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  • in reply to: message to all members #8494

    Hi Holly. Thanks for posting. I know how hard it must have been to share your story. I am so sorry for all you had to go through. No one has the right to make you get an abortion. It sickens me to think that it’s going on. A year ago my friends cousin payed some girl $2000 to have an aboriton. It made me sick!!! I know how hard it is to lose a child. I lost mine at 8 weeks. If you ever need anyone to talk to we are all here for you!!

    in reply to: don’t know #8493

    Go see a doctor. Chances are you are pregnant always believe a positive pregnancy test, it’s the negatives that are usually wrong. I can’t tell you how many times i’ve heard of women taking pregnancy tests and they were negative but it turns out they really were pregnant. I have never heard of the other way around. But it could still happen i guess. Anyways go the doctors ASAP!!!!

    in reply to: effects on stopping birth control #8492

    It can defintly cause that, especially because because you were on a high dose. Your body is use to getting all those hormones and now it’s going through withdrawl. If it gets really bothersome talk to your docotr about it.

    in reply to: Confused and in need of HELP! #8424

    Miach- It’s not the end the world. First of all if you are pregnant you’ll have the baby by the time you graduate high school. You will get sooooo much money from the government to go to college!! And you’ll get free daycare while you’re at school. Discounted or free aparment. My one of my friends is on a waiting list to get her apartment for free, while my other friend gets hers half off!!! people do it everyday and so can you!!

    in reply to: Confused and in need of HELP! #8416

    First off, relax. Your doing the right thing by calling your doctor. I’m sure it’s just stress and coming off the pill that made you miss your period. But if you are IT’S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!
    Let me tell you little story. It’s about a girl i work with. She got pregnant when she was 12!!!! 12 years old. i don’t know about you but i sure as hell didn’t even really know about sex back then. i had just gotten my period when i was 12! But anyways she didn’t tell anyone, not her friends, not a brother or sister, not even her parents. She went into labor at school and they called her parents. Well she gave birth to a baby boy. (he wasn’t all that healthy from lack of prenatal care) She went on to complete high school. She was the Valedictorian (sp?) or her school and got a full scholorship to college and got her college degree. She is 23 now and her son is 10. she is doing great!!
    What i’m trying to say is just because your pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t finish school and do everything you wanted to do. Actually know you have more motivation than ever. You HAVE to finish college so you can get a good job and support your child.Catch my dift? When i found out i was pregnant the first time i was a senior in high school. I never went ot school!! Ever!! When i found out i was pregnant i went everyday (untill i was put on bedrest). I knew i had to make my life better. Not for me but for my baby! Most colleges have free daycare for childern 6weeks to 5 years old. You’ll be out of college before they baby turns five.
    And abortion isn’t the answer! It’s murder! You can always choose adoption if you really really really can’t do it!
    If you ever need anyone to talk to i’m here for you!

    in reply to: whats a girl to do? #8360

    you’re just stressing. if a test said negative and you got your period youre not pregnant!

    in reply to: AM I PREGENANT OR WHAT #8359

    wow!! calm down and take a test. it’s the only way to know!

    in reply to: im scared im pregnant #8358

    relax. the symptoms your having are all in your head becaue your freaking out. you won’t be feeling symptoms yet. but there is a possiblilty you could have gotten pregnant just by the time you said you are expected to get your period. If it is 1 1/2 weeks and not 1 week.
    See the average cycle is 28 days. You ovulate and are fertile around 14 days, or 2 weeks after your period or 2 weeks before your period, however you want to look at it.
    Wait for you paeriod and try to relax! let me what happens!

    in reply to: AM I PREGO? #8357

    you don’t need to have all the symptoms to be pregnant. try taking a test!

    in reply to: Cramping=pregnant? #8355

    the sickness you are feeling is most likely a side effect of the patch.

    in reply to: Advice PLEASE #8354

    it’s probably just a side effect of the bc. but calling your doctor is right thing to do!

    in reply to: 2 weeks is it enough? #8353

    i’m not quite sure what your trying to say. Can you repharse that please?

    in reply to: Pregnant Or not is the question? #8352

    some women get there periods while they’re pregnant. instead of stressing out go to the store and get a test.

    in reply to: ????? #8351

    some women get there periods while there pregnant. i’m not one of them so i don’t know that much about it. tell her to call and talk to her doctor.

    in reply to: missed period #8350

    if you are pregnant it would have shown up by now. My last period was april 21st and i took a test the second week os may, i think, and it showed up. Try testing again. THen go to your doctors, no matter what it says. If it’s negative again ask for a blood just to be sure. THen talk to your doctor about what my be causing this.
    Sometimes home pregnancy tests don’t always work. I work with a girl who missed her period and took three tests, all were negative. So she went to the doctors to find out what was going on. THey gave her a blood test. That came back positive. The following day she had a sonogram to determine how far along she was. Turns out she was THREE Months. Her son is now 2yr and she’s excepting another one in august!

