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Participantwell i miscarried and nobody seems to care, i saw my baby and held it and just cried for hours
ParticipantI WENT TO DOVER HOSPITAL AND THEY TOLD ME I HAVE A 50 PERCENT CHANCE OF MISCARRYING BECAUSE MY BABY IS MEASURING TOO SMALL AND MY HCG WAS TOO LOW…..I have nervous problems, anxiety really bad and panic attacks and i was shaking for days, i have heart palpitations and i was uncontrolably shaking for hours and twitching. Then this fat nurse comes in and says rudely " ur too young to have a kid anyway this miscarriage is a blessing" or something to that extent and i was soo offended. then she continues to tell me i am ‘Defintely havinga miscarriage’ and i start crying and sobbing, just my heart sank and im shaking (ofcourse i drove all the way down there by myself and this is the second time i’ve been to the emergency room in two days all by myself.)..i was just so hurt. convinced of an impending miscarriage i was told to lay down with feet elevated and not move for several days so that’s what i’ve been doing…to the point where i have such bad headaches cuz i just lay there and don’t move and have such bad stress and anxiety wondering when the pain of losing my baby is going to start. And just then i believe in God, b/c i went back to the hostpital the next day ,this time the one in hackettstown, where i live and they checked me out, i’m in the ER for three hours before i hear about the results and guess what….they said EVERYTHING IS FINE, i’m just spotting. Even though i soak through a panyliner in a few hours, i’m bleeding old blood and my hcg is normal and increasing, just like a normal pregnancy and my uterues and cervix are closed… i started gettin teary eyed on the way home and kept repeating "thank you jesus, thank you lord" i am startin to have a little faith now…thank you GOD!!!!!!! I HAVE NEVER APPRECIATED A PREGNANCY THIS MUCH AND I AM REALLY GRATEFUL FOR THIS PRECIOUS, BEAUTIFUL ANGEL IN MY TUMMY!!!! <3
Participanti completely understand i went through the same thing i aborted my child at 10 1/2 almost 11 weeks and i’ll tell u that sucked sooo bad it was painful..and i’m preggo again and i’m slowly being sucked in the same path…u know when you first got that abortion and told urself you would never do that again but when u get pregnant again u think thingsare gonnna change but they don’t? Yea, if u got pregnant again after an abortion, those SAME people who told you to get an abortion are going to tell you to go through that ALLL over mom and my bf are the ones who convinced me too…the ones that matter the most to you and they go ahead and make you go through something that horrible? you hvae EVERY right to be upset becuase that’s not right nobody, NOBODY should tell you how to live your life or what to do with YOUR OWN DAMN KID that’s your decision and your decision only…i hope you feel better… should go out and find something liek a hobby or something to get your mind off of it b/c it will dirve you nuts
Participantok, everythings ok i went to emergency room just like u guys said and baby’s fine..lower heartbeat, but growing and fine and uterus is closed, i am still spotting but i’ll be okay
ParticipantShe will be okay, these things just sometimes happen for no good reson. I know she’ll do fine, i feel it in my heart
Participantomg! i’m soooo sorry….that must have been horrible!! screw your parents you should have never given in to them or their lies…your baby was a fully developed child with feelings and emotions, responses to touch, and feelings of pain. That must have been really hard for you..i got an abortion at almost 4 months and its was very very painful and i went into a deep depression and couldn’t be around kids/babies or pregnant women for months without going into a sobbing mess and my friends and bf thought i was an idiot or crazy and told me to just ‘get over it’ even though i still felt angry towards him and my mom for making me get an abortion and never forgave him. and sad, because i wanted NOTHING but to have my baby back in my tummy. I remember the next day i was in the kitchen bleeding and i felt my uterus and it was soft and just fell on the floor screaming "why, why why did i let myself do this? i just want to undo it!!" i was hoping to God that they made a mistake and didn’t abort the baby but there was no mistake. Does this sound familiar to you? Your friends telling you ‘get over it’ cuz they got an abortion and was over it in a day. Or everyone telling you that u can’t be angry or upset anymore cuz it’s simply ‘over with?’ That’s bs cuz you know what, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is stemmed from that abortion … i think that’s what you have…and that lasts for months to years and some women, their entire adult life. Nobody can tell you how to feel and when to get over stuff like that, that’s a personal experience that noone can relate to except for you and others who know how you are feeling. What you are going through is perfectly normal, but not good. You need to go to a women’s health resource center (as you’re reading this, look to the right of your screen at the purple banner. Read ‘crisis pregnancy help line ‘ with the 1-800 number on it. seriously, that’s how i found out about the resource center in my town in Jersey. You give them ur address and they’ll give you a place where you can get free counsseling or maybe more. You need to talk to someone, i know i def do and i grew up saying i dont need help from nobody… but in this case you do!! i’m so sorry you had to go through that …you have every right to be angry towads your poor excuse for parents and their beliefs in prgnancy and abortion. Now you know next time never to listen to ANYONE, ANYONE but your heart, what ever it comes down to..if you dont mind me asking, what were you goin to name your baby??? boy or girl??? mine was a boy i think i would have named him tyler or if a girl for whatever reason, avia marie….email me if you need to talk <3 kieran
Participantthanks….i’ve been ‘spotting’ lightly now for like 3 days…very lightly, like literally spots the size of a pea or smaller, but it still concerns me…i had some cramping last night for several hours…was pregnant before and the cramps feel the same as i has last pregnancy…stretching like cramps…a little like period, uncomfortable, but scary cuz you said if i don’t have cramps i’d be fine, well now i do!!
