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  • in reply to: Could I be Pregnant??? #19460

    Well it sounds like a few of you in here need to get some answers… Optionline can help you find the closest center to you to get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test, plus you wont have to take it by yourself and find out alone….1-800-395-HELP, it is always best to find out ASAP to make sure you are getting the best care for you and possible baby…Love Meg

    in reply to: sooo i think im pregnant.. any advice please! #19459

    If you have had sex and you are having these symptoms then there is a chance you could be pregnant….here is a number for Optionline 1-800-395-HELP, call them and they can give you the number and location for a pregnancy center where you can get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test, most of them have ultrasounds now and if you are a certain amount of days late without a positive test they will sometimes do an ultrasound to check….how many days late are you?? I hope you call this number and get some answers….remember that the only 100% way to guarantee you wont get pregnant to to practice abstinence, it is not always the most "fun" way but it is the safest way to protect yourself from unplanned pregnancies and from disease….let us all know what happens..Love Meg

    in reply to: Please Pray for me #19457

    Thank you all so much, your thoughts and prayers mean a lot to me. I know that no matter what happens I will be ok and get through it but having my husband and all of my friends on Standupgirl really helps….I will keep you informed on how my appointment goes on Tuesday and if anything changes before then…Love Meg

    in reply to: What last name does the baby get? #19456

    So my question would be are you asking for a friend or are you thinking you and your boyfriend are going to try for a baby?? If you are asking for a friend the status of the relationship, how long, married, unmarried, one night stand does not decide the last name for the baby. Ultimately it is up to the mom. I gave my daughter my Maiden name. I was not married to her dad and I actually had a restraining order on him. I told him that if he Stood Up to be a dad I would change her name to his last name. Her name is still my maiden name, he never Stood Up. My son has his dads last name. He is still in and out of his life but more in lately. I knew that his family would be supportive and I know how they are about "passing on the name". He may have abandoned me in pregnancy but his family was there for me. It would have been a huge slap in the face to not give their grandson the last name. It wasn’t such a big deal with my daughter because when she gets married one day her name will change but my son will keep his name and pass it on. Now if you are thinking about having a baby with your boyfriend I would stop in your tracks and think really hard. If you have known him for 8 months, been his girlfriend for 3 months and you are not sure if the relationship will last you shouldn’t even be having sex much less thinking of having a baby. I hope he is not pressuring you. Have you talked with your parents about this?? I know it is kind of scary to do that but even if they get upset with you for a while they will step in and protect you from making a life changing decision. Please write to me at if you want to share anything with me that you don’t want public, I would love to help you find some answers. Also if the baby had the dads last name it wont affect custody. Having your last name on a baby doesn’t prove that you are the better parent or that you should be the one who keeps the baby. I hope to hear from you soon…Love Meg

    in reply to: ever had an abortion? #19411

    Ok now…we have already talked about this a bit…remember if you found out you were pregnant (which I assume you have) you were not even going to consider an abortion….right?? and you have so many resources around you…you can do this…he cannot make you get one, do you know that most couples who choose to have an abortion end up falling apart within months??? so the reason he would want to "get rid of the baby" is because he is not ready to be a dad right??? and because he wants to just be with you without kids…right?? well if you get an abortion he will end up leaving in the end or you will resent him so much your relationship will fail anyways, sooooooo how about, keep the baby, he can run if he wants but you are not left alone with an empty hurting void…you will have your precious baby that no one can take from you…I have not had an abortion but I have two children and one on the way and the way that they have changed my life and grown me up and brought me joy to my heart is reason enough not too…this baby didn’t ask to be sucked out and thrown away, that is what abortion is, they will cut the baby up and suck it out and throw it away in a biohazard bag…not to be too graphic but that is truth, there is no glory, there is no still soft sentimental moment involved like in a lifetime movie, this is a real baby, with a real beating heart….this is a part of you, this baby was made from your body, are you going to let some guy or family member strip you from the right to keep your own self??? If he doesn’t want to keep the baby then maybe you shouldn’t keep him, ask him if that is reason enough for him?? If he is just afraid of the financial obligation then you can just let him deal with the court…you will never have to say a word to him if you don’t want to, it takes two to make a baby but the good thing is you are the baby’s protector right now and it is 100% up to you to give this baby every chance at life, you don’t need him to make that life changing, life saving decision….you already have made it…and you will be a great mommy because of it…I am here if you need me…Love Meg

    in reply to: Two Danes #19409

    Hey there, sorry about your boyfriend, it is hard to find out that the one you love and want a family with is an untrustworthy "creep", I found my daughters dad looking at porn one time, I was on the computer after he was asleep and I went to click on a browser to search for something and it showed all the last sites visited and he was looking up stuff like "cute young girls with nice a**’s" and some other really disturbing things….I lost all trust for him….that was kind of my final straw, he was acting really strange leading up to all that….as hard as it may be, you really should leave him, your sister is 15 and so is this other girl you mentioned in his diary….I don’t know if you are having a girl or a boy but I wouldn’t want a guy who wants to have sex with a little girl in my house with my child, did he have his diary in a very hidden place or was it in a spot that could easily be stumbled upon??? He secretly hopes that you and baby die in child birth??? Do you want to give him the chance to move beyond secretly hoping when the baby is screaming all night??? Run from this guy…I wouldn’t trust him, my ex did the same thing…he would always turn it around on me, I found out after we were split up that he told his friend that he couldn’t wait till Pennie was 18 so he would be done with us….yet when I left him he guilt tripped me and pulled the whole, "I am going to kill myself"…if he doesn’t want to be with you give him his way but don’t allow the guilt trip…he is the one who will be missing out, don’t let him play head games or get all controlling…it is just not worth it and it is unhealthy for you and baby…Love Meg

