Forum Replies Created
Participanti dont want to say this but its going to get worse. i was able to control my hormones during my first few months but now that im only four weeks away from having my baby im going crazy and im also taking it out on my boyfriend but if he really wants to be there he’ll understand that its nothing personal and you just are really emotional and moody, but trust me.. it gets worse. some days i just cry for no entire reason at all. other days i yell and get mad and it sucks cause its not the way i am.
but just relax and do things that help to calm you down.littlemom16
Participantwell what are your symptoms?
whats going on with your body?
i think your probably just thinking about it too much,
if not keep me updated.
im pregnant and i thought i wasnt, so maybe you are
wait another month take a testlittlemom16
Participantit could be all in your head and you just think you are.
so your body imitates a pregnancy.
it happened to me before and when i really got pregnant
i was like ah whatever its all in my head..
but it wasnt.
wait it out or talk to your doctorlittlemom16
Participantwell what happened?
i had the exact same symptoms you did.
im 6 weeks pregnant =]littlemom16
Participantwell i saw it..
but i didnt think it was good.
getting drunk and knocked up..not a good idea for teens.littlemom16
Participantwell maybe some of us are scared that we are.
cause we havent gotten our period or something.
and we want an anwswer to our questions.
my pregnancy was unplanned.
i had goals for myself and now i cant do those things.
so why would i want to be a mother right now?littlemom16
Participantim due june 17 2009.
im hoping its a boy! =]littlemom16
its positive!
im due in june!
im very excited.
i can use all the support i can getlittlemom16
its been threee days since my period was supposed to start
and im usually pretty regular..
my boyfriend is freaking out.
but i think that it is all psychological and in our heads..
ill keep yall updated.
oh and im taking another test tomorrow so ill post the results.littlemom16
Participantdid you keep the babies?
abortion is wrong.
if you really arent ready let someone adopt them. they will be loved -