ParticipantBe happy … CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! You have a beautiful little angel growing in you…i suggest you keep it, i personally got an abortion and i’m 19 going to be 20. it sucked sooo bad i went into a depression and i bled, i got a cut cervix and I thought i’d be forever infertile b/c of one stupid mistake! I never am the same because of the baby being ripped out of my uterus and everything . It’s so sad, because i was far almost 4 months along when i got it done, so the baby was very much a baby. But enough about me..i’m glad you’re so smart and keeping the cute little baby inside of you. i’m also 6 1/2 weeks preggo myself now and keeping it for sure. do yourself a favor, pretty please! Go call crisis pregnancy hotline (its on this website) i know it sounds corny but call them and tell them where you live. they’ll tell you where what’s called a ‘resource center’ is for pregnant girls. at this ‘resource center’ they will hook u up with free medical care for you and your baby and other stuff cuz i’m broke as hell likeu. And, also, at the resource center, they have ultrasound machines and if you’re atleast 6 weeks pregnant (have missed your period now for about 3 weeks ) then they will defintely give you an early fetal ultrasound. i did this for the first time the day before yesterday and omg!! i saw lil speck of a baby and the heart pulsating. i almost had a panic attack and cried at the same time. there is absolutely no way to describe the feeling. it’s an ‘i’m gonna be alright, everything’s gonna work out okay’ kinda feeling. seriously, go by my advice. as for your mean ol granny, ignore her, dont tell her until you feel its right…no rush to tell her, eventually she’ll find out. i think it’s better u tell ur parents first and then ask for their opinion before you tell ur grandma so you’ll know beforehand how to react. Good luck and write bak so i know u read this! <3 kieran
Participantu have all the sypmptoms of early pregnancy reading that list makes me feel like i’m listening to myself complain before i found out. i’m six and a half weeks and i feel all those and more. you can get neg. and still be pregnant it happens all the time. wait a few days, take FIRST RESPONSE early pregnancy test it can detect only 4 miu/ml of hcg, which usually the amount a pregnant girl may have 4 days before her expected period. seriously, buy an early pregnancy test u may have taken a standard pregnancy test that detects atleast 100 miu/ml in which you don’t have enough by now. good luck<3
Participantno if u got ur period and u got neg. on pregnancy test, then it’s your hormones or you could be getting diabetic or something. it could be insulin levels (either your not eating enough or taking long breaks between eating) if it’s not too serious or you don’t faint don’t worry but if u start fainting and stuff you may have hypoglucemia, my friend had that and had similiar symptoms. are you happy ur not preggo or disappointed??