    in reply to: Two Danes #19408

    Hey there, sorry about your boyfriend, it is hard to find out that the one you love and want a family with is an untrustworthy "creep", I found my daughters dad looking at porn one time, I was on the computer after he was asleep and I went to click on a browser to search for something and it showed all the last sites visited and he was looking up stuff like "cute young girls with nice a**’s" and some other really disturbing things….I lost all trust for him….that was kind of my final straw, he was acting really strange leading up to all that….as hard as it may be, you really should leave him, your sister is 15 and so is this other girl you mentioned in his diary….I don’t know if you are having a girl or a boy but I wouldn’t want a guy who wants to have sex with a little girl in my house with my child, did he have his diary in a very hidden place or was it in a spot that could easily be stumbled upon??? He secretly hopes that you and baby die in child birth??? Do you want to give him the chance to move beyond secretly hoping when the baby is screaming all night??? Run from this guy…I wouldn’t trust him, my ex did the same thing…he would always turn it around on me, I found out after we were split up that he told his friend that he couldn’t wait till Pennie was 18 so he would be done with us….yet when I left him he guilt tripped me and pulled the whole, "I am going to kill myself"…if he doesn’t want to be with you give him his way but don’t allow the guilt trip…he is the one who will be missing out, don’t let him play head games or get all controlling…it is just not worth it and it is unhealthy for you and baby…Love Meg

    in reply to: Two Danes #19407

    Hey there, sorry about your boyfriend, it is hard to find out that the one you love and want a family with is an untrustworthy "creep", I found my daughters dad looking at porn one time, I was on the computer after he was asleep and I went to click on a browser to search for something and it showed all the last sites visited and he was looking up stuff like "cute young girls with nice a**’s" and some other really disturbing things….I lost all trust for him….that was kind of my final straw, he was acting really strange leading up to all that….as hard as it may be, you really should leave him, your sister is 15 and so is this other girl you mentioned in his diary….I don’t know if you are having a girl or a boy but I wouldn’t want a guy who wants to have sex with a little girl in my house with my child, did he have his diary in a very hidden place or was it in a spot that could easily be stumbled upon??? He secretly hopes that you and baby die in child birth??? Do you want to give him the chance to move beyond secretly hoping when the baby is screaming all night??? Run from this guy…I wouldn’t trust him, my ex did the same thing…he would always turn it around on me, I found out after we were split up that he told his friend that he couldn’t wait till Pennie was 18 so he would be done with us….yet when I left him he guilt tripped me and pulled the whole, "I am going to kill myself"…if he doesn’t want to be with you give him his way but don’t allow the guilt trip…he is the one who will be missing out, don’t let him play head games or get all controlling…it is just not worth it and it is unhealthy for you and baby…Love Meg

    in reply to: The Difference In Development in Children #19405

    It is always nice to have a guideline but not all babies are the same…my son didn’t take steps for me until he was 17 months old and my daughter when she was 13 months, so anyone who’s children do not fall in to the "typical" category….don’t worry too much, they all learn at different ages, Meg

    in reply to: Confused and Cant stop crying #19393

    Hey you… have alot going on right now..I am pregnant too, about a month…we are going to have our babies at the same time…you may not agree with me but your boyfriend really should have thought about how much he wanted to be with you before having sex with you…he is 10 years older than you…picture this…could you imagine having sex with a 4 year old boy right now??? I bet the mom would be really upset for you to do that with her 4 year old son, right??? Well you might be mature or more developed for your age but he is the one who was supposed to make the responsible choice, he knew he was breaking the law and if he really really loves you then he should have waited for you to be of legal age to engage in that kind of relationship…so, as hard as it is, try not to be too mad at your mom right now, she is just trying to protect you….my daughter is 5 and if I found out a 15 year old was doing things to her he probably would not live to go to jail…so try not to look at yourself as being at fault but rather he made the wrong choice because of his age being that much more than yours…ok… know what…right now you have a very special and precious gift inside your body…a baby…this baby was entrusted to you by God…He has allowed you to conceive, don’t throw this gift away….try to heal your relationship with your mom and ask her to help you with this baby…does she know??? if your mom refuses to let you raise this baby maybe there would be a family member or a close friend of the family that could adopt?? Have you heard about open adoption…it is where you would just let another family raise the baby and you would get to visit and have pictures so just know that you have options here…no matter what though…there is a baby in your womb and that baby doesn’t deserve to suffer for the wrong choices made, and you shouldn’t have to either…what your boyfriend did was not ok, even if you were of legal age to make the choice to sleep with him he should have respected your body and married you first, you should remember this for the future…next time you meet a guy you really like, prove his love for you by making him wait till marriage, that is the best way to find out how much he respects you, then you wont have to worry about pregnancy either, try your hardest to just stay healthy for this baby and focus on school and getting along with your mom, I don’t have my mom anymore, she did plenty of things in my life to make me mad and not trust her but what I would give to have just one more day with her, to hear her voice, to smell her, hear her laugh, see her smile….the issues between you right now are not too big to get over…can you forgive her?? can you give her another chance??? can you be the bigger person to just stop and say "I love you mom, can you help me with this baby and be my friend again" give her some time but make sure that you just do your part…ok…we are all here for you on Standupgirl, let us know what happens or if you need more advise…it will be a hard road but you can make it, I did…Love Meg

