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Participantgood on you for telling ur story. No-one needs this crap in life.
Participantso are u saying that u guys were never in a relationship but you had sex and now ur pregnant?
Hey positive thing is you are still friends!kez_mummy_2_skye
Participanthard to say. Once sperm hits the air, if its not kept warm it will die so if he wasnt ‘up’ you then you probably wont be pregnant & the delayed period could be late due to stress factors. BUT do a test.
Participantall babies are different. If the midwife said its nothing to worry about then dont. If they were very concerned they get you to do another scan and look at the size.
Participantwhat did the tests say?
Participantid say its a big chance you are pregs but still wouldnt say u were until u got a test or got bloods done. I sometimes feel my boobies after a shower etc..embarrassing too lol but always good to check for lumps etc i was leaking too when i squeezed and i thought hang on this only happens when ur pregnant so i got a test the nxt day and it was positive. i was 8wks 6dys so get a test girly & let us know how u go with it.
Participanthonestly the only way ur going to know is if you test.
you could be but thats going by ur symptoms. if you have discharge from your boobs then that is a good sign for you. i had this with my second pregnancy and is why i brought the test the nxt day and i was 8wks 9dyskez_mummy_2_skye
Participanti felt the same sort of way when i was first pregnant, but not about the abortion so i noway thought of that. I kept thinking is it going to break us up? Will i do alright? Will i cope? things like that and its all normal and i agree with Meg that just think that you didnt get the abortion, where would u be now? Probably regretting every part of it.
Participantu can wait another week or you can get a bloodtest i guess.. thats if you dnt wanna play the waiting game which sucks… but i have deifnately fet the same as you..thought i was definately pregnant did a test and was neg and still thinking yeah its wrong..
Participanti agree about the unrealistic part and it didnt go into too much detail etc..not what i expected.
Participanthow are u feeling now?
Participantits been 5 mths since her post…has anyone heard anything?
Participantbest thing to think about is if you go at 37wks its closer! its a pain waiting and when bub is out, you will miss being pregnant again.
Participant7wks would have been like ur confirmation/sizing scan and usually you get one at 12wks to checkup and then another about the 18wk mark. Thats in AUS though.
Participantthat light period might have been the implantation bleeding coz with my first it lasted 2 days. Do a test and if nothing shows up, then try again in a wk or two
Participantif it looked like snot yes. But after the mucus plug comes out it can be still a wk away. Mine came out with my first and a wk later she was born, second time it came for about 3 days then again about a wk later he was born.
Participanti agree, reading up on these forums, there is girls her that have gone through the same situation as you but even worse and they did it just fine. There is your answer in your post, the baby does have a heartbeat and is living off you, YOUR child. You are a mummy now. Your parents will obviously help you. Being Catholic they wouldnt let you abort anyway. Please keep us posted what happens with you but i hope you keep the baby or there is also adoption.
ParticipantThats right! you can do it…there is nothing you CANT do. Love her name too.
Participantthats sad especially when an animal is part of your family. How long have you had Fish?
Participantoh wow..i love hearing about happy stories. Did your boyfriend stick around?
Participanti just looked it up for you and some girl said her dr knew she was preg and still gave it to her being on the safe list but another said let your dr know if you might be preg or are preg.
Participantyou could be and the bleeding could have been implantation.. Are you trying for a bub?
Participanti would either put it down to changing pills or you could be preg but if you are pregs then i wouldnt wanna be taking the pill so maybe get a bloodtest to be sure.
ParticipantHormones again, but does stop..well mine did while i was preg
ParticipantYup! you got it exactly right..they could be filling up with colostrum too. I noticed it at 8wks preg when squeezing my boobies after a shower, thats one of my symptoms i had then the nxt day i tested