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  • in reply to: Having the baby!!! #21570

    Yay! Good luck at the hospital and I hope that everything goes as smooth as possible for you!

    in reply to: BREASTFEEDING #19057

    I breastfed my boys only a couple weeks, but I breastfed my daughter for 14 months. It is so much easier than bottle feeding, especially once you get past the first 6 weeks. I would suggest speaking with a lactation consultant before and after delivery to get help with latching. I had zero pain, bleeding or cracks with my daughter because she had a really good latch which is the most important thing.

    in reply to: What’s better a C-section or a regular delivery??? #19056

    Hey, I had three vaginal deliveries and I know that I would prefer those to c-section. Not only does c-section limit the number of children you can have – most doctors will only do 3 c-sects, and each pregnancy after your uterus has a chance of rupture where the scar is – but the recovery time is much longer and more stressful on your body. A c-section requires surgery where as vaginal delivery is just delivery. Our bodies were made to deliver vaginally, not through surgery.

    Don’t get me wrong, c-sections are great when they are needed in cases of emergency but they are very over-used and should be a last resort, not an option.

    in reply to: Im sick I have SHINGLES #19020

    Hey, I had the chicken pox when I was pregnant with my second son and I know how uncomfortable that was, I bet shingles is a lot worse.

    Is there a lotion or something that helps to sooth the sore spots?

    Hope it doesn’t last too long for you!

    in reply to: we’re a problem #17761

    Of course teen mums can be great moms, but they aren’t exactly missing the point. Teen parents ARE a burden on society because that group of parents is statistically a burden. Higher rates of welfare, highschool/college drop-outs, higher rates of crime in the children of teen parents, a higher rate of divorce, and a higher rate of continuing the cycle. So yes, of course there are great teen parents, but unfortunately the statistics work against us.

    in reply to: TO ALL MAMAS WITH 3 #17199

    Hello, My name is Marie. I’m a 22 year old mom of 3. Liam is almost 6, Aidan is 4 and Makenzie is 14 months. I admit that being a mom of 3 is challenging but I wouldn’t change it for the world. Makenzie has been my most difficult child so far and things get difficult when she’s napping and the boys are fighting and screaming at each other. Or when she’s refusing to eat or sick and needing attention and the boys just want to play with me as well. But then there are times when they all play together and I feel a sense of calm staring at them. I would not do things differently with them. They are each so different and have such unique personalities that without one of them the group would be incomplete.

    Good luck! Let me know if you have any other questions.

    in reply to: RANDOM =) #17135

    How old were you when u got pregnant? 16
    How old are u now? 22.5
    How long was your labour? 2hr 40min, 4hr 11min, 5.5hr
    Did you have any drugs or interventions? I was induced with gel but nothing else.
    Did you finish school? highschool yes, college in the process
    Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? No
    Are you still with the father? Yes
    Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? My husband and 3 children

    in reply to: SO SICK N TIRED #16777

    I couldn’t agree more with what most of you have said. I mainly lurk around here but I run a site for young parents ( and there are fakes and wanna-bes everywhere. Be a kid, stop trying to get attention. It does hurt people when you fake because people get attached to a person (even online) and betrayal is very hurtful. As for purposely getting pregnant… all that I have to say is WAIT! Whoever said that if a 14 year old wants to get pregnant let her, I have to question where your advice is coming from? It isn’t fair to that girl’s child, to her family, to her boyfriend. Trying to get pregnant as a teenager is self-destructive behaviour, and is a sign of an emotional disturbance or imbalance. I refuse to support a will to get pregnant before a person can support that child emotionally, financially, and spiritually. A child is more than a baby. God entrusts us with his children to raise them and teach them. If we haven’t learned all that we need, how are we to teach these children? I had my first child at 16. I know that it is hard and rewarding. I would not have chosen it. I find it disturbing that a teen/preteen can plan a pregnancy and have no guilt that the child created goes without, and that they have to rely on either family or welfare just for basic food and shelter. And the part that I find the most appalling is that many who are trying to become pregnant refuse to even talk to their doctors about their bodies, or to see the doctor when the pregnancy occurs.
    Stand up girl is a website for those pregnant and in tough situations to stand up for what they believe in and receive support in their decisions. Not a place to discuss TTC at 13, or to come play pretend. It is unfortunate that this site has been around for so many years, (I began reading Dear Becky, before my oldest son was a twinkle in my eye), and sadly it has been reduced to a haven for fakers and wanna-be’s.

    in reply to: baby’s last name #14887

    I had my son at 16 and even though I was with the father we hyphenated the last name and gave him both, because either way if we got married (which we did) we just dropped my last name, and had we not stayed together I could have dropped his last name 🙂
    Hope that helps, congratulations and good luck on your journey!

    in reply to: My Baby! What to expect? #14886

    Congratulations on your pregnancy.
    Unfortunately all pregnancies are different so for me to tell you when morning sickness will stop doesn’t make sense… however I will say that it should be beginning to ease up for you sometime soon. I would bring it up to your doc at your next appointment and if it’s really bad still they may prescribe something to lessen it. As for gender prediction, they can usually see from about 15 weeks on although it’s up to your baby whether he/she cooperates, and the standard code of practice where you are whether or not your doctor will tell you.

    in reply to: have to wait till 12 weeks for doc apt?? #14884

    Your first "prenatal" visit is usually around 12 weeks, but you usually have your first appointment before that which confirms pregnancy and does family history, bloodwork etc…

    Call your doctor 🙂 Good luck on your journey!

    in reply to: somethings wrong? #14883

    If I were you I would pray really really hard and get yourself to a doctor right away.

    Good luck on your journey and take pride in realising what you were doing and changing your actions.

    in reply to: any1 answer this 4 me > #10834

    I would get to the doctor asap because those are all signs of tubal pregnancy… good luck.

    in reply to: Adoption or parenting #9110

    nobody can tell you what decision is best for you. Only you can go with your heart. If you love your child you will go with the best decision for her, not what mom thinks is best or relatives thinks is best. If you want to do adoption for her sake, because you feel that she will be better off than do it, however if you feel that she would be just as fine as you, you should look at it that way. Either way its not an easy decision and I wish you luck.

    in reply to: periods again #8885

    normally your period stops for the entire nine months, however as already mentioned some women still get spotting for the entire nine months of pregnancy which could be mistaken for or even considered her period, however, I do find it very difficult to believe that anyone could mistake your child’s kicking for anything else, as it is such a distinct feeling.
    Hope this Helps!

    in reply to: ectopic pregnancy?? #7490

    how far along are you?
    if the pain continues definately go back in and insist they do an ultrasound.

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