    in reply to: 5 & 1/2 Months and I need help #19391

    I was so lost when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter (my first) I had no idea what "real life" was…I didn’t know anything about paying bills, rent, budgeting??? I think right now your boyfriend needs to grow up…and honestly you do too…he needs to find a better job and you can find something to do to…I found a job when I was 5 months pregnant with my son, not many people want to hire you because your are so close to having the baby but there are alot of things you can do…babysitting/nanny, retail, hostess in a restaurant, etc… I did laundry at a hotel when I was pregnant both times…I loved it.. no matter what happens you need to have your mind focused on taking care of this baby with your life…even if it means doing it alone…. it sounds like your boyfriend is not making good choices right now, the whole ticket thing, if he is choosing to let someone else work rather than himself he is not going to provide for you and baby how he should…it is hard living with family members who have strings attached to everything…I think your first goal should be to become independent from your dad…go to your local Adult and Family Services Center…look it up in the front of your phone book… you can get food stamps, WIC, housing like Heather mentioned, they have jobs programs to help you or your boyfriend learn more skills for better jobs, they will even pay you to train…they will also help you with money for work clothes and child care…they even have hygiene vouchers to get shampoo and stuff…the state likes to help people that help themselves….if you are taking the right steps to getting a job and having a stable life they will give you many boosts to get you there but you have to take the steps on your own,they can’t do it for you….from the way you describe your boyfriend he may not want to go that route and that is when you will have some major decisions to make, do you want to follow his lead of working bare minimum and getting help from family or do you want to have your own place and not worry about the bills??? You are a mommy and right now is the easy part…you don’t need diapers yet, you don’t need child care yet, you don’t need extra food yet, you don’t need extra laundry soap yet…get what I am saying??? Whether your boyfriend follows your lead or not you need to take a Stand…you need to get your life in order before the baby comes…there will be hard days, there will be bumps but you can get your life stable if you make the efforts, then you won’t have to live in a strings attached environment and that will be better for you and baby…I was a single mom for 4 1/2 years and I survived against all the odds but it is because I Stood Up, found the resources and did my part…I worked, I was mom and dad, I did all the cleaning, cooking, loving, disciplining, bill paying….I had food stamps and help with child care but I was also paying into the system that was helping me….it may be hard to hear but you may have to draw a very bold line with your boyfriend and let him know that he needs to Stand Up and be a man or get out of your way so you can get your life together…and I am sorry if it sounds insensitive to your love for him but if he won’t do those things then your life will stay this way…you and the baby and your boyfriend all deserve to live better than a strings attached life of skimming by….it is not easy but it is very worth it to get your life in order and provide stability for this baby…if you don’t then the chances of your child growing up and living with you and not wanting to work will be much higher, our kids will do what we do , not what we tell them to do…I am here if you need help finding resources or if you want to hear more of my story in detail…I crawled out of a huge pit, I Stood Up when no one would have blamed me for sitting down, and I fought my way to stability, not just for my self but for my kids….let me know how it goes…Love Meg

    in reply to: 5 & 1/2 Months and I need help #19389

    I was so lost when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter (my first) I had no idea what "real life" was…I didn’t know anything about paying bills, rent, budgeting??? I think right now your boyfriend needs to grow up…and honestly you do too…he needs to find a better job and you can find something to do to…I found a job when I was 5 months pregnant with my son, not many people want to hire you because your are so close to having the baby but there are alot of things you can do…babysitting/nanny, retail, hostess in a restaurant, etc… I did laundry at a hotel when I was pregnant both times…I loved it.. no matter what happens you need to have your mind focused on taking care of this baby with your life…even if it means doing it alone…. it sounds like your boyfriend is not making good choices right now, the whole ticket thing, if he is choosing to let someone else work rather than himself he is not going to provide for you and baby how he should…it is hard living with family members who have strings attached to everything…I think your first goal should be to become independent from your dad…go to your local Adult and Family Services Center…look it up in the front of your phone book… you can get food stamps, WIC, housing like Heather mentioned, they have jobs programs to help you or your boyfriend learn more skills for better jobs, they will even pay you to train…they will also help you with money for work clothes and child care…they even have hygiene vouchers to get shampoo and stuff…the state likes to help people that help themselves….if you are taking the right steps to getting a job and having a stable life they will give you many boosts to get you there but you have to take the steps on your own,they can’t do it for you….from the way you describe your boyfriend he may not want to go that route and that is when you will have some major decisions to make, do you want to follow his lead of working bare minimum and getting help from family or do you want to have your own place and not worry about the bills??? You are a mommy and right now is the easy part…you don’t need diapers yet, you don’t need child care yet, you don’t need extra food yet, you don’t need extra laundry soap yet…get what I am saying??? Whether your boyfriend follows your lead or not you need to take a Stand…you need to get your life in order before the baby comes…there will be hard days, there will be bumps but you can get your life stable if you make the efforts, then you won’t have to live in a strings attached environment and that will be better for you and baby…I was a single mom for 4 1/2 years and I survived against all the odds but it is because I Stood Up, found the resources and did my part…I worked, I was mom and dad, I did all the cleaning, cooking, loving, disciplining, bill paying….I had food stamps and help with child care but I was also paying into the system that was helping me….it may be hard to hear but you may have to draw a very bold line with your boyfriend and let him know that he needs to Stand Up and be a man or get out of your way so you can get your life together…and I am sorry if it sounds insensitive to your love for him but if he won’t do those things then your life will stay this way…you and the baby and your boyfriend all deserve to live better than a strings attached life of skimming by….it is not easy but it is very worth it to get your life in order and provide stability for this baby…if you don’t then the chances of your child growing up and living with you and not wanting to work will be much higher, our kids will do what we do , not what we tell them to do…I am here if you need help finding resources or if you want to hear more of my story in detail…I crawled out of a huge pit, I Stood Up when no one would have blamed me for sitting down, and I fought my way to stability, not just for my self but for my kids….let me know how it goes…Love Meg

    in reply to: hard to breath #19385

    I had the same issue when I was far along with my pregnancies…with my son I lived in a house that was very old…in the hundreds…it had no insulation, no foundation and it was falling apart…I had a very bad mildew problem as well…when the baby gets bigger you loose space in your body…the baby will often cause your lungs to be compressed, I was sick and had mildew in my house so I suffered really bad…I talked to my doctor and he just told me to keep him informed on how I was feeling and to get fresh air often, if I could to stay somewhere else until the baby was out…I was sick for like the last 3 months of pregnancy no matter what I took…my lungs were compressed because of the baby and it was keeping my sickness trapped in them, just make sure you talk to your doctor and keep him/her in formed on how you are feeling…I hope this helped…Love Meg

    in reply to: just need some support #19351

    So have you found out if you are pregnant yet?? I am here anytime you need to talk…Love Meg

