scared and unsure

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      hey everyone, im 17 and for the past 4 years i have been on the pill for irregular menstruation well the last 6 months my doc took me off and i have been having unpro sex for like 2 years. since i have been off the pill i usually get my period every 2 weeks but this month im almost at 1 month since the start of my last period. i have been urinating more frequently, put on like 5 lbs for no reason, feeling sluggish, and when i go pee i feel pressure on my uterine area. could i be pg?? 🙁 :S


        It could possibly be just your irregular cycle, but if you have been having unprotected sex then you might be pregnant. You should probably take a home test to find out for sure. (and stop having unprotected sex if you want to try not to get pregnant.) Good luck.


          Dear Leah,

          My best advise to you is to go to the store and buy a pregnacy test. Once you’ve tested yourself and find the results tell us, we might be able to help you in some way. If the test results are positive for pregnacy don’t panic and don’t get an abortion. Abortion in just another name for murder don’t let the doctor kill your child please. If your parents are willing to help you and they don’t push abortion then stay close to them. If you don’t have parents then you should find a church that will help suport you and your child. If you know who the father of your child is and he is willing to marry you or at least help you with yours and his unborn then by all means go for it. If he refuses to help then let him go and seek help from family or people of God. I’ll be praying for you.



            It’s alright to fell nervous that’s how i felt too. you also fell confused i styll feel confused like how can this happen to me i’m a good girl but these things happen.I’m in my second month and i just told my mom. And i was really unsure about keeping the baby but i’m going with or without the fathers help.So whatever you decide you should do whatz best for you and the child


              hey guys i bought a home test today and took it just after my boyfriend and i had dinner, the test came out negatve, but im not too sure that it’s right. my best friend took the same test and it showed negative but she went to the doc and found out she was pregnant. the test i took was clear blue, i dont know if you have heard of that one but i know a few girls who have had false readings with it, so tomorrow my boyfriend and i decided that i shopuld go to the birthright centre by my house and talk to someone there and get a test from them. if you can help me in anyway please do so, im so scared!

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