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Your post was really painful to read. Painful in the sense that I, and most of us here on this site, are rather powerless to help you.
Sweetie, you have to seek help where you are. We are all here to support you and listen to you but your situation really requires help that is near you. You cannot, allow the mistake that was that relationship further damage your children. Kate, for example, though she seemed to have come out a happy baby, most likely bears the emotional scars that she will have to deal with later on simply because she was a passive observer during your days of abuse.
Do not, please do not allow yourself to further deteriorate with alcohol or pills. Your children need their mother. They do not need a corpse. Further, if something happens to you, their father, abusive as he is, may be given custody. You cannot rsik that. The only thing for you to do is to grit your teeth and bear everything and pick up your life.
We all have our bad stories and the down sides of our lives. The mere fact that you’re still alive indicates that there is a great amount of hope for you.
Seek a church that can help you, a counselor also maybe. You need a lot of prayer (both from you and from others).
Is it impossible for you to seek help from your parents? They may be the best source of help that you can get. Admit the mistakes of your past and mend whatever fenches you need to mend.
Please think of your children and find your strength in them. If they need help, it is incumbent upon you that you do whatever it is that you need to do with and for them. Part of that is giving them the mother they deserve — a pillar of strength and love that has already fought for them and has to fight for them some more.
Please take care of yourself and I’ll be praying for you. Send me an email anytime you should need to do so.
It seems like you really did get into a bit of a bind.
The first thing I would suggest is for you to consult a counselor. I’m not anywhere near you and I’m not assuming that the brief description of your situation completely encapsulates what is really happening.
Regardless of that though, please seriously consider getting some help even from family. Even if you think that your son needs a father and he surely does, this doesn’t seem to be the father figure he deserves.
I’m not saying you should break up with the guy but I am saying that there are issues that need to be addressed that a forum like this cannot address. You guys need to work it out and, assuming you really both want to do so, then there is a chance that you can get things fixed.
One major problem of very young families is that when peole recognize that the family situation has prevented the usual youthful activities like always being out with friends, nights on the town, etc., resentment can set in and a person looks for someone to blame whether rightly or wrongly. That’s what may be happening to him.
This is really a very complicated situation and you need to address this very carefully. You need to fight for your family as hard as you can but if it eventually becomes a question of catering to your son’s father’s insecurities and your son’s better growth, I think that’s a relatively easy question to answer.
Please take care and contact me any time should you need help.
ParticipantOkay now something from someone who’s gone through it. 🙂
C’mon, ladies, this is the only real thing that guys go through that’s a bit painful. You gals go through your periods every month and there’s pregnancy.
At this point, the health reason is a compelling one. Some doctors suggest it while others dismiss it. The infections come if the glans (the penis head) being inside foreskin all the time is not properly cleaned. If you decide not to go for circumcision, you have to remember to pull back the foreskin during bath time so that the penis head gets cleaned.
Some doctors also prefer that the operation be done after the child has aged a bit. This may be a few years before or after ten years old. This may be a good idea as there were some cases (few) wherein a circumcision done during the boy’s first few months had to be redone. Don’t know how that happens but that’s what I heard. Some boys really see it as a rite of passage of being a man that’s why some cultures have it done at the outset of puberty. It’s not only something interesting to go through but at least, at the teeny-weeny least, a boy can get an idea of how it is to have pain right down there.
Take care.
At this point, it wouldn’t really be a good idea to be pregnant. Both you and your boyfriend are emotionally exhausted and the baby shouldn’t need to feel that. I think the best thing you can do right now is to be with each other and solidify the relationship that you have.
Your boyfriend is down and it would be good for you to devote more time to him. You also are down yourself and he needs to concentrate on you. Strengthen yourselves for and with each other. Once you two have gone through your depressions, then you can grow together again and start building your lives together. Only then can you really be ready to handle another baby.
Please understand, a baby’s arrival isn’t just for you, to lift up your lives. You have to do that on your own and you have to welcome your baby with as healthy a family as you can manage — financially and emotionally.
Please take care of yourself and each other.
Does anyone in your boyfriend’s circle know? If not, why not?
One thing that you should be asking yourself know is that if no one within his circle knows, how does it affect you? I know that this may be a difficult time for both of you but keep in mind that since you seem to want to keep the baby, that baby is precious to you and if the baby is not precious to the father so much that he hides the fact and makes you wanna hide the fact, then you two should have a really serious talk.