    in reply to: message to all members #8281

    Hi Jessica. WOW!!! We have so much in common. I too found out i was pregnant my senior year of high school. I found out in March of 2004. At 8 weeks i had a miscarriage. It’s worst thing to go through. You never get over it and you spend the rest of you life grieving, even if you do get pregnant again! I know because i am pregnant again.
    It will happen just think positive and relax!!!! Keep me posted!!!

    in reply to: when do i tell the boss? #8280

    now would be a good time! your gonna start showing anyday now. don’t be scared. i know how scary it is. I told one manager the day after i found out because somethings i have to do danergous. He flipped out. "your too young! i can’t believe you did this!" i’ve learned to ignore them. THere;s nothng he can do about it. And is he continues then he’ll be fired!!! But i had me fiancee tell me other manager because i was affaird since of the other reaction that i got!

    in reply to: i may be pregnant and my parents would kill me #8279

    on the side of this page there is an icon for crisis pregnancy help line, if you click on it it will bring you to a page that has advice on how to tell your parents. keep my posted!

    in reply to: 5 weeks pregnant. Confused. #8278

    Honey relax. It’s one of the scariest things in the world to go through. Even women who have been planning it their whole life and even those who have had a long journey to get pregnant, you know those who really, really, really, want a baby bad find themselves worring. They don’t think they can do it. I know because i’m olne of them.
    I was 17 the first time i got pregnant. I ended up having a miscarriage at 8weeks. After graduating, getting a car, getting engaged and getting a house, we began to try. It took us 10 months to get pregnant again! (which isn’t very long when you think of couples who took 10 years or more to conceive). Everynight i think "What am i doing? I can’t do this! I’m not fit to be a mom! I’m so stupid." I’m so scared! But the truth is I CAN DO IT and so can you.
    Fincally we are not doing good. I’ve decided it’s time to suck up my pride. I’m going to get as much goverment aid as possible.
    We are moving out of our gorgeous house we i love and it makes me sad whenever i think about it. We are moving into apartments that go by your income. getting free government healt insurance. WIC, etc. there is so much help out there if you look for it. CAll birthright and ask them for that information.
    One last story. It’s about this couple that i used to work with (my fiancee still does) She got pregnant a little of a year ago. She planned to have an abortion. But a week before her appointment she miscarried. Now you might be thinking that she was happy about it, but let me tell you something she was a wreck and they swore it would never happen again.
    Well never say never. A month after her miscarriage she found herself pregnant again! This time she decided to keep the baby against her boyfriends will. We he eventually came around. She had a little baby girl on Sunday! I saw them today. They were on the highway coming home from the hospital (my fiancee and i were on our way to the mall). They looked so happy!!!! BOTH OF THEM!!!
    I hope this helps. sorry it’s so long. Keep me posted!!

    in reply to: Cramping? #8277

    as long as there is no bleeding a long with your cramps they are fine. Just try to relax. If you can lie down when you feel one coming on. If your at work or school and can’t lir down just sit down until it goes away. (this is what my doctor told me to do) Good Luck with everything!

    in reply to: Bleeding #8276

    Did you take a test? Assuming that you did, BLEEDING IS NEVER NORMAL DURING PREGNANCY!!!!!!!! Go to the doctors ASAP!!!!!
    on the lighter side some women just bleed during pregnancy, i’m not sure why they just do. Also infections, such as yeast infections, or some STDs can cause bleeding during pregnancy. You should not be having sex because it increases bleeding. and don’t use tampons either use pads. again the tampons can cause bleeding. it aggrvates your cervix(in some women not all, but if you bleeding then don’t do it)
    If it’s bright red blood go to the emergency right away!!!!

    in reply to: I need help, please. #8275

    yes you can get pregnant from pre-cum it contains sprem. just go to you doctors!!!

    in reply to: Could I Be? #8274

    sounds to me like you are. either buy a test or go to the doctors. keep us posted. And if there’s anything you need i’m here!

    in reply to: ADD & pain Meds during pregnancy? #8273

    You should talk to your doctor about this one. But i would suggest stop taking them for now. I was on adderall when i found out about me first pregnancy. I stopped taking it the day i found out but i still miscarried which probably had nothing to do with it but still stop taking them!

    in reply to: message to all members #8231

    Hi Vicky. Thanks for posting! So what part of Ireland are you from? We had an a kid from Project Childern for 7 years in a row. He’s like 30 years old now. He can over here for my sisters wedding last year! He lives in Belfast.

    Have you found out yet if your pregnant? Let me know!

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