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  • in reply to: pregnancy #9576

    Hi Amanda,

    I’m a little confused by your question. How old are you? If you are already pregnant, then I would encourage you to have the child. Babies are great, but are also a lot of work and will mean lots of changes and you will have to grow up much faster than you should. If you are not pregnant, then I would not reccommend trying to get pregnant until you are in a stable, loving, and committed relationship. Also until both you and your partner are prepared for the responsibilities that come with parenthood. I would consider waiting for sex, especially if you are very young. However if you decide to be sexually active, then birth control will increase the chances of preventing pregnancy.


    in reply to: i dont know what to think #9575


    I don’t think you’re being paranoid. I’m not really familiar with all of the potential side effects of Zoloft or of the effects of missing a few pills of Zoloft. I am not sure why you are having unusual symptoms. If it has been at least two or three weeks since you might have conceived, especially if you have missed your regular expected period, I would take a home pregnancy test. Perhaps your cycle is irregular for other reasons and the symptoms are for other reasons. Either positive or negative, if symptoms persist, perhaps it would be a good idea to see your doctor to get checked out and find out some answers.


    in reply to: none #9574

    I have never had an abortion myself, but I know people who have and I understand the pain you are feeling. I would reccommend post abortion counseling such as Project Rachael. Also talking with others who have gone through similar experiences and are dealing with the same feelings and emotions might be helpful. Does your friend know about your past abortion? Perhaps you could speak with her about your feelings and explain why it is hard for you to be involved with her pregnancy. Unfortunately it is not possible to change the past, but the future is open for different options and different choices. I hope that in time you will experience healing and the pain will lessen. In the meantime, if you need to talk there are plenty of people here (including me) that are glad to listen and offer support. Best Wishes.


    in reply to: Confused #9573


    It is true that having a baby will change your life and your routine. It is also true that babies cost money. However there are resources out there that can help financially. If you want to have this child don’t let anyone pressure you into an abortion. If your boyfriend truly loves you he will understand and support your decision. Abortion may seem like a quick and easy solution, but it is more complicated. Before you decide to have an abortion please read the stories and posts from girls on this site who have gone through with abortion and have sufferred emotional and physical consequences and have extreme regrets about their choice. If you and your boyfriend do not feel ready for the changes and responsibility of parenthood, perhaps adoption would be the best decision. There is no shame in giving up a child for adoption, and your child would have be given the gift of life.


    in reply to: im pregnant and 15!! help #9572


    I understand your worry. I suppose technically there is a very small chance that if your boyfriend ejaculated on your pajamas or bed and it managed to get through to your body you could be pregnant. However the chances are probably very very small. I would bet that your period is just irregular. Some signs of pregnancy include sore breasts, exhaustion, changes in appetite, nausea, etc. If you are worried I would take a home pregnancy test.


    in reply to: im only 19 i need help #9571


    Have you had a regular period? Especially if your period is regular (mine wasn’t at all when I was 19) and actually even if your period is irregular, and you are late, I would take a home pregnancy test to find out whether you are pregnant.


    in reply to: message to all members #9515


    It is hard for me to give advice on how to tell your dad because I don’t know anything about his personality. Will he be excited? upset? indifferent? I suppose you could sent him a card with a letter and ultrasound pictures, but I don’t know if this would be any easier or better than telling him over the phone. Would it be easier for you if your mom broke the news to him (if they’re on speaking terms)?, or are you excited to give him the news yourself?

    In my case my parents are still married and both were practically begging for grandchildren so it wasn’t stressful for me to tell them. I actually told them over the phone the day we found out. However they live only about an hour away so I have seen them somewhat frequently throughout the pregnancy. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.