Sex leads to pregnancy and pregnancy means parenthood. You two will have to grow up really fast and your being a high school senior and his being a sophomore aren’t excuses not to.
You guys have to face up to the responsibility of parenthood and that means facing up to the reality that you two should be sharing responsibility for the baby. If one of you can’t be proud of the baby in public, then there’s something wrong there.
Even if you love your boyfriend so much, you have to see whether he loves your child as much as he should. It’s not just a matter of you and me against the world here. It’s you, me, our baby surviving and hopefully thriving in the world. You can only do that if you both have your eyes in the same direction.
What I suggest is that you two sit down together, preferably with a counselor or a church authority of one of your parents. There may be harsh words. Deal with it. These are the natural reactions of parents but if both of you show a united and mature front, they will have to start respecting you a bit more. THey may tell you things like, "how could you be so stupid to do this?" Just let them get those feelings out and take them in like mature adults. Tell them what you need and what you plan. There may be a good number of difficulties ahead but that’s just how it is now. You just have to be strong together.
Being devil’s advocate though, you may have to start thinking of the possibility of your boyfriend’s not being up to snuff on this issue. What do you do if he says he can’t hand;e the pregnancy, the baby and then ups and leaves you?
What do you do then?
Please email me anytime you think you need to talk.
ParticipantHonestly, there seems to be closure already — as far as he’s concerned. Don’t allow yourself to be a doormat to this guy no matter how much you think you care for him.
I agree with Mweber and like her, I think what you’re refering to as regards your "risks" and "chances" was sex. You didn’t mention being pregnant so that’s a good thing.
I think it’s the best time for you to walk away right now. If he sees you as a friend, then you should know what that means. That’s actually a diplomatic way of saying, "Well, it’s been fun but I don’t want anything too serious anymore but hey, it’d be great for us to hang around." If that seems unfair, it can really be. Life’s like that. Also, there will be come instances and relationships in your life that there really is no closure whatsoever. No point asking for something that may not ever come.
Like Mweber, I believe that God is your only real hope and strength. Pray a lot and listen to what he may be saying to you especially at this point. You are so precious to him and you have to see just how precious you are and that each and every guy who wants to be close to you must show that he really deserves you. It seems that at this point, you’re trying to prove to this guy that you deserve to be located in the same galaxy as him. It doesn’t work that way. You have to have an honest assessment of him and have a genuine appreciation of yourself.
Dry your tears, honey and know that you deserve so much better.
ParticipantOkay, let’s deal with the easy question first. Working at a law firm can be very stressful depending on what kind of clientele that firm has. If it deals with very personal casese like divorce, custody, property disputes, etc. or high profile corporate issues, then yes, the atmosphere can be quite tense. Have a look at the movie Devil’s Advocate or the Ghosts of Mississippi to have some sort of idea. Working there can be quite fulfilling though.You’re exposed to very intelligent people and not so intelligent people also (there are dumb lawyers after all). The bottom line here though is that you’ll never find out or have an idea if you don’t go there and get to fell it for yourself.
Now for the harder question. Should you go to the interview? I think you should. It used to be thought that guys have to bring home the bacon and provide for the family while the wife stays home with the kids. More and more, that idea is being challenged and women are really proving themselves in the work place so much so that guys get threatened.
Another issue here is that your mother does understand having provided for you before. It’s just that she knows how hard it is and she doesn’t want you o go through that. It’s normal for a parent to think about that without sometimes realizing that her baby is now a woman and is soon to be a parent also.
Stand your ground with her. Parents aren’t all that dense though we sometimes seem to be. Sooner or later she’ll realize that you have to stand up for your life and your own young family’s life. It’s actually better that you want to be responsible rather than just be the recipient of dole-outs from her.
A thing to consider though: who’ll be taking care of the baby if you go off to work? Maybe that’s another factor your mother is thinking of. You should make sure that your baby is well taken care of and that, even if you are tired from work, you are still able to have fun and take care of your baby. What some people do is they allow the husband to work alone for around two to three years and when the baby is that age, then the motther starts working also to augment the income.
Whatever you do, make sure you have your priorities straight: your baby.
Going to work is not a matter of independence or having money for what you want. Working is now a matter of that still but more importantly, it’s a matter of having the funds to provide for diapers, formula, baby clothes, toys, medicine, check-ups, etc.
