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ParticipantKaylee, I think at any age a pregnancy can take you by surprise and make you feel as if maybe it’s not real and the idea doesn’t totally stick at first. I was 18 when I had my daughter and I felt the same way. She is 7 now and I can’t imagine my life without her. So what once was the unknown and was very scary turned out to be one of the highlights of my life. You will realize through this process that people may judge you for this or a million other things you do but it’s you and only you that has to live with it. Life is what you make of it so if you set your mind to having this baby and providing for it the best you can, you will. Best of luck! Jessica
ParticipantHey Autumn,
Well good news is I think a lot of this is totally normal, it’s just a matter of learning how to deal with it. As a mom life is always crazy even more so with you in school but if it wasn’t school it would be work. I ALWAYS find myself not feeling like there are not enough hours in the day. And the last time I worked out hahahaha. Anyway I have seen you on here since way before you had the baby I think you need to stop focusing on where you need to be as a person, dating and where you belong. All of this will come to go in time. You don’t need any male in your life right now and the reason you are probably finding fault with them is either your not over your ex or you have an emotional wall up. You have enough on your plate without dating. And trust me when the time is right you will date and someday find the person you will spend the rest of your life with. Step back and take a deep breath you are a very very lucky young lady. Even though being a mom and the daily stresses get to all of us you have what’s most important and everything else will come in due time. Best of luck and I hope you feel better. -Jessicajessey223
I know how you feel. As a mom when you see your little baby getting bigger it makes you want another one. But the most important thing about being a mom is doing for your child and not for yourself. And having a baby now is not in the child you have’s interest or a new babies. They need a mommy that finishes school so you are able to provide for them. They also need to have a father figure in the picture and it doesn’t sound like you have one that will for sure be there forever for them. Trust me it is a challenge as a child gets older if they don’t have that father figure. I wish you all the best. Be patient your time will come and when it does it will be that much more special. -Jessicajessey223
ParticipantJames you are a wonderful young man. As far as your father goes most parents especially fathers take this news very hard I know mine did. For anyone in your life that is disappointed in you just know you and your girlfriend are doing what you feel is best for your child’s life. I promise everyone will come around in time. I think you should go for your goals there is no reason you can’t reach every goal you have set out for yourself and now you have even more motivation. Life has a way of working itself out. You can definitely succeed I was once in your situation but at 18 and I am now 25 and my life could not be more wonderful. I have a house, I am married and have my own business. Stay focused and you can accomplish anything you want to. Best of luck!
ParticipantHey Gabby I am really sorry to hear you are having issues with your mom. Maybe you should sit down and try to talk to her. As a mom I totally understand her worrying about you being able to raise a baby and being scared for your future. Even though I was once in your shoes now as a mom I would never want my daughter to go through what I went through. I do not agree with her hitting you and that is why I think you need to talk to her, maybe she does not know how to express her feelings. If you honestly feel deep down inside you that she is capable of doing harm to you or your unborn child you should consider finding another place to live. I wish you the best of luck.
ParticipantSorry atm? What has your mom done to you?
As much as it hurts and there is still so much time you are going to need to heal look at your life today, if you had the baby last year chances are you would not be pregnant with your precious little girl now. Sometimes life is really hard and we make choices we can’t go back on but we learn from them and they make us who we are today. As a pregnant teen and new mom you will appreciate being there even more because of what you went through. Just do yourself a favor and try to enjoy each moment of this pregnancy and the new baby because it will go bye sooooo fast. I wish you the best of luck and I am here anytime to chat. Jessicajessey223
ParticipantYes you can have morning sickness very early on. I was sick almost right away. Then it lasted for almost five months. But for me that was really my only symptom. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantWell my advice would be not to fight it. Let yourself grieve that’s the only way your going to heal and grow from this. It is going to hurt this year and for years to come. It will be something you will always remember, but the sooner you accept the better off you will be in the long run. I wish you the best of luck finding peace. Jessica
ParticipantAlthough while being on stand up girl I have not been a pregnant teen or pregnant at all for that matter this site has helped me in other ways, it has help me deal with underlining concerns with the abortion I had when I was 16. I only wish I knew about this site when I really needed it. Today I am here to try to help others or just be there as someone who will listen. I have been on both sides of the fence abortion and had a baby in my teens so I can relate. This site truly is a blessing. As someone that is not for or against abortion I think it is wonderful that this site gives women a way to talk to other women going through or have gone though the same things. Jessica
ParticipantNo I don’t think your crazy….just a little depressed. And to be honest that is completely warranted given what you have gone through the last couple of months. But going out and just having sex and hope to get pregnant is not going to make the pain go away. It is not going to solve your problems. You need to look at the whole picture let’s say you do go out and have sex and do get pregnant how fair is that to your child? They will never know their father because you don’t know the father. Most kids would REALLY struggle with not knowing or getting to ever see one of their parents. Not to mention the “father” of the child you have no idea who he is what if he has a wife or is abusive or a felon and one day your child finds him and wants to have a relationship. Having a baby might seem like it will fill the void but it wont. Being a parent now or for future children is about doing for them not for yourself. Deal with the pain and in time it will get easier you will find the right man that you know will be a wonderful father and get married and then have a baby. That’s my advice take it or leave it. I wish you all the best and I am here anytime to chat. Jessica