    in reply to: oh no #19350

    I just want to say that I have had two unplanned unexpected pregnancies and I know it is a scary thing to face..have you taken a test yet?? there are certain brands that pick up on the HcG hormone earlier than others and if you are expecting your period in 4 days it might be able to pick up on pregnancy hormones if you are, how about doing me a favor…call this number 1-800-395-HELP Optionline will connect you with the closest place to get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test and you wont have to find out alone, your boyfriend could even go with you and that way whether you are pregnant or not you have someone who knows alot about pregnancy to talk to face to face and if you are pregnant they might even be able to help you find a good way to tell your parents…I am pregnant, this time I am married and my husband and I planned this little gift but we still went to a pregnancy center to confirm the baby so I can get on Medical…they were so nice and gave us soooo much information about resources in the area and they gave me prenatal vitamins for free and offered us a cute little hat with matching booties…call the number and go where they tell you to, take the test and let us know what the results are…just take it one step at a time…you can’t go back and change things but you can stop right now in this moment and make new choices…if you are not ready for a baby then honestly…you should really not be having sex right now…I had to learn the hard way twice, when I was pregnant with my son I made the choice to remain abstinent until my wedding night, and I did…If you are not pregnant then this could be a great opportunity for a fresh start..maybe you are not a virgin anymore but you can claim your second virginity and make the same choice I did…it was so worth it too…you can still make that choice even if you are pregnant…plus it will be a great way to find out how much your boyfriend loves you…will he wait for marriage?? Put him to the test…you deserve it and your future kids do too…my kids have a rough road, they have different dads and only my son sees his real dad, on those weekends Pennielane feels so left out…just some things to think about…Love Meg, I am always here to talk…

    in reply to: Going To War…Custody Battle #19004

    Might I say WAY TO GO STAND UP GIRL!!! I am so glad you decided to keep your little girl, I knew you had it in you….Most of the time the court favors the mom…I don’t think you have a whole lot to worry about…I am really sorry that your mom is making things so hard on you, I can really relate…When I was 2 1/2 months pregnant my moms fiance died in a car accident…he was also a good friend of mine and it was traumatic for all of us, but I had guilt because I had introduced them and if I hadn’t maybe he would have been alive etc…my mom was in the hospital from her injuries and she was driving me insane, one minute she was balling and freaking out and the next she was making all of these plans from when we got back home (the accident was about 200 miles from our home) and I was overwhelmed and I freaked out…I was sitting on the floor of her hospital room and I was hysterically crying and I started pounding my hands on the floor and then I started kicking my legs and went into a full blown temper tantrum…I was laying on the ground flopping like a fish out of water and screaming and just plain went psycho…they hauled me down to the psych ward and gave me some zanex and made me calm down…a month later my mom completed suicide and I found her body, if you ever want to know more of that particular story I would be glad to share with you…anyways the time came for me to have my baby and I had experienced a small amount of healing, just enough to function through my days, I gave birth and the next morning I had two women from child protection services in my room trying to take my baby girl…my mom had reported me to cps before she died and told them that I was unfit to be a mother as a result of what had happened at the hospital when her fiance died…I had to fight them off with a stick and it took like 7 weeks to get them to go away, I was hurting over my loss and I didn’t even have my mom alive to tell them nevermind about the report she had made…a couple of years later I was reported to cps again because my daughter had fallen off the couch and broken her collar bone and was reported to have looked malnurished…my daughter is very tall and very skinny…she is always in the low percentiles because she is tall and skinny, she goes through phases where she will eat all day and then times when I have to force her to just drink a glass of milk so I know she has something in her tummy…I was a single mom and my county has a high rate of child abuse and the most common excuse is that the child fell off the couch…I had all odds against me but I made it through that accusation without ever having them come to my home, and had they there would have been nothing bad to find…I made it through and so can you…just don’t give anyone anything to talk about…keep your home in a way that cps would never question the safety of your daughter and don’t hang around with ANYONE they would consider a threat to your daughter…the state doesn’t like taking kids away from their birth mom so just remember that and let them see your confidence flow…don’t break a sweat, just love your daughter and be the best mom you can possibly be…I am here anytime you need to talk…I had a very unsuportive mom and she tended to make things difficult so I can relate, I miss her and I will always love her but she would have done anything to take my daughter away even in her death she tried, but…it didn’t work…I consider myself to be a pretty good mom now, I just needed some time and practice, kids are very forgiving…LOL… so take care and let us all know how things go…Love Meg,

    in reply to: Has anyone gotten pregnant using VCF? #18924

    I agree with Mommyof2babies , no mount of birth control can ultimately prevent pregnancy…it can decrease the chances but it can also cause problems in pregnancy if conception occurs (like the woman with twins who had the IUD) and it can cause hormone imbalances…Abstinence is the only 100% guaranteed birth control method…I have never met someone who has gotten pregnant while remaining abstinent….even in marriage an unexpected pregnancy can happen while on birth control but at least then you have a man by your side who has committed to being there until death and you have your support and safety in the home….I had been sexually active for 10 years…had two kids from two dads…and had alot of negative thoughts and feelings about my self esteem by the time I chose abstinence…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night and it was the best thing I could have done for me and the kids….I hope you take this the right way..but..if you don’t want to be pregnant then take a time out from having sex, as you have stated you have had experience with abortion, most girls I have talked with have had a very negative experience…including my own sister…I hate to see the heartache in her eyes when she looks at my daughter…she was a month behind me in pregnancy and we should have kids the same age…I chose life and she didn’t…I don’t want to see you end up on that road again or be filled with more heart ache…enjoy your son and enjoy life itself…but please..take a time out and don’t rely on birth control to keep you safe…after all birth control does not protect you from AIDS or any other STD…and it wont always prevent pregnancy but Abstinence will 100%…I am here if you ever want to talk or if you would like to swap stories…I hope my answer helps you make one of the best decisions of your life..Love Meg