Your mom cares for you and you seem to have a responsible enough partner. It’s now a question of how you can contribute positively to this situation.
Take care of your family, pray a lot (together) and you’ll be fine.
At this point, I can’t really say that I’d trust your ex with you or whether he is worthy of you. If I were your dad, I would most certainly say "No" to his getting back together with you at this point.
Please value yourself more. What’s more is that you should value your child even more. Your not having chosen abortion is a very good thing but it doesn’t stop there. You should now start thinking more about your baby than yourself and that may include choosing for your baby the most suitable father. From what you’ve written, your ex is not that guy. I’m not saying that he won’t improve but right now, he should improve first before he gets another crack at you.
If I read your story correctly, he put you in more physical difficulty because of his playing around. Look, if he didn’t tell you about the drugs or the sex he’s had aside from you, can you really be sure that what he left you with is not more dangerous than you first thought? What’s worse is that whatever it is that you may have now may actually affect your baby. You not only have to concern yourself with your health and your your baby’s as regards the pregnancy, now you even have to have yourself checked for his "gift".
To make it really short and plain, I know you have feelings for him. You wouldn’t have gone to bed with him otherwise. Girls are like that. Boys, however, aren’t. We can go to bed with as many girls as there are legs wide open. Please don’t be just one of the easy conquests. He knows that you’re weak right now and that you’d do anything to keep him.
Make sure that what he wants is you and not the drugs or the free sex. Let him earn his place beside you and beside your child. You and your baby deserve so much better and he better show himself that he’s up to it. Otherwise, he’s simply not worth it.
You mentioned that you’re living with an Amish family now? Listen to them. Many people belittle them because of their beliefs but if there’s one thing they are is prayerful and devout. At this point, God might have put you there because you need to listen to Him. Maybe not to become Amish yourself but the environment is undeniably one that lends itself to more prayer and listening to what God wants of you. Please listen.
Take care of yourself, honey. You’re beautiful and so is your baby. Let any guy who wants to come close earn his right to be with you.
ParticipantHi, Krystel.
Don’t be too hard on yourself.
Your fiancé may actually have a better appreciation of you than you do yourself. We all fall and we’re all weak. I really don’t think people can walk out of our lives and we simly don’t feel anything. That’s what I believe was behind the feelings for your ex-boyfriend and the kiss that transpired. It feels really good to have someone show you you’re a beautiful person thus the weakness there.
What I think you need to do now is take stock of what life you have now. Is it worth fighting for? I think it is. So fight for it. Your fiancé’s forgiveness was right because I think tht though he sees your weaknesses, I think he very well sees just how good and beautiful you still are especially for him and his children.
Try to keep your distance from your ex especially if you can’t control an urge like that. Stick to what is truly yours and that’s the family you have. You were smart enough to keep your kids and not get an abortion. Be smart enough to make sure that the life you give them in your family is actually better than the death you took them away from. A broken family is not the best place to raise kids, the popular media notwithstanding.
Love your kids, love your fiancé and love yourself in your family.
I’m so sorry you had to go through this experience.
Yes, it is quite normal for you to be angry and sad at this point. Abortion scars you for life and though the experience may be thrity years old or more, it will still hurt especially when the abortion day approaches.
I’m not saying this to scare you. It’s simply the way it is.
I don’t know what your parents’ reasons were for wanting to lose a grandchild and I don’t want to judge them regardless of the fact that I disagree with what they did. At this point though, you are still a family and you all need to heal with regard to this. This hurt you deeply and I seriously think it hurt them as well though they may not admit it right now. It is a lie that abortion is just a procedure that you can walk away from and that you simpmly just have to "go on with your life".
it’s a lot harder than that especially with the fact that your baby just needed four more months to finally get to meet you face to face.
You have to reconcile with your parents though I wouldn’t suggest you rush that. Forgiveness can only be geniune if it’s not forced. One thiing you have to realize now is that though you have lost your baby through your parents’ wishes, they too are hurting and that after all is said and done, they are your family. It’s not as simple as thinking, "Oh hell, I’m of legal age, I can move out." Would you want your future children to do that to you? Being a parent is hard and there are so many mistakes to make.
For your own sake, as a person and as a future parent, fix that bridge with your parents. Having kids and starting a family actually begins way before you find a guy and you have his kid. It begins with how you treat your own family, the family that you didn’t choose but God, in His infinite wisdom, chose to give you.