ParticipantALright i have the answer…ready? There is this place called the Maternity House and as long as you have a confirmed pregnancy, or even if you just go there by yourself, they’ll test and confirm for you, you live there rent free. Free food, free shelter, for as long as your baby turns ONE YEAR!!! There are other woman that are pregnant that live there, and they are your age, and younger, sometimes older. It’s a nice place to live, they have T.V, meetings and activities. and again, you don’t need insurance it’s COMPLETELY FREE. Im not sure where you live, but go to and type in "free maternity home" and your state. look up one in your area. That will give you enough time to get a job while pregnant, save money and by the time ur kid is born, you will def have enough to get your own apartment. Plus they pay or can get discounts for childcare while you work. If you need any more advice, email me [via my profile] and if you live in northern nj i’d be happy to help you in anyway (i’m 19 and preggo myself, tryin to get out of here)
ParticipantHi, im’ nineteen and i’m 6 1/2 wks pregnant. And my bf is UNSOPPORTIVE in addition to having my mom say the same things she did to you as she did to me. This pregnancy is a blessing and you need to see that (i’m not religous or anything) but it’s a great thing, this pregnancy. And this is an oppurtunity for you…MOVE OUT!!All signs point to move out! Save $1000 each, you and your bf and get an apartment together. Get a 1-bedroom, its easy, i got kicked out on my 18th birthday and months later i moved in with my bf into a 1 bedroom apartment,. It’s thebest decision i have ever made! You need the security deposit (which is one and 1/2 months rent, meaning if your rent is 600 dollars, the security deposit would be $900, because 600 + 1/2 of 600, or 300 = $900) then after you pay the security deposit you need to pay for one month’s rent up front, so the 900 dollars plus the 600 dollar rent, THAT’S IT!!! which isn’t a whole lot. just save. that’s like 2 paychecks from you and two paychecks from your bf!! it’s easy and its fun and its great..that way your mom cannot kick u out or torture you anymore. get settled in a little bit. Especially cuz you’ve been with your bf for four years, that’s plenty!!! I’m telling you you need to listen to me KEEP THE CHILD i had an abortion and it was beyond any physical pain i’ve ever had in my life. It’s sooo depressing, it feels like a close loved one died in ur arms. Like if your bf got killed and you found out you could have saved him…that’s the incredible pain you’d feel and you never thought you’d feel that horrible but you do. Good luck with everything
Participanthey, i researched and am very intelligent with reproduction early pregnancy symptoms, and anything related to concieving, also being i was pregnant twice. Your symptoms seem very obvious, u seem to be pregnant. Now many women including myself felt symptoms very very early, including as early as 3 days dpo. Your cervix would not soften yet b/c of pregnancy but rather because you are a few days past ovulation. The cervix (starting from day 1) begins as hard and low, after the period is completed, it stays medium and somewhat soft and during or right before ovulation it is soft and high on ovulation and the dot or opening is wider. the reason is that it is preparing for sperm and it preparing to ‘suck up’ and allow as much sperm to go through as possible. your body is designed to get pregnant quick, so it releases a mature egg, you get stretchy thin slippery c/m to ensure the safe environment for sperm and lubrication for entry and the uterine lining is thick enough so that if egg does get fertilized, when zygote (or fertilized egg) makes its journey through fallopian tubes into the uterus, when it attaches itself into the uterus, the blood rich uterine lining will nourish and feed the baby. And ofcourse, after ovulation cervix is still soft, but low and opening is closed. then you will notice a few days later ,it gets harder and higher (creating a barrier for anything to harm baby) and createsa cervical mucous plug i.e…your c/m increase… now that you are reading this i presume you will be 11dpo, andby now for sure, if you’re preggo, the fertilized egg has already implanted itself. You defintely should be feeling more intense symptoms and perhaps a list more of symptoms in addition to your old ones. Your expected period should be due in about 3 days, so a pregnancy test is 73-86% accurate. This means you can take a test, but if negative, you still have a VERY high chance of being pregnant. the reason it may come up neg. b/c you don’t have ENOUGH hcg for the test to read. if you read the directions or go online, u will notice you need atleast 20 miu/ml of hcg hormone so the test can read a positive. You will already have anywhere between 0-25 miu/ml but you may not quite have 20. if you dont the test will tell u ur not preggo when u really are. By 12 dpo, you have a 94%chance of getting a pos. if you are preggo, b/c you have a higher level of hcg. Hcg takes about 36-48 hours, or every single day and a half to two days to double its amount (for example, if you are 10dpo and have 15 miu/ml of hcg, then but day 12 you will have 30 miu/ml), that said, wait until the day of your expected period to take a pregnancy test and have an accurate result (that would be about 14 dpo) TAKE first response early pregnancy test….it’s been scientifically proven to show up positive earlier, because although it says on the package it can read as little as 20 miu/ml of hcg, its been proven in lab tests to detect as little as 4 miu/ml…google it!! it’s the most sensitive preg. test on the market and consumer reports have made remarks and suggestions reguarding the product. and again…good luck!!! ps….if you had sex before and during ovulation you have a 25% chance of pregnancy, so chances are you ARE pregnant. personally i really really think you def. are…just watch (im good with these things)