    in reply to: Unsure about permanent birth control!!! #18838

    First off I want to tell you to not get your tubes tied at 15…my sister was a single mom for almost 11 years and she had 3 kids and 3 abortions…after her last abortion she was so torn apart that she decided to get her tubes tied….just months after getting her tubes tied she net her husband…all his family wants is a grandchild…they are on the verge of divorce because his parents lay it on so thick…it is going to cost them alot of money to have baby and the stress is tearing them apart…if my sister would have quit having sex until she was married she would not have had to worry about pregnancy again…but…she would have rather had sex when she felt like it and not have to "get another abortion"…now she is in a very tough spot because of her drastic choices…so please don’t jump to quickly into something you will regret…second the fact that your boyfriend is 21 and you are 15 is TOTALLY ILLEGAL…I know you are used to hearing that but I had to say it…. it is true…your mom right now may be telling you to have him get "fixed" because it is a way to keep you from getting pregnant and she doesn’t think your relationship will last…what about the woman he has a 3 yr old with??? were they married?? does he pay support?? Does he have visitations?? Why didn’t his past relationship work out?? Have you asked him these questions?? I am sorry if this comes out wrong but what does a 21 year old man have to do with a 15 yr old girl??? It has nothing to do with you but rather him…it shows that your maturity excels most 15 yr olds but what does it say about him?? why can’t he get a girlfriend his own age?? this hits a very personal note with me because I had to "protect" my friends from my brother who likes little girls…he is 5 years older than me and you know what when I was 15 he was hitting on my friends…he was recently arrested for having sex with a 16 year old…it was concentual in her eyes but he had no business persuing a relationship with her at his age…I don’t tell many people this but my brother sexually abused me and my sister when we were kids…he still goes after young girls…something is not right with him…and I am sorry if this makes you angry with me but why does your boyfriend want to be with a girl who is 6 years younger than him, he is out of high school, old enough to be on his own and start his family with someone who is old enough to be on her own…why does he choose a girl who cannot be on her won yet?? that send red flags all over the place…Don’t get your tubes tied and please research this guy a lot more before you continue to have sex with him much less marry him…talk with his ex…is she closer to your age or his age?? why did they split?? does she feel comfortable with him taking their daughter alone…sorry to be so blunt and honest but this is a huge issue and if you were my daughter I would want to know these things…when it comes to a 6 year age difference it is not all that bad…depending on the ages…15 and 21 is just not acceptable…maybe 26 and 32 but not 21 and 15…this guy has issues and I hope things work out but I am worried for you and your mom should be looking out for you a whole lot more than she is…don’t get your tubes tied, if you are worried about pregnancy then stop having sex until you are married and once you are married then learn more about options for birth control…I hope you can hear my heart…Love Meg

    in reply to: Spotting or not? URGENT #18837

    I don’t know enough about spotting and I am not a doctor but I would recommend that you check out our new feature "Ask Dr.Marie" I keep track of my periods on a calendar that way if something is ever abnormal or strange I can look back and tell my doctor when my last period was and it it was heavier or lighter than normal…I would suggest you do the same…it really helps alot when you have things like this happen…also I will once again encourage you to just give your body a have been through a lot with your misscarriage and all and you are still in school…right now is not a good time for a baby…just take it easy and plan your wedding first…I know how hard it is to wait..I waited for my husband for 2 1/2 years…we did not have sex until our wedding night…I can tell you though that it was so worth it…we never had a pregnancy scare, there was never any awkwardness in our relationship…we knew that we were not going to have sex and it set us free to just get to know each other better….please just take some time for you…if your boyfriend can’t understand that then maybe he is not the one for you…so…talk to Dr.Marie and explain more in detail of what is going on with you, schedule an appointment with your doctor, start keeping track of your cycle and please make the choice of abstinence…it is so worth it…I hope I helped a little bit…let us all know ok…Love Meg

    in reply to: paranoid? #18623

    Hey there my name is Meagan and I help out on here…I saw your post and I really wanted to share with you…You have something very valuable right now, you can never get it back once you give it a way, once you loose it you will feel like you have lost your worth, once you feel as though you have lost your worth then you won’t mind doing what you did to loose it when ever it is asked of you, soon you will get stuck in a horrible cycle….I know because I have been stuck in it…this thing you have that many other young girls are giving away every day is your VIRGINITY….nowadays people out in the world like to make virgins feel like geeks, or unwanted by guys, or the odd ones out….the reason they do that is because deep inside they are envious of the virgin they pick on….why???…because he/she has something they don’t….what happens with those kind of people…when they get what they want…they don’t take care of it or they don’t want it anymore….right???…right now you are playing with fire honey… a very hot and dangerous fire…it will light your heart up so hot, it might even feel good and passionate and the flames will look romantic and sexy…but…after those flames are gone and you have given your virginity away there will be ashes….your heart will be crumbled…this guy you are fooling around with doesn’t respect you the way you deserve to be….all it takes is for him to go against what you want for a split second….Years ago I was in a similar situation…I was not a virgin anymore at this point but I was still new at the whole sex thing…I wasn’t sure if I wanted to have sex with this guy but we were fooling around….he kept getting really close and finally he put it inside of me without my permission.." He wasn’t raping me" I thought….after all we were fooling around with no clothes on and it just slipped and he kept going right??? WRONG…only after all these heartbroken years of being used and being stuck in the cycle have I realized that what he did was rape me…it wasn’t violent and it didn’t hurt but I told him NO and he didn’t listen..what you say about not having any blood or pain concerns me…I didn’t bleed or have pain when I lost my virginity….make sure that this guy is not putting it in just a little bit and telling you differently…ok…even if one sperm makes it safely inside of you you can get pregnant….my advise to you would be to talk to your mom…no matter how your relationship is…if you tell her that you are still a virgin (if this guy has lied to you, you may not be) but that you have fooled around and that you are sorry and that you are scared then she should kick into protective mom mode and love you and take care of you and help you find out….please don’t play with this kind of fire…it is sooooo dangerous…I was sexually active for 10 years and had two kids from two dads on my own before I made the choice to choose abstinence….that means to abstain from sexual activity….that does not just mean penetration…it means don’t take your clothes off, don’t stick your hands underneath clothing, it means don’t remove enough clothing to not break those other two rules…you will never regret being abstinent…I was abstinent for 3 1/2 years before my wedding night…I was not a virgin anymore but to my husband I was…we were not together before marriage and it made for a wonderful wedding night and I truly believe our marriage is stronger than it would be if we had not waited….I feel no guilt or shame when I am with my husband, I don’t feel it needs to be a secret from anyone, we are married it is an obvious thing that we have sex…but for you ….don’t enter into the cycle that will tear you down and leave you empty…wait until you are married and give your husband the gift that most people don’t anymore…your virginity…you will never have to worry about pregnancy or STD’s…I hope that my story will help you to make better choices than I did, sex before marriage is really not worth it…and it is not cool…I am here if you ever want to talk…Love Meg