For all you know, your baby ws given to you because your family needs to address certain issues and be reminded that you are, indeed, a family.
Please take care.
I’m really sorry this is happening to you. What I would suggest at this point may seem awkward to you but please consider going to your parents regardless of what you think their reaction may be. They will freak out, definitely but not for the reasons you may think. Don’t be so mindful of your pride right now and seek out their help.
Once they get tired of freaking out, they will realize that they will help you. Consciously be blind to their little snide remarks. These things are just normal at this stage so don’t mind them too much.
What you do need to do right now is to show them that you are being strong in this time and that you will do the right thing as to raising your baby. If they even give a hint regarding abortion, stand your ground and make it perfectly clear that you want to keep your baby.
You can also seek out help from other places just in case your parents can’t help you all that much. Go to your church and ask for their help. Nuns don’t always get good reviews but that’s being unjust to them. You may want to give them a visit even if you may not be Catholic.
If that BF of yours doesn’t want any part of you or your baby, that’s completely his loss. I can understand a guy realizing that he doesn’t care for someone but to turn his back on his son while wanting children with another woman is despicable. Don’t waste time on him anymore.
A friend of mine told me this when my dad died: God won’t bring you to it if He won’t take you through it.
Take care, honey.
Relax, please. Your anxiety can be felt by your baby. It’s good that you care about what’s happening but you aren’t helping your situation by worrying too much. Find a woman who is a bit older than you preferably someone who just gave birth. Get some advice as to what you can do to relax. Yes, that’s not a doctor and your situation may be different but then again, another thing you need is a kindred spirit, one who can have a good idea of what you’re going through while at the same time holding your hand.
You can also search the Net for sites that really deal with the clinical side of pregnancy. You may need some hard, clinical facts.
Pray a lot. I think you’ll find that listening to God and staying in His presence will not only calm you but make you stronger.
Oh, call the doctor. Maybe, just maybe there may be a change of schedule and he can suddenly fit you in.
Please take care.
It’s been six months. Honestly, I think unless your grandmother is blind, she actually already knows or at least has a hint of your situation. She’s still a woman after all.
Please go to a doctor. Do it for yourself and especially for the baby. You seem to have decided to keep the baby since you are in your present situation but make sure that your keeping the baby is done with a lot of physical care as well as emotional care. Right now, I am a believer that your baby can sense your present emotions and will be suffering along with you. THe moment you relieve some of that depression, your baby will be relieved as well.
I never got to tell my grandparents when I got my wife (who wasn’t my wife then) pregnant. I told my mom as soon as I could but it took five more months before I could tell my dad. I didn’t even tell him face to fact though we were living in the same house. I wrote him a letter. I told myself that if I came home that day with my stuff dumped on our front yard, then I knew the answer. The answer wasn’t at all like that. My dad came to me when I slept that night and I saw him crying as he asked me why I was trying to bear this alone. The next day, as I left for work, he again told me the same thing and assured me that we would work together to deal with this.
GIve your parents and grandparents a chance to help you. Yes, they may throw an incredible fit when they first find out but that’s what happens when people are surpirsed. The usual first emotion they grab is one of anger. Sooner or later, they will calm down. Look, your grandparents allowed you in their house and accepted you. I very much think that they will also accept you and your baby. They will be disappointed especially when they find out that not only did you make the same mistake but that everybody in the school knows but they didn’t.
I guess what hurts a lot is that they weren’t able to help you, that your life will be harder (your life is not over and never believe that it is) and that you found it so hard to tell them.
The best thing to do is to tell the grandparent who can either handle it better or you fell closer to. BEtter if that’s the same person. Once you get that one person, you can then plan out how you’ll tell everyone else. Be storng and pray a lot. You’ll need God’s help now more than ever.
ParticipantThe best thing to do is to have yourself checked immediately. The same thing happened to my wife during her first pregnancy and the baby inside her then is now twelve going on thirteen. Be carefule and get a check-up but there really might not be anything to worry about.
ParticipantI agree completely with tattudemom.
My wife and I lost a five month old baby on Mother’s day, May 14, 2000 due to meningitis, hydrocephalus with pneumonia as the immediate cause of death. I still mourn Jake’s death since I was really involved in taking care of him. His elder brother still mourns him as well as he was so close to his baby brother. Did we know about his sickness? No. He was pronounced perfectly healthy when he was born. We’d go in for regular check-ups every month. He eventually had a fever on a Thursday which didn’t subside. The pediatrician then told us not to worry. We took him to my pediatrician aunt by Saturday and while she was looking at him, he started convulscing and we rushed him to a hospital. By Sunday afternoon, we had lost him. Honestly, it hurts so much writing this.
