your supportive family member or friend your fears if you have any concerning your fathers reaction and ask them to go with you. You can also call, 1800-395-HELP, for information about where you can get free testing in your area. It’s FREE and confidential and they have counseling available to help you make healthy decisions about your baby. NOT ABORTION!! Try everything possible to save this baby. Accepting life, after an abortion is a wonderful form of healing and opens up the path for you to become closer to God again where you were seperated before.

    You seem to very worried about this and scared about the consequences…..doesn’t that tell you something about the risk you’re taking with your life….an unborn baby, and your future. So many questions to be answered, so many arrangements….so much anxiety with an unplanned pregnancy as a teen. Wanting to love and have a family is not sinful…..but there is an easier way.

    If you are not pregnant may I suggest you make healthier choices in the future?
    Consider how you’re feeling this very minute, and use this as a reminder of what you truly do not want to go through until you and your boyfriend are married.

    I will pray for you. Please stay in touch and let us know how we can help.

    God bless,

    in reply to: i’m only 13…..please help. #24404

    From what you’ve told me on email your symptoms could be one of two things. You could be in the middle of your cycle where you’re ovulating now, with the discharge you’ve described. That is a clear sign of the fertile period of your cycle and the dates you gave me lead me to believe that’s the case. You’re not due until the 21st which is next Sat. So according to what you’ve told me, YOU SHOULD NOT BE HAVING SEX RIGHT NOW WITH ANYONE IF YOU WANT TO PREVENT GETTING PREGNANT!! If you’re not pregnant now, you could get pregnant before next Sat. I cannot tell you for certain that it’s ovulation symptoms, but if you don’t get your period by next Sat. you should begin to think of your next step. You can wait a few extra days because all of the stress from this situation may cause you to be late. But please consider involving your parents at some point because you will need them to help you.

    You seem to be a very smart girl by all the calculations you’ve made with your cycle and searching for answers. You’ve just made a bad decision by thinking that having sex before marriage is ok. You’re body is not finished developing for the most part……and you have so much time ahead of you to accomplish so much in life. You’re value should not be measured by how soon you are sexually active with a boy. You’re trying to grow up into the adult world before you’re able to understand all the it involves. Please make a promise to yourself that if you’re not pregnant….that you will rethink your private life and give YOUR life a little more time. Before you decide to risk creating a life!!

    Please stay in touch, I will be praying for you sweetheart!

    God bless,

    in reply to: help… #24402

    I’m sorry that you are feeling the effects of your parents bad decisions….it happens to most people. Dysfunction is everywhere. Now, you are trying to make sense of your life as a result of what you’ve experienced from the adults in your life. If you want a child, that in of itself is a beautiful calling from God. Motherhood is the epitome of grace and femininity. You are giving your life and your body to create another human being. Discuss your concerns with your boyfriend and share how your feeling about it. Wanting to wait is not a curse…it will be a benefit to all concerned and a way to show true love to your spouse on your wedding night. If he is serious about you and respects you and your concerns….then he shouldn’t have a problem with it. Would he want you to go through having a baby now? He’s willing to wait and marry you when you no longer need a parents consent……it seems that if you got pregnant now, that would complicate things for you. Not make them easier. Think about my suggestion. God seems to have brought you two together and if it is meant to be….a delay in having children won’t destroy that bond.

    God bless!! Keep me posted.

    in reply to: BAD BEHAVIOUR! AHJGFSHGDJFHWF #24401

    I’ve been there and know all too well what you’re going through. My almost 2 yr olds sometimes would pull away from me while I held their hand while leaving a store and would routinely pull their wrist or elbow out of socket. (nurse maids elbow) Simple remedy by the doctor manipulating it back into place. But just watch out for that ‘going limp’ thing when their having the tantrum if you’re holding their hand or arm. You may end up in ER.

    If your 16 mo. old understands that time-out means to sit quiet for a few min’s, then it doesn’t hurt. Pediatrician’s recommend a minute for each year of age. You can put him where you can monitor him, and follow up placing him there with a firm, ‘no!” He will eventually get the concept. If mine would scream and carry on in timeout and they had enough words to understand me, I would tell them, “if you can settle down and behave then you may get down.” It’s hard if they are still immature with vocabulary…..but they all seem to understand the seperation from what they were doing; fighting, screaming, hitting etc……with the drastic atmosphere change of “silent time out.” They begin to associate the isolation with what they just did.

    My two little ones who were back to back babies both went through terrible phases together……where they would let out an ear piercing scream in unison with one another. I would simply take them into a quiet room and sit with them if I felt what they were after was my attention. If one of them wouldn’t stop screaming, then I would cross their arms in front of their chest and cuddle them very closely and firmly to my chest and rock them on my lap. (because they wanted to hit when they were in their tantrum) I would tell them “shhh…if you settle down I’ll let you go play.” That always worked.