    P.S. I’m also due in February. My predicted due date is Feb. 19th.


    in reply to: I don’t know if im pregnat or not #9514


    If it has only been a week since you might have conceived, it is probably too early to be experiencing pregnancy symptoms. It is also probably too early to take a pregnancy test. I would wait until your period is due. If you are more than a week late I would take a pregnancy test to find out for sure. I’m glad to hear that if you are pregnant you will keep your baby. Try not to stress too much in the meantime. You could think about ways to approach your parents if the test turns out positive. They will probalby be upset at first, but I bet they will come around and be supportive of you. Good luck.


    in reply to: re-assurance… #9513


    It is possible to get pregnant from sprem in pre-ejaculate. The symptoms you are describing sound like they could be pregnancy symptoms, especially since you haven’t had a period in three months. However home pregnancy tests are usually pretty accurate. If you had three negative tests maybe there is another explaination for the changes in your body. I don’t think you are overreacting. Blood tests are more accurate than urine tests. I have heard of women who were pregnant but never got a postive reading with urine tests. The ultrasound might detect other problems, such as cysts or other problems. Several years ago I had an ultrasound done because I was having pain and the doctor wanted to find out more with what was going on in my reproductive and digestive systems. I wasn’t pregnant, it turned out that I had irritable bowel syndrome actually. Best Wishes.


    in reply to: Are these signs? #9511


    If you didn’t take your birth control for a week, then it is possible that you might be pregnant. The symptoms you are describing could be early pregnancy symptoms, but don’t panic yet. You could take a test now, but it is probably better to wait until your period is actually due and you are late. If taken too early a test might register negative when it is really positive if the levels of HCG hormone are too low to register. My advice would be to try not to stress too much (I know easier said than done), and wait and see if your period starts on time. If you are more than a week late I would take a home pregnancy test to find out for sure. Good luck.


    in reply to: :S:S:S #9509


    I wouldn’t worry too much about miscarriage, unless you have extreme cramps and or bleeding. I felt some twinges also in early pregnancy. The doctor said it was probably just the uterus strateching a little bit as it begins to expand with the baby and placenta. Have you set up your first prenatal appointment with a doctor? Getting good and early prenatal care would be a good first step. Find a doctor that you can trust and don’t feel afraid to ask lots of questions. Good luck.


    in reply to: ASAP I NEED HELP!!! #9508


    If they stopped the contractions I don’t think it necessarily means that you will deliver early in the next week or two. I bet it means that your doctor will want to keep a closer eye on you and the pregnancy in case you go into early labor again. I would follow any advice that he or she gives you. Even at 35 weeks the survival rate is good. My aunt gave birth to my little cousin Maggie about three weeks ago. She was born 6 weeks early and only weighed about four pounds, but she is home from the hospital, has put on weight, and seems to be doing remarkably well for a premie. I hope all goes well for you and your daughter.


    in reply to: When do you show ? #9507


    I think that when you begin to show can vary from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy depending on a number of factors including genetics, diet, excercise, whether this is a first pregnancy etc. It doesn’t sound terribly unusual to me to be starting to show at 3 and a half months. This is my first pregnancy. I hadn’t gained any weight and didn’t really start to show until I was at about 18 weeks. It seemed like my abdomen started to pop out overnight! I’m now at about 21 weeks, and I’m not huge yet, but I’m definitely starting to show now – my abdomen has grown a lot over the last few weeks. Hope this helps.


    in reply to: Confused Girl #9506


    I’m not sure how to break the news to your parents. They might be upset at first, but I bet they will come around and be supportive. I would wait until a good opening and opportunity to talk to them, but don’t wait too long or chances are they will feel even more hurt and upset that you didn’t tell them sooner. I understand how scared you feel about telling them and facing them, trust me. However the sooner you get it over with and let them know the sooner you can break free from the worry and dread of telling them. Hang in there, and good luck.


    in reply to: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED IMFORMATION #9505

    If you had unprotected sex, even if you withdrew before ejaculation, then there is a chance that your girlfriend could get pregnant (because pre-ejaculation does contain sperm). How did your mother react when she caught you two having sex?!? If your girlfriend has not missed her period yet it is probably too early for her to take a pregnancy test. If she is more than a week late for her period I would definitely have her take a test to find out. It is good to hear that you are worried about her. This must be a stressful time for you both. Either way I’m sure she is afraid and could use your emotional support right now, especially if it turns out that she is pregnant. I hope if she is pregnant you will encourage her to choose life for your child, and be supportive of your girlfriend whether she decides to keep the child or give it up for adoption. I won’t preach, or tell you what to do or what not to do, but in the future if it turns out that she is not pregnant it would probably be good to learn a lesson from this experience. If you are not ready for the prospect of parenthood it would probably be best not to be having sex without birthcontrol. Also the only 100% effective way to not become pregnant is to not have sex. I hope everything turns out well for you both.