But even as I write this, I’m looking at my four-year old daughter who’s sleeping seven feet away from me. Her three-year old sister is downstairs playing. These two angels of mine never knew their brother but we tell them about him and their other sister whom we also lost. I absolutely love the three children that God has allowed me to keep and the loss of Jake has actually been the cement, as it were, that keeps our family together. We know that we are together as a family and that’s our choice and that we wouldn’t have it any other way.
When Isabelle (the four-year old) was still months old, I was really, really scared. I was so scared that what happened to Jake would happen again in whatever way. It didn’t. Though God, in his wisdom and love, will do what He wills, I trust that his love for us encompasses everything and goes beyond anrything we can ever hope to understand. I trust in his love for all my children, a loe that exceeds my own. I trust in his love for me and I trust in his love for you.
Take care and keep this in mind: Be not afraid.
I would seriously suggest that you keep your distance from now on. Please. Do it for yourself. At this point, it seems very apparent that you seem close to this guy. Since he has three kids and a girlfriend, let me tell you what may be going on in his life and his head:
SInce he has three kids, his main priority is them if he’s a person worth being called that. He has a girlfriend and though they may not be married, you don’t necessarily get a woman pregnant at least three times without having some feeling of concern for her. Free sex every night simply isn’t enough reason for not wanting to wear a rubber. He must have had at least some plans of staying with her for the long haul.
If he does get you pregnant, therefore, this may come out as a convenient excuse: since he had just met you and you almost immediately welcomed sex with him without his even being your boyfriend, it may boil down to his questioning whether you’re a loose female or not. Don’t let it get to a paternity suit. That hurts a lot emotionally and even if you do prove that someone is the father of your baby, you’d still have to go to court just to get some child support. Since he has three kids, the court will rule for more support for them most likely.
He’s 36. THose of you who are teens think that that’s old. I did. Now that I’m 37, I actually realize that, as some people explained it to me years ago, you actually feel that you’re in your prime and in great part that’s true. A guy is easily virile at that age, much more financially capable and able to sweep young girls off their feet. It’s easy really especially with girls who have not had a dearth of adult male role models around.
Please don’t be offended. Though your friend may seem to be a good guy, good guys can be weak and therefore capable of making huge mistakes that impact themselves and so many others. Honestly, it would’ve been okay with me if he were just 36 and you 17 and he didn’t have three kids and a girldfriend. That way, if he did get you pregnant, he’d be legally liable and actually able to be responsible for you. Being in his situation, however, that would be so much doubtful.
Look, elder men may seem to be great since they know things that your peers don’t, they’ve experienced a lot in their lives (he’s more than twice your age, after all), he has more money, etc. But that doesn’t mean he can’t be weak. He may be having problems now with his girlfriend and he needs a woman. Don’t let yourself be his emotional blanket. Be a friend but keep things simple. No sex, no messing around, no kissing.
Sex is complicated with a young man. An older man will have a completely different set of complications.
Please feel free to email me about this anytime. In a real way, been there, done that.
ParticipantOh wow. Honestly, as soon as he starts shooting semen. That depends therefore on the individual because I have heard of some boys at twelve who already masturbate with the ability to ejaculate. Some supposedly can do this even earlier at maybe eleven or even ten. OF course, when boys brag about this, it may be a simple case of bragging. Some boys masturbate or at least play with themselves much earlier though ejaculation needn’t take place.
If a boy is able to insert his penis inside a girl’s vagina, then it would indicate at least the beginnings of the ability. SInce it only takes one sperm to impregnate a female, it would be best to assume that one encounter could indeed lead to a pregnancy regardless of the boy’s age.
Do yourself a favor, do not play with a young boy this way. That boy would easily play basketball with the guys in the park rather than be responsible for a pregnant girl. Some would want to be but at that age simply do not know how. Best to stay clear.
ParticipantHi, Lisa.
Yes, the fact that what would have been your child’s due date is coming up is causing you some anxiety. What will even cause more anxiety is the date of the abortion itself. Make sure you have someone close on that day. This will go on for a long time unless you are able to deal with it and even then, there will always be pain and guilt.