    I also try to think about their day and associate their behavior with what has happened or not happened that would put them in such a fit. Have they eaten recently, diaper need to be changed, are they missing a nap and did they miss sleep the night before? Or major issues could set them off, like crisis in the family or lots of visitors in the house will always turn my little ones around. One time, my little boy would not stop crying in his car seat all the way to the hospital for a checkup…..he loved his seat. After taking him out of the seat and checking him all over I was convinced he was just in a bad mood until I looked down and saw he had his little pinky toe bent over inside of his sandal. :unsure: Poor baby……so check all the fingers and toes and other body parts for injuries.

    It can be frustrating, but as Megan said, be consistent each time they behave this way…what ever form of correction you use. But try not to correct while frustrated or stressed. Put him in time out first so that you can have a time out as well. Before going into get him, think about what you’d like to say to him to help the situation and leave him with a understanding of love from you, but that you won’t allow him to behave that way. It does parents just as much good to have one.

    I’ve even been known to put myself in a time out.:(

    I’m convinced that about every 6 mo’s little ones go through a major behavior change. It’s like clock work!!

    Good luck!!


    in reply to: heyy #24391

    Congratulations on becoming a mother.

    I’m not sure of the situation behind you becoming one, but the important thing is that you’ve chosen Life!! And you’re right…..”don’t know what I’d do without her.” You now see what you would have missed if you hadn’t chosen to give her life. May God bless you for your decision and watch over you and your little one.

    prayers are with you,

    in reply to: help… #24372

    Your boyfriend wants a baby and you’re not sure? Are you willing to carry a baby through your teens and finish high school all on not so sure? I would listen to your concience Ashley. God’s trying to tell you to wait. He’s pleading with your heart to tell you, “wait until your married”.

    I’m sorry, but I disagree…..Yes, I expect teens to wait and remain abstinent. It’s the RIGHT thing to do. It IS NOT unreal to expect better out of them….I’m hoping that they rise to the bar that I’ve lifted. If people don’t expect better out of young teens, and tell them so…..where will there ever be a challenge for them to be something better???? Something the world desperately needs is for teens to be better than what we’ve allowed them to become.

    I will not lower the bar on standards with regards to pre-marital and teen sex. No matter who I offend. I will not say, “Oh well, it’s a hopeless cause. It’s alright….just go ahead and have sex, and I’ll have to wash my hands of the whole thing and look the other way.”

    Sorry, that won’t come from me. Because I’ve witnessed the other side of morality in teens and I KNOW that teens can do it!! Where they are still virgin and proud of the fact that they are hopeful for a future marriage with one partner..where they respect the opposite sex and understand that unless they are of age to make a marriage committment, then there is no sexual relationship, or for that matter frivilous dating. They pray to resist temptation….and replace that desire for healthier activity. Sports, music, christian prayer groups, and doing things with groups of friends who also respect waiting until marriage. Friends remaining friends until there is a definate connection between a young man and woman who are sure, they are meant to be together. THEN, and only then do they make a committment of marriage to one another and continue abstinence until their wedding night. This is not imaginary…..this is true christian virtue among a LOT, not a few…A LOT of teens!!

    It’s not unreal….it’s just foreign to society as we know it today. How will teens ever know how it’s suppose to really be if no one will raise the bar on them and tell them. How will they ever learn that they are worth more, their body’s are worth more as well as their purity…..than to just give it away to everyone who thinks they’re beautiful. What will be left of that precious gift God gave each one of you, that should be left for your lifetime partner? It is how marriage and having babies was intended to be. It is what’s NOT being taught in the homes in the world today….it’s not being taught in school at all….Just contraception….because we know you teens are out there having sex!!!

    I know teens who aren’t, and from the sounds of it……you don’t seem to want to be part of the crowd who are. It’s your choice to stop this way of living and choose a healthier one. But you can never say that no one ever taught you how it’s suppose to be….No one ever tried to guide you down the narrow path, the road less taken….the one towards God and a life of abstinence until marriage.

    Ashley, I’ve just raised the bar on you….and I know you can do it. I hear it in your words.

    May God give you the courage to live a life of abstinence and virtue from this moment on and encourage others to do the same.
    May he watch over you as you go about your day and protect you from all temptation.

    God bless,

    in reply to: Marine wife to be? #24365

    Congratulations on your engagement!!

