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  • in reply to: Pregnant without ovulating? Is this possible? #9130

    Since it sounds like your cycles are generally regular, the times you had sex were PROBABLY not during ovulation, which would make it less likely that you cenceived. However I would not rely on your cycle being regular or that ovulation could not have occurred. If the last time was August 17 I would wait another week (or two) and take the test again if your period still has not started. I understand how you feel. Your situation reminds me of two pregnancy scares I had in the past. In the meantime try not to panic or worry too much until you know for sure. Have you discussed the situation with your boyfriend? Hopefully he can be there for you in this stressful time and if you are pregnant will be supportive of you and the baby. Good luck.

    in reply to: scared and unsure #9125

    It could possibly be just your irregular cycle, but if you have been having unprotected sex then you might be pregnant. You should probably take a home test to find out for sure. (and stop having unprotected sex if you want to try not to get pregnant.) Good luck.

    in reply to: I’m pregnant!?! #9124

    Katie –
    Congratulations! I’m sure your parents will be supportive once they get over the initial shock. I just started my first semester of grad school this fall. I found out I was expecting in late June and am due February 19. I was worried that I might need to sit out a semester, but it sounds like my advisor and instructors may be willing to arrange independent study classes and/or offer incompletes so I might be able to take a class or two next semester. We’ll see how things go. Even if you do have to sit out a semester don’t despair. It took me 8 years to finish undergrad (because I dropped out and then took night classes while I worked full time) it wasn’t easy but I made it – you can too!

    I always thought my blood type was A positive so I wasn’t worried about the Rh factor but I found out that it is actually A negative. My husband has type O but he’s not sure if he’s positive or negative, so I will probably need to have the shots to prevent problems. Congratulations again- and good luck!

    in reply to: need an answer #9123

    If it is early in the pregnancy you probably won’t be able to feel the baby’s heart beat or feel it by pressing on your belly. I first heard my baby’s heaertbeat when I was about 9 weeks pregnant. The doctor used a device called a doplar which can detect the heartbeat. It didn’t sound exactly like a heartbeat because it is very fast – it sounded more like a swooshing noise to me – but it was incredible!

    in reply to: im confused ??? #9104

    If you have had periods for the last three months I would guess that you are not pregnant. I had a very irregular cycle. What you are describing doesn’t sound that strange to me. My cycle became a lot more regular when I started taking birth control. If you are worried about being pregnant or about changes in your cycle perhaps you should make an appointment to see your doctor.

    in reply to: Serious Questions #9103

    Our doctor advised my husband and I to quit taking birth control for two to three months before we decided to try to conceive and to use other methods at that time. I guess it is best to have the birth control out of the system before conception is likely to occur and to reduce chances of early miscarriage. Well… we didn’t use backup like instructed. I thought it would take a few months to conceive, but after barely one month I became pregnant! I am about 14 and a half weeks pregnant, and everything seems fine. The book "What to Expect When you are Expecting" that my doctor reccommended for me to read says if trying to conceive it is best to discontinue birth controol for a few months but many women become pregnant while on birth control and have healthy pregnncies so don’t worry about it.

    in reply to: I need your opinion #9081


    I’m glad that you found my reply helpful.

    (I don’t know if you are a Christian or believe in God. I do. I believe that God is ultimately very forgiving and loving and that as long as we are truly sorry, that we will be forgiven for our mistakes no matter what they were. I believe that someday you will get to see your child in heaven and I bet they will understand that you were in a tough situation and made a decision that aftereards you wish you could have changed. I bet that he or she will love you. Hopefully someday you will also be able to forgive yourself.)