    in reply to: PLEASE HELP IF U NO ABOUT MEDI-CAL #18602

    Hey there My name is Meagan and I came across your post and i wanted to take a moment to share with you what I have been through….I am 25 now but when I was 19 I found out I was pregnant…I was terrified and the dad wanted me to get an abortion…after alot of thinking I decided that abortion was not an option for me and I am sooooo glad I made the choice to give my daughter life…it has not been easy..when I was 3 1/2 months pregnant my mo killed herself and I found her body…so I know what it is like to not have the support of your parents…different circumstances but still no supportive parents is tough whether it by death or choice….I ended up back with her dad and lived in an abusive relationship for over a year….when that ended he left with everything down to the dish soap and laundry soap and shampoo, I had no job, no milk or other groceries, and he gave me 20 dollars….I couldn’t even but the supplies that he had taken with that much less diapers and stuff…That was the day I became a Stand Up Girl…I Stood Up when I felt like sitting down…I found a job within a few days and I struggled and fought to pay bills and be a mom….but…I did have so many recourses available and I am in a very small town…there has to be somewhere in California that can provide assistance to you….there is WIC (check at the heath department) they will give you free milk, cheese, eggs, juice and peanut butter, and after the baby is born they give you free formula if you don’t breastfeed and if you do breastfeed they give you extra of everything and carrots, tuna, and beans….you can get food stamps, they go by your income and if you don’t have any then you will get the max amount, you can receive cash assistance or emergency help…sometimes if you need new clothes for work they will give you vouchers to get them and they will give you hygiene vouchers so you can get toothpaste and shampoo, they can help find child care and pay all but the co pay which is very low as a single mom….have you checked with the Salvation Army for shelter for now??? Womens crisis center??? One time I ran out of gas and I got gas vouchers from a womens crisis center…they also have maternity homes where I believe you can stay up until the baby is a year…in that time you will have saved enough money to get on your feet….single moms are also eligable for alot more grants for school and stuff than other people…this baby just might be your way out of the hard life you have lived….you are standing at a fork in the road…you can choose to get an abortion and still have unsupportive parents and an ex in jail and no where to go, or you can Stand Up find your resources in the area and give this baby a better life than you have had…I know that you can do this….like queenB said…there is not alot of help out there for girls considering abortion but there is truckloads of help out there for Stand Up Girls like yourself….the state will help you find a job and train you because you are pregnant, they don’t do that for girls who aborted their babies, they will give you medical for appointments, but they don’t pay for abortions….WIC stands for Women Infants Children….they don’t give free dairy products to women that don’t have kids or who are not pregnant….I have had two kids, out of marriage and raised them on my own until last November when I got married….That is 2 hospital births, all the appointments that come along with pregnancy, at least 8-10 emergency room visits during both pregnancies combined, a broken foot which gave me 1 emergency visit and several appointments, my daughter had a broken collar bone which gave me 2 hospital visits and several x-rays and other appointments, my son was admitted at 17 days old and had a 3 day stay in the hospital and follow ups for that, sick kids emergency visits, son drank nail polish emergency visit…I could go on and on and on with all of the medical bills that I never had to pay a dime for…..I have never had to pay 1 cent for ANY of the bills that have come from having kids….also because of the fact that I was a struggling single mom my broken foot and oh yea my wisdom teeth never cost me a thing….I am not here "selling" you on state medical or "state and local freebies", I am not bragging about "living off the system" I am not condoning or encouraging pregnancy before marriage, but….I am here to tell you that there is a reason that you have this new life inside your body….and that there are more good things that come from keeping this baby than bad and there are more bad things that come from abortion than good….if you find the money for an abortion and something goes wrong you will be stuck with that heartache and the medical bills, but if you keep this baby you will find new meaning to your life, you will get the chance to be to this child what your parents were not to you, and you will have a state system to help you through the medical bills and they will set you up with whatever they can to get you on your feet…this baby is the key to a fresh start for you in life….life does not end at teen or unplanned pregnancy…but the meaning of life and the motivation to live it well begin there…trust me…single mom of 4 1/2 years who is no longer on state assistance and who had no family or paternal support through pregnancy or to this day….I now have a 5 yr old girl who was almost aborted, she is very loved and she has taught me how to love and to be loved…don’t let this chance that you have for the same things be surgically removed from your body…You are a Stand Up Girl…Stand Up and take what is yours….Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness…and let the state and maybe even a local non denominational church help you to take the steps needed to get back on your feet….show those who gave up on you that you can do this…don’t give them a reason to look down on you…rather give them a reason to look up and see how strong the storms of life have made you….I am here anytime you need to talk…….I have been through so much and I understand your fears…trust me….but if I have made it so can you…..Love Meg

