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  • in reply to: i think i’m having a miscarriage #25444

    Please go see your Dr. Or go to the ER. I had 2 miscarriages and what you are experiencing sounds a lot like my symptoms. At least go and get checked out just for your peace of mind. I will be praying for you!

    in reply to: 26,3 children,married, and pregnate,???? #19798

    First of all EVERY child is a blessing, regardless of the situation. The baby may not be a blessing for you, but think of the other couples out there that cannot have children. Don’t you think that they deserve a blessing if your not able to keep it? I don’t know why every woman thinks that abortion is their only option, because it’s not. There is always adoption. There are so many families out there that are not able to conceive. What do you think they feel whenever they hear of someone aborting a child. They must feel like that little baby’s life was wasted! Just because you cannot take care of this baby does not mean someone else can’t. Would you rather kill your unborn child, or give it the best life it coud possibly have?

    in reply to: GBS !! #19692

    I do know that 50% of pregnant woman have GBS. And they would have never even have known before they were pregnant. It doesn’t do anything to us but can be potentially dangerous to the baby. But what they will do is give you antibiotics when you go to the hospital and are in labor. You will receive lots of antibiotics through an IV and it will more times than not clear up the GBS infection. A lot of woman are diagnosed with it, and it usually never causes anything to happen to the baby. The only way that it would cause anything to happen to the baby was if it wasn’t treated before the baby went through the birth canal. And if the infection does not clear up by the time you have to push, they will probably give you a C-section. Just trust your doctors they know what they are doing, and I am sure your baby will be a very healthy one!! Good luck , and just let us know when your baby is born how everything went!! I will be praying for you.

    in reply to: Health Insurance Help….. #19691

    Is the baby’s father not going to be apart of the baby’s life and your pregnancy? If he is I suggest that he get a job SOON and he needs to help you get your prenatal care. This is a very important part of your pregnancy, and it could determine whether your baby is healthy or not. I am sure something good will end up happening, and your parents will come around sometime. Just be patient and positive, just for your babies sake and health if not for yours. Just know that your parents are not the ones carrying your child!! They have no right to back you into a corner, and make you feel like abortion is the only choice for you!! Remember if you ever feel like you could not raise this baby by yourself, there is always adoption! There are so many loving families just waiting for a baby to love!! I will be praying for you and your baby, if you need anything or just need to talk please feel free to send me a message any time.

    in reply to: decisions full of heartache #19682

    Let me start by saying this. I already know that you are a strong woman if you have already been through this before. You have every right to keep your child. Do not let your boyfriend make you feel like you only have abortion as an option. That is not right, he should be the one supporting whatever action you choose to take, not make you feel like you will be a bad mother if you keep your baby. Also there is always adoption! There are so many families that can’t have little babies! Don’t you think they also deserve the chance to have a little blessing like a baby in their lives? No one should ever make you feel like abortion is your only option. Now, if you choose abortion as YOUR choice and your not choosing it because of someone else then that was YOUR option and yours alone. You are the mother carrying the child, not your boyfriend or your parents! But If I were in this situation and really felt that I could not support my baby I would choose adoption purely for the fact that I know that a lot of people will never have the chance to have a child, and I could never waste that precious life. All I want you to know is you have people here that will support you through whatever decision you choose is right for you. You are your own person, mother, and woman. And you CAN make your own choices, so don’t let anyone else make you feel that you can’t!! If you ever need someone to talk to please feel free to send me a message.

    in reply to: choosing adoption – duedate5/11/08 #19681

    Sweetheart, I know you feel so alone. And it is so wonderful that you found this website. The girls on here are sooo understanding and helpful. You are making a very responsible and caring choice for your baby. You are celebrating your childs life just by choosing to let it live and live a good life for that matter. You are a very brave person and should not shut yourself out from having a good pregnancy and life just because you are pregnant at a young age. I know that I am having a very hard time with some of my family right now because of my pregnancy but I love my baby and I want to be excited for her even if no one else is. Even though I have chosen a little bit of a different route than you by choosing to keep my baby in the end both of our babies will know that they are very much loved by many people. So by all means go to the mall, go to the store, the movies and let people see that you are pregnant. Tell random people that you are pregnant. Be happy for yourself and YOUR baby, don’t be sad at every one elses expense. You and your baby are both very special people that both deserve to be happy no matter what the circumstances are. I commend you for your bravery and loving motherly choice to celebrate life and to not give up. I want you to know that you have a friend in me whenever you need someone. You are welcome to send me a message anytime if you need to talk. God bless you and have a healthy joyous pregnancy.

    in reply to: Why shouldnt I love him #19674

    no one has a right to treat your baby that way!! Especially not his own family! I hope that they realize someday that they could potentially make an extreme impact on how he feels about himself. He has every right to be happy!! You are a wonderful mother and just make sure you always make him feel loved since he may not get it from anyone else!! Good luck and I will be praying for you. If you need to talk to someone please feel free to email me

    in reply to: Due Date 7-9-08 #19673

    That is so exciting to hear!! I am so happy that God has truly blessed you by saving you and your babies life!! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. I will continue to pray for you and your baby!

    in reply to: When Can I Test? #19648

    It is not harmful for the baby to get a pap smear. The OB made me get one when I went in for my first appointment for my pregnancy. They have to make sure that you don’t have anything wrong, because if you have a STD it can be transmitted to your child during birth and they need to know before hand so that they can either treat and cure it if possible or so they know if they are going to have to perform a C-Section.

    in reply to: Could i be?? #19612

    Yes you definitely could be pregnant. I would wait like maybe 4 more days just to make sure that you don’t get your period, it will also give your body time to recognize that you are pregnant so it can show up on a prego test. You may be prego because I only had a couple symptoms in the beginning and they werent that strong. I was extremely hungry constantly, I felt sick to my stomach alot but i never had morning sickness, and I could only eat certain foods. I am now almost 6 months pregnant and can eat anything, and I never get sick to my stomach anymore. Although I still eat like a cow, lol. If you need a friend to talk to or just need anything you are welcome to contact me I hope all goes well, good luck sweetheart.

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