    in reply to: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED IMFORMATION #9504

    If you had unprotected sex, even if you withdrew before ejaculation, then there is a chance that your girlfriend could get pregnant (because pre-ejaculation does contain sperm). How did your mother react when she caught you two having sex?!? If your girlfriend has not missed her period yet it is probably too early for her to take a pregnancy test. If she is more than a week late for her period I would definitely have her take a test to find out. It is good to hear that you are worried about her. This must be a stressful time for you both. Either way I’m sure she is afraid and could use your emotional support right now, especially if it turns out that she is pregnant. I hope if she is pregnant you will encourage her to choose life for your child, and be supportive of your girlfriend whether she decides to keep the child or give it up for adoption. I won’t preach, or tell you what to do or what not to do, but in the future if it turns out that she is not pregnant it would probably be good to learn a lesson from this experience. If you are not ready for the prospect of parenthood it would probably be best not to be having sex without birthcontrol. Also the only 100% effective way to not become pregnant is to not have sex. I hope everything turns out well for you both.


    in reply to: HeartAche and Spinny Thoughts #9503


    Try to calm down. I’ve faced a couple of pregnancy scares in the past, so I can relate to your nervousness and inner turmoil. However before going into panic mode yet you should take a test to find out if you even are pregnant. If money is an issue many crisis pregnancy centers offer free confidential pregnancy tests. If you are pregnant they may also be able to help financially with the pregnancy and providing baby clothes etc. Your period might be late due to stress or other reasons. If you are pregnant you are not alone and there is support out there. If raising a child now would be difficult there is always the option of adoption. Good luck.


    in reply to: Help! Second time! #9487

    I can relate somewhat to your situation. My heart goes out to you! Let me share a litte bit about my own situation. Hopefully it will help.

    The last month has been an extreme emotional roller coaster for me and for my husband. Three weeks ago we went in for a routine prenatal appointment. My ob/gyn gave us the option of whether to do blood tests for defects. We debated, but decided to go ahead with the tests (we were thinking mostly just to reassure ourselves that everything was okay). A few days later I received a call from the doctors office. They said that the blood tests didn’t indicate birth defects, but my hormone levels were high which could indicate a miscalculated due date or a multiple pregnancy. She wanted me to have an ultrasound done ASAP. We were excited but terribly scared at the prospect of twins (or more). The ultrasound showed that we were having only one baby. We left the ultrasound appointment thinking that everything was okay.

    The next morning I got a call from my ob/gyn. The ultrasound report sent by the radiologist indicated that it appeared that there might be some abnormal brain development and she wanted me to see a high-risk ob/gyn for more ultrasounds. We were hoping the first scan was a fluke, but the second scan showed problems. The brain ventricles measured 12, 8 would be normal for the stage I was at. The doctor indicated that he thought there was hydrocephalus- fluid building up on the brain. He warned about cranial swelling and warned that there could be risks of miscarriage or premature delivery and there could be the possibility of severe mental damage and low outlook for survival. I felt like my heart had been ripped out. When he asked if we were thinking about terminating the pregnancy I just started sobbing.

    My husband and I have decided to accept this pregnancy and to accept our little son no matter what, so abortion was not an option for us. However I can understand the inner turmoil about what life would be like for such a child and how to care for such a child. These are not easy issues to deal with, and this has affected parts of my outlook about the entire pro-life pro-choice debate. The doctor also did an amniocenticis to check for chromosomal abnormalities and said he wanted to do bi-weekly ultrasounds to monitor the pregnancy. He said that not much could be done to improve the situation until after birth, when the child would need surgery for a shunt in his skull to drain fluid.