    in reply to: Why am i bleeding? #18569

    Hey there, My name is Meagan and I help out on here, I came across your post and it caught my attention…first off I would suggest that you take a pregnancy test and or go to the doctor and get a blood test done….you can call Option Line for free at 1-800-395-HELP, they can set you up with the nearest pregnancy center to you where you can take a free and 100% confidential test and have someone by your side to counsel you depending on the results…second I want you to pause for a moment and think about where you are in life….you are obviously taking birth control because you are not ready for a baby, is that correct??? Well I don’t know if you knew this or not but birth control pills, condoms, shots, IUD’s, pulling out, keeping track of your ovulation and all such other "forms" of birth control are not 100% effective, the only form of birth control that is 100% effective to prevent pregnancy and STD’s is abstinence….and also as you have already experienced different "forms" of birth control can mess with your body, both physically and emotionally…..I don’t know how old you are or what your back ground is but that really doesn’t change the issue… you could be 12 or you could be 35 and I would still tell you that if you are not married you should really consider abstinence….you see, I was 19 and unmarried when I got pregnant the first time and 22 and unmarried when I got pregnant with my second from a different dad….it was hard…I was a single mom for 4 1/2 years with no family and no child support from either dad…when I found out I was pregnant the second time I realized that I needed to get my act together and protect myself from having more kids out of wedlock and that birth control was not the answer…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night and it was the best choice I have ever made in the area of protecting myself and my kids….I knew that my husband loved me because he asked for my hand and offered his love until death before he asked to take my clothes off and offer me kids on my own….you are worth more than this life of worry and stress about missing periods or not knowing why it is messed up, you have so much more going for you than to get stuck with a baby on your own, you are worth more than some guy having sex with you but not being willing to commit to you first….demand what you deserve….respect and honor…the world leads us to believe that having sex and living together before marriage is the way to do it nowadays….test drive the car to make sure you like it right??? Well honey you are not a car and neither is your boyfriend….if you love each other then wait….true love waits and true love will stand the test of time…if you can be faithful to not have sex until marriage then you will be able to keep your vows and promises IN marriage….my suggestion is to stop having sex and to not be on birth control….sounds like bad advise but is it??? Before I got married I was not on birth control, I didn’t want to end up getting to hot and heavy and then have the excuse of "well I’m on birth control, if we slip up then at least we wont have to worry about pregnancy" NO WAY, I wanted and needed that fear of pregnancy before marriage…it is a wonderful form of birth control…now a few months before marriage I did get on birth control to make sure it was in my system so that we wouldn’t get pregnant on our wedding night…LOL…but you know what….I have been on birth control for sometime now…I am in the same spot as you…I could be pregnant…I am not supposed to start until next Tuesday but I started spotting last night, in the same way and description you gave… as I have read on here and have had confirmed by my friends and sister there is a such thing as implantation bleeding…I am not a doctor so I can’t tell you or myself if that is what is going on but if you have had sex (I am married so obviously I have) then there is a chance that we could both be, even though we were both on birth control, but honey listen to the difference…if I find out I am pregnant how will it differ from if you do??? I want you to think long and hard about abstinence, you will never regret it….if you are pregnant then there is nothing you can do to take back that fateful moment of conception but you can learn form the future….your baby might shock your boyfriend or your family but in time your baby will be very loved and accepted but it wont be the same as if you got married and your parents are EXPECTING grandkids….I hope this hasn’t come off the wrong way all I am doing is telling you that I have walked the road that you are on and it doesn’t pay….there is heartache and suffering and so many more trials….life is hard in general but you can make choices to prevent some of the rough times….like the choice of abstinence…that one choice can save so much unwanted grief in life…no fear of pregnancy before marriage, no risk of STD’s or worse…AIDS…you wont have to wonder if your boyfriend is going to stick by your side in the event of pregnancy because there is no risk of it….if your period is late or messed up you will know that you are not pregnant, you wont have to take some pills that make you all sick and crazy…the good of being abstinent out weighs the bad a million times over…just think it over….it is up to you and I can’t make you choose what I did, but, I can tell you from my past and from my experience that sex before marriage is just not worth the 20 minutes of excitement it brings each time and the hours and days of lost sleep from worrying and stressing…..experience is the best teacher if you can afford the tuition, but, it doesn’t have to be your own….I hope this helps you…let me know what happens…Love Meg…

    in reply to: new here-my blessing/ punishment #18561

    Hey there and welcome to the site…My name is Meagan and I help out on the site and I came across you post…I just wanted to share with you that I am 25 and I have two kids by two dads, a 5 yr old and an almost 3 yr old, I was never married to either dad and I went through both pregnancies alone, I have received 2 child support checks in total in the last 5 years and they came last month for my son, The day my daughters dad left he took everything down to the toothpaste and shampoo and laundry soap, I had no groceries or milk and less than a quarter tank of gas and my bills were all due and he gave me 20 dollars, oh yeah and I didn’t have a job, when I got pregnant with my son the people I worked for fired me because they thought I was a sweet little Christian girl who was struggling as a single mom and when I got pregnant it stumbled them, immediately my life turned into a country song and I lost everything….my car engine blew up on the side of the road in a different state, stranded with no money, my daughters grandma picked me up and took me back home where I didn’t live within walking distance to anywhere, and I had no car and no family and no job….then when my son was like 7 months old I broke my foot, my right foot, I was unable to drive, I couldn’t work….the first two days of my broken foot I was home alone with him with only a splint, I was on heavy duty pain killers and I had to crutch to his crib stick his bottle in my pocket, crutch to the kitchen fill it up, crutch back to him, I had to lean over to change his diaper in his crib and I could not pick him up, I felt like the worst mom in the world….there are so many more stories of how my house payment was over due by a week and it would somehow get paid, other times I lost my jobs, times where I would run out of gas on the side of the road and be stuck there with two kids and no money….but….one thing I didn’t tell you is how I survived all these things…..what happened when he left me with nothing??? How did I end up with another car??? Where did I get other jobs at??? How did my bills get paid??? How did I make it with no family or child support???? Who would want to be with much less marry someone like me???? I am now married and I have been for 9 months, I was abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night,I have fought the good fight and I have survived, I have learned so much, my kids are happy, I would do it all a hundred times over if that is what it took to have my life the way it is now…. having two kids from two dads and a HUGE amount of trials and problems and an itty bitty amount of money and belongings doesn’t mean that you are destined for failure….it just means that you will have more stories to tell than the person who got an abortion and spent the rest of their life regretting it….it means that you will appreciate more in life than the person who buys what they want when they want, it means that you will be sensitive to those who are struggling rather than walk past with your nose in the air…..You are a Stand Up Girl….you can do this….many of us here on Standupgirl have done it….if I have made it through my many broken, dirt poor, tragic events then anyone can….you know you already love this baby, Stand Up for him/her….you can do this there is so much support out there, and never underestimate the Provision of God….He created the universe…he can make sure you are fed and clothed and have a roof over your head, you might not have much more than that at times but the times when you have extra you will enjoy it so much more than most people….there are two verses I would like to leave you with…."Seek first the kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you" seek the Lord and while you are focused on Him you will start to see that He is providing your every need….."Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart form your Father’s will. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows." Do you know that you are of more worth than many sparrows??? Do you know how many hairs are on your head??? God knows your worth, He Created you…just like He Created that little baby in your womb….He knows how many hairs are on your head…He pays that close of attention to you to know more about you than you do yourself….He will provide for you…I will be praying for you….let us all know what happens….I think I already know…Be a Stand Up Girl…you will never regret keeping your baby….no matter what you have to go through it will all be worth it to know that you made the right choice for that precious, God sent miracle in your tummy…Love Meg