    Military life as a couple can be very rewarding. Traveling with your spouse every few years seeing new places and meeting a lot of new people. Especially when you travel to different countries. You will have many benefits as a spouse of a military wife. Medical, dental and housing payed for. It will be a blessing for you as a new wife, especially with the economy being in such a terrible mess. 🙂 Living on bases will make you feel as if you’re part of a community of others like you. So if you love people, then you will like it. Sometimes, housing can be a little too close for comfort. Duplexes right on top of one another and backyard’s that share a common fence. You’ll have to decide if you want more privacy than that.
    But as a new couple with a small salary at first, living on base may be the better option no matter what you have to endure. When he gets promoted and your budget allows for the extra spending, then look into a small apartment or small house for rent off base if you find you really need to get away from the crowd.
    But, I would look into making some of the wives meetings once you get to his first duty station. They will have all sorts of resources to choose from for you at that meeting. Anywhere from, shopping at the PX, medical facility locations, eye clinics, gymnasiums, wic offices, (woman, infant, children service) and many others. That will be an important one for you…..and from that, take what you like and need and go from there.

    You should be proud of your fiance, and of yourself for taking on such a committment. It’s a true life of service when you marry a military man.

    Good luck and may God bless you and your marriage!!

    (married to a retired service man for over 20 yrs.):)

    in reply to: Implantation bleeding? #24363


    I’m not familiar with implantation bleeding simply because I’ve never used them. My husband and I practice abstinence. But I can tell you, that if you’re bleeding even slightly with another discharge it could very well be a light period.
    When are you due? If you had sex two weeks ago, and your bleeding now then it seems likely that it would be your cycle beginning again….but you can do away with all the wondering and go get blood work done at your clinic and you will know for sure.

    I hope this helps, but please think about your choices. It’s obvious by the fact that your taking BC pills that you DO NOT WANT TO BECOME PREGNANT!!! Contraceptives, in of themselves are man made, un-natural and therefore VERY DANGEROUS to a woman’s body, not to mention dangerous to a fetus in it’s early stages of fragile development. ***You cannot continue taking the pill until you find out if your pregnant as these pills could cause birth defects or possibly death.*** You obviously are doing some thinking about your body and what you do and don’t want happening and you’ve taken some precautions to insure that pregnancy doesn’t occur. BUT!! Even with your best efforts, you very well may be with child. Then what? Have you made a plan for that?

    If you’re not pregnant and that is a relief to you, then take that opportunity to practice abstinence, and you won’t have to pay money for artificial birth control, risk your life, your future and that of your baby…..because there won’t be any sex to control.

    It will just remain a lesson learned and will give you new insight as to what you can do to live a healthier life…..and remain healthy until your soul mate comes along and marries you. Then you can give him that special gift of yourself.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: Potty training! #24362

    :laugh: Oh my gosh!!

    I would be so glad to take this one!! It is a cute thing when little ones learn about the potty. I’m sure we could just have a blast sharing potty stories with you. But I’ll save that for later and tell you what I know…..

    After potty training many little ones, my best advice is to wait atleast until they have the vocabulary to understand what it’s for. “Big girls wear panties”, “You can be clean all the time”, or whatever you want to relate it to. Just sitting them down on it to see what will happen isn’t going to train. You may get lucky a few times…but more times than not, they will not want to stay there long and accidents will occur more now that you’ve introduced another place for them to potty. “should I go in my diaper? should I go in the panties? should I go back to the plastic thing in the bathroom? How about behind the couch…..then I won’t be bothered.” (she’s now a straight A student) The excitement from you and dad may be too much for her little mind as well. We make sure in our house when a little one is potty training, no one is allowed to be overly excited when witnessing the miracle. Hold your applause please!! It embarrasses them while their trying so hard. These are all the scenarios I’ve encountered with even the easily trained babies.

    Timing is critical. Not necessarily by age either. It’s going to confuse them if it’s done too soon. If they pull off the potty with the slightest bit of confusion or anxiety…it’s best to wait a few more months. It may only take a few weeks, and then you can try it again if you feel she understands. Remember, it’s not what or when we want it…it should be when the little one is ready and can handle it without stress. In reality, they won’t go to kindergarten with a diaper on…..unless of course there’s other problems. Some of my little ones were trained right at 2yrs. (24 mos) Others were a bit longer into later part of 2nd year, almost 3. (with accidents at night and day when there was stress) And well, boys take much longer….but if you don’t have a boy, no worries for now.

    Be patient!! You’re being very loving by not scolding her. She’ll get it when she gets a bit more mature. Some may frown upon the suggestion, but I’m giving it to you anyway. Take her into the potty with you and let her watch mommy. We’re all girls, right? :blush: They’ll learn fastest that way, or with big sister. I have a little one training right now, and she’s a little over 2, and goes into the bathroom with us older girls, but when I’ve tried to let her sit at her request, she hops right down. Could care less about training!!