ParticipantEveryone deals with things in different ways like you said. I personally would not recommend getting any tattoo’s because it will not only be a constant reminder but also make other people ask questions which you may or may not be willing to discuss. You are really putting yourself out there and will find yourself explaining your stories to people you don’t even know. I think going thru something like a miscarriage or and abortion is a very private thing and should be shared only with who you choose. It’s hard enough without having people asking you questions and catching you off guard. I wish you the best of luck no matter what you decide to do. And keep in mind time will help you accept and heal these wounds. Jessica
ParticipantUhhhh I am no expert but I think that is totally normal. You had a baby growing inside of you for 9 months and everything you did revolved around that. Once you have the baby sometimes you can feel empty or like that stage is over and this makes you want another one. In time that should go away some. Enjoy the little one you have! If you had another one right now it would take away from your new little angel. Best of luck! Jessica
ParticipantI would say yes you should let him see her. Providing he has no abusive past by that I mean physical. I think as much as some of us mom’s want to protect our kids from their fathers I think in doing so it will only drive them to want to know them in the future. In my case I tell both my daughter and her father they are welcome to call one another or see one another anytime and that they have to both want the relationship not me. Well it’s worked out neither of them care to be bothered with one another. In turn they both have made this choice and I can’t be the one to blame that I held her back from him. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantUnfortunately people are always going to judge. That’s on thing that is very hard about being a teen mom or a young mom for that matter. People wether they say it or not think we can’t do it or we are ruining our life or that poor child. Truth of the matter is even as you go into your 20’s people will still give you that look or ask half jokingly if that is your sibling. You just have to be proud of the decision you made and prove them all wrong. I always say im glad I had my daughter when I was young I have more energy to run after her. And that is my response when someone says wow you look too young to have a 6 year old. Best of luck to you. Jessica
ParticipantYou could be pregnant or it could all be in your head. You have to take a preg test be sure. Best of luck. Jessica
ParticipantEveryone does it a little different but I waited until my daughter showed interest in wanting to learn. She was about 2 years and then as a reward she would get m & m’s. Best of luck! Jessica
ParticipantHi Debra,
I am sure seeing your cousin have this baby is very hard on you. I can only imagine that you still dealing with the abortion and her wanting a baby only makes it harder. Unfortunately you can’t be the one to fix her void or the baby missing in her life. If you had the baby and she was to adopt it I would think that would be one of the most painful things to have to face on a regular basis. That your cousin was able to take care of your baby but you were not. That she was a perfect mom and you were not a mom. Sometimes you just have to let nature take it’s course. You had the abortion but that has nothing to do with your cousins situation. When the time is right you will be a mom and so will your cousin. Even if it is with the adopted child. My advice would be to heal yourself emotionally don’t try to make up for any previous choices. No matter what you do going forward it will not change the past. You have to accept and grow from here. I know that seems impossible right now but in time I promise it will happen. Best of luck. Jessicajessey223
I was once in your shoes and did not know what to do or where to turn without who at the time seemed like my sole mate, my high school sweetheart. So my advice would be to do as you say and move on. In order to move on you need to let go of the fact that you are going to be with him one day. Focus on who you are actually hoping to be with the father of your child and he has not seen his son in two months. Sure you broke up with him but that does not excuse his actions. The is a slim to none chance that he will change and that is not something you or your son need in your life. Don’t focus on replacing your ex because you need better and just like kids can not be replaced neither can men. Spend this time and be a mommy and excel in school. When it’s the right time you will find the right person. Best of luck and I am here anytime to chat. Jessicajessey223
ParticipantTruth of the matter is most of the girls and women on this site have at least had abortion cross their mind. That doesn’t make you a bad person. I had my daughter at 18 and considered abortion and didn’t do it and now I feel that was the best decision of my life. Most mommies to be also worry at some point what this is going to mean to their life going forward. Motherhood is not something anyone can prepare you for, it is trying at times but at the end of the day it’s the best! Think of all of the people you know have you ever met one person that said they hate being a parent (other then when their child is having a complete meltdown 🙂 )? Maybe you have but I was just thinking about it and I don’t know one person. I am 24 and I myself the other day was thinking about what would happen if I have another baby and began to think how it would change my life as it is now and I already have a 6 year old. Point is this is totally normal it’s the unknown. Best of luck and I am here if you ever need to chat. Jessica
ParticipantMy advice would be to follow your heart. When this storm has passed and the decision whatever it may be is made you and only you are going to have to live with it. If you honestly think putting the baby up for adoption will work out for you in the long run, all power to you there are a lot of women out there that are unable to have children and your child would be a blessing to them. But some moms may not be able to handle the thought of actually giving the baby up. You and only you can answer that question. I wish you all the luck in the world and I am here anytime to chat. Jessica
I have been through some legal issues with my ex regarding my daughter, what seems to be the issue? Jessicajessey223
ParticipantAt 16 or at 36 you don’t need anyone. It is very important that you find out who you are and be able to function without someone else to lean on. If not you are going to find yourself in a relationship you are not happy in and feel very stuck as you do now as an adult. Take sometime and find you what do you like to do? What makes you tick? You have to find yourself before you can give anyone else all of you/love and get married.
ParticipantIn my opinion “IF” you love someone there is no one reason why you love them. Love is something that you can’t explain why or how you just do. Once you are in love you don’t ever question that you do.
ParticipantWow what a surprise… advice as a mom of 1 is just to tell your husband know. Sometimes the best things in life are not great news initially but it will be. Keep in mind he too thought your 10 month old was the last baby and he is entitled to be shocked or a little beside himself. He may act differently then you did and you should support him. It takes two to tango and Im sure he will come around and love this child just like all of the others. And money as you well know somehow you make do as you have with the four you have. Somehow it all works out. Take a deep breath and tell him. Best of luck..