Sexy 14 yr old

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      Hey girl friend, just wanted to give you something to think about? Dont you think it would be cooler to hang around someone has more to offer than sex apeal? Dont get me wrong that is a good quality in a guy but as girls we need to take care of our selves and ensure we choose to spend our time with people who will genuenly care about us. Be there for us and love us no matter what, like i love you. Think about it, trust me at 15 you have a lot of time to.
      :cheer: :cheer: Teagirl



        When I was 14, I would have given anything to have sex.

        Girls, don’t let yourselves be victimized by this. Guys just want the real thing. Eventually, doing it with your hand isn’t enough anymore.

        Ladies, you cannot and should not be a replacement for someone’s hand.

        Keep clear of sex as much as possible and keep your lives simple. Even if the guys want it, you don’t have to give it.

        Pure and simple: If you get pregnant, you will bear the brunt of everything and he won’t. It’s unfair and the best thing to do is just steer clear. You can if you try.

        I know I sound like a dad and that’s because I am.

        Take care, ladies. I’ll be praying for you.


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