    We went home and prayed and our family and friends prayed..what else could we do? Also did research as to how we would care for a child with disabilities. It seems that God has been listening to our prayers. At the last appointment we found out that the amnio results were normal and the brain ventricles had not grown, but had actually decreased in size. Also it appeared that the brain was growing into the space. He said he still wants to monitor things closely, but things are looking much closer to normal and he feels optimistic. I thought about how it would have been easy for me to have panicked and decided to abort my perfectly healthy baby son. I wonder how many healthy babies were needlessly aborted due to predicted defects. I’m currently at about 21 weeks and we are continuing to hope and pray for the best.

    I don’t know about the risks about multiple abortions within a short time period, but there are physical risks to any abortion. Do you know that there are developmental problems with this baby? Also even if the child will be handicapped, consider giving life to the child. I know children with disabilities that are happy and blessings to all around them. Best Wishes.


    Post edited by: Julie, at: 2005/10/11 00:48

    in reply to: weird symptoms #9482


    Have you missed a period? If you haven’t yet it might be too soon to register a positive pregnancy test if you are pregnant. My guess would be that you are not pregnant, but if you continue to have weird symptoms perhaps you should see your doctor to get checked out.


    in reply to: Could I get pregnant using the patch? #9479


    I’ve never used the birth control patch. From what I’ve read it is about the same effectiveness as regular birth control pills. If used correctly birth control is fairly effective at preventing pregnancy. However, pregnancy is possible even if birth control is used. The only 100% way not to get pregnant is not to have sex. I would guess that you are not pregnant. I can understand how nervous and worried you feel, I can relate from when I had a couple of pregnancy scares several years ago. I would take a pregnancy test to find out for sure. Good luck.


    in reply to: ASAP I NEED HELP!!! #9478


    I couldn’t read/respond to your post until just now. By this time you will have laready spoken with your doctor, which would have been my advice. If your waters have broken you should contact your doctor because waiting can cause infection and risks for mom and baby. I had a friend who described similar to what you described and it turned out that her water had not broken. Good luck.


    in reply to: Scared to death #9477


    If your cycle is fairly regular it seems plausible that a doctor could pinpoint conception to within a ten day time frame by calculating from the first day of your last period. The size and development of the baby on the sonogram can also be used to determine and clarify the stage of the pregnancy and the time of conception. If the doctor says you conceived at a time that the child’s father would have been your boyfriend, who is now accepting responsibility and plans to stay with you in raising your child, then I probably would not worry too much. Does Ken know that you have questions about the baby’s father? If you are sure that Ken is the father, then it might be best to just leave the matter alone and not bring it up. However if there is doubt about who the father is a paternity test could be done after the baby is born. If there is a serious chance that your boyfriend might not be the father, he deserves to know.

    Pre-ejaculate contains sperm cells. I don’t have statistical figures. I would guess that the chances of pregnancy are less than with ejaculation, based on volume of semen. However pregnancy from sperm in pre-ejaculate can and does happen.


    in reply to: Pregnancy!?! Please help #9460


    It is possible that you might be pregnant. It would probably be too early to test until you are actually late for your period. In the meantime try not to get too stressed. Have you talked to your boyfriend that you think you might be pregnant? If you haven’t started your period take a test as planned on Oct. 4. Good luck.


    in reply to: WHAT”S GOING ON!???R&R #9439


    It is possible that your cycle could just be irregular due to stress or other reasons than pregnancy. Perhaps it would be best to set up an appointment for a doctor to do a blood test to determine if you are pregnant, or to determine why you are having unusual symptoms. Good Luck.


    in reply to: confused and in need of advice #9438


    I am sorry that your boyfriend kicked you out and is putting you down. You are giving life to your child and don’t let anyone put you down or make you feel bad for your decision. I would talk to a crisis pregnancy center or birthright. They might be able to help with finances and maybe even help you find a job. You could see about medicaid and or WIC benefits. Good for you for focusing on your education. I’m proud of you. I’m glad to hear that your mom is being supportive. Don’t be ashamed to accept help when it is given or offered. It sounds like life is pretty hard right now. I wish I could make it better for you. Hang in there! Best wishes.


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