You have to find a way to talk to your partner about it. The fact that’s he’s avoiding it already indicates that he is himself suffering from it and the two of you cannot raise another baby with this issue being undealt with. Your relationship should be built on communication and not hiding in each other’s shell. Guys are, shall we say, pretenders aat strength especailly if they aren’t. IF you really plan to keep a relatinship with him, you have to learn to deal with things like this. Seek out a counselor dealing with marital issues to help you.
One suggestion I have is for you to visit They may have some ways to help you to honor your child and to forgive yourself of your past abortion. There is so much that needs to be forgiven and you have to start and once you’ve begun your healing, it would be time to help your partner with his own healing. Don’t buy the strong guy routine. It’s all an act. If he can’t face up to his guilt, he’s really weak and you need to work together to make him a father worthy of your children.
Pray a lot, Lisa. Abortion is something that we regret and need to be forgiven.
Please take care.
While there is no specific way that you should feel, maybe you should still be thankful for now that you aren’t pregnant. Consider for a moment why you and your boyfriend would have wanted that. Your reasons may not be so similar. Talk about it and see how valid your reasons are. It may also help to talk to someone else about it.
If I seem to be taking this a tad seriously, it’s because I am. You just got out of a bit of a bind and you’re lucky. The fact that you took three pregnancy tests indicates that this is important to you. The question is why exactly is it important to you. I guess you’ve read the stories of many girls here and you’ve seen how much their pregnancies has changed their lives. Though very few or none of them would consider a life without their children, they would’ve had an easier more teenage life if they didn’t get pregnant.
Consider your experience a pat on the behind by a loving father or mother who caught you fooling around, scared you a bit with a few well-placed words and set you off again with a firm but gentle pat on the behind.
Look, you’re not supposed to be having all that sex yet. Not to seem prudish here but that is the truth. The reason why people ask you to keep sex within the confines of marriage is that aside from the moral issues, it really does keep things simple.
You can say now that you want a baby and your boyfriend can, too. Volunteer to help out in an orphanage for two straight weeks or more. Go there everyday. See how well you love kids. Kids seem to be okay when they’re all cute and cuddly. They’re not so cute when you’re trying to study for an exam and you have your period.
Try to find posts here regarding women who’re trying to finish college while taking care of a baby or posts regarding women who initially had supportive boyfriends who ended up being left alone. You may say that your boyfriend’s different. Sadly, you only really get to know that at the end.
Please take care of yourself and try and beg off sex for now.
ParticipantHi. First thing you should do is always put it in your head that your dreams are still within reach and that your baby will make the journey all the more worthwhile if at all interesting. Your plans may be delayed, that’s all but your dreams will really be still possible.
I took college in the Philippines where I’m from but I guess some things about college will still be similar.
Find classes that will allow you some flexibility in schedule. Even without a baby, college is a challenge in scheduling which, if you get it down pat, will help you in life.
Try to identify teachers that will understand your situation. While I personally regarded a cut from class as a cut regardless of reason generally, I would normally be more sympathetic towards people who were parents. As I saw it, there was no point in making like even more difficult for those who already had it tough. I just made sure that, to be fair, student-parents would fulfill all requirements that all my other students had to fulfill.
Involve yourself in school activities but know your limits. You definitely will not go out on nights out with friends when your baby is at home crying. Do not let this hamper what else you can do though. Find activities that are worthwhile and, like you do with your teachers, explain to organization officers your situation and find a good compromise as to what you can contribute to your organization.
Honestly, take you baby to school once in a while. Once your baby is around two or three, it would be good to explain why you have to be away for hours and what it is you’re doing. Oh, teachers like that, by the way.
It may also mean that you’d have to graduate a little later than your batch. No problem there. Instead of taking a maximum load of maybe six or seven subjects, maybe you should just take four or five a semester. That way, you can have ample time to study, rest, take care of the baby and all that. Consult with your school guidance counselor as to what you can do with your subjects and schedule.
Oh, always seek the help of your school counselors. They’re there to help and though they can be a pain sometimes and seemingly hard of hearing, they are there to help. They can also be excellent advice-givers regarding your parenthood especially if they’re parents themselves.
Take care and please feel free to email me or send me a message anytime you feel the need.
ParticipantFirst, don’t panic regardless of what the doctor eventually tells you. Seek out help where you are. Find likeminded individuals (those who don’t beleive in abortion) who can help. Seek out a teacher or guidance counselor in your school. You can also seek the help of people in churches which don’t advocate abortion. I know for a fact that Catholic organizations will help you out without even suggesting abortion. They won’t even force you to be Catholic. There are other pro-life groups out there that can help you come up with a plan.