    Well anyways not trying to get too "preachy" there. If you ever need someone to talk to someone who cares I would be glad to listen and try to help if I can.


    in reply to: Pregnant? Me? #9080


    It is good that you were able to discuss with your boyfriend risks and consequences of sex. I won’t tell you what to do. When I was 19 I had a pregnancy scare. It turns out that I wasn’t pregnant but my b/f at the time said he didn’t think that he could be there for the pregnancy. I didn’t want to be in a sexual relationship with a partner that would not be willing to face the possibility of pregnancy and be willing to support me and his child. I thought that I was in love with him and he would always be there for me but after thr experience I knew I couldn’t cound on him and I wished I had not lost my virginity until I was in a more stable and comitted relationship. It wasn’t long before I broke up with him.

    If you know already that he would not be supportive and responsible for a child if you became pregnant I would reconsider having sex with him – at least unprotected sex. If you do continue to be sexually active together I would reccommend that you use birth control and/or protection to reduce the chances of pregnancy at this point in your lives.


    in reply to: Choose life #9079

    I am so glad you have been able to move beyond the pain of the past and are going to make the loving choice to have this child. I admire your strength. I hope your boyfriend becomes more supportive of you and his child. – Kate

    in reply to: Pregnancy #9078

    I am about 14 weeks pregnant. I can’t say that I have felt like there was a rock in my stomach. However pregnancy symptoms can vary. Have you taken a pregnancy test? That would probably be the best way to know. Even if the test is negative if you thing you are having abnormalities with your reproductive or digestive systems perhaps you should go see your doctor to have things checked out and make sure everything is OK.

    in reply to: trying to find out more #9077

    I’m not a doctor so I don’t know how much help I can be. It sounds like your symptons are similar to early pregnancy symptoms that many women experience. If you had a negative pregnancy test I would guess that you are most likely not pregnant especially since you did have a period the next week. However if it is early in the pregnancy the levels of the HCG hormone which trigger a positive pregnancy test may be in too small levels to trigger a positive response. If you are really worried you could buy another test now. If you decide to wait and your next period isn’t normal you might want to check with your doctor to determine whether you are pregnant and if everything is normal.

    in reply to: my partners readiness #9076

    Alice –

    I just read your post, otherwise I would have responded sooner. Since you posted 3 weeks ago you have probably already found out whether you are pregnant or not.

    It would be hard for me to predict your husband’s reaction since I have never meet him. I would guess since you have discussed starting a family and were trying to conceive at an earlier point he will hopefully be supportive.

    Planning a family together as a couple is important and considering finances is important too. However sometimes suprises happen and timing may not be as planned. If you are still late and haven’t taken a test I would take one. If it is positive I would tell your husband. (Maybe even if it is negative you could communicate your feelings with him and get a better perspective on his feelings and whether he would be supportive if the situation repeated itself). He may be more supportive than you might think. Also there are resources out there that may be able to help with the financial aspects of the pregnancy. Best Wishes.


    in reply to: Should I be worried? #9067

    It may be irregualarities in your cycle. I had a very irregular cycle before I was on birth control – that lead to a couple of pregnancy scares. Some tests you can take a few days before your cycle would normally start. However the results are most accurate after you miss your period. If you think you might be pregnant the best way to know for sure is to take a test. If you don’t want to become pregnant I would reccommend that you don’t continue to have unprotected sex. Either wait until you are both ready and committed to having a child or use protection and/or birth control. Good luck!

    in reply to: pregnant or not? #9066

    It sounds like you might be having some of the symptoms of pregnancy. The best way to know for certain is to take a pregnancy test. If it is negative it should ease some of your worries. If it is positive you can start taking prenatal vitamins and seeing the doctor to take care of yourself and your baby.

    in reply to: Neausous #9065

    How far along are you? I am now almost 14 weeks along. I have had terrible morning sickness. The doctor said it would be the worst between 8-12 weeks and that seemed to be true for me. It seems to be getting much better lately.

    My doctor gave me a list of things that are and are not safe to take in pregnancy. She lists Emetrol, vitamin B6, and unisom as safe to take for nausea. She lists Tums as safe to take for heartburn. However before you take any of these I would check with YOUR doctor to see if he/she feels the same way!