    It’s all up to the individual baby. Enjoy the training and take notes for the next one. Good luck!! Congratulations on being a Mommy!!

    God bless,

    in reply to: i’m only 13…..please help. #24361

    Hello ‘only 13″,

    My heart aches when I hear a story such as this. I’ve debated responding but I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry you’ve put yourself in this position….you’ve made some very intimate decisions about your body, and have agreed to share your body with a young man. But your ‘only 13’!!
    Now…you’re unsure of the consequences. You may have even thought of the consequences BEFORE you had sex. What if you are pregnant? You’re ‘only 13’ but you’ve put yourself into the adult world where situations are complicated and mature decisions have to be made that will effect everyone around you.

    I’m sure at this moment…you are wishing that you had only said, “NO, because I’m only 13”. I wish you had as well. I pray that you will find the courage to talk to your parents tonight and tell them you’ve made a terrible mistake. You are a minor and will need guidance from your family. Your parents are even responsible for your actions. You should take Meg’s advice and call the help line. They can help you talk to your family and possibly protect you in case the discussion gets very out of control. But you have to involve your parents. Give your mother the opportunity to be there for you. I’m sure you’re afraid, but many young girls have made this same mistake and are mothers now to beautiful babies because they took responsibility for their decision to have sex at ‘only 13’. It was difficult for them to come clean with their parents, and they went through a lot to get where they are now…but you can do this!! Don’t let your family force you into going to a clinic and have an abortion. If it gets to that point for you, you may have to turn to another family member for the time being, who would be in support of you having this child and who would offer a home for you temporarily. Start thinking of alternative loved ones whom you could call if your parents threaten abortion. Grandparents, cousins, aunts, or a close neighbor friend. Have an alternative plan to present to them if they will not let you live at home to carry the baby. They may settle down and realize that you’ve put some thought into your own solution. THINK now, and be prepared.

    I have a daughter who is almost 13 and when I look at her I think of your situation. She is my angel….with bright brown eyes that lights up my day with her laugh. I know how much I love her and would do anything for her……Give your mother the chance to show you how much she can love you. You may be surprised. Don’t misunderstand me, she could be very angry and dissappointed, but if you continue to go behind her back and do things like have sex with boys (15 is still a boy) and plan abortions without her knowing, you will be robbing her of her right to be there for you. Could you blame her for being angry? You didn’t share your life with her. God blessed her with YOU, he gave you to her to love, nurture, guide and support. She said ‘YES’ to the call of motherhood. She may be willing to help you raise her grandchild…..if you run off somewhere with strangers and kill the innocent baby that may be in your young body right now….she may ask you when she does find out, (mothers always do),
    “Why? Why didn’t you come to me for help? Why would you kill a baby? Why couldn’t we have been told, we would have helped you!!.

    The only thing you’ll be able to say is, “because I was only 13”. Because you’re ‘ONLY 13″ doesn’t make it right to murder. Don’t justify killing your baby by using your age. Start thinking now and being mature about your decisions from this moment on. I would also advise not to continue having sex with anyone. You may not be pregnant now….but if you continue having sex you will eventually become pregnant. You need to make a promise to yourself that if you’re not pregnant…..that you are going to stop taking risks with your life and others and wait until you’re ‘ONLY MARRIED’ !!

    I will be thinking of you,
    God bless

    in reply to: help… #24345

    If you are having this type of discharge each of the 5 days, then this could possibly be your period, just a lighter than normal one. There is no sure way to find out though unless you wait until you show up late your next due cycle. Then, I would recommend having your blood tested at your clinic. They are very accurate.

    If you aren’t married and having unprotected sex with your boyfriend…you need to seriously consider holding off. As you may not be pregnant now, but could possibly become pregnant before your next cycle begins. Is that what you want? Is this what he would want? Are you and he married or planning to get married? These are things that need to be considered before you have premarital sex. You may want to have a heart to heart with your boyfriend and decide what would be the best for your relationship. If it is to continue…you may be bringing a baby into the world if you don’t abstain. Any other form of birth control out there is aimed at making money for the companies selling them. They are not out to keep women safe…no matter what they claim. They are dangerous, lethal at times and can have lasting affects on an unborn child or on the woman, to the point of infertility.

    Abstaining from sex until marriage is the healthiest, most mature and natural choice that should be practiced by all couples.

    Your decisions now can affect the rest of your life….whether your pregnant or not. STOP and think about what it is you are saying about YOURSELF by the way your living. Is this something I will be proud to look back on in 20 yrs?

    God bless,

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