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ParticipantIts things like this that make you not enjoy pregnancy. HOPEFULLY it will get better for you but usually lasts up to 14wks. But yes you can be sick althrough pregnancy. I had evening sickness with my daughter.
Its the girls that usually make you sick..kez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantMaybe wait a few more wks before testing just to get a good result. I had implantation bleeding which was light for 3days with my first.
ParticipantSounds like you should be okay coz you took it straight after but if you dont get your period then you will know why.
ParticipantI would say something of that affect to my daughter at 15 too but really if she was i would be there to support her, not encourage her to get pregnant but if it happened it happened. I wouldn’t throw her out. Please before you make any bad decisions that will haunt you all your life. Sit down and tell her and go from there. Let us know what happens
Participantdo a test is about ur only option… How did the bleeding go.
With my first i had 3dys of implantation bleeding. i thought it was very weird to only bleed for 3dys when i usually did for 7dys so that was a sign for mekez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantShe is beautiful. How do you get your pics looking like professional ones?
Participantthats her kid.. there is no reason they should be keeping the child from her unless she is exposing him to abuse. She has a place to stay with you thats good of you to be helping her out. And its not as if she is young. Look into it legally maybe or just walk in and take her kid(mind sound hard) but if the parents touch her in anyway she feels isnt right then talk to the police.
Participantyep everyone is different and so is every pregnancy but if you have any concerns on the babys size then get everything checked with a doctor. It might help ease your mind.
ParticipantCould possibly be but might be too early for it to show up. I have a friend that didnt show up til 9wks after testing every wk up until she got a positive so maybe wait the extra few days then go get a blood test and if still nothing all u can do is play the waiting game and test every wk until u get ur answer.
ParticipantI love it when things happen when u kinda least expect it too. maybe you were trying too much. I tried and failed then fell preg, was a good shock:)
Participantyou looked beautiful! You have such a great pregnancy glow:)
Congrats too
ParticipantI had a good look at your site this time. You have done well i have bookmarked it and am looking forward to watching the show as im in australia so didnt see it.
ParticipantLook..i would honestly go. Dont let her spoil your family outings and your fun. If she is there, stay clear of her but if she approaches you or you see her coming walk away and at least you can still say you went. would there be a crowd? try to hide amongst it if so.
Participantive always heard that girls were all in front but then lately ive seen boys that are like that so i dont think it matters now. just another myth
Participanthey, Congrats. I remember seeing you around MONTHS ago. How long had u been trying?
Participanti had mine at 19 which i didnt think was too young, i felt ready but was scared before i gave birth thinking am i going to be able to really do this and same with number 2. It was something i wanted and i didnt care what ppl thought about me.
ParticipantWould he be one to be scared of commitment. It seems that since he left you that everything has come crashing down for him. Maybe his mum made him break up with you and is causing his down spiriling
ParticipantHave u got good parents? Settle down and don’t stress. It only takes the once time hey. Keep us updated.
ParticipantI honestly think its wrong for ppl to be judging jamie lynn just because of her sisters rep. She seems to be a strong person and have her head screwed on, just coz she got pregnant young doesn’t mean she is a nutcase..gosh!
I think she’ll do well 🙂kez_mummy_2_skye
Participanti get what u mean. I think its just best not to have anything to do with him at ALL. It is hard when there is love but you gotta do whats best for you and the kid.
ParticipantI’m aussie and having a baby was ALL covered by medicare so i didn’t pay a cent:) It seems like the US has it tough for medical things. We have the health care card over here for low income earners. I’ve heard good and bad about private and about public, if you find a good midwife in a public the birth wont be too bad. BUT its completely up to you and what your budget is.
ParticipantI haven’t been through an abortion but it seems like you do want to have another baby to forget about the abortion BUT the truth is you will always think about that first baby no matter what happens. If you feel you can look after a bub now and you have the support there then i guess you can do it.
Participanti saw those pictures and read most of it. I cant stand to see my babys have needles and in pain and no mother should like to see their baby in pain.
When i was told that my boy had a tongue tie and they could cut it straight away or i could go to the doctors i said pain relief nothing, using surgical scissors "oh it wont hurt" they said..BULLCRAP! You pinch that little piece of skin under your tongue and tell me if it doesn’t hurt. They must have thought i was stupid. Turns out he is fine enough anywaykez_mummy_2_skye
Participantim not giving you hopes up but that was a symptom i had that i noticed with my first bub b4 i tested and i was 12w 4days preg b4 i knew.
Participantcongrats you can start talking about YOUR baby!!!
You are old enough and seem to have your head screwed on so i dont know why they would be angry at you. -