    Eating frequent small amounts seems to help some. Try to avoid unpleasant smells. Also I have found that peppermints, lemon drops, and ginger candy help a little. Avoid greasy foods and those with too much sugar – those set me off the worst! Good luck – I feel for ya.

    in reply to: what should i do? #9064

    Some tests can be taken a few days before your period is expected to start. Be sure to read the instructions for the test. The results may be more accurate if taken after you miss your period.

    As far as brand I would NOT reccommend the EPT test (the one that shows a + or -) I bought a kit with two tests. The first time I took it, it showed a line – I thought it was negative. I took the second test a week later because I still had not started and I was having a lot of pregnancy symptoms. The result was the same, but this time I noticed that the line was vertical and the examples on the box were either a plus + or a – (horizontal line). I asked my husband wht that meant and he siad he thought it meant that we needed to buy a different brand of test! The next test we bought showed one line for negative and two for positive (I think it was First Response?). There were definitely two pink lines!

    in reply to: Now I’m confused #9063

    I’m not a doctor or medical expert. Before I started taking birth control personally had an extremely irregular cycle that could vary two weeks to two months between periods. I started taking the pill as much to try to regulate my weird cycle as to prevent pregnancy. Each woman’s cycle can be a little different. If you think you might be pregnant then the best way to know for sure would be to take a test. If there are other issues with your cycle then you might want to see a doctor that could give you more information on whether you might be pregnant or if everything is okay. Good luck.

    in reply to: confused #9062

    It sounds like you will make a wonderful aunt for your sister’s new baby! My advice to you would be to spend time babysitting and taking care of your niece or nephew. The idealized version of a baby and an actual baby can be very different. This might change your mind on whether you want to have a baby in your life right now.

    As far as you wanting to have a baby it seems like a normal feeling, especially after your previous miscarriage. However I would wait before trying to get pregnant. I would make sure that there was a strong relationship with love and especially commitment before trying to have a baby. Would your boyfriend be willing to marry you? Do you love him enough that you would be willing to marry him?

    If the answers to these questions are yes, then I would wait until you both finish high school to get married and then start planning for a family together. If the answer to one or both of the questions is no, then I would wait to try to get pregnant until you find the right person and can have a child in a loving committed relationship.


    in reply to: I need your opinion #9058

    Sometimes don’t you wish that you had the ability to travel back in time and change things that have happened in the past? – I know there are times that I have felt that way.

    Yes, you were technically a mother. However beating yourself up emotionally over the past won’t help. Unfortunately it is impossible for you to go back and undo your abortion. However it sounds like you are still in pain from the experience. Perhaps you should look into Project Rachel or other post abortion counseling which might help you to deal with some of the pain from your experience.

    You can learn from this experience. Next time you can make different choices and you can still be a good mother in the future.

    in reply to: I need help #9057


    Don’t let anyone else force you into chosing an abortion! It is true that your friend is the child’s father and deserves some input about the pregnancy – but you are the child’s mother and you deserve as much or more of a say in this matter as he does! It sounds like you want to take responsibility and provide a loving choice for this child. It is easy to jump to the thought of abortion when facing an unexpected pregnancy. I know the thoughts crossed my mind when I faced a couple of pregnancy scares but luckily never had to face that choice.

    I can relate to depression – I’ve been there and I still struggle with issues. I am currently about 13 and a half weeks pregnant and I won’t lie to you – I have had depression and mood swings with this pregnancy. Changes in hormones will do that – or so I’m told. However I would not choose to abort this child.

    Before you go through with an abortion please read the stories and letters from girls on this site. I haven’t been through the experience of an abortion personally but it seems that if you already have depression that an abortion will only make it worse. You might see if you could get support from your family or Birthright or a crisis pregnancy center. They should be able to support you even if your boyfriend wont. Even if your boyfriend will not be supportive for this child you can – please listen to you heart – not your boyfriend.


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