    in reply to: hurt and confused #18549

    Hey sweetie, this was a couple weeks ago??? you should have told us sooner so you didn’t have to carry this alone…right now just take a deep breath and choose to remove divorce from your vocabulary and personal dictionary…if this becomes a bigger issue and an ongoing problem then you can pull that card later on if needed but for now just take it one day at a time…divorce is not the answer…I do not side with your husband at all and if I was able to get my hands around his neck he would be a very unhappy man…you are so lovely inside and out and your spirit is so sweet…how dare him put his hands that he has committed to you till death on another woman and how dare him kiss another woman with the same lips that he said "I DO" with…but even though he has done this horrible thing he should still have the chance to be forgiven…if I had continued to be rejected because of the life I was living and the choices I was making I wouldn’t have had a reason to change and if I had made changes and people still brought up all the horrid things I had done all the time would the changes have stuck??? What you need to do right now is pray for your husband…pray that he would be so convicted that he would never even think of doing this again and pray for him to have strength to fight off any further temptations…be your husbands best friend right now…let him know you hurt and don’t let him think he is off the hook by any means but love him and be very open with him…Honey I love you and I am so incredibly hurt and betrayed by what you have done…my family says divorce but I believe that you are truly sorry and I love you enough to give you another chance, I will be here for you to keep you accountable if you have thoughts of another woman you can tell me and I will quickly give you a reason to think of me instead…I will keep my vows to love you through this "worse" time but please join me and keep yours as well…. telling him something along those lines will get the point across and offer him a new start at the same time….this is an opportunity to reflect Christ in you….call me corny but W.W.J.D??? What Would Jesus Do, let him who has no sin cast the first stone…the woman who was caught in adultery, did Jesus condemn her…NO WAY, He loved her, He sent her accusers away shameful and when He was done He told her, "Go and sin no more" this is an opportunity to do the same thing for your husband, honey sure go with the guys but, Go and sin no more….it’s Your kindness Lord that brings us to repentance…one of my favorite songs that came form a scripture…if you shut him out and leave him in the dust it wont help him to change…if you are kind and understanding and loving but still tell him the truth of what this has done to your heart then I can tell you 99.9999% sure you will have your husband faithfully by your side….sure he will mess up in other areas and so will you but if you handle this in just the right way then it will give him more than enough reason to never act on the thought of touching another woman again….that brings me a question…was he with his friends??? where were they??? are his friends maybe not the best guys for him to be going out with??? maybe you should ask him to have his friends over and the two of you can ask them to keep him more accountable…..let this be a sober time of sound choices, not a time of impulse decisions that could and will be regretted….be as smart as a serpent but as innocent as a dove, meaning, always have tabs on him and keep yourself protected if you feel he has or is cheating, but, don’t let any blame fall on your shoulders…be a loving wife who is ready to forgive and restore…if he full blown cheats and is unwilling to receive counsel then take the steps needed but just know that no matter what happens you have us here on the site and you have the Creator of the universe on your side…you are a total Stand Up Girl and I know that if you have made it through what you already have then you can make it through anything…you just need to believe it…I love you lots and I am here to help you walk through this…Love Meg

    in reply to: hurt and confused #18547

    Oh Honey…I am so sorry you had to go through this…is he the one who told you??? if so then he is sorry and he knows how bad he messed up, if not then you need to handle this totally different….no matter how hard it is you need to love him and forgive him…whether it helps you "fix" the problem or not…you made vows and a commitment and even if he wants to go out and "dirty up" his vows you can still keep yours to him…for better or worse, to honor and cherish, most of all to love…I think what he did is wrong, and ugly, and selfish, and sick, but…. we both know he loves you…I would set some ground rules…no more partying…if he wants to dace…turn the music up in the living room and dance with him or make a night when you can go together but no more of this going out by himself or just with the guys…if he is having a problem with drinking and making poor choices as a result, talk with him while he is sober and tell him like it is…tell him that you and his family (the kids) are worth more than that and that you will not divorce him but you will go stay with someone else (your mom, best friend) for an undisclosed amount of time if he does this again… now it sounds like this was a one time stupid move and lets pray that that is what it was…but…if this continues to happen you need to make sure you protect yourself and love him at the same time…if he cheats don’t sleep with him until there is repentance and a std check that comes back clean…put your foot down firm so that he never wants to do this again…if he argues with "your rules" then mention counseling and get a mediator if needed but you are too beautiful and special to be treated like this…like I said if he is the one who told you then you shouldn’t have much to worry about but still make sure that this is addressed and taken care of asap and when it is done and buried leave it there and never use it to your advantage in an argument…it could make things worse…if he is truly sorry and repentant then forgive him and love him and it will win his heart over even more than you already have….I hope this helps a bit…and remember I am here if you need to talk…Love Meg

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