Participantyes…bbt (basal body temp.) before ovulation (day 1 would be the start of your period, so days 1-14 ) would be about 96.5-98.6F and two days after ovulation (days 16-28) would be slightly higher from 97.4-99.8F. If you were pregnant, the DAY of you expected period, the temp. increase would stay leveled. (so if after ovulation you were 98.9F, on the day of your expected period you would remain 98.9F) but if you’re NOT preggo, if would dip back to 96.5-98.6F. the reason for that is the increase in progestrone, the hormone that stops your period and supports pregnancy. If you were not pregnant, than the amount of natuarlly occuring progestrone in your system would drop so it can allow your body to ahve a menstrual period, and shed it’s uterine lining. also, check for obvious symptoms, anywhere between 3 days after ovulation and up to the day of expected period such as sore breasts, hard nips, bloated, tired, slight nausea, sensitivity to smells and small bumps around areaola as well as enlarged or darkened areola. good luck!!!;) go to, and my favorite,…
Participanthave u gotten your period? if its not due yet, when did you start feeling these symptoms? one week? two weeks before your expected period? if so, then it’s realistic u may be preggo … light headeness comes from increase in circulation and drop in blood pressure from hcg (pregnancy hormone) and not having an appetite may stem from early nausea and distaste for foods (very common in pregnant women) take a test they’re cheap you can get them anywhere…ur boobs hurt? hard or tender nipples? bloating? unusually tired?
Participantyea, this is my second so i’m 6 weeks, not showing, but i look 9-10 weeks preggo. is actual baby larger? why do you get bigger, quicker on the 2nd????
ParticipantB) um yea, buddy i think ur def preggo that’s what happened with me when i was pregnant (am currently preggers) i guaruntee u 100% u’ll take a pregnancy test and find out u are…seriously just watch
Participantno the chance is too small, the point is, no matter what pill you took that day, it still stops ovulation from happening. and when you DID get off the pill and had sex u used a condom so ur safe, (unless you had unprotected sex in that time period, then you’d be screwed) you’re just worrying too much. All those symptoms are from the pill, ur body’s just trying to adjust to all the hormones you’re taking orally don’t worry ur fine. If you REALLY strangely think u are take first response pregnancy test it’ll tell u. k?
Participantif you have 28 day cycles, you will be ovulating exactly 2 weeks after Feb.6, which is February 20th, 9 days from today. Try to have sex starting the feb. 15, 17, 19 and 20 as well as 21 to make sure you get enough semen to reach the egg.
Participantyour bloating has gone down, not the actual bump. Either that or you have gotten so used to seeing it EVERYDAY, probably looking at is several times a day, it’s become unnoticeable to you. Don’t worry.seriously..I’m preggo and i always look at my stomach for changes (in first trimester) If you start bleeding heavily or experienceing pains, you’re in trouble. otherwise, the risk of miscarriage after 12 weeks goes down 90 percent statistically. you have nothing to stress over 🙂
ParticipantI’m pregnant now and i’ve been pregnant before (had abortion last time…never ever ever do that, seriously!!) You sound like you are pregnant…really. You have all the immediate symptoms. The reason you bled for that one day and lightly, because it was implantation bleeding…that’s when the embryo (ball of cells, soon to be a baby) burrowed deep into your uterine lining, which is blood-rich and causes bleeding on some women. Look back and figure out exactly when your last normal period was. If you had sex between 11 and 16 days after that day, you are most likely preggo. ESPECIALLY because you’ve been getting all these obvious symptoms out of nowhere…do the math. IKNOW you’ve heard this crap a million times, but go get a pregnancy test…first response, it’s $13, it’s the most accurate test out there and if you are, don’t worry. I’m 19, my bf treats me like crap and yet i’m keeping this child no matter what. Single mothers are strong, dedicated and independent women. I was raised by a single mother, i had a good childhood…reguardless of what soceity tells you, they have no right to tell you that you can’t do it, cuz i know you can , just like i can….babies are not a burden, they’re beautiful and being pregnant is wonderful…so CONGRATULATIONS…If you need any support , reply me Good luck! hope i helped~