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  • in reply to: Happy Mother’s Day #17314

    Thank you, Happy Mothers Day to you as well! I am a mother of three…. well two, and almost three, well not almost ha ha ha, im only 6 weeks!

    in reply to: SO SICK N TIRED #17120

    I think that yes it is sad that these girls want to have babies at 13 14 and 15, but you have to look at it from this point of view, some one the things that you say to these girls isnt really nesissary. i was 15 when i got pregnant with my first child, and i know how hard it was, but i did it, and my child is fine, i am fine. I didnt do it on purpose, but it happened. i think that saying that you cant handle a baby is just wrong. It depends on the person, just becuase you were immature at 13 14 and 15, doesnt mean that someone else is. I know that i wasnt the best person, but when i got pregnant, i got kicked out, so i had to step up and be mature. And being mature comes with the territory. I dont condone in havent a baby at 13 14 or even 15, but sometimes it happens. I know that if my daughter…( shes only 5 months… theres a little humor in that) wants to have a baby when she is that age, i will know, because i will talk to my children. And i think that wanting to have a baby that young is a failure on the parents part. The parents didnt give their child what they needed in order to satisfy them. And they obviously arent doing so now. I know that my parents didnt give me the love that i was looking for, and that is why i had a baby, i went looking for the love somewhere else. As for the Fake people on here. yes i realize that there are fake people, and that is sad that you have nothing better to do than get on an internet site and pretend to be what you arnt. I know that you can find another way to get attention. But you cant always judge a person and say that they are faking it. You dont really know for sure that a person is faking it unless they admit to it. I think that some people need to watch what they say in here because some of the things that are said are hurtful to those that you arent thinking that you are hurting. And i wanted to say in regards to the fake people, Be loved for you are, not for who your not, becuase in the end, if you are love for what you are not, you arent really loved at all….

    Thank you…

    in reply to: Watermark You PHOTOS #15560

    Why would somebody do that?

    in reply to: my baby girl is HERE!!! #14979

    congrats on the baby!!! if you need anything… email me!

    in reply to: PLZ Help! #13872

    Well, number one, your life wont be OVER if you get pregnant, your life will just change. and number two, if it says that it could "disturb" you rperiod, that means that there is a posiblility that your period could be late.

    in reply to: PLZ Help! #13871

    Well, number one, your life wont be OVER if you get pregnant, your life will just change. and number two, if it says that it could "disturb" you rperiod, that means that there is a posiblility that your period could be late. Just be careful!

    in reply to: my inspiring story =) #13805

    i completely agree… i was pregnant at 15 and i got kicked out, and people would tell me that i would never be anything and that i wouldnt make it, but i am now pregnant with my 2nd child and going strong between cory and i we make 75,000 a year, i work at Parks and Recreation as a office assistant, i recently got this job, i had started working at department of rehabilation, and i was at a workshop.. working and i found a great job… it was awesome, but i COMPLETLY agree with you!

    in reply to: ANY BODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! #13517

    Ok, so just because you have be ttc for a year, dont give up now!

    in reply to: 10th day #13316

    yes you could be pregnant

    in reply to: stretch marks #13092

    Coco Butter

    in reply to: Giving Up #12946

    I have set up ground rules for him, there are conseqences. I love him, and i know that he is truly sorry. My parent just dont care, they werent at the birth of my son and they probably wont be at the birth of my new baby

    in reply to: need help please! #12796

    Just tell them, you are a big girl now. Just tell them, dont stall, they will be happy, is it their first grandchild?

    in reply to: Pregnancy #12750

    There is a possiblity that you are pregnant, you could have had a false negitive test.

    in reply to: someone/anyone please #12701

    I know that this is going to sound extremly hard, but you need to tell your mom, you need to talk to her about it, you just need to get it out of your system. If you dont want to tell her face to face, then write her a note and tell her that you will talk to her about it later and spend the night at a friends house for the night. but you need to tell her!

    in reply to: loosing something #12700

    I take my son to daycare and it is so hard for me to do it, but u still have to do what you have to do, You will start to get used to it and it wont be so bad anymore, and plus, you will be so excited to pick her up when you pick her up, i now that everyday i am so excited to pick Konor up! You will be okay, just bare with it, it will get easier!

    in reply to: help #12516

    I have found that it is true, especially when you are so young. My boyfriend (now Ex) was extremly excited when i came home to tell him that i was having his child, I was 15. And when i was in the delivery room, giving birth to a 8 lb. 7 oz 17 in long child, he was out with a girl that he had been sleeping with for almost my whole pregnancy. Be careful what you believe, but then again I am pregnant now and my finace and i couldnt be more happier, and he is sticking with it, he is nothing like my Ex.

    in reply to: Child support/Advice #12509

    If he signs his rights away there really isnt anything that you can do, go to a child support agency and ask for help.

    in reply to: im 16 n preg #12508

    if your parents dont know, its probably best if you tell them before you go, if not things can turn out really bad!

    in reply to: what do u think of thie letter 2 my mom? #12507

    I felt the same way when i had to tell my mom that i was pregnant, my son is now 17 months old and he lives with my fiance and i and even though he is not the dad there is more than enough love for him, but that is not the point the point is, you and mom will make it through this hardship, there is so much that you have take into consideration, and there is so much that she has to take into account. Yes, you got pregnant, but she is your mother and she loves you. You may be young but think about this, i was 15 when i was pregnant with my son Konor, and now i am 17 and i am pregnant with yet another child. I am now 4 1/2 months pregnant with another child and i am in shool, i have no job, my fiance has a job and its hard with one child, let alone two children. But you have to think of the baby before you make any final decisions. Is the baby going to get everything that it needs to survive? Are you going to emotionally stable, it is very emotionally hard when you have a child. But i think that writing your mom a letter was a good first step, but now you need to talk to her!

    in reply to: can’t feel him move!! #12472

    You are 19 weeks when i was about 25 or so weeks when i finally felt Konor kick. but now i am pregnant with a new baby

    in reply to: BABY GIRL NAMES?? #12468

    If my baby is a girl, i am going to name her, Mirah Nicolette Driscoll

    Post edited by: krystelandgabe, at: 2006/10/24 21:16

Viewing 21 posts - 1 through 21 (of 21 total)