Be patient with your mom. She’s really scared for you. The moment a mother or father learns that her/his baby is not a baby anymore and is also having a baby, it’s nuts. THe first reaction is anger.
HOLD YOUR GROUND. Show your mother that this experience will not show just how much a baby you still are but rather how much a woman you already are. Fine, you don’t help out at home and your grades are bad. Start helping ourt at home and study seriously. You have to show her you mean business regardless of whether the father will help or not. SHe needs to see that you will be mature and adult about this and that you are adult enough (though still under 18) to accept your mistake and face the consequences.
She’s scared. Help her not to be.
Lastly, pray. Even if you’re not religious, it may be time to start being so. In times like these, prayer is where your strength comes from.
Forget abortion. You will be fine if you keep strong and don;t lose your head. There are so many women here in this site that you can look up to.
You will be fine, honey.
Oh, just in case you’re really not pregnant, take this as a call to abstain from sex for now.
ParticipantNo one, absolutely no one, is allowed to hit you. Even more, no one is allowed to hit your child. That boyfriend of yours didn’t jus thit you; he hit your son. At this point, it doesn’t matter what his reasons are, the fact of the matter is, until he can deal with that anger of his, he has no right being the father of your child. Put it this way, if he can hit a relatively defenseless pregnant woman and a totally defenseless child inside your womb, what’s to prevent him from doing harm to youor baby when the baby is born?
I would normally tell women to be patient with their partners because especially given your ages, he finds himself in a very awkward situation, being forced to be responsible and such and he’s looking at the possibility of losing his much valued freedom.
Your case however, is different. Though what I said about guys may still be true for him, what’s even more true here is that your first responsibility is to you and your baby. You obviously decided not to get an abortion but if you allow him to continue on this way, it’s like you’re allowing abortion to take place anyway.
Get your parents’ help. They may say things like, "You got yourself in this. Make it work." They’ll stop saying that once they see your bruises and the possibility of harm to their grandchild.
If being a single mom is what’s necessary to keep you and your child safe, then so be it. Being a single parent is better than a married battered woman with a chld suffering from physical and emotional trauma.
Look at all the girls/women here. A good number of them have gone through single parenthood. They’ve lived through it and a good number have had some good success with their lives. You can, too. Do not be afraid.
A friend of mine told me this: God will not take you somewhere and leave you there. Be strong and be strong in the Lord.
Take care. Email me anytime if you need to talk more.
ParticipantHonestly? Keep away.
This is a potentially a very bad situation if you get embroiled in this. You are so young. There will be other guys that will be worth your time.
Sex appeal is great for the loins but eventually it’s not good for anything else. Be friends but don’t go beyond that. You say he gets mad? Do you really wanna be caught in the middle of that or be the subject of that anger?
When I was 14, I would have given anything to have sex.
Girls, don’t let yourselves be victimized by this. Guys just want the real thing. Eventually, doing it with your hand isn’t enough anymore.
Ladies, you cannot and should not be a replacement for someone’s hand.
Keep clear of sex as much as possible and keep your lives simple. Even if the guys want it, you don’t have to give it.
Pure and simple: If you get pregnant, you will bear the brunt of everything and he won’t. It’s unfair and the best thing to do is just steer clear. You can if you try.
I know I sound like a dad and that’s because I am.
Take care, ladies. I’ll be praying for you.
ParticipantIf he’s there even after you make it clear that sex is presently out of the question, then he may be worth it. Otherwise, he’ll just leave you also once he gets sex.
You definitely need professional help. Only a professional can help you get over the trauma and deal with the fact that sex will be part of married life.
Honey, maybe you should seriously consider keeping away from sex until you get married. IF your guy loves you regardless of not getting any, then he’s someone that you can trust in many ways. Make him realize that you’re just more than someone he can have sex with. Honestly, sex tends to muddle up things. Keep things pplatonic if you can and allow him just a few concessions. You’ll notice that most guys will start treating you differently once sex is on the table.
Keep things simple. Save sex for some later time. Try and get your heart healed. If he’s worth it, he’ll wait.
Take care of yourself. Don’t be afraid to lose somebody. Fighting for someone you love doesn’t